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Overall Ranking > Knowledge > Vim script

Updated: 2024-03-24   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 mhinz/vim-galore 🎓 All things Vim! 16295 2023-12-22
2 jbranchaud/til 📝 Today I Learned 13073 2024-03-20
3 wsdjeg/vim-galore-zh_cn Vim 从入门到精通 10169 2023-09-23
4 vim-airline/vim-airline-themes A collection of themes for vim-airline 2002 2024-01-06
5 dofy/learn-vim Learning Vim. A Hands-On Tutorial of Vim. 1636 2023-11-30
6 learnbyexample/scripting_course 📓 Books, reference guides and resources on Regular Expressions, CLI one-liners, Scripting Languages and Vim. 1338 2024-02-22
7 MattesGroeger/vim-bookmarks Vim bookmark plugin 930 2023-12-28
8 lymslive/vimllearn A book for VimL Script language 888 2023-12-01
9 hrsh7th/vim-vsnip Snippet plugin for vim/nvim that supports LSP/VSCode's snippet format. 843 2024-01-11
10 antoniosarosi/dotfiles My dotfiles repo, here you can find all my window manager configs as well as documentation and a guide on how to make your own desktop environment. 809 2023-12-13
11 mcchrish/zenbones.nvim 🪨 A collection of contrast-based Vim/Neovim colorschemes 572 2024-02-10
12 luk400/vim-jukit Jupyter-Notebook inspired Neovim/Vim Plugin 482 2023-10-22
13 mengelbrecht/lightline-bufferline A lightweight plugin to display the list of buffers in the lightline vim plugin 331 2023-11-26
14 fatso83/dotfiles Cross-platform dotfiles shared by macOS and Linux (native and WSL2) 287 2024-02-26
15 ianding1/leetcode.vim Solve LeetCode problems in Vim! 281 2024-03-07
16 lifepillar/vim-cheat40 A Vim cheat sheet that makes sense, inside Vim! 243 2023-12-19
17 tweekmonster/helpful.vim 📓 Display vim version numbers in docs 163 2024-03-13
18 metalelf0/base16-black-metal-scheme A collection of Black Metal inspired base16 schemes. 154 2023-12-07
19 BurntSushi/dotfiles My configuration files and personal collection of scripts. 138 2024-03-21
20 mhinz/vim-rfc 📓 Query RFC database and download RFCs from within Vim. 110 2023-11-28
21 tony/vim-config-framework 📗 VIM / Neovim configuration framework 97 2024-03-22
22 jpalardy/dotfiles My collection of config files (shell, vim, …) 90 2024-03-23
23 majutsushi/etc Collection of configuration files 83 2024-03-10
24 anufrievroman/vim-angry-reviewer Vim plugin for style correction for academic writing and scientific papers 80 2024-01-02
25 Jorengarenar/miniSnip Lightweight snippet plugin for Vim 51 2023-12-10
26 j15k/colorcli Collection of harmonized, light command-line interface (CLI) color themes for tmux, cmus, newsboat, mcabber, Vim, Vifm, and Mutt. 43 2024-02-18
27 Konfekt/vim-compilers a collection of compilers for ready use by Vim's built-in compiler feature (see :help :compiler) 40 2024-03-04
28 wolverinn/Build-your-programming-skills A learning road map for junior programmers focusing from basic to advanced technical skills 39 2023-12-14
29 MDGSF/MyVim vim, vimrc, vimrc template, vim document, vim note, vim study, vimtutor, learn vim, vim practice, vim学习, vim笔记, vim训练营, vim教程, vim入门教程, vim简明教程, vim实操教程, vim入门文档, vimtutor中文版 38 2024-03-22
30 idbrii/daveconfig A collection of settings and tiny scripts for many things. Note: only main branch is safe! 32 2024-03-21
31 tchapi/ansible-playbooks Roles and playbooks for Ansible 28 2024-03-04
32 mrtazz/dotfiles collection of my dotfiles 28 2024-03-20
33 id774/scripts Scripts collection for system administration 26 2024-03-23
34 fmi/vim-projects Projects created for the Vim course at FMI 21 2023-09-25
35 alextanhongpin/cheat-sheet A list of useful cheat-sheet for different languages/tools 21 2024-03-06
36 technicalpickles/dotfiles My shareable dotfiles 19 2024-03-22
37 wuelnerdotexe/human.vim Collection of vim default options for humans. 18 2023-10-21
38 prurigro/darkcloud-vimconfig A Vim distribution with sane, modern defaults, a custom theme, and a collection of tightly integrated and configured development-oriented plugins 18 2024-03-06
39 darconeous/shattings Shared (shell) Settings 17 2024-03-10
40 cehoffman/dotfiles My mac/unix dotfiles that have grown over the years and heavily influenced from tricks seen around the block 16 2024-03-05
41 paotsaq/how_to_understand_vim_and_be_a_little_better_at_it some tricks to have a better experience with vim ➕ some very useful resources to take it further 13 2024-01-23
42 jameslikeslinux/dotfiles Dotfiles and other shared home directory things 12 2024-03-20
43 sayonaramemori/study-roads To commemorate my study roads. 10 2024-01-23
44 phantomdiorama/writingvim 📝 An awesome-ish list of vim for writers 10 2024-03-14
45 Duan-JM/dotfiles Collection for my dotfiles 10 2023-12-03
46 poliquin/stata-vim Syntax highlighting and snippets for editing Stata code with Vim 10 2024-01-23
47 roosta/etc My collection of portable dot/config files for Arch Linux 10 2024-02-08
48 mlent/dotfiles A small collection of my files with a dot in them. 10 2024-03-10
49 lawrencejones/dotfiles Collection of my dotfiles 9 2023-10-04
50 airblade/vim-interdental Indent guides that span empty lines 8 2023-10-05
51 ashish10alex/system-setup My development environment and system setup guides 8 2024-01-27
52 MortalHappiness/Linux-config Personal Linux config files. Including dotfiles, scripts, snippets, cheatsheets, etc. 8 2024-03-06
53 domaindrivendev/my-mac Repeatable Ansible roles and playbook for provisioning my MacBook 8 2024-01-15
54 unixbhaskar/AdminScripts Collection of scripts use for infrastructure maintenance. 8 2024-03-06
55 chreekat/vimin 📖 Folding for .in files 8 2024-01-25
56 joeljuca/cli My personal setup for command-line interfaces, made public to serve as inspiration or learning resource for whoever might be interested. 7 2024-03-17
57 caian-org/workstation personal workstation bootstrap playbook 7 2023-09-29
58 laserswald/dotfiles My collection of dotfiles. 7 2023-09-27
59 arkapg211002/SEM-5-CSE All lab assignments and text books for SEM 5 CSE at TMSL (under MAKAUT) 2023-24 6 2024-03-16
60 muneebullashariff/best_coding_practices Describes the best coding practices and guidelines 6 2024-01-04
61 3ch01c/ Tools and guides for doing software development, data analytics, online privacy, and other things. 6 2024-03-12
62 kevinastone/dotfiles Collection of configuration files. 6 2024-03-22
63 masukomi/masuconfigs masukomi's collection of configuration files, and common scripts. 6 2023-11-29
64 spicyjack/public Public projects and code snippets 6 2024-03-13
65 tandrewnichols/vim-contemplate A combination scaffolder and snippet expander for vim 5 2023-10-12
66 boycaught/my.dotfiles Sensible developer defaults and automation hooks on MacOS/*nix—inspired by others but idiomatic to my particular development needs and habit. As autodidactic coder, I know I don't do things "by the bo ... 5 2024-03-20
67 atosatto/dotfiles My personal collection of dotfiles 5 2023-12-09
68 casualjim/dot-files A collection of configuration scripts for emacs and vim 5 2024-01-22
69 jegj/ub-dev-playbook Ansible playbook to install and configures most of the software I use on my Ubuntu Dev Env 4 2024-02-03
70 lukelbd/vim-succinct 🏃‍♂️ Tools for succinctly editing documents using snippets, delimiters, text objects, and templates 4 2024-03-22
71 dan-t/vim-cpp-include Extend the include list of a C/C++ source file 4 2024-03-21
72 lljbash/configs A collection of zsh/vim/tmux/... configurations of mine 4 2023-12-19
73 underyx/dotfiles a collection of dotfiles, as may be obvious 4 2024-01-05
74 SciMed/style-guide A highly fashionable style guide. 4 2024-02-15
75 bourgeoisor/dotfiles A collection of configuration files I use on my Unix systems. 4 2023-10-19
76 Sean-Der/dot_files Collection of my configs and personal programs. 4 2024-03-18
77 qbbr/vim-twig Twig syntax and snippets for Vim 4 2023-12-14
78 mehrshad-kh/dotfiles A collection of my dotfiles 3 2024-03-23
79 caesar0301/cool-dotfiles Personal collection of dotfiles 3 2024-03-11
80 JuanZoran/Notes recording study notes for free 3 2024-01-27
81 feniljain/dotfiles A collection of all my config dotfiles 3 2024-03-20
82 sophiabrandt/TIL 📝 Today I learned 3 2024-03-21
83 mvanderkamp/worklist.vim A quickfix todo list for when you're flying 3 2024-02-21
84 richlamdev/ansible-desktop-ubuntu Ansible playbook with roles for Ubuntu desktop deployment 3 2024-03-21
85 maxprehl/dotfiles Git bare repo collection of my dotfiles. 3 2023-09-29
86 jsheridanwells/dev-scrapbook Dev Scrapbook 3 2024-01-28
87 nitinkamra1992/ubuntu-cmd-cheatsheet Cheatsheet for useful Ubuntu commands 3 2024-01-11
88 MahbubAlam231/vim-for-latex My personalization of vim for mainly LaTeX; containing vimrc, templates, snippets, folding method and abbreviations 3 2024-02-09
89 arumoy-shome/dotfiles A collection of files that start with a dot. 3 2024-02-07
90 cdmatters/dotfiles collection of configs 3 2023-11-28
91 jamesramsay/dotfiles 🔧 dot files shared between machines. 3 2024-02-05
92 bridgesense/dotfiles YADRLite is a collection of my personal streamlined dotfiles with influence from YADR. 3 2024-01-01
93 AlexeySachkov/dotfiles Collection of my config files 3 2024-01-17
94 lttr/dotfiles Collection of files for configuration and installation of my development machines 3 2023-11-24
95 gildesmarais/dotfiles 🤯 Collection of files whose names are supposed to begin with a dot. But they don't in this repo. rcm handles the dots… 3 2024-03-05
96 quatauta/dotfiles My collection of dotfiles for Linux, mostly used on Arch Linux 3 2024-02-27
97 tomswartz07/linux-configs Collection of Linux config files 3 2024-01-17
98 ejtaal/scripts My collection of scripts 3 2024-01-22
99 907th/dot-files This is my collection of dot-files. 3 2024-01-03
100 jarv/dotfiles collection of misc dotfiles 3 2023-12-18
101 gshutler/dotfiles Dotfiles directory now I have some meaningful ones, largely stolen/inspired by 3 2023-09-27
102 sukria/dotfiles a collection of dotfiles 3 2023-11-03
103 gelisam/agda-playground a series of ambitious experiments in the functional language / proof assistant Agda. 3 2024-01-19
104 fasterius/dotfiles My personal collection of dotfiles. 2 2024-03-18
105 beringresearch/dotfiles A collection of useful dot files 2 2024-03-10
106 spapanik/configuration A collection of dotfiles 2 2024-02-22
107 mgunyho/vim-things A collection of my vim configuration files and plugins. Mostly for convenience, but also for showing off. 2 2023-11-17
108 frankiethekneeman/home A collection of my home directory files to keep my working environment the same on all my many machines. 2 2024-01-20

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