Duration: 2 Day Sprint
This app was designed to organize a movie collection for the user. Users have the ability to see all movies in their collection on the main page, and if a movie is clicked on they can view the specific details about each movie.
From the details page the user can edit the title or description of the movie, add the movie to their watchlist, or click on the associated genres to see all other movies in their collection with the same genre.
The user also has the ability to add a new movie by clicking on the add button at the bottom of the screen. From here the user can enter a title, poster url, description and genre to add to their collection.
- Internet Browser
- Node.js
- Express
- Database GUI (e.g. Postico)
- PostgreSQL
- Run npm install --yes in terminal to install all necessary dependencies.
- To setup the database locally, please see the database.sql file for instructions.
- Scroll through the movie list on the home page.
- If a movie interests you, click on it for more details!
- Click the "Edit Movie" button to change the title or description
- Click the "Add To Watchlist" button to save the movie to your watchlist.
- Click on a specific genre in the movie details view to see other movies that share that genre.
- Add a movie by clicking on the plus button at the bottom of the app.
- View your watchlist by clicking on the watchlist icon at the bottom of the app.
- Javascript
- React
- Redux
- Sagas
- Node.js
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Material UI
Thanks to Prime Digital Academy who equipped and helped me to make this application a reality.
Thanks to everyone in the Adam's Cohort for your continued support during our third week of tier 2!
If you have suggestions or issues, please feel free to contact me!