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Stitch for VSCode

Edit your GameMaker projects in VSCode! This extension provides Intellisense and other features for GameMaker projects.

👀 Watch the video tutorial! 👀

Read about recent changes in the changelog.

Careful! Stitch is able to make large-scale, irreversible changes to GameMaker projects. Make sure you're using source control!

Stitch and its logo are trademarks of Butterscotch Shenanigans (a.k.a. "Bscotch"). Stitch and Bscotch are unaffiliated with GameMaker.

🤔 Why?

We've used GameMaker for the entire 12+ year history of our studio. While the GameMaker IDE has been rapidly improving, VSCode is able to improve even faster due to its enormous community, extensions API, and use of popular web technologies. We wanted to take advantage of those things to make our GameMaker development experience as good as possible.

💖 Show your support!

There are a lot of ways you can support this project:

💡 Features

🤖 Intellisense

Stitch provides Intellisense (auto-complete, hovertext, function signature helpers, go-to-definition, find-references, etc) for all built-in and user-defined symbols.

📛 Renaming

Since Stitch knows about all of your project's symbols, it can also rename them for you! Use the hotkey (F2 by default) or the right-click context menu to "Rename" a symbol. You can also rename assets via the tree view (while maintaining parent/child relationships). Stitch will auto-rename all references to the symbol, including in JSDoc comments.

⚠️ Note that it's possible to write GML code where references to the same symbol are not discoverable by static analysis tools like Stitch, so you may need to do some manual cleanup after renaming.

🪶 Feather and Type Support

GameMaker includes a type system called "Feather", which Stitch builds upon. Stitch does take a different overall approach and provides some extensions to the Feather type system and additional features that are not currently available in GameMaker.

  • Go to Type Definition: Stitch implements the "Go To Type Definition" command, letting you quickly get from a variable to e.g. the constructor for its type.
  • Declarations FTW: Unlike Feather, Stitch only infers types at the time an identifier is declared. When a variable is declared without assignment, Stitch will infer its type using the first assignment it sees, but that might result in surprises! For best results, use the @type JSDoc tag to specify the type of a variable when it is declared if there is any ambiguity. (Typescript and JavaScript+JSDoc programmers will be familiar with this approach.)
  • Union Type Support: Feather technically supports "union" types (e.g. String|Number), but with limitations. Stitch tries to provide more robust support for union types, though this is a work in progress.
  • InstanceType<>, ObjectType<>: Stitch provides custom "Utility Types" that you can use to get one type from another. For example, InstanceType<Asset.GMObject.my_object> evaluates to Id.Instance.my_object.
  • @self tag for with statements: the with statement changes the scope of your code, but Feather does not provide a way to tell it what that scope should be. Stitch allows you to use the @self (or @context) tag before a with statement to specify its context for cases where inference is insufficient:
    /// @self {Struct.Player}
    with (player) {
      // ...
  • @self support for Function types: Normally the @self tag should have its type set to something with-able, like a Struct, Instance, or Object type. Stitch also allows using function types -- if that function is a constructor the constructed type will be used as the context, otherwise the function's context will be used.
    /// @self {Function.my_func}
    function do_stuff() {
      // ...
  • @type tag: Stitch supports the JSDoc @type tag, which allows you to specify the type of a symbol inline in a JSDoc comment. Just use it right before a symbol declaration:
    /// @type {Array<String>}
    var strings = [];
  • @localvar, @globalvar, @instancevar: Stitch supports custom JSDoc tags for declaring local, global, and instance variables. These are useful for declaring variables that are not otherwise declared in your code, for example dynamically created variables:
    /// @globalvar {Array<String>} MY_STRINGS
    var strings = MY_STRINGS; // Stitch will not error on this reference
  • @template tag: Stitch provides basic generics support through the JSDoc @template tag. This feature lets you get more specific inferred return types from functions. It optionally takes a type parameter, which will eventually be used for type-checking. Examples:
    /// @template T
    /// @param {T} value
    /// @returns {T}
    function identity(value) {
      return value;
    var str = identity("hello"); // str get type "String"
    var num = identity(42); // num gets type "Real"
    /// @description When this function is called, the return type will be an `Id.Instance` for the same object as the argument.
    /// @template  {Asset.GMObject} T
    /// @param {T} obj
    /// @returns {InstanceType<T>}
    function instance_create(obj){/*...*/}
    var inst = instance_create(my_object); // inst gets type "Id.Instance.my_object", assuming my_object is an object ID.
  • @mixin: Stitch provides the @mixin tag to indicate that a function will be called inside of constructor/create contexts in order to add variables to the caller. Any context that calls such a function will have those variables added to its self, providing editor support for this pattern:
    /// @mixin
    function add_variables() {
      added_variable = 42;
  • JSDoc Autocompletes: Stitch provides autocompletes and syntax highlighting for Feather types within JSDoc comments.
  • JSDoc helpers: Stitch provides snippets for JSDoc tags, and context menus to copy the Feather type of a symbol to your clipboard.

📦 Import assets from other projects

⚠️ This feature is experimental!

Stitch provides the "Stitch: Import Assets" command via the palette, which lets you import an asset or a folder of assets from another GameMaker project.

Since Stitch knows about all of your assets and code, it can identify possible conflicts during an import and let you choose how to resolve them.

🔍 Navigating your project

Stitch provides a tree view that mirrors the project resources in the GameMaker IDE. You can open it by clicking the Stitch icon in the Activity Bar. From there you can filter and open resources, add new ones, reorganize things, and so on.

Stitch also provides support for symbol search Ctrl+T via the command palette, which finds where all of your project's globals are defined. It will also pull up your asset and your object events, so you can find everything in one place.

Finally, the Intellisense features (go-to-definition, find-references, etc) make it easy to navigate the code in your project.

🦋 Syntax highlighting

Stitch provides context-aware "semantic highlighting" for all symbols.

Depending on your VSCode Theme, you may need to enable semantic highlighting to get the full effect. Additionally, you may want to tweak the colors for the different symbol types.

Stitch provides themes that already include semantic highlighting support. Try them out by opening the command palette and searching for "Preferences: Color Theme", then selecting one of the "Stitch" themes.

Here's an example of how you might update your settings.json:

  //... other settings
  "editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations": {
    "[Default Dark Modern]": { // the theme you're using
      "enabled": true, // enable semantic highlighting
      "rules": {
        "macro": "#A600FF",
        "enum": "#FF0055",
        "enumMember": "#e97400",
        // Instance and struct variables
        "property": "#FF00A5",
        "property.static": "#FFF899",
        "variable.local": "#00FFFF",
        "parameter": "#10c3eb",
        // Built-in variables and constants
        "variable.defaultLibrary": "#58E55A",
        // Your project's global variables
        "": "#96FF4C",
        // Built-in functions
        "function.defaultLibrary": "#FFB871",
        // Asset identifiers (like sprite IDs)
        "variable.asset": "#d9760c"
  "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    // Regular (non-contextual) syntax highlighting
    "[Default Dark Modern]": {
      "comments": "#7d7d7d",
      "strings": "#FFFF00",
      "numbers": "#FFFF00",
      // etc.
  //... other settings

🎨 Stitch Icon Theme

Stitch provides an Icon Theme based on a subset of Material Icon Theme, with support for GameMaker files and common non-GameMaker filetypes.

To use it, use Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette, search for "Preferences: File Icon Theme", then select "Stitch Icons". You can also set it as your default icon theme in your VSCode settings.

🚀 Running your project

Hit F5 to run your project, just like you would in the GameMaker IDE. Stitch uses the Runtime version that matches the IDE version your project uses. A terminal will pop up with the output from the GameMaker runtime.

Check out Stitch settings to configure how your project is run. In particular:

  • Choose a run configuration to use as the default (defaults to "Default")
  • Choose whether to use the VM or YYC compiler (defaults to "VM")

📝 Opening the correct GameMaker version

Stitch provides context-menu entries and a command palette command (Stitch: Open in GameMaker) to open your project in the GameMaker IDE. It will ensure that you're always using the same version of GameMaker to open your projects, even automatically installing the correct version if you don't already have it!

Stitch also provides commands for viewing the GameMaker release notes and setting the GameMaker IDE version to use for the active project (Stitch: Set GameMaker Version).

⚙️ Supported GameMaker versions

Stitch supports projects that use recent versions of GameMaker, and makes no effort to support older versions.

Different GameMaker versions may have different features and built-in functions, constants, etc. This extension tries to infer the correct features for your project's GameMaker version, but it might give you incorrect autocompletes or surprising command outcomes if it cannot find a match!

🤔 Tips, Limitations, and Known Issues

To see the current list of known issues and feature requests, check out the issues page.

  • 😕 Code only. Stitch leverages VSCode's power for editing code, and makes no attempt to provide visual editors for any type of GameMaker asset.
  • 😕 Macro limitations. The Stitch parser can only handle macros that are set to simple and complete expressions. There are no plans to extend the parser to support more complex macro usage.
  • 😕 Extraneous Curlies. To avoid some parser complexity, the Stitch parser does not support extraneous curly braces ({}). For example, if a random section of code (not following a for, if, etc) is wrapped in curlies, the parser will emit errors.
  • 😕 IIFFEs. Stitch does not support IIFEs (immediately-invoked function expressions), e.g. (function(){})(). This is due to parser complexity, but pull requests addressing this are welcome!
  • 📝 Stitch settings. Stitch provides a number of settings that you can use to customize your experience. You can find them by opening the command palette and searching for "Preferences: Open Settings".
  • 🪵 How to view logs. If you run into trouble, you can view the extension's logs by opening the Output panel and selecting "Stitch" from the dropdown menu. These are particularly helpful for providing context when leaving bug reports!
  • ⁉️ Unexpected projects appear in the tree view. If you're seeing extra projects in your tree view, it's likely that these are being discovered inside node_modules or other normally-hidden locations. Stitch excludes the same files that your VSCode setup does via the files.exclude setting, so if you want to prevent those projects from appearing add their parent folders to your excluded files.