This GH Action is intended to encapsulate logic for running end-to-end tests (written in Cypress) with Currents dev platform for parallelization.
Script | Description |
github_token | Access token |
url | Name of the env where tests will be running. You should follow next convention in order to have correct baseUrl setup. Example: dev -> url of dev env; custom -> url which will be proceeded to customUrl input |
customUrl | Url of custom env (PR deploy, dev/prod env). You need set url to custom in order to run tests against this url. |
spec_file | Pattern string which points Cypress what spec files to run. |
tags | Tags necessary to run specific tests with cypress-grep plugin (tests for comp-plex, key_info,rent_comps and etc). |
ref | Ref param for action/checkout. |
secret_name | Name of the secret in aws secret manager |