[DISCLAIMER]: This project is very much experimental, so please DO NOT use this language for any serious quantum programming.
[WARNING]: This code is a major work in progress, so the features of this language may change often.
QuantumPython is an experimental high-level quantum programming language that aims to represent quantum constructs in a classical way. This is a python library that uses IBM's qiskit library to compile the quantum component of the code file into quantum circuits, so it can represent both pure-quantum and hybrid algorithms.
Documentation is contained within the file DOC.md, please read that!
To install, clone the repository to your computer:
git clone https://BlueTot/QuantumPython
To use the library, place the libary file qython.py
in the same directory as your code file
To use the features provided in the documentation, import the feature from the libary qython
from qython import qsv