participant StakeClient as Sample stake<br> client application
participant StakeAPI as Stake Intent API
participant RPC as Blockdaemon RPC
box Builder Vault
participant TSM1 as MPC Wallet <br>(private key share 1)
participant TSM2 as MPC Wallet <br>(private key share 2)
StakeClient ->> StakeAPI: get StakeIntent unsigned tx data <br>(amount, withdrawal & recipient address)
StakeClient ->> StakeClient: decode calldata with<br>deposit contract ABI
critical BuilderVault Web3 Provider
StakeClient ->> StakeClient: init web3 provider
StakeClient ->> StakeClient: invoke web3 smart contract deposit<br> function<br>(amount, calldata, contract address)
StakeClient ->> TSM1: partial sign
StakeClient ->> TSM2: partial sign
StakeClient ->> StakeClient: combine partial signatures
StakeClient ->> RPC: broadcast contract execution
- Node.js or launch in code-spaces
- Register for a demo Builder Vault tenant:
- Download SDK bundle provided in registration email (extract authentication certificates)
- Execute the go sample
go run main.go keygen
to generate an ECDSA master key ID across the 3 MPC players of the BuilderVault. This Master Key ID will be used to generate wallet addresses and sign operations. - Place Builder Vault authentication certificate key-pair
in this nodejs folder
- Register for free Blockdaemon RPC API key and set in .env as BLOCKDAEMON_API_KEY
- Register a free Blockdaemon Staking API key and set in .env as BLOCKDAEMON_STAKE_API_KEY
cd ethereum-staking/buildervault/nodejs-web3provider/
cp .env.example .env
- update .env with API keys and BuilderVault Vault details
npm config set @sepior:registry= # Builder Vault nodejsSDK public repository
npm config set @blockdaemon:registry=
npm config set //
npm install @blockdaemon/buildervault-web3-provider
npx ts-node ethereum-stake-bv.ts
- if needed, copy the new Ethereum wallet address and fund the account with
Step 4. Re-launch ethereum-stake-bv.ts to generate the Stake Intent request, execute the contract with BuilderVault, and broadcast the transaction
npx ts-node ethereum-stake-bv.ts
- observe the confirmed transaction through the generated blockexplorer link