I need to develop an AWS Lambda function for [use case] with:
1. Function Specifications:
- Runtime: [Python/Node.js/Java/etc]
- Memory allocation: [MB]
- Timeout settings: [seconds]
- Concurrency limits: [number]
- VPC requirements: [Yes/No]
2. Event Sources:
- Trigger type: [API Gateway/S3/EventBridge/etc]
- Event schema
- Event filtering patterns
- Dead letter queue strategy
3. Integration Requirements:
- AWS Services: [list required services]
- External APIs
- Database connections
- Shared resources
4. Development Workflow:
- Local testing approach
- CI/CD integration
- Deployment strategy
- Version management
Focus area: [specific functionality]
I need to develop an event processing Lambda with:
1. Event Specifications:
- Source service: [SQS/SNS/EventBridge/etc]
- Message format: [JSON/XML/Binary]
- Processing requirements
- Error handling strategy
2. Performance Requirements:
- Batch size: [number of events]
- Processing time limits
- Concurrent executions
- Resource constraints
3. Resilience Patterns:
- Retry strategy
- DLQ configuration
- Circuit breaker patterns
- Fallback mechanisms
Current focus: [specific processing step]
I need to integrate Lambda with API Gateway:
1. API Specifications:
- HTTP methods: [GET/POST/etc]
- Authorization: [IAM/Cognito/Custom]
- Request/Response models
- CORS configuration
2. Integration Type:
- Proxy integration
- Custom integration
- VPC link requirements
- Direct integrations
3. Security Requirements:
- Authentication method
- Authorization scopes
- API key usage
- WAF integration
I need to integrate Lambda with [database]:
1. Connection Requirements:
- Connection pooling
- Credential management
- VPC configuration
- Timeout handling
2. Query Patterns:
- CRUD operations
- Batch processing
- Transaction management
- Error handling
3. Performance Optimization:
- Connection reuse
- Query optimization
- Cache strategy
- Resource management
Help me optimize Lambda function [name] for:
1. Current Metrics:
- Average duration: [ms]
- Memory usage: [MB]
- Cold start frequency
- Error rate: [%]
2. Target Improvements:
- Response time goals
- Memory utilization
- Cost reduction
- Reliability targets
3. Optimization Areas:
- Code efficiency
- Memory allocation
- Dependency management
- Connection handling
I need to develop a REST API Lambda for user management:
1. Function Specifications:
- Runtime: Node.js 18
- Memory: 512 MB
- Timeout: 10 seconds
- Concurrency: 50
2. API Endpoints:
- GET /users
- POST /users
- PUT /users/{id}
- DELETE /users/{id}
3. Integration Points:
- DynamoDB for user data
- Cognito for authentication
- SES for notifications
- S3 for user uploads
Focus: User creation endpoint
I need an event processing Lambda for order processing:
1. Event Source:
- SQS FIFO queue
- Order events in JSON
- 100 messages per batch
- 5-minute timeout
2. Processing Steps:
- Validate order data
- Update inventory
- Process payment
- Send confirmation
3. Integration Points:
- DynamoDB for orders
- Payment gateway API
- SNS for notifications
- EventBridge for workflow
Focus: Payment processing step
Function Design
- Single responsibility
- Stateless operation
- Idempotent processing
- Proper error handling
- Optimize memory
- Manage cold starts
- Connection pooling
- Efficient logging
- Least privilege IAM
- Secret management
- Input validation
- Output sanitization
- CloudWatch metrics
- Custom metrics
- Tracing with X-Ray
- Log aggregation