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Releases: Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc


21 Nov 00:32
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Bitcoin ABC version 0.18.5 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

  • Add the finalized block concept. Finalized blocks cannot be reorged, which protects the network against deep reorgs.
  • Add the -maxreorgdepth configuration to configure at what depth block are considered final. Default is 10. Use -1 to disable.
  • Introduce finalizeblock RPC to finalize a block at the will of the node operator.
  • Introduce a penalty to alternative chains based on the depth of the fork. This makes it harder for an attacker to do mid size reorg.


16 Nov 16:52
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Bitcoin ABC version 0.18.4 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

  • Fixes an issue with getblocktemplate returning fees and sigops in non-CTOR ordering after Nov 15th CTOR activation.

Please note that this release also contains a post-fork checkpoint for additional chain stability.


08 Nov 23:14
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Bitcoin ABC version 0.18.3 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

  • Remove support for Qt4
  • Upgrade reproducible build to use Qt 5.9.6
  • Improve SHA256 performance using SSE4.1, AVX2 and/or SHA if available.
  • Add a mode argument to the getmemoryinfo RPC call to query malloc_info from the system if available.
  • Updated univalue library to version 1.0.4
  • Disable safe mode by default
  • Added autocomplete to 'help' in RPC console
  • Improved help message for backup wallet RPC
  • Various bug fixes that improve node stability and performance
  • Backport getblock RPC's new verbosity mode from bitcoin core for retrieving all transactions of a given block in full.
  • Added parkblock/unparkblock RPC commands and 'parked' state to getchaintips RPC
  • RPC listreceivedbyaddress now accepts an address filter
  • Backport combinerawtransaction RPC from bitcoin core to combine multiple partially signed transactions into one transaction.


18 Sep 20:21
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Bitcoin ABC version 0.18.2 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

  • Backport abortrescan RPC call from bitcoin core.
  • Backport fix to importmulti to return rescan errors.
  • Backport ability to abort wallet transaction rescans.
  • Backport adding listen address to incoming connections in getpeerinfo.
  • Backport rescanblockchain RPC call.
  • Various backports for bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Increase INVENTORY_BROADCAST_MAX, allowing more transaction broadcasts via INV.


02 Sep 16:04
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Bitcoin ABC version 0.18.1 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

  • Fix a mining bug that affects block creation, impact after Nov upgrade.
  • Fix a bug that could result in dropping transactions from re-orgs,
    impact after Nov upgrade.
  • Reserve a range for multi byte opcodes in the script system.
  • Various test fixes, speedups, and refactors.


20 Aug 19:06
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Bitcoin ABC version 0.18.0 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

  • Remove the bip9params configuration.
  • Remove the bip9_softforks result from the getblockchaininfo RPC call.
  • Remove the rules, vbavailable and vbrequired result from the getblocktemplate RPC call.
  • Remove the rules argument from the getblocktemplate RPC call.
  • Log difference between block header time and received time when competing blocks are received for the same chain height.
  • Bump automatic replay protection to May 2019 upgrade.
  • Remove topological ordering constraint from blocks starting Nov, 15 2018.
  • Implement canonical transaction order, enforced Nov, 15 2018.
  • Add OP_CHECKDATASIG and OP_CHECKDATASIGVERIFY, activates Nov, 15 2018.
  • Enforce minimum transaction size of 100 bytes, starting Nov, 15 2018.
  • Enforce PUSH ONLY rule for scriptSig, starting Nov, 15 2018.
  • Enforce CLEANSTACK rule, starting Nov 15, 2018.


31 May 00:11
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Bitcoin ABC version 0.17.2 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

  • Remove deprecated estimatepriority RPC.
  • Remove deprecated estimatesmartpriority RPC.
  • Remove support for -sendfreetransactions.
  • Remove unstable estimatesmartfee RPC.
  • Update berkley DB to 5.3 minimum. Developers should update their build environment accordingly.
  • Remove -incrementalrelayfee option


27 Apr 23:21
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Bitcoin ABC version 0.17.1 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

Added CORS headers and pre-flight request support via RPC via required flag -rpccorsdomain.
Allow block candidates greater than 16MB to be submitted via RPC.