A stand-alone routing engine for PHP > = 5.3.
Packagist all the way!
"require": {
"bistro/router": "1.0.*"
Of course you can always download a zip of the source on GitHub.
$router = new \Bistro\Router\Router;
$router->add('home', '/')->defaults(array(
'controller' => 'welcome',
'action' => 'view'
$uri = isset($_SEVER['PATH_INFO']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : '/';
$params = $router->match($method, $uri);
// $params = array('controller' => 'welcome', 'action' => 'view');
If you get an empty array back from match()
signifies that there were no matches
to the request. Probably 404 time!
You can supply named segements for your routes with :{name}.
$router->add('crud', '/:controller/:action/:id?')->defaults(array(
'id' => null
You can put a ? at the end of a named segment to make this segment optional.
If you want to add constraints to a named segment you can put a valid regular expression
before the :
$router->add('id_only', '/:controller/user|post:action/\d+:id');
In this route the action must be either user or post and the id is an integer.
Only want to pick up certain request methods? Just use the helper methods
$router->post('login', '/login')->defaults(array('controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'process'));
The available helper methods are get
, post
, put
and delete
Want to pick up everything at the end of a url? Easy!
$router->add('wildcard', '/:controller/.*:wildcard')
Building an api and want to add in different parameters for each request method?
$router->add('api', "/:controller/\d+:id?")
->get(array('action' => 'read'))
->post(array('action' => 'create'))
->put(array('action' => 'update'))
->delete(array('action' => 'delete'));
Keep track of your urls in a sane matter with the built in reverse routing functionality.
Seriously... don't hand type urls into your application! This is much easier and allows for greater flexibility.
$router->add('reverse', '/blog/:year/:month/:day');
// Reverse Routing magic!
echo $router->url('reverse', array(
'year' => 2013,
'month' => 03,
'day' => 31
// Output: /blog/2013/03/31
If you have installed your app in a subdirectory you can add that information into the router and everything will still work as adverstised.
$router = new \Bistro\Router\Router('subdirectory');