DWIN_Screen.py: class T5UIC1_LCD - definition variable: - divers bytes - LCD size - font size - color - init - Handshake - LCD: - Backlight_SetLuminance - Frame_SetDir "Set screen display direction" - UpdateLCD (0x3d ???) - Frame_Clear - Draw: - Draw_Point - DrawPoint - Draw_Line - Draw_Rectangle - Frame_AreaMove - Draw_Circle - CircleFill - Text: - Draw_String - Draw_IntValue - Draw_FloatValue - Draw_Signed_Float - Image: - JPG_ShowAndCache - ICON_Show - JPG_CacheToN - JPG_CacheTo1 - Frame_TitleCopy - ICON_Animation - ICON_AnimationControl - commented: - qr - memory - function
- home
- Print
- Prepare
- < back
- move >
- < Back
- Move X
- Move Y
- Move Z
- Extruder
- Disable stepper
- Auto Home
- Z-offset +/-
- Preheat PLA
- Preheat ABS
- Cool Down
- Control
- < Back
- Temperature >
- < Back
- Nozlle temperature
- Bed temperature
- Fan speed (missing bug)
- Preheat PLA >
- < Back
- Nozzle temperature
- Bed temperature
- Fan speed (misssing buggy)
- Save prameters
- Preheat ABS >
- < Back
- Nozzle temperature
- Bed temperature
- Fan speed (misssing buggy)
- Save prameters
- Motion >
- MaxSpeed > (misssing)
- MaxAcceleration > (misssing)
- Step per mm > (misssing)
- Info > (return to info)
- Info
- < Back
- Size
- Firmware
- Contact details
- Status
- hotend temp
- bed temp
- fan speed
- z offset
To fix
- self.Draw_Print_ProgressRemain()
Temp fix:
- Octo to moonraker for boot
- replace feedrate_percentage by fan speed
- Involuntary double clic "ENTER"
- Encoder not sync with rest pos
- Display issue on exit
- Sync homing popup
- Sync encoder with screen position (no more over positions)
- add buzzer capability
- encoderRate = true -> no wait