#Stamina Mod
Minecraft is know for it's unrealism. The Stamina Mod is the first of many mods that will attempt to remedy this fantastic game. Stamina addresses the ability for players to stay up forever and to work forever with outbreaks.
At the mod's core will a Stamina Bar. It in itself consists of three bars: The Energy, Stamina, and Adrenaline Bars:
The Energy bar slowly depletes throughout the day and slightly faster with strenuous activity (e.g., Running, Mining, Jumping). When this depletes the player will pass out. This presents some issues with multiplier. The player would be "sleeping" while other players were still active. A possible solution to this would be a dream world, possibly tailored to the players recent experiences and, even more unlikely, the players fears--reflecting real life dreams. The Stamina bar is what most players must be most cautious of. This bar drains solely with exertion however, the bar will never be higher than the energy bar. This means the more tired a player is the less work they can do at a time. Each action has a "cost" which it would take from this bar. When the player doesn't have enough stamina to preform the action, the player simply doesn't. If the Stamina bar is a curse, the Adrenaline bar is the saving grace. When confronted with danger, this bar activates and gives the player free reign on actions, giving him time to "fight or fly." As of now this bar will take 5 seconds to fill and then 30 seconds to drain. When it drains, the bar will drag down the Stamina bar aswell, resulting in exhaustion after depletion. This bar however, has a cooldown period, and the player must have "full" Stamina in order for it to activate, that is, the Stamina bar must be the same level as the energy bar.
One final idea for this mod is for weight to effect player speed and energy depletion. This would require a massive list of item and block weights. A config file would be added to adjust these values if desired.
To set up this mod, Open up the command prompt at the mod directory and type the command "gradlew clean". Type the command: "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies". Wait for the program to finish and then type the following command for eclipse: "gradlew eclipse". If you're using IntelliJ, open up IntelliJ and import a project. Navigate to the build.gradle file and click ok. Wait for IntelliJ to finish building the project then, in the Terminal type "gradlew genIntellijRuns". The project has a built in workspace, but if you wish to import it into a different eclipse workspace, open up that workspace in eclipse, goto to File > Import. Select Existing Project and click Next. Navigate to the mod directory and click OK. Make sure "Search for nested projects" is checked to get git. To be able to test the mod you'll need to set up two launch configurations. Right click on the project and click Run As > Run Configuations. Double Click on "Java Application". Name the Configuation " Client" Select the appropiate Mod, and in the Main Class Type "GradleStart". Click the Arguments Tab. Under "VM Arguments" type "-Xincgc -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M". Xms is the minimum memory and Xmx is the maximum memory. Set these to whatever you like (M = MB, G = GB). Under "Working Directory," click other and type "&(workspace_loc)" or click Variables and select workspcae_loc. To make the second Launch Configuration follow the same instructions except name it " Server" and the Main Class should be "GradleStartServer". Of coarse what you name the configurations is up to you, however I recomend naming them something meaningful.