The Nepal instance of Wazimap, a Django application for exploring census and other similar data.
- clone the repo
cd nepalmap
mkvirtualenv nepalmap
workon nepalmap
pip install -r requirements.txt
You might need to install certain dependencies on Ubuntu before you can install dependencies via pip
for the app.
sudo apt install -y libgdal-dev postgresql-server-dev-9.5
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
You will need a Postgres database:
psql -U postgres
create user wazimap_np with password 'wazimap_np';
create database wazimap_np;
grant all privileges on database wazimap_np to wazimap_np;
Import the sql files needed for SimpleTable entries:
cat sql/simpletables/*.sql | psql -U wazimap_np -W wazimap_np
Run migrations to keep Django happy:
python migrate
Import data for all the tables:
cat sql/*.sql | psql -U wazimap_np -W wazimap_np
Start the server:
python runserver
Using this setup, one can run the project inside docker containers. This make the environments lightweight, reproducible and portable.
Only the following things are required on your host machine. Nothing else needs to be installed.
- GNU Make ( Version 4.0 and up )
- Docker Engine ( Version 17.06 and hopefully upwards )
- Docker Compose ( Version 1.14 and hopefully upwards )
All commands are provided as make targets via Makefile. One can use docker and docker-compose directly for running the services, but some helpers are provided for consistency.
An application environment context (dev, staging) has to be set along with any of the make ...
commands. You can either export this in your shell environment, or pass it as an argument to the make target.
# Get all the Makefile documentation
APP_ENV=dev make help
This is very much similar to running the dev environment. Caddy is used instead of Nginx, because of it's automatic HTTPS certs and other easier-to-configure things. Some commands are added, else much of them are the same as above, expect for the APP_ENV
context set to staging
NOTE: Check the comments in compose.staging.yml
before running in staging.
NepalMap code is licensed under the MIT License.