diff --git a/code/modules/admin/view_variables/debug_variables.dm b/code/modules/admin/view_variables/debug_variables.dm
index 1f1634a284b..8aea000a1a6 100644
--- a/code/modules/admin/view_variables/debug_variables.dm
+++ b/code/modules/admin/view_variables/debug_variables.dm
@@ -1,129 +1,125 @@
- name = "color_matrix_proxy_view"
- del_on_map_removal = FALSE
- layer = GAME_PLANE
- plane = GAME_PLANE
- var/list/plane_masters = list()
- /// The client that is watching this view
- var/client/client
- . = ..()
- assigned_map = "color_matrix_proxy_[REF(src)]"
- set_position(1, 1)
- for (var/plane_master in plane_masters)
- client?.screen -= plane_master
- qdel(plane_master)
- client?.clear_map(assigned_map)
- client = null
- plane_masters = null
- return ..()
- QDEL_LIST(plane_masters)
- src.client = client
- if (!client)
- return
- for (var/plane_master_type in subtypesof(/atom/movable/screen/plane_master) - /atom/movable/screen/plane_master/blackness)
- var/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/plane_master = new plane_master_type()
- plane_master.screen_loc = "[assigned_map]:CENTER"
- client?.screen |= plane_master
- plane_masters += plane_master
- client?.register_map_obj(src)
- var/client/owner
- var/datum/weakref/target
- var/atom/movable/screen/color_matrix_proxy_view/proxy_view
- var/list/current_color
- var/closed
-/datum/color_matrix_editor/New(user, atom/_target = null)
- owner = CLIENT_FROM_VAR(user)
- if(islist(_target?.color))
- current_color = _target.color
- else if(istext(_target?.color))
- current_color = color_hex2color_matrix(_target.color)
+#define VV_HTML_ENCODE(thing) ( sanitize ? html_encode(thing) : thing )
+/// Get displayed variable in VV variable list
+/proc/debug_variable(name, value, level, datum/owner, sanitize = TRUE, display_flags = NONE) //if D is a list, name will be index, and value will be assoc value.
+ if(owner)
+ if(islist(owner))
+ var/index = name
+ if (value)
+ name = owner[name] //name is really the index until this line
+ else
+ value = owner[name]
+ . = "
([VV_HREF_TARGET_1V(owner, VV_HK_LIST_EDIT, "E", index)]) ([VV_HREF_TARGET_1V(owner, VV_HK_LIST_CHANGE, "C", index)]) ([VV_HREF_TARGET_1V(owner, VV_HK_LIST_REMOVE, "-", index)]) "
+ else
+ . = "([VV_HREF_TARGET_1V(owner, VV_HK_BASIC_EDIT, "E", name)]) ([VV_HREF_TARGET_1V(owner, VV_HK_BASIC_CHANGE, "C", name)]) ([VV_HREF_TARGET_1V(owner, VV_HK_BASIC_MASSEDIT, "M", name)]) "
- current_color = color_matrix_identity()
- proxy_view = new
- if(_target)
- target = WEAKREF(_target)
- proxy_view.appearance = image(_target)
+ . = ""
+ var/name_part = VV_HTML_ENCODE(name)
+ if(level > 0 || islist(owner)) //handling keys in assoc lists
+ if(istype(name,/datum))
+ name_part = "[VV_HTML_ENCODE(name)] [REF(name)]"
+ else if(islist(name))
+ var/list/list_value = name
+ name_part = " /list ([length(list_value)]) [REF(name)]"
+ . = "[.][name_part] = "
+ var/item = _debug_variable_value(name, value, level, owner, sanitize, display_flags)
+ return "[.][item]"
+// This is split into a seperate proc mostly to make errors that happen not break things too much
+/proc/_debug_variable_value(name, value, level, datum/owner, sanitize, display_flags)
+ . = "DISPLAY_ERROR: ([value] [REF(value)])" // Make sure this line can never runtime
+ if(isnull(value))
+ return "null"
+ if(istext(value))
+ return "\"[VV_HTML_ENCODE(value)]\""
+ if(isicon(value))
+ #ifdef VARSICON
+ var/icon/icon_value = icon(value)
+ var/rnd = rand(1,10000)
+ var/rname = "tmp[REF(icon_value)][rnd].png"
+ usr << browse_rsc(icon_value, rname)
+ return "([value]) "
+ #else
+ return "/icon ([value])"
+ #endif
+ if(isappearance(value))
+ var/image/actually_an_appearance = value
+ return "/appearance ([actually_an_appearance.icon])"
+ if(isfilter(value))
+ var/datum/filter_value = value
+ return "/filter ([filter_value.type] [REF(filter_value)])"
+ if(isfile(value))
+ return "'[value]'"
+ if(isdatum(value))
+ var/datum/datum_value = value
+ return datum_value.debug_variable_value(name, level, owner, sanitize, display_flags)
+ if(islist(value) || (name in GLOB.vv_special_lists)) // Some special lists arent detectable as a list through istype
+ var/list/list_value = value
+ var/list/items = list()
+ // This is becuse some lists either dont count as lists or a locate on their ref will return null
+ var/link_vars = "Vars=[REF(value)]"
+ if(name in GLOB.vv_special_lists)
+ link_vars = "Vars=[REF(owner)];special_varname=[name]"
+ if (!(display_flags & VV_ALWAYS_CONTRACT_LIST) && list_value.len > 0 && list_value.len <= (IS_NORMAL_LIST(list_value) ? VV_NORMAL_LIST_NO_EXPAND_THRESHOLD : VV_SPECIAL_LIST_NO_EXPAND_THRESHOLD))
+ for (var/i in 1 to list_value.len)
+ var/key = list_value[i]
+ var/val
+ if (IS_NORMAL_LIST(list_value) && !isnum(key))
+ val = list_value[key]
+ if (isnull(val)) // we still want to display non-null false values, such as 0 or ""
+ val = key
+ key = i
+ items += debug_variable(key, val, level + 1, sanitize = sanitize)
+ return "/list ([list_value.len])"
+ else
+ return "/list ([list_value.len])"
+ if(name in GLOB.bitfields)
+ var/list/flags = list()
+ for (var/i in GLOB.bitfields[name])
+ if (value & GLOB.bitfields[name][i])
+ flags += i
+ if(length(flags))
+ return "[VV_HTML_ENCODE(jointext(flags, ", "))]"
+ else
+ return "NONE"
- proxy_view.appearance = image('icons/misc/colortest.dmi', "colors")
- proxy_view.color = current_color
- proxy_view.register_to_client(owner)
-/datum/color_matrix_editor/Destroy(force, ...)
- QDEL_NULL(proxy_view)
- return ..()
- return GLOB.admin_state
+ return "[VV_HTML_ENCODE(value)]"
- var/list/data = list()
- data["mapRef"] = proxy_view.assigned_map
- return data
- var/list/data = list()
- data["currentColor"] = current_color
- return data
-/datum/color_matrix_editor/ui_interact(mob/user, datum/tgui/ui)
- ui = SStgui.try_update_ui(user, src, ui)
- if(!ui)
- ui = new(user, src, "ColorMatrixEditor")
- ui.open()
+/datum/proc/debug_variable_value(name, level, datum/owner, sanitize, display_flags)
+ if("[src]" != "[type]") // If we have a name var, let's use it.
+ return "[src] [type] [REF(src)]"
+ else
+ return "[type] [REF(src)]"
-/datum/color_matrix_editor/ui_act(action, list/params, datum/tgui/ui, datum/ui_state/state)
- . = ..()
- if(.)
- return
- switch(action)
- if("transition_color")
- current_color = params["color"]
- animate(proxy_view, time = 4, color = current_color)
- if("confirm")
- on_confirm()
- SStgui.close_uis(src)
+/datum/weakref/debug_variable_value(name, level, datum/owner, sanitize, display_flags)
. = ..()
- closed = TRUE
- var/atom/target_atom = target?.resolve()
- if(istype(target_atom))
- target_atom.add_atom_colour(current_color, ADMIN_COLOUR_PRIORITY)
- while(!closed)
- stoplag(1)
- var/datum/color_matrix_editor/editor = new /datum/color_matrix_editor(src, in_atom)
- editor.ui_interact(mob)
- editor.wait()
- . = editor.current_color
- qdel(editor)
+ return "[.] (Resolve)"
+/matrix/debug_variable_value(name, level, datum/owner, sanitize, display_flags)
+ return {"
+ |
+ [a] | [d] | 0 |
+ [b] | [e] | 0 |
+ [c] | [f] | 1 |
+ | |
"} //TODO link to modify_transform wrapper for all matrices