Takes the Land Registry Houseprice Price Paid data, filters it to houses sold within BANES and formats it for input into the BathHacked datastore
To install dependencies on ubuntu, run bootstrap.sh.
If you're on Windows or don't have the dependencies installed, install vagrant, then run:
vagrant up
Vagrant will boot a VM, and install the dependencies. Then use vagrant ssh and proceed as below.
Run the following scripts in order (Or run doeverything.sh, but beware warning about obsolete URLs below):
Download.sh Populate /datain with the latest complete house-price registry data from: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/price-paid-data-downloads#history
And the latest version of the bathnes postcodes from: https://data.bathhacked.org/Government-and-Society/Bath-North-East-Somerset-Postcodes/vnes-itp9
Warning: Running download.sh will download from these automatically, but it has been known for the CSV file URL for the price-paid-data to change, so download.sh was downloading an old version of the file.
convert.sh Takes the files in /datain, processes them through several steps. At the end, output.csv will be created which can then be imported to Socrata.
upload-to-socrata.php Uploads the output.csv file to socrata. Upserts using the transaction_unique_identifier as ID.
Source code (excluding data) is licensed under the MIT License