This sample showcases how to send audio recordings.
Subscribe features | Description |
.message |
Callback to receive all messages of a subscribed channel |
.presence |
Callback to get the users states (e.g join/leave/userstates) of a channel |
Initialize the Agora RTM SDK
// Initialize the Agora RTM SDK
let config = AgoraRtmClientConfig(appId: "your_app_id" , userId: "user_id")
var agoraRtmKit: AgoraRtmClientKit = try AgoraRtmClientKit(config, delegate: self)
Login to Agora Server
// Login to Agora Server
if let (response, error) = await agoraRtmKit?.login("user_token") {
if error == nil{
// Login successful
// Login failed
} else {
// Login failed
Subscribe to a Channel
// Define the subscription feature
let subOptions: AgoraRtmSubscribeOptions = AgoraRtmSubscribeOptions()
subOptions.features = [.message, .presence]
// Subscribe to a channel
if let (response, error) = await agoraRtmKit?.subscribe(channelName: channelName, option: subOptions){
if error == nil{
// Subscribe successful
// Subscribe failed
File Functions
Publish The File
func publishToChannel(channelName: String, fileURL: URL) async -> Bool{
if let fileData = convertFileToData(fileURL: fileURL), !fileURL.pathExtension.isEmpty {
// Split the file into 32KB chunks
let dataChunks = splitDataIntoChunks(data: fileData)
// PART 1 : First send the file info to receivers to let them know there is an incoming file with filesize dataChunks.count
let pubOptions = AgoraRtmPublishOptions()
pubOptions.channelType = .message
pubOptions.customType = fileInfoKey
let fileInfo = FileInfo(id: UUID(), name: fileURL.lastPathComponent, countOf32KB: dataChunks.count, type: fileURL.pathExtension, url: "", owner: userID)
if let JSONString = convertObjectToJsonString(object: fileInfo) {
if let (_, error) = await agoraRtmKit?.publish(channelName: channelName, message: JSONString, option: pubOptions){
if error == nil {
// Success - Add local record
// Failed
return false
// PART 2 : Send the chunk files one by one
let pubOptions2 = AgoraRtmPublishOptions()
pubOptions2.channelType = .message
pubOptions2.customType = fileChunkKey
// Publish each chunk one-by-one
for dataChunk in dataChunks {
if let (_, error) = await agoraRtmKit?.publish(channelName: channelName, data: dataChunk, option: pubOptions2){
if error == nil {
// Publish successful
// Publish failed
return true
return false
Relevant Functions
func getDocumentsDirectory() -> URL {
let paths = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
return paths[0]
func convertFileToData(fileURL: URL) -> Data? {
do {
let fileData = try Data(contentsOf: fileURL)
return fileData
} catch {
print("Failed to get data from file")
return nil
// MARK:Save the file to local storage
func convertSaveDataToFile(data: Data, fileName: String, fileType: String, sender: String) -> URL? {
do {
let tempFileURL = getDocumentsDirectory().appendingPathComponent("\(fileName)")
try data.write(to: tempFileURL)
return tempFileURL
} catch {
print("Failed to convert data to file: \(error)")
return nil
// MARK: Split the file ino chunks of 32KB since Message Channel packet size is 32KB
func splitDataIntoChunks(data: Data, chunkSize: Int = 32000) -> [Data] {
var offset = 0
var chunks = [Data]()
while offset < data.count {
let length = min(chunkSize, data.count - offset)
let chunk = data.subdata(in: offset..<(offset+length))
offset += length
return chunks
// MARK: After received all the data chunks, combine them into one file
func combineDataChunks(chunks: [Data]) -> Data {
var combinedData = Data()
for chunk in chunks {
return combinedData
func deleteAllFiles() {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let documentsURL = getDocumentsDirectory()
do {
let fileURLs = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(at: documentsURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: [.skipsHiddenFiles])
for file in fileURLs {
try fileManager.removeItem(at: file)
print("File \(file.lastPathComponent) was deleted.")
} catch {
print("An error occurred while deleting files: \(error)")
Logout RTM
// Logout RTM server
func logoutRTM(){
// call delete all function to delete all audio files stored in local directory
Setup RTM Callbacks
// Receive 'message' event notifications in subscribed message channels and subscribed topics.
func rtmKit(_ rtmKit: AgoraRtmClientKit, didReceiveMessageEvent event: AgoraRtmMessageEvent) {
switch event.channelType {
case .message:
print("Received msg = \(event.message.stringData ?? "Empty") from \(event.publisher)")
if event.customType == fileInfoKey {
// Remote user event.publisher file details (e.g. size, name, type, etc)
else if event.customType == fileChunkKey {
// Remote user receiving the chunks of file
case .stream:
case .user:
case .none:
@unknown default:
// Receive 'presence' event notifications in subscribed message channels and joined stream channels.
func rtmKit(_ rtmKit: AgoraRtmClientKit, didReceivePresenceEvent event: AgoraRtmPresenceEvent) {
if event.type == .remoteLeaveChannel || event.type == .remoteConnectionTimeout {
// A remote user left the channel
}else if event.type == .remoteJoinChannel && event.publisher != nil {
// A remote user subscribe the channel
}else if event.type == .snapshot {
// Get a snapshot of all the subscribed users' including 'presence' data (aka temporary key-value pairs storage)
}else if event.type == .remoteStateChanged {
// A remote user's 'presence' data was changed
- API Reference (
- Pricing (
- API Limitations (
- Security/Compliance (
- (Alternative) You could upload the files to a cloud storage (e.g. AWS S3), then send the download link via RTM
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Bac Huang - [email protected]
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