@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] add support for EVAL_ARRAY
- [dataentry] add a caching mechanism to not recalculate over and over package activity formulas (clear the cache once a value is modifed)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dateentry] solve problems with NaN in safediv function
- [dateentry] solve problems single equals not turned into == leading to "SyntaxError: invalid assignment left-hand side"
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] allow to overide the iaso url (for local hosting)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] fix previous bug where datavalues can be loaded twice once via the deg and once via the ds causing double amounts
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] first fix to make seperate query for dataSets and dataElementGroups
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] make sqlView payload parsing compatible with 2.30 and 2.36+
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] display the label of the option in contract summary component
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] fix contracts import wizard (error on createMuiTheme)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] Adds a signalic section with map and photo if available
- [invoices] Fixes a off by one error in the breadcrumb
- [invoices] tree view : fixes cases where contracts where not yet loaded (bookmarked ?ou= param)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] add a tree based navigation to find orgunits
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] add possibility to cache calculations during contract validations
- [invoices] add a page /reports/:period/:orgUnitId to allow a fixed point link with other apps (iaso, hesabu manager, orbf2)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] allow data entries over multiple datasets mixing multiple periodicity
- [completeness] adapt the completeness logic to match the data entry adaptations
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] displays disabled orgunit name in dialog from contract show page
- [contracts] displays column with invalid contracts warnings, creates filter for invalid contracts, sorts invalid contracts first by default
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoice] allow to calculate simple indicators in the mapper
- [approvals] creates module for managing data approvals
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoice] allow to hide print button and make default the invoice prompt to empty if no invoice
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] allow to specify fullWidth on Dhis2Input component
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] add 2 new stats block about contract/sub contracts
- [contracts] change a bit the wording of one of the error message
- [contracts] in the contract detail page, show the sub contracts (even if no main contract)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [general] fixes global query configuration
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Allow to override name of activities with a decision table
- [dataentry] Allow decistion table to return strings
@blsq/[email protected]
- [general] makes available iaso icon
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] add support for visible and ordered rows via decision tables
- [invoice] add support for visible and ordered rows via decision tables
- [dataentry] add support for
if (
(was only supportingIF(
) - [dataentry] improve error message display when hesabu expressions are not working as expected
@blsq/[email protected]
- [completeness] migrates request to react query to refetch data on url changes
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] dhis2 input add support for boolean as radio button
@blsq/[email protected]
- [synch] Synch groups use "max/latest contract" when no contract for period
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Prevent Dhis2Formula to have the tab focus
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Add support for division in Dhis2Formula
- [dataentry] Make error display less verbose for Dhis2Formula
- [dataentry] Fetch indicators and custom data entry form
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] Allow to show orgunit that have only a data entry and no invoice.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Allow validator to access all other contracts for cross validations.
- [contracts] Import omit blanks in csv and turn them as undefined.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Reminds users to sync datasets, groups after successful contract creation
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Removes show all filter depending on pbf settings
@blsq/[email protected]
- [incentives] Performs sort on activities according to hesabu project, payment scheme
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Performs validation on overlapping contracts
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Fixes problem with empty date period in contract forms
- [contracts] Fixes problem of main contract orgunit display when not in contract
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Filters orgunits during contract creation according to user's access
@blsq/[email protected]
- [general] Tweaks translations
@blsq/[email protected]
- [general] Tweaks translations
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Filters contracts according to user's orgunit access
- [contracts] Migrates requests to react queries, mutations
- [contracts] Migrates class component to functional
- [invoices] Filters invoices to limit display of orgunit pyramid
@blsq/[email protected]
- [sync-dataset] Adds button to synchronize all orgunits
- [sync-dataset] Re-vamps tab with material-ui datatable, improved translations
- [contracts] Reverses dates in period picker
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Adds generate resource tables button during contract creation
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] Fix burundi regression introduced in 1.0.72
- [general] Rollup config for all external dependencies
@blsq/[email protected]
- [general] Rollup config for d2 bundling
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] Performance improvement when searching orgunit by name
@blsq/[email protected]
- [general] Align layouts, remove title/period picker in the header navigation.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Import in case of update displayed the modified fields
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Make import more robust by validating date format
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] fix link to contract page when subcontracted orgunit
- [general] add paper and align layouts between pages
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Allow to have ancestors displayed in the screen and csv export
- [invoices] Fix some layout issue in invoice/orgunit selection screen
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] fix contract page when no contract
- [completeness] allow to filter on contracts code
@blsq/[email protected]
- [completeness] Bookmarkable filters
- [completeness] Allow to filter based on incomplete/complete status
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Allow to mass update contracts fields with the wizard
@blsq/[email protected]
- [sync-dataset] Fix add missing data elements (broken since 1.0.60)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Assign organisation unit to contract program when creating/importing contracts.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Allow multiple dataset and offer complete button where we can pass a dataSetId
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Allow navigation between subcontract or main contracts.
- [contracts] Allow to create contract with prefilled fields of latest contract
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Add period picker in header bar
@blsq/[email protected]
- [general] Allow to contribute to a page header via PortalHeader
- [completeness] Orgunit situation add columns for user and date of completeness, links, and parent level's names.
- [completeness] Allow data entry to give dataSetIds instead of a single dataSetId to support for example quality forms splitted by sections
@blsq/[email protected]
- [completeness] Display totals for filtered zones.
- [completeness] Harmonize completeness display per orgunit by reusing same component for zone and totals.
- [general] Upgrade some vulnerable dependencies.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Full decision support (start/end periods, *, in:level_x)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] Allow calculations for orgunits not present in the invoice.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [completeness] Fix incorrect completeness status on newer dhis2
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Fix lag and disappearing values when typing fast
@blsq/[email protected]
- [completeness] Fix crash when nothing is completed.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] Add support for "consecutive" invoices
@blsq/[email protected]
- [completeness] a first screen on completeness based on contracts and dataset complete events.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Add a screen to sync organisation unit groups with their "active or nearest" contract.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Small improvements on sync screen (tooltip, deal with "undefined" state mapping)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Add an url to easily synchronize orgunits and data elements based on hesabu/contracts configurations, checks data approval workflows.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Add CONCATENATE function.
- [dataentry] Allow to express if dataset is completable (eg any warnings left).
- [dataentry] Allow to style HesabuFormula (eg display in red).
- [invoices] Make lock/unlock button less error prone by showing a confirmation dialog and description of what will be locked.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Fix validation on orgunit's contract page, the cross contract validation errors were not shown
- [contracts] Allow to filter on warnings text with the search box
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Allow to download validation errors in csv
- [contracts] Allow specific validators to access all the contracts for cross validations.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] Calculate button was checking mayApprove instead of the approval state
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Fix mass update of contracts.
- [contracts] Display stats per levels.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoice] Disable Lock/Unlock button if user can't approve/unapprove.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [general] Fix broken dhis2 logo
- [dataentry] Don't show data entries when multiple contracts for same period
- [contracts] Add navigation to data entry, and in filter orgunits under breadcrumb
- [contracts] Hide subcontracts when not applicable
- [contracts] Add navigation to data entry
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Allow to filter contracts on their contract end date and mass update these contracts
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Handle dataset data write access
- [dataentry] Add a default implementation for edit in iaso form button
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] make import wizard more robust when error while processing a page
- [contracts] don't crash contract statististics when endPeriod is missing
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] more helpfull message when some formula use unsupported feature like time %{...windows_values}
- [dataentry] the data entry selection page was saying the orgunit doesn't have an contract when subcontracted
- [contracts] import of contracts now calls also the specific/contributed validator by the plugin system.
- [contracts] import of contracts wizard display the matched pyramid hierarchy of the orgunit
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] add some functions (AVG, MIN, MAX,...) to the hesabu engine
- [dataentry] add tests and refactor a bit the code base to make it more maintainable
- [general] switch to yarn to be more consistent with other projects
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Edit/create contracts a better period picker
- [contracts] Filter contracts on a parent orgunit
- [contracts] Detail page show orgunit hierachy and allow to create sub-contract if at least one contract
- [contracts] Fixes when creating/editing where main contract orgunit was ignored and so creating a standalone contract
- [contracts] Fixes when creating/editing where default periods where not well handled, forcing you to change the value
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Add link to orgunit selection in hierarchy breadcrumb
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] support equality check and turn them into == (the fix is a bit weak but does it for my case)
- [dataentry] support "blank" (when removing a value from the screen, was generating a NaN, instead of 0 in hesabu)
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] restore backward compatibility with older dhis2 for Complete/uncomplete dataset
- [dataentry] allow to trigger an hesabu invoice when dataset is clicked completed
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] various fixes, add minimal support for decision tables
- [dataentry] Calculator allow cross reference between package formulas
@blsq/[email protected]
- [incentives] Fix period not passed in the drawer links
- [invoices] Pass a period in Invoices functions to allow versioning of invoices.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [incentives] Allow to copy data values from another periods
- [dataentry] Navigate to first data entry when entry code not in url
- [dataentry] Add link to contract page
- [dataentry] Highlight current data entry
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] Calculate button
- [doc] Remove example app and link to blsq-report-app, document a bit existing extension points.
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Replace Dhis2Formula with HesabuFormula
@blsq/[email protected]
- [dataentry] Hesabu calculation in data entry
@blsq/[email protected]
- [invoices] Offer an extenstion point to show items in the orgunit selection page
- [dataentry] Fix error when no data was previously filled,
- [dataentry] Prevent showing a dataentry form that is not in the allowed one
- [dataentry] Minimal translation
- [dataentry] Show tooltip on double click instead on focus or hover
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Sending only the year month and day part on start end end contract dates
@blsq/[email protected]
- [reports] Fix link to previous or next period
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Add chart of contracted orgunits per month
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] Add some hidden columns in contracts, show some statistics for each fields
@blsq/[email protected]
- [contracts] allow to delete contracts
- [contracts] allow to contribute validations
- [contracts] use program info to deduce if a field is required (compulsory)