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RAM usage change
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Remove bzip2 requirement.
Change SPAdes maximum memory determination.
Add .jar files maximum memory setting (--jarMaxMemory option).
Save fastq files size after Trimmomatic.
Update README.
  • Loading branch information
miguelpmachado committed Oct 3, 2016
1 parent 335a4ef commit 3cce932
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Showing 7 changed files with 116 additions and 55 deletions.
30 changes: 19 additions & 11 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,9 +82,7 @@ def main():

# Check programms
programs_version_dictionary = {}
if not args.skipEstimatedCoverage:
programs_version_dictionary['bunzip2'] = ['--version', '>=', '1.0.6']
programs_version_dictionary['gunzip'] = ['--version', '>=', '1.6']
programs_version_dictionary['gunzip'] = ['--version', '>=', '1.6']
if not (args.skipFastQC and args.skipTrimmomatic and args.skipPilon):
programs_version_dictionary['java'] = ['-version', '>=', '1.8']
if not args.skipFastQC:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,11 +131,18 @@ def main():
if not args.skipMLST:
scheme = mlst.getScheme(args.speciesExpected)

# Memory
available_memory_GB = utils.get_free_memory() / (1024.0 ** 2)
# Determine SPAdes maximum memory
spadesMaxMemory = None
if not args.skipSPAdes:
print ''
spadesMaxMemory = spades.define_memory(args.spadesMaxMemory, args.threads)
spadesMaxMemory = spades.define_memory(args.spadesMaxMemory, args.threads, available_memory_GB)
# Determine .jar maximum memory
jarMaxMemory = 'off'
if not (args.skipTrimmomatic and (args.skipSPAdes or args.skipPilon)):
print ''
jarMaxMemory = utils.define_jar_max_memory(args.jarMaxMemory, args.threads, available_memory_GB)

# Run comparisons for each sample
for sample in samples:
Expand All @@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ def main():
print str(fastq_files) + '\n'

# Run analysis
run_successfully, pass_qc, run_report = run_INNUca(sample, sample_outdir, fastq_files, args, script_path, scheme, spadesMaxMemory, jar_path_trimmomatic, jar_path_pilon)
run_successfully, pass_qc, run_report = run_INNUca(sample, sample_outdir, fastq_files, args, script_path, scheme, spadesMaxMemory, jar_path_trimmomatic, jar_path_pilon, jarMaxMemory)

# Save sample fail report
fail_report_path = os.path.join(sample_outdir, 'fail_report.txt')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,7 +203,7 @@ def main():
sys.exit('No samples run successfully!')

def run_INNUca(sampleName, outdir, fastq_files, args, script_path, scheme, spadesMaxMemory, jar_path_trimmomatic, jar_path_pilon):
def run_INNUca(sampleName, outdir, fastq_files, args, script_path, scheme, spadesMaxMemory, jar_path_trimmomatic, jar_path_pilon, jarMaxMemory):
threads = args.threads
adaptersFasta = args.adapters
if adaptersFasta is not None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,8 +243,8 @@ def run_INNUca(sampleName, outdir, fastq_files, args, script_path, scheme, spade

# Run Trimmomatic
if not args.skipTrimmomatic:
run_successfully, not_empty_fastq, time_taken, failing, paired_reads, trimmomatic_folder = trimmomatic.runTrimmomatic(jar_path_trimmomatic, sampleName, outdir, threads, adaptersFasta, script_path, args.doNotSearchAdapters, fastq_files, maximumReadsLength, args.doNotTrimCrops, args.trimCrop, args.trimHeadCrop, args.trimLeading, args.trimTrailing, args.trimSlidingWindow, args.trimMinLength, nts2clip_based_ntsContent)
runs['Trimmomatic'] = [run_successfully, not_empty_fastq, time_taken, failing]
run_successfully, not_empty_fastq, time_taken, failing, paired_reads, trimmomatic_folder, fileSize = trimmomatic.runTrimmomatic(jar_path_trimmomatic, sampleName, outdir, threads, adaptersFasta, script_path, args.doNotSearchAdapters, fastq_files, maximumReadsLength, args.doNotTrimCrops, args.trimCrop, args.trimHeadCrop, args.trimLeading, args.trimTrailing, args.trimSlidingWindow, args.trimMinLength, nts2clip_based_ntsContent, jarMaxMemory)
runs['Trimmomatic'] = [run_successfully, not_empty_fastq, time_taken, failing, fileSize]

if run_successfully and not_empty_fastq:
fastq_files = paired_reads
Expand All @@ -265,7 +270,7 @@ def run_INNUca(sampleName, outdir, fastq_files, args, script_path, scheme, spade

print '--skipTrimmomatic set. Skipping Trimmomatic, but also Second FastQC analysis and Second Estimated Coverage analysis'
runs['Trimmomatic'] = skipped
runs['Trimmomatic'] = skipped + ['NA']
runs['second_Coverage'] = skipped
runs['second_FastQC'] = skipped

Expand All @@ -279,7 +284,7 @@ def run_INNUca(sampleName, outdir, fastq_files, args, script_path, scheme, spade
contigs = contigs_spades

if not args.skipPilon:
run_successfully, _, time_taken, failing, assembly_polished, bam_file, pilon_folder = pilon.runPilon(jar_path_pilon, contigs_spades, fastq_files, threads, outdir)
run_successfully, _, time_taken, failing, assembly_polished, bam_file, pilon_folder = pilon.runPilon(jar_path_pilon, contigs_spades, fastq_files, threads, outdir, jarMaxMemory)
runs['Pilon'] = [run_successfully, None, time_taken, failing]

if run_successfully:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -334,7 +339,10 @@ def run_INNUca(sampleName, outdir, fastq_files, args, script_path, scheme, spade
print 'Moving to the next sample'
for step in ('first_Coverage', 'first_FastQC', 'Trimmomatic', 'second_Coverage', 'second_FastQC', 'SPAdes', 'Pilon', 'Assembly_Mapping', 'MLST'):
runs[step] = not_run
if step == 'Trimmomatic':
runs[step] = not_run + ['NA']
runs[step] = not_run

# Remove Trimmomatic directory with cleaned reads
if not args.trimKeepFiles:
Expand Down
30 changes: 17 additions & 13 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ Dependencies
- *mlst* ( >= v2.4 (it is recommended
to use a mlst version with updated databases)
- *gzip* >= v1.6 (normally found in Linux OS)
- *bzip2* >= v1.0.6 (normally found in Linux OS)

(executables are provided, but user's own executables can be used with `--doNotUseProvidedSoftware` option)
Expand All @@ -47,8 +46,9 @@ Usage
-g 2.1
[-o /output/directory/] [-j N] [--doNotUseProvidedSoftware]
[--pairEnd_filesSeparation "_left/rigth.fq.gz" "_left/rigth.fq.gz"]
[--skipEstimatedCoverage] [--skipFastQC] [--skipTrimmomatic]
[--skipSPAdes] [--skipPilon] [--skipAssemblyMapping] [--skipMLST]
[--jarMaxMemory] [--skipEstimatedCoverage] [--skipFastQC]
[--skipTrimmomatic] [--skipSPAdes] [--skipPilon]
[--skipAssemblyMapping] [--skipMLST]
[--adapters adaptersFile.fasta | --doNotSearchAdapters]
[--doNotTrimCrops | [[--trimCrop N] [--trimHeadCrop N]]]
[--trimSlidingWindow window:meanQuality] [--trimMinLength N]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,10 @@ Usage
-o /output/directory/, --outdir /output/directory/
Path for output directory (default: .)
-j N, --threads N Number of threads (default: 1)
--jarMaxMemory 10 Sets the maximum RAM Gb usage by jar files (Trimmomatic
and Pilon). Can also be auto or off. When auto is set,
1 Gb per thread will be used up to the free available memory
(default: off)
Tells the software to not use FastQC, Trimmomatic,
SPAdes and Samtools that are provided with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,16 +150,16 @@ Usage
Filter SPAdes contigs for length greater or equal than
this value (default: maximum reads size or 200 bp)
--spadesMaxMemory N The maximum amount of RAM Gb for SPAdes to use (default:
free memory available at the beginning of INNUca)
1 Gb per thread will be used up to the free available
--spadesMinCoverageAssembly 10
The minimum number of reads to consider an edge in the
de Bruijn graph (or path I am not sure). Can also be

auto or off (default: 'off')
The minimum number of reads to consider an edge in the
de Bruijn graph during the assembly. Can also be auto
or off (default: 2)
--spadesMinCoverageContigs N
Minimum contigs coverage. After assembly only keep
contigs with reported coverage equal or above this
value (default: 5)
Minimum contigs coverage. After assembly only keep contigs
with reported k-mer coverage equal or above this value
(default: 5)
SPAdes k-mers options (one of the following):
--spadesKmers 55,77 Manually sets SPAdes k-mers lengths (all values must
be odd, less than 128) (default: 55, 77, 99, 113,
Expand All @@ -167,8 +171,8 @@ Usage
--pilonKeepFiles Tells to not remove the output of Pilon
(default: False)
Tells to not remove the unpolished SPAdes
assembly (default: False)
Tells to not remove the filtered but unpolished
SPAdes assembly (default: False)

Assembly Mapping options:
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions modules/
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Expand Up @@ -280,6 +280,8 @@ def runAssemblyMapping(alignment_file, reference_file, threads, outdir, minCover

assembly_filtered = None

pilon_run_successfuly = True if assembly_pilon is not None else False

# Get assembly coverage
sample_coverage_no_problems, mean_coverage_data = sample_coverage(reference_file, alignment_file, assemblyMapping_folder, threads)
if sample_coverage_no_problems:
Expand All @@ -289,16 +291,14 @@ def runAssemblyMapping(alignment_file, reference_file, threads, outdir, minCover

assembly = reference_file if assembly_pilon is None else assembly_pilon

pilon_run_successfuly = True if assembly_pilon is not None else False

subsampleContigs(assembly, sequences_2_keep, assembly_filtered, pilon_run_successfuly)

if not pass_qc_coverage:
failing['Coverage'] = [failing_reason]
failing['Coverage'] = ['Did not run']

if not keep_pilon_assembly:
if pilon_run_successfuly and not keep_pilon_assembly:

# Save mapping statistics
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,9 +54,11 @@ def indexAlignment(alignment_file):
return run_successfully

def pilon(jar_path_pilon, assembly, bam_file, outdir):
def pilon(jar_path_pilon, assembly, bam_file, outdir, jarMaxMemory):
assembly_polished = os.path.splitext(assembly)[0] + '.polished.fasta'
command = ['java', '-jar', jar_path_pilon, '--genome', assembly, '--frags', bam_file, '--outdir', outdir, '--output', os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(assembly_polished)[0]), '--changes', '--vcf']
command = ['java', '', '-jar', jar_path_pilon, '--genome', assembly, '--frags', bam_file, '--outdir', outdir, '--output', os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(assembly_polished)[0]), '--changes', '--vcf']
if str(jarMaxMemory) != 'off':
command[1] = '-Xmx' + str(int(round(jarMaxMemory * 1024, 0))) + 'M'
run_successfully, stdout, stderr = utils.runCommandPopenCommunicate(command, False, None, True)
if not run_successfully:
assembly_polished = None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ def parsePilonResult(assembly_polished, outdir):

def runPilon(jar_path_pilon, assembly, fastq_files, threads, outdir):
def runPilon(jar_path_pilon, assembly, fastq_files, threads, outdir, jarMaxMemory):
failing = {}
failing['sample'] = False

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ def runPilon(jar_path_pilon, assembly, fastq_files, threads, outdir):
run_successfully = indexAlignment(bam_file)

if run_successfully:
run_successfully, assembly_polished = pilon(jar_path_pilon, assembly_link, bam_file, pilon_folder)
run_successfully, assembly_polished = pilon(jar_path_pilon, assembly_link, bam_file, pilon_folder, jarMaxMemory)

if run_successfully:
parsePilonResult(assembly_polished, outdir)
Expand Down
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,12 +78,11 @@ def define_minContigsLength(maximumReadsLength, minContigsLength):
return minimum_length

def define_memory(maxMemory, threads):
def define_memory(maxMemory, threads, available_memory_GB):
GB_per_thread = 1024 / 1024.0

minimum_required_memory_GB = GB_per_thread * threads

available_memory_GB = utils.get_free_memory()
if available_memory_GB == 0:
print 'WARNING: it was not possible to determine the free available memory!'
if maxMemory is not None:
Expand All @@ -93,8 +92,6 @@ def define_memory(maxMemory, threads):
print 'Trying use the minimum memory required for SPAdes to run'
available_memory_GB = minimum_required_memory_GB
available_memory_GB = available_memory_GB / (1024.0 ** 2)

if maxMemory is None:
if minimum_required_memory_GB > available_memory_GB:
Expand Down
34 changes: 21 additions & 13 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,54 +4,57 @@

# Run Trimmomatic
def trimmomatic(jar_path_trimmomatic, sampleName, trimmomatic_folder, threads, adaptersFasta, script_path, doNotSearchAdapters, fastq_files, maxReadsLength, doNotTrimCrops, crop, headCrop, leading, trailing, slidingWindow, minLength, nts2clip_based_ntsContent):
def trimmomatic(jar_path_trimmomatic, sampleName, trimmomatic_folder, threads, adaptersFasta, script_path, doNotSearchAdapters, fastq_files, maxReadsLength, doNotTrimCrops, crop, headCrop, leading, trailing, slidingWindow, minLength, nts2clip_based_ntsContent, jarMaxMemory):
fastq = sorted(fastq_files)[0]

# Run Trimmomatic
command = ['java', '-jar', jar_path_trimmomatic, 'PE', '-threads', str(threads), '-basein', fastq, '-baseout', os.path.join(trimmomatic_folder, str(sampleName + '.fastq.gz')), '', '', '', str('SLIDINGWINDOW:' + slidingWindow), str('LEADING:' + str(leading)), str('TRAILING:' + str(trailing)), str('MINLEN:' + str(minLength)), 'TOPHRED33', '']
command = ['java', '', '-jar', jar_path_trimmomatic, 'PE', '-threads', str(threads), '-basein', fastq, '-baseout', os.path.join(trimmomatic_folder, str(sampleName + '.fastq.gz')), '', '', '', str('SLIDINGWINDOW:' + slidingWindow), str('LEADING:' + str(leading)), str('TRAILING:' + str(trailing)), str('MINLEN:' + str(minLength)), 'TOPHRED33', '']

if str(jarMaxMemory) != 'off':
command[1] = '-Xmx' + str(int(round(jarMaxMemory * 1024, 0))) + 'M'

if not doNotTrimCrops:
if maxReadsLength is not None:
if crop is not None:
crop = maxReadsLength - crop[0]
command[10] = str('CROP:' + str(crop))
command[11] = str('CROP:' + str(crop))
if nts2clip_based_ntsContent is not None:
crop = nts2clip_based_ntsContent[1]
print str(crop) + ' nucleotides will be clipped at the end of reads'
crop = maxReadsLength - crop
command[10] = str('CROP:' + str(crop))
command[11] = str('CROP:' + str(crop))
print 'Because FastQC did not run successfully, --trimCrop option will not be considered'

if headCrop is not None:
command[11] = str('HEADCROP:' + str(headCrop[0]))
command[12] = str('HEADCROP:' + str(headCrop[0]))
if nts2clip_based_ntsContent is not None:
headCrop = nts2clip_based_ntsContent[0]
print str(headCrop) + ' nucleotides will be clipped at the beginning of reads'
command[11] = str('HEADCROP:' + str(headCrop))
command[12] = str('HEADCROP:' + str(headCrop))

if not doNotSearchAdapters:
if adaptersFasta is not None:
print 'Removing adapters contamination using ' + adaptersFasta
command[12] = 'ILLUMINACLIP:' + adaptersFasta + ':3:30:10:6:true'
command[13] = 'ILLUMINACLIP:' + adaptersFasta + ':3:30:10:6:true'
trimmomatic_adapters_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(script_path), 'src', 'Trimmomatic-0.36', 'adapters')
adapters_files = [os.path.join(trimmomatic_adapters_folder, 'NexteraPE-PE.fa'), os.path.join(trimmomatic_adapters_folder, 'TruSeq2-PE.fa'), os.path.join(trimmomatic_adapters_folder, 'TruSeq3-PE-2.fa')]
print 'Removing adapters contamination using ' + str(adapters_files)
adaptersFasta = concatenateFastaFiles(adapters_files, trimmomatic_folder, 'concatenated_adaptersFile.fasta')
command[12] = 'ILLUMINACLIP:' + adaptersFasta + ':3:30:10:6:true'
command[13] = 'ILLUMINACLIP:' + adaptersFasta + ':3:30:10:6:true'

run_successfully, stdout, stderr = utils.runCommandPopenCommunicate(command, False, None, True)

if not run_successfully:
print 'Trimmomatic fail! Trying run with Phred+33 enconding defined...'
command[18] = '-phred33'
command[19] = '-phred33'
run_successfully, stdout, stderr = utils.runCommandPopenCommunicate(command, False, None, True)
if not run_successfully:
print 'Trimmomatic fail again! Trying run with Phred+64 enconding defined...'
command[18] = '-phred64'
command[19] = '-phred64'
run_successfully, stdout, stderr = utils.runCommandPopenCommunicate(command, False, None, True)

return run_successfully
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,29 +118,34 @@ def controlForZeroReads(fastq_files):

# Run Trimmomatic procedure
def runTrimmomatic(jar_path_trimmomatic, sampleName, outdir, threads, adaptersFasta, script_path, doNotSearchAdapters, fastq_files, maxReadsLength, doNotTrimCrops, crop, headCrop, leading, trailing, slidingWindow, minLength, nts2clip_based_ntsContent):
def runTrimmomatic(jar_path_trimmomatic, sampleName, outdir, threads, adaptersFasta, script_path, doNotSearchAdapters, fastq_files, maxReadsLength, doNotTrimCrops, crop, headCrop, leading, trailing, slidingWindow, minLength, nts2clip_based_ntsContent, jarMaxMemory):
failing = {}
failing['sample'] = False
not_empty_fastq = False

paired_reads = None
fileSize = 'NA'

# Create Trimmomatic output directory
trimmomatic_folder = os.path.join(outdir, 'trimmomatic', '')

run_successfully = trimmomatic(jar_path_trimmomatic, sampleName, trimmomatic_folder, threads, adaptersFasta, script_path, doNotSearchAdapters, fastq_files, maxReadsLength, doNotTrimCrops, crop, headCrop, leading, trailing, slidingWindow, minLength, nts2clip_based_ntsContent)
run_successfully = trimmomatic(jar_path_trimmomatic, sampleName, trimmomatic_folder, threads, adaptersFasta, script_path, doNotSearchAdapters, fastq_files, maxReadsLength, doNotTrimCrops, crop, headCrop, leading, trailing, slidingWindow, minLength, nts2clip_based_ntsContent, jarMaxMemory)

if run_successfully:
paired_reads = getTrimmomaticPairedReads(trimmomatic_folder)
not_empty_fastq = controlForZeroReads(paired_reads)

# Get raw reads files size
fileSize = sum(os.path.getsize(fastq) for fastq in paired_reads)

if not not_empty_fastq:
failing['sample'] = 'Zero reads after Trimmomatic'
print failing['sample']

failing['sample'] = 'Did not run'
print failing['sample']

return run_successfully, not_empty_fastq, failing, paired_reads, trimmomatic_folder
return run_successfully, not_empty_fastq, failing, paired_reads, trimmomatic_folder, fileSize

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