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I found that it can be updated using auto.bat. But from here the question is) auto.bat is generated for each PC separately (on which MCT was launched) or is it universal. Hence, if it is different for each PC, is it possible to make approximately the following mechanism: |
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@echo off& set root=%1& set title= Auto Upgrade with edition switch support
set OPTIONS=/SelfHost /Auto Upgrade /MigChoice Upgrade /Compat IgnoreWarning /MigrateDrivers All /ResizeRecoveryPartition Disable /ShowOOBE None /Telemetry Disable /CompactOS Disable /DynamicUpdate Enable /SkipSummary /Eula Accept
pushd "%~dp0"& if defined root pushd %root%
for %%i in ("x86\" "x64\" "") do if exist "%%~isources\setupprep.exe" set "dir=%%~i"
pushd "%dir%sources" || (echo "%dir%sources" & timeout /t 5 & exit /b)
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
::# start sources\setup if under winpe (when booted from media)
reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinPE">nul 2>nul && (start "WinPE" sources\setup.exe &exit /b)
::# elevate so that workarounds can be set under windows
fltmc>nul || (set _="%~f0" %*& powershell -nop -c start -verb runas cmd \"/d/x/r call $env:_\"& exit /b)
::# undo any previous regedit edition rename (if upgrade was interrupted)
set EI=& set PN=& set NT="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
for /f "tokens=2*" %%R in ('reg query %NT% /v EditionID_undo /reg:64 2^>nul') do set "EI=%%S"
for /f "tokens=2*" %%R in ('reg query %NT% /v ProductName_undo /reg:64 2^>nul') do set "PN=%%S"
for %%a in (32 64) do (
if defined EI reg add %NT% /v EditionID /d "%EI%" /f /reg:%%a & reg delete %NT% /v EditionID_undo /f /reg:%%a
if defined PN reg add %NT% /v ProductName /d "%EI%" /f /reg:%%a & reg delete %NT% /v ProductName_undo /f /reg:%%a
) >nul 2>nul
::# get current version
set EditionID=& set ProductName=& set NT="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
for /f "tokens=2*" %%R in ('reg query %NT% /v EditionID /reg:64 2^>nul') do set "EditionID=%%S"
for /f "tokens=2*" %%R in ('reg query %NT% /v ProductName /reg:64 2^>nul') do set "ProductName=%%S"
for /f "tokens=2*" %%R in ('reg query %NT% /v CurrentBuildNumber /reg:64 2^>nul') do set "CurrentBuild=%%S"
for /f "tokens=2-3 delims=[." %%i in ('ver') do for %%s in (%%i) do set /a Version=%%s*10+%%j
::# WIM_INFO w_5=wim_5th b_5=build_5th p_5=patch_5th a_5=arch_5th l_5=lang_5th e_5=edi_5th d_5=desc_5th i_5=edi_5th i_Core=index
set "0=%~f0"& set wim=& set ext=.esd& if exist install.wim (set ext=.wim) else if exist install.swm set ext=.swm
set snippet=powershell -nop -c iex ([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)-split'#[:]wim_info[:]')[1]; WIM_INFO install%ext% 0 0
set w_count=0& for /f "tokens=1-7 delims=," %%i in ('"%snippet%"') do (set w_%%i=%%i,%%j,%%k,%%l,%%m,%%n,%%o& set /a w_count+=1
set b_%%i=%%j& set p_%%i=%%k& set a_%%i=%%l& set l_%%i=%%m& set e_%%i=%%n& set d_%%i=%%o& set i_%%n=%%i& set i_%%i=%%n)
::# print available editions in install.esd via wim_info snippet
for /l %%i in (1,1,%w_count%) do call echo;%%w_%%i%%
::# get requested edition in EI.cfg or PID.txt or OPTIONS
if exist product.ini for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%O in (product.ini) do if not "%%P" equ "" (set pid_%%O=%%P& set pn_%%P=%%O)
set EI=& set Name=& set nID=& set reg=& set "cfg_filter=EditionID Channel OEM Retail Volume _Default VL 0 1 ^$"
if exist EI.cfg for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('findstr /v /i /r "%cfg_filter%" EI.cfg') do (set EI=%%i& set nID=%%i)
if exist PID.txt for /f "delims=;" %%i in (PID.txt) do set %%i 2>nul
if not defined Value for %%s in (%OPTIONS%) do if defined pn_%%s (set Name=!pn_%%s!& set Name=!Name:gvlk=!)
if defined Value if not defined Name for %%s in (%Value%) do (set Name=!pn_%%s!& set Name=!Name:gvlk=!)
if defined EDITION_SWITCH (set nID=%EDITION_SWITCH%) else if defined Name for %%s in (%Name%) do (set nID=%Name%)
if not defined nID set nID=%EditionID%& if not defined EditionID set nID=Professional& set EditionID=Professional
if /i "%EditionID%" equ "%nID%" (set changed=) else set changed=1
::# upgrade matrix to automatically fallback to an edition that would keep files and apps
set HOME=Starter HomeBasic HomePremium CoreConnectedCountrySpecific CoreConnectedSingleLanguage CoreConnected Core
set HOME_N=StarterN HomeBasicN HomePremiumN CoreConnectedN CoreN & set HOME_S=CoreSingleLanguage CoreCountrySpecific
set ULT=Ultimate ProfessionalStudent ProfessionalCountrySpecific ProfessionalSingleLanguage& set CLOUD=Cloud
set ULT_N=UltimateN ProfessionalStudentN& set CLOUD_N=CloudN
set EDU=Education& set ENT=Enterprise& set LTS=EnterpriseG EnterpriseS IoTEnterpriseS Embedded& set IOT=IoTEnterprise
set EDU_N=EducationN& set ENT_N=EnterpriseN& set LTS_N=EnterpriseGN EnterpriseSN
set PRO=ProfessionalEducation ProfessionalWorkstation Professional& set MIX=%ENT% %EDU% !PRO! %CLOUD%
set PRO_N=ProfessionalEducationN ProfessionalWorkstationN ProfessionalN& set MIX_N=%ENT_N% %EDU_N% !PRO_N! %CLOUD_N%
for %%C in (%LTS_N%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=EnterpriseN)
for %%C in (%LTS%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=Enterprise)
for %%C in (%ULT_N%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=ProfessionalN)
for %%C in (%ULT%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=Professional)
for %%C in (%MIX_N%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=ProfessionalN& set reg=%%C& if defined i_%%C set nID=%%C)
for %%C in (%MIX%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=Professional& set reg=%%C& if defined i_%%C set nID=%%C)
for %%C in (%HOME_N%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=CoreN& set reg=CoreN& if not defined i_CoreN set nID=ProfessionalN)
for %%C in (%HOME%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=Core& set reg=Core& if not defined i_Core set nID=Professional)
for %%C in (%HOME_S%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=Core& set reg=%%C& if defined i_%%C set nID=%%C)
for %%C in (%IOT%) do if /i %%C equ %nID% (set nID=Enterprise& set reg=%%C)
set index=& for /l %%i in (1,1,%w_count%) do if /i !i_%%i! equ !nID! (set nID=!i_%%i!& set index=%%i)
if not defined index set index=1& set nID=!i_1!& if defined i_Professional set index=!i_Professional!& set nID=Professional
set Build=!b_%index%!& set OPTIONS=%OPTIONS% /ImageIndex %index%& if defined changed if not defined reg (set reg=!nID!)
echo;Current edition: %EditionID% & echo;Regedit edition: %reg% & echo;Index: %index% Image: %nID%
timeout /t 10
::# prevent usage of MCT for intermediary upgrade in Dynamic Update (causing 7 to 19H1 instead of 7 to 21H2 for example)
if "%Build%" gtr "15063" (set OPTIONS=%OPTIONS% /UpdateMedia Decline)
::# skip windows 11 upgrade checks via launch option trick - this way, can still run setup.exe directly to not skip checks
if "%Build%" geq "22000" if "%SKIP_11_SETUP_CHECKS%" equ "1" (set OPTIONS=/Product Server %OPTIONS%)
::# auto upgrade with edition lie workaround to keep files and apps - all 1904x builds allow up/downgrade between them
if defined reg call :rename %reg%
start "auto" setupprep.exe %OPTIONS%
exit /b
:rename EditionID
set NT="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
(reg query %NT% /v ProductName_undo /reg:32 || reg add %NT% /v ProductName_undo /d "%ProductName%" /f /reg:32
reg query %NT% /v ProductName_undo /reg:64 || reg add %NT% /v ProductName_undo /d "%ProductName%" /f /reg:64
reg query %NT% /v EditionID_undo /reg:32 || reg add %NT% /v EditionID_undo /d "%EditionID%" /f /reg:32
reg query %NT% /v EditionID_undo /reg:64 || reg add %NT% /v EditionID_undo /d "%EditionID%" /f /reg:64
reg add %NT% /v EditionID /d "%~1" /f /reg:32 & reg add %NT% /v ProductName /d "%~1" /f /reg:32
reg add %NT% /v EditionID /d "%~1" /f /reg:64 & reg add %NT% /v ProductName /d "%~1" /f /reg:64
) >nul 2>nul &exit /b
#:WIM_INFO:# [PARAMS]: "file" [optional]Index or 0 = all Output 0 = txt 1 = xml 2 = file.txt 3 = file.xml 4 = xml object
set ^ #=$f0=[io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0); $0=($f0-split '#[:]WIM_INFO[:]' ,3)[1]; $1=$env:1-replace'([`@$])','`$1'; iex($0+$1)
set ^ #=& set "0=%~f0"& set 1=;WIM_INFO %*& powershell -nop -c "%#%"& exit /b %errorcode%
function WIM_INFO ($file = 'install.esd', $index = 0, $out = 0) { :info while ($true) {
$block = 2097152; $bytes = new-object 'Byte[]' ($block); $begin = [uint64]0; $final = [uint64]0; $limit = [uint64]0
$steps = [int]([uint64]([IO.FileInfo]$file).Length / $block - 1); $enc = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591); $delim = @()
foreach ($d in '/INSTALLATIONTYPE','/WIM') {$delim += $enc.GetString([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes([char]60+ $d +[char]62))}
$f = new-object IO.FileStream ($file, 3, 1, 1); $p = 0; $p = $f.Seek(0, 2)
for ($o = 1; $o -le $steps; $o++) {
$p = $f.Seek(-$block, 1); $r = $f.Read($bytes, 0, $block); if ($r -ne $block) {write-host invalid block $r; break}
$u = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591).GetString($bytes); $t = $u.LastIndexOf($delim[0], [StringComparison]::Ordinal)
if ($t -lt 0) { $p = $f.Seek(-$block, 1)} else { [void]$f.Seek(($t -$block), 1)
for ($o = 1; $o -le $block; $o++) { [void]$f.Seek(-2, 1); if ($f.ReadByte() -eq 0xfe) {$begin = $f.Position; break} }
$limit = $f.Length - $begin; if ($limit -lt $block) {$x = $limit} else {$x = $block}
$bytes = new-object 'Byte[]' ($x); $r = $f.Read($bytes, 0, $x)
$u = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591).GetString($bytes); $t = $u.IndexOf($delim[1], [StringComparison]::Ordinal)
if ($t -ge 0) {[void]$f.Seek(($t + 12 -$x), 1); $final = $f.Position} ; break } }
if ($begin -gt 0 -and $final -gt $begin) {
$x = $final - $begin; [void]$f.Seek(-$x, 1); $bytes = new-object 'Byte[]' ($x); $r = $f.Read($bytes, 0, $x)
if ($r -ne $x) {$f.Dispose(); break} else {[xml]$xml = [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($bytes); $f.Dispose()}
} else {$f.Dispose()} ; break :info }
if ($out -eq 1) {[console]::OutputEncoding=[Text.Encoding]::UTF8; $xml.Save([Console]::Out); ''; return}
if ($out -eq 3) {try{$xml.Save(($file-replace'esd$','xml'))}catch{}; return}; if ($out -eq 4) {return $xml}
$txt = ''; foreach ($i in $xml.WIM.IMAGE) {if ($index -gt 0 -and $($i.INDEX) -ne $index) {continue}; [int]$a='1'+$i.WINDOWS.ARCH
$txt+= $i.INDEX+','+$i.WINDOWS.VERSION.BUILD+','+$i.WINDOWS.VERSION.SPBUILD+','+$(@{10='x86';15='arm';19='x64';112='arm64'}[$a])
$txt+= ','+$i.WINDOWS.LANGUAGES.LANGUAGE+','+$i.WINDOWS.EDITIONID+','+$i.NAME+[char]13+[char]10}; $txt=$txt-replace',(?=,)',', '
if ($out -eq 2) {try{[io.file]::WriteAllText(($file-replace'esd$','txt'),$txt)}catch{}; return}; if ($out -eq 0) {return $txt}
} #:WIM_INFO:# Quick WIM SWM ESD ISO info v2 - lean and mean snippet by AveYo, 2021 |
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Thanks bro, with this script the installation started, but with only my files saved, without settings and applications. That is how it should be? Or is there something wrong with my image? There is the following question, is it possible to make the script select several install.esd files from another folder (not sources) ? For example, the install folder and inside it only install.esd files, different editions? |
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Bro you are the best Thanks for the clarification, that's what I needed👍 |
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Hi brother I tested the auto.bat script and it's slightly different from what I need. Is it possible for the mct.bat script to select my install.esd file? For example, in case of unsuccessful installation (run out of space), I have to download the install.esd file from the Internet every time =( |
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hello bro
I really liked your script for installing and updating windows) But I have a question, is it possible to add the ability to update an already downloaded image (without downloading it every time from the site?) Maybe I did not find the answer, sorry) For example, I have a pc with W10 but without the Internet, I can use my image to update this pc with saving information. Yes, there is an auto update option, and using the Internet everything will install fine, but how to do it without the Internet?
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