This package contains extensive eslint rulesets; it is based on gajus/eslint-config-canonical and includes opinionated modifications.
Install eslint
and the package:
yarn add -D eslint @atws/eslint-config
In the root of your project, create a .eslintrc.js
file and extend the base configuration.
To extend the base configuration for specific files, use the overrides
property. You can also create a separate .eslintrc.js
file in the directory where you want to extend the configuration.
Create a .eslintrc.js
in your project root
/* global module */
module.exports = {
extends: ['@atws/eslint-config'],
overrides: [
extends: ['@atws/eslint-config/cdk'],
files: 'infrastructure/**/*.ts',
parserOptions: {
project: ['./tsconfig.json'],
tsconfigRootDir: `${__dirname}/infrastructure/cdk-backend`,
extends: ['@atws/eslint-config/react'],
files: '*.tsx',
parserOptions: {
project: ['./tsconfig.json'],
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
extends: ['@atws/eslint-config/typescript'],
files: 'backend/**/*.ts',
parserOptions: {
project: ['./tsconfig.json'],
tsconfigRootDir: `${__dirname}/backend`,
root: true,
Create a .prettierrc.js
in your project root. You can use @atws/prettier-config to get started with prettier.
Previously in v2, we used prettier as an eslint plugin. This is no longer the case. We now use prettier as a standalone tool and run it before the eslint fixer. This means that prettier will fix all formatting issues and eslint will fix all linting issues.
yarn add -D prettier @atws/prettier-config
const preset = require('@atws/prettier-config')
/** @type {import("prettier").Options} */
const config = {
module.exports = config
To run prettier before eslint you need to install the Format Code Action
VSCode extension and add the following to your .vscode/settings.json
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": ["source.formatDocument", "source.fixAll.eslint"]
There are a few variants of the base config that can be used to extend the base config.
Add rules for typescript projects.
extends: ['@atws/eslint-config/typescript']
Add rules for React projects.
extends: ['@atws/eslint-config/react']
Disable rules that conflict with common CDK patterns.
extends: ['@atws/eslint-config/cdk']
Disable rules that conflic with the projen jsii compiler.
extends: ['@atws/eslint-config/projen']