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Icon Button takes an icon options object.
import React from "react"
import { IconButton } from "polythene-react"
const starsSVG = <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.47 10 9.99 10C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12S17.52 2 11.99 2zm4.24 16L12 15.45 7.77 18l1.12-4.81-3.73-3.23 4.92-.42L12 5l1.92 4.53 4.92.42-3.73 3.23L16.23 18z"/></svg>
<IconButton icon={{ svg: { content: starsSVG } }} />
Instead of passing icon
as option, the Icon component can be used as child:
import { IconButton, Icon } from "polythene-react"
<IconButton><Icon svg={{ content: starsSVG }} /></IconButton>
Or even:
import { IconButton, Icon, SVG } from "polythene-react"
See Icon for more Icon options.
The Material Design specs do not specifically show a label with Icon Buttons, but Checkboxes with a custom icon provide the example how they should look like.
<IconButton label="Label"><Icon><SVG>{starsSVG}</SVG></Icon></IconButton>
Pass Button options to change the behaviour and appearance - see some examples below.
Disable hover and ripple effects:
<IconButton icon={{ svg: { content: starsSVG } }} wash={false} ink={false} />
Alternatively, use inactive
<IconButton icon={{ svg: { content: starsSVG } }} inactive />
reduces the button padding:
<IconButton icon={{ svg: { content: starsSVG } }} compact />
Below are examples how to change the icon button appearance, either with a theme or with CSS.
You can find more information about theming in Theming.
import { IconButtonCSS } from "polythene-css"
IconButtonCSS.addStyle(".themed-icon-button", {
padding: 24,
color_light_background: "purple",
color_dark_background: "orange",
color_light: "white"
icon={{ svg: { content: starsSVG } }}
To create a hover effect:
IconButtonCSS.addStyle(".hover-icon-button", {
color_light_hover: "#fff",
color_light_label_hover: "#673ab7",
color_light_hover_background: "#673ab7",
animation_duration: "100ms",
icon={{ svg: { content: starsSVG } }}
Change CSS using the Icon Button CSS classes.
Class names can be imported with:
import classes from "polythene-css-classes/icon-button"
The icon color is set with the CSS (text) color
attribute of the parent element. For example:
.pe-button-icon {
color: red;
Some style attributes can be set using option style
. For example:
<FAB icon={{ svg: { content: starsSVG } }} style={{ color: "#FFCCBC", backgroundColor: "#4E342E" }} />
The direction of the Icon Button is flipped when:
- it is contained within an element that either has attribute
or has classNamepe-rtl
- has className
If the component - or a component's parent - has option tone
set to "dark", the component will be rendered with light colors on dark.
- Use
tone: "dark"
to render light on dark - Use
tone: "light"
to locally render normally when dark tone is set