To access the game simply follow the link here
The documentation of the system can be found here
And the API documentation can be seen here
This repo is an application made from several components.
- Gateway service. Express service that is exposed to the public and serves as a proxy to the two previous ones.
- User service. Express service that handles the insertion of new users in the system.
- Auth service. Express service that handles the authentication of users.
- Record service. Express service that handles the game results of all the users and shows a ranking.
- Webapp. React web application that uses the gateway service to allow users to play the game, in addition to registering, logging in, view the ranking and much more.
- Question generator. Java application that generates questions from Wikidata which are later used in the game.
- Question service. Express service that handles the database (MongoDB) and retrieves the previously generated question to be used in the game.
Both the User service and Auth service share a Mongo database that is accessed with mongoose. The Question generator and Question service also share a MongoDB connection.
In order to deployed it locally you can check out the docker configuration below:
If you want to try it out by yourself, the fastest way for launching this project is using docker. Just clone the project:
git clone
and launch it with docker compose:
docker compose --profile dev up --build
The members of the great team that made this incredible application.
- Lucía Ruiz Núñez
- Mario Junquera Rojas
- Jorge Cano Martinez
- Laura Gómez Menéndez
- Ahmet Erdem Yabaci
- Daniel Sinne Argüelles