diff --git a/docs/images/3-TechnicalContext.drawio.svg b/docs/images/3-TechnicalContext.drawio.svg
index b3226527..8f9a0078 100644
--- a/docs/images/3-TechnicalContext.drawio.svg
+++ b/docs/images/3-TechnicalContext.drawio.svg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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index 58e7fca5..76109e3a 100644
--- a/docs/images/5-Level1.svg
+++ b/docs/images/5-Level1.svg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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index b13fc127..a0025b91 100644
--- a/docs/images/5-Level2.svg
+++ b/docs/images/5-Level2.svg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12fec7fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/Deployed-Infrastructure.png differ
diff --git a/docs/src/01_introduction_and_goals.adoc b/docs/src/01_introduction_and_goals.adoc
index 4f06af2e..91f7b000 100644
--- a/docs/src/01_introduction_and_goals.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/01_introduction_and_goals.adoc
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ See https://docs.arc42.org/section-1/[Introduction and Goals] in the arc42 docum
|Quality attribute|Scenario
-| Usability | The user must be able to understand the function of the application before the minute mark.
+| Usability | The user must be able to start playing a game before the minute mark.
| Performance | The application will be able to operate within reasonable response times, taking into account the already present waiting times (time to answer, between questions, etc).
| Security & Privacy | The information stored about a user can only be accessed by said user, never others.
-| Robustness | The application will be able to handle any user error that could happen at runtime.
+| Robustness | The application will be able to handle any user or external systems (Wikidata) errors.
| Accessibility | The application will be accessible by all users, even if the suffer from visual impediments such as colorblindness.
diff --git a/docs/src/02_architecture_constraints.adoc b/docs/src/02_architecture_constraints.adoc
index 562c0962..36bdd640 100644
--- a/docs/src/02_architecture_constraints.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/02_architecture_constraints.adoc
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ifndef::imagesdir[:imagesdir: ../images]
=== Technical constraints
Wikidata:: The information needed must be got from this central storage.
GitHub:: All the communication and code-sharing will be done by GitHub, so all the work will be recorded there.
-API:: Give access about users and generated questions through an API.
+Open API:: Give access about users and generated questions through an open API.
=== Organizational constraints
Team size:: The team is formed by 6 people.
diff --git a/docs/src/03_system_scope_and_context.adoc b/docs/src/03_system_scope_and_context.adoc
index e9304afe..f49d3071 100644
--- a/docs/src/03_system_scope_and_context.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/03_system_scope_and_context.adoc
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ image::3-BusinessContext.drawio.svg["Business context diagram"]
|Users request a question to be shown
|The question and the set of answers corresponding to that question are presented
|*_Question Generation_*
-|User requests a question and the information extracted from wikidata
+|System requests a question and the information extracted from wikidata
|The question and the set of answers corresponding to that question are created
|*_Wikidata API_*
-|Some part or topic related to the creation of a question
-|Some concepts that will facilitate the creation of the question such as wrong answers
+|Topic to create a question
+|Correct anwser for the topic asked
=== Technical Context
@@ -84,15 +84,24 @@ together with a mapping table showing the relationships between channels and inp
image::3-TechnicalContext.drawio.svg["Business context diagram"]
.User And Application interface +
-The user will access the web application via the HTTPs protocol
+The user will access the web application via the HTTP protocol
.Home and Login interface +
-The home will allow user to be redirected to the login and authentication phase via the HTTPs protocol
+The home will allow user to be redirected to the login and authentication phase via the HTTP protocol
-.Login and Question Generation interface +
-The login will allow the user to enter the game and so the question generation will start, this will happend through a redirect
+.Login and Users Database +
+The login will access the users database directly via an internal network
-.Login and Database +
-The login will access the database directly via TCP/IP protocol
+.Login and Game interface +
+The login will allow the user to enter the game menu
+.Game and Users Database +
+The game will access the users database directly via an internal network
+.Game and Questions Database +
+The game will access the questions database directly via an internal network
+.Question Generator and Questions Database +
+The question generator will access the question database directly via an internal network
diff --git a/docs/src/04_solution_strategy.adoc b/docs/src/04_solution_strategy.adoc
index 8c85e08b..c6bdb431 100644
--- a/docs/src/04_solution_strategy.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/04_solution_strategy.adoc
@@ -34,14 +34,25 @@ See https://docs.arc42.org/section-4/[Solution Strategy] in the arc42 documentat
The technologies chosen for developing the WIQ web app are ::
* **ReactJS** : A JavaScript library that facilitates the creation of interactive grafical interfaces.
-* **Sass** : A scripting language that is compiled into CSS. It extends CSS by providing several mechanisms such as variables, nested rules, mixins, functions, and inheritance.
-* **TypeScript** : A superset of JavaScript that adds various features that can resolve code errors before running the actual code.
-* **SpringBoot** : An extension of the Spring framework for creating Java applications. SpringBoot offers many preconfigurations that accelerate the code production process.
+* **Sass** : A scripting language that is compiled into CSS. It extends CSS by providing several mechanisms such as variables, nested rules, mixins, functions, and inheritance. (Not used)
+* **TypeScript** : A superset of JavaScript that adds various features that can resolve code errors before running the actual code. (Not used)
+* **SpringBoot** : An extension of the Spring framework for creating Java applications. SpringBoot offers many preconfigurations that accelerate the code production process. (Not used)
* **Wikidata Toolkit** : Wikidata Toolkit is a Java library for accessing Wikidata and other Wikibase installations. It can be used to create bots, to perform data extraction tasks (e.g., convert all data in Wikidata to a new format), and to do large-scale analyses that are too complex for using a simple SPARQL query service.
* **Docker** : Docker provides tools and a runtime environment to manage these containers efficiently, allowing developers to build, ship, and run applications consistently across different environments.
-* **MySql** : MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that uses SQL for managing and manipulating data.
+* **MySql** : MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that uses SQL for managing and manipulating data. (Not used)
* **Mongo DB** : MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL database management system that stores data flexible, JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas.
+* **Express** : Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for building web and mobile applications.
+* **Nodejs** : Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser, allowing developers to build scalable network applications.
+* **Java** : Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It is known for its portability, security features, and wide range of applications, from mobile to enterprise systems.
=== Top-level Decomposition
@@ -49,11 +60,16 @@ To be updated along the development of the application where we will add the mos
==== Architectural Patterns
-* **Microservices** : Selected as our main architecture. We will have various small independent services that interact between them to support all the fuctionalities of the web application
+* **Microservices** : Selected as our main architecture. We will have various small independent services that interact between them to support all the fuctionalities of the web application.
+* **API Gateway** : This API gateway serves as a centralized point for managing, securing, and routing requests between clients and multiple backend services or APIs. This is applied to centralized the calls to the different microservices.
+* **Shared data** : An architectural pattern used to communicate two services through a data repository. In our case, we will communicate the questions generator and the game through a database for a better efficiency and robustness.
==== Design Patterns
-* **Façade** : Pattern used to communicate between different parts of the whole application (APIs)
+* **Façade** : Pattern used to communicate between different parts of the whole application (APIs).
+* **Template** : Pattern used to set some fixed steps of an algorithm. This was used for the different questions generators.
=== Decisions for achieving quality goals
diff --git a/docs/src/05_building_block_view.adoc b/docs/src/05_building_block_view.adoc
index df003efb..0f73dbb4 100644
--- a/docs/src/05_building_block_view.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/05_building_block_view.adoc
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ In this level of descomposition we separate the main services of our system show
Contained Building Blocks::
-* *_WIQ_ HOME* : Service which will collect the user interaction and redirect it to the corresponding service.
-* *_WIQ_ USER MANAGEMENT* : Service that will manage the user information, login, authentication, etc.
-* *_WIQ_ QUESTION GAME* Service that will generate and show the different questions for our game.
+* *_Webapp_* : The web part of our application that will use the wiq services to let the user play.
+* *Gateway service* : Service that will redirect every call to our endpoints to the specific one.
+* *_WIQ Services_* : Our collection of endpoints that will attend any need of our Webapp as well as giving support to external calls.
=== Level 2
@@ -71,16 +71,18 @@ image::5-Level2.svg["Level 2"]
-In this level of descomposition of the system we start to identify the different microservices of the system.
+In this level of descomposition of the system we identify the different views of the webapp and microservices of the WIQ services.
Contained Building Blocks::
-* *_HOME_ WELCOME PAGE* : Microservice that will welcome the user giving a small explanation about the game and facilate the registration/login process.
-* *_USER MANAGEMENT_ USERSERVICE* : Microservice that will allow the user create an account for the user and let him access the game.
-* *_USER MANAGEMENT_ AUTHSERVICE* : Microservice that will login the user in the system and let him access the game.
-* *_HOME_ GAMEMODE PAGE* : Microservice that will let the user start a game.
-* *_QUESTION GAME_ GAME CONFIGURATION* Microservice that will let the user customize some game parameters (amount of questions, time to respond a question, etc).
-* *_QUESTION GAME_ QUESTION RESTAPI* Microservice that will work as our open API allowing other systems to retrieve information like:
- ** Random questions and corresponding answers.
-* *_QUESTION GAME_ QUESTION GENERATOR* Microservice that will generate the different questions for our game communicating with wikidata.
-* *_QUESTION GAME_ GAME* Microservice that will show the different questions for our game and manage the user answers in order to give a final score.
+* *_Webapp_ Home* : First view of the webapp.
+* *_Webapp_ Log in and Register* : Views of the webapp that allow the user to get into the application.
+* *_Webapp_ Game menu* : Intermediate view between the records and the actual game.
+* *_Webapp_ User's games records* : View where the user will be able to see different statistics of the games played (Correct answers, points, total games).
+* *_Webapp_ Question Game* : Game view where the user will be able answer the random question by choosing 1 of 4 possibilities.
+* *_WIQ Services_ Authentication service* : Microservice that will let the user log in a created account.
+* *_WIQ Services_ User service* : Microservice that will let the user create an account.
+* *_WIQ Services_ Record service* : Microservice that will manage the records of all users and will let anyone get the records of a user.
+* *_WIQ Services_ Question service* Microservice that will get some random questions for an user game. It will also let anyone get random questions from outside our system.
+* *_WIQ Services_ Question generator* Microservice that will generate the random questions accesing wikidata and load them into the system.
diff --git a/docs/src/06_runtime_view.adoc b/docs/src/06_runtime_view.adoc
index d9f01a78..ed80bd4b 100644
--- a/docs/src/06_runtime_view.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/06_runtime_view.adoc
@@ -36,142 +36,149 @@ There are many notations for describing scenarios, e.g.
See https://docs.arc42.org/section-6/[Runtime View] in the arc42 documentation.
-=== Runtime Scenario: Retrieval of questions
-[plantuml,"Retrieval of questions",png]
-actor User
-entity Frontend as "Webapp Frontend"
-entity Backend as "Webapp Backend"
-database Wikidata
-User -> Frontend: next question
-Frontend -> Backend: get question
-Backend -> Wikidata: request data\n(1s timeout)
-Wikidata -> Backend: receive data
-Backend -> Backend: generate question
-Backend -> Frontend: return question and answers
-Frontend -> User: show question
-=== Runtime Scenario: Answer questions
-[plantuml,"Answer questions",png]
-actor User
-entity Frontend as "Webapp Frontend"
-entity Backend as "Webapp Backend"
-database DB
-User -> Frontend: answer\n(30s timelimit)
-Frontend -> Frontend: process answer
-Frontend -> Backend: forward result
-Backend -> DB: store result\n(1s timeout)
-Backend -> Frontend: answer
-Frontend -> User: show correctness
-=== Runtime Scenario: Login successful
-[plantuml,"Login successful",png]
-actor User
-entity Frontend as "Webapp Frontend"
-entity Backend as "Webapp Backend"
-database DB
-User -> Frontend: send credentials
-Frontend -> Backend: forward credentials
-Backend -> DB: query for username\n(1s timeout)
-DB -> Backend: retrieve user data
-Backend -> Backend: validate password
-Backend -> Frontend: login successful
-Frontend -> User: login successful
-=== Runtime Scenario: Login failure
-[plantuml,"Login failure",png]
-actor User
-entity Frontend as "Webapp Frontend"
-entity Backend as "Webapp Backend"
-database DB
-User -> Frontend: send credentials
-Frontend -> Backend: forward credentials
-Backend -> DB: query for username\n(1s timeout)
-DB -> Backend: retrieve user data
-Backend-> Backend: validate password
-Backend -> Frontend: wrong password
-Frontend -> User: ask for credentials
-User -> Frontend: send credentials
-Frontend -> Backend: ...
-=== Runtime Scenario: Signup successful
-[plantuml,"Signup successful",png]
-actor User
-entity Frontend as "Webapp Frontend"
-entity Backend as "Webapp Backend"
-database DB
-User -> Frontend: send signup form
-Frontend -> Backend: forward signup form
-Backend -> DB: check if username exists\n(1s timeout)
-DB -> Backend: answer
-Backend -> DB: insert data\n(1s timeout)
-Backend -> Frontend: signup successful
-Frontend -> User: signup successful
-=== Runtime Scenario: Signup failure
-[plantuml,"Signup failure",png]
-actor User
-entity Frontend as "Webapp Frontend"
-entity Backend as "Webapp Backend"
-database DB
-User -> Frontend: send signup form
-Frontend -> Backend: forward signup form
-Backend -> DB: check if username exists\n(1s timeout)
-DB -> Backend: answer
-Backend -> Frontend: error: username in use
-Frontend -> User: username in use
-User -> Frontend: send new username
-Frontend -> Backend: forward new username
-Backend -> DB: ...
-=== Runtime Scenario: Wikidata error
-[plantuml,"Wikidata error",png]
-actor User
-entity Frontend as "Webapp Frontend"
-entity Backend as "Webapp Backend"
-database Wikidata
-User -> Frontend: next question
-Frontend -> Backend: get question
-Backend -> Wikidata: request data
-Wikidata -> Backend: error/timeout
-Backend -> Backend: error handling
-Backend -> Frontend: wikidata error
-Frontend -> User: show error message
-=== Runtime Scenario: DB error
-[plantuml,"DB error",png]
+In this section we will focus on developing which views of the webapp use which microservices from the WIQ Services.
+Mind that some of these processes work the same way when called from outside the system (look for them at the API docs)
+=== Runtime Scenario: Signup
+entity Webapp as "Sign in view"
+entity Gateway_service as "Gateway service"
+entity Microservice as "Authentication service"
+database Users_database
+Webapp -> Gateway_service: Sends signup form
+Gateway_service -> Microservice: Forward the petition\nto the specific microservice
+Microservice -> Microservice : Checks the petition
+alt data is valid
+ Microservice -> Users_database : Check if username or email exists
+ Users_database --> Microservice: Answers
+ alt email is not registered nor username
+ Microservice -> Microservice: Creates a respond with user's data
+ Microservice --> Gateway_service: Forwards the respond
+ Gateway_service --> Webapp : Responds to the petition
+ Webapp -> Webapp : Logs into the application
+ else email or username exists
+ Microservice --> Gateway_service: Responds with an error
+ Gateway_service --> Webapp : Forwards the petition
+ Webapp -> Webapp : Show the error
+ end
+else data is invalid
+ Microservice --> Gateway_service: Responds with some error(s)
+ Gateway_service --> Webapp: Forwards the respond
+ Webapp -> Webapp: Shows the error(s)
+=== Runtime Scenario: Login
+entity Webapp as "Log in view"
+entity Gateway_service as "Gateway service"
+entity Microservice as "User service"
+database Users_database
+Webapp -> Gateway_service: Sends log in form
+Gateway_service -> Microservice: Forward the petition\nto the specific microservice
+Microservice -> Microservice : Checks the petition
+alt data is valid
+ Microservice -> Users_database : Check if username exists
+ Users_database --> Microservice: Answers
+ alt users exists
+ Microservice -> Microservice: Creates a respond with user's data
+ Microservice --> Gateway_service: Forwards the respond
+ Gateway_service --> Webapp : Responds to the petition
+ Webapp -> Webapp : Logs into the application
+ else users does not exist
+ Microservice --> Gateway_service: Responds with an error
+ Gateway_service --> Webapp : Forwards the petition
+ Webapp -> Webapp : Show the error
+ end
+else data is invalid
+ Microservice --> Gateway_service: Responds with some error(s)
+ Gateway_service --> Webapp: Forwards the respond
+ Webapp -> Webapp: Shows the error(s)
+=== Runtime Scenario: Generation of questions
+[plantuml,"Generation of questions",png]
+entity Microservice as "Question generator"
+entity Wikidata as "Wikidata"
+database Questions_database
+group Repeats after some time
+ Microservice -> Wikidata : Asks for information\nto generate questions
+ alt Wikidata is working
+ Wikidata --> Microservice : Returns the information
+ Microservice -> Microservice : Generates the question,\ncorrect answer and distractors
+ group Transaction
+ Microservice -> Questions_database : Removes questions that exist
+ Questions_database --> Microservice : Confirms remove operation
+ Microservice -> Questions_database : Saves the new questions
+ Questions_database --> Microservice : Confirms add operation
+ end group
+ end alt
+ Microservice -> Microservice : Goes to sleep
+end group
+=== Runtime Scenario: Play a game
+[plantuml,"Play a game",png]
actor User
-entity Frontend as "Webapp Frontend"
-entity Backend as "Webapp Backend"
-database DB
-User -> Frontend: request
-Frontend -> Backend: request
-Backend -> DB: request
-DB -> Backend: error/timeout
-Backend -> Backend: error handling
-Backend -> Frontend: DB error
-Frontend -> User: show error message
+entity Webapp as "Question game"
+entity Gateway_service as "Gateway service"
+entity Microservice1 as "Question service"
+entity Microservice2 as "Record service"
+database DB as "Questions database"
+database UDB as "Users database"
+Webapp -> Gateway_service: Sends a petition for questions\nwith some parameters
+Gateway_service -> Microservice1: Forwards the petition
+Microservice1 -> DB : Select some questions\nfor those parameters
+alt Database is working
+ DB --> Microservice1 : Retrieve some questions
+ Microservice1 -> Microservice1 : Formats the questions retrieved\ninto JSON format
+ Microservice1 --> Gateway_service: Responds with the JSON
+ Gateway_service --> Webapp : Forwards the respond
+ Webapp -> Webapp : Process the JSON and\nstarts the game
+ loop Till there are no more questions
+ alt Time has not run out
+ User -> Webapp : Clicks an answer
+ Webapp -> Webapp : Checks the answer
+ end alt
+ Webapp -> User : Show correct answer
+ end loop
+ Webapp -> User : Shows use the game statistics
+ Webapp -> Gateway_service : Sends the statistics of the game\nFire and forget
+ Gateway_service -> Microservice2 : Forwards the message
+ Microservice2 -> UDB : Saves the record
+ alt Users database is not working
+ Microservice2 -> Microservice2 : Saves the record\nwill try with next request\nto save both records
+ end alt
+else Database is not working
+ Microservice1 --> Gateway_service : Responds with an error
+ Gateway_service --> Webapp : Forwards the respond
+ Webapp -> Webapp : Process the error
+ Webapp --> User : Advise in a friendly way\n(Oven cannot bake\nquestions right now)
+=== Runtime Scenario: Accessing a record
+[plantuml,"Accessing a record",png]
+entity Webapp as "Record view"
+entity Gateway_service as "Gateway service"
+entity Microservice as "Record service"
+database DB as "Users_database"
+Webapp -> Gateway_service: Asks for the record\nof the logged user
+Gateway_service -> Microservice: Forward the petition\nto the specific microservice
+Microservice -> DB : Finds the user's record
+DB --> Microservice : Returns the user's record
+Microservice --> Gateway_service : Sends the respond
+Gateway_service --> Webapp : Forwards the respond
+Webapp -> Webapp : Parses the record\nand shows it
diff --git a/docs/src/07_deployment_view.adoc b/docs/src/07_deployment_view.adoc
index eaba8299..a161d91c 100644
--- a/docs/src/07_deployment_view.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/07_deployment_view.adoc
@@ -56,6 +56,61 @@ Describe (usually in a combination of diagrams, tables, and text):
For multiple environments or alternative deployments please copy and adapt this section of arc42 for all relevant environments.
+image::Deployed-Infrastructure.png["Deployed Infrastructure"]
+component User as "User"
+cloud "WIQ" {
+ rectangle "Azure - Ubuntu - Docker"{
+ component webapp as "Webapp"{
+ port 3000
+ }
+ rectangle "Internal network"{
+ database "MongoDB" {
+ folder "UsersDB" {
+ [Records]
+ [Users]
+ }
+ frame "QuestionsDB" {
+ [Questions]
+ }
+ }
+ component gs as "Gateway service"{
+ port 8000
+ }
+ component auths as "Authentication service"{
+ port 8002
+ }
+ component users as "User service"{
+ port 8001
+ }
+ component records as "Record service"{
+ port 8004
+ }
+ component questions as "Question service"{
+ port 8003
+ }
+ component qg as "Question generator"
+ }
+ }
+cloud "Wikidata"
+User -[dotted,#green,thickness=3]-> 3000
+webapp -[#green,thickness=3]-> 8000
+gs -[#red]-> 8002
+gs -[#red]-> 8001
+gs -[#red]-> 8004
+gs -[#red]-> 8003
+auths -[#red]-> Users
+users -[#red]-> Users
+records -[#red]-> Records
+questions -[#red]-> Questions
+qg -[#red]-> Questions
+qg -[dotted]-> Wikidata
+This diagram shows the infrastructure of our application when deployed.
=== Infrastructure Level 2
@@ -67,4 +122,3 @@ Here you can include the internal structure of (some) infrastructure elements fr
Please copy the structure from level 1 for each selected element.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/09_architecture_decisions.adoc b/docs/src/09_architecture_decisions.adoc
index d4c0636f..e87d7169 100644
--- a/docs/src/09_architecture_decisions.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/09_architecture_decisions.adoc
@@ -3,8 +3,23 @@ ifndef::imagesdir[:imagesdir: ../images]
== Architecture Decisions
The application will be carried out following a Microservices architecture. +
-The Rest API in charge of comunicating with WikiData will be coded using Java. +
-_(More details to de added)_
+The service in charge of comunicating with WikiData will be coded using Java.
+As the generation of questions is a huge part of our application we will play it safe by using Java, a language where most of the team is "fluent" at. +
+The backend will we develop using a combination of SpringBoot, for the question generation, and Express.
+The use of SpringBoot was a requirement in order to generate the questions in Java. +
+We will apply a data share strategy where we will load the questions generated and access them when needed through the backend.
+This is done to increase the efficiency, as questions are not generated when needed, and robustness of the application, as we can give service even if Wikidata is down. +
+We have done a redisign of the architecture of the project where we will implement the whole backend using Express.
+This was done to have a more homogeneus backend as we have de-coupled the question generation from the backend and we dont need all to be Java. +
diff --git a/docs/src/11_technical_risks.adoc b/docs/src/11_technical_risks.adoc
index 022fa93a..a0100905 100644
--- a/docs/src/11_technical_risks.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/11_technical_risks.adoc
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ In decision-making processes, we often face constraints. These constraints, know
### Risks
-There is the table of risks the team is taking for development purposes ordered by priority.
+There is the table of risks the team is taking for development purposes.
-| *Insufficient knowledge of React* | None of our team members worked with React before. | The people who's going to work on React are going to learn it.
+| *Insufficient knowledge of Tecnologies* | None of our team members worked with React nor Express nor MongoDB before. | The people who's going to work on these technologies are going to learn it which trades time for a better application as we use stronger technologies (React instead of HTML).
| *Working with a team* | It might be difficult working with people on projects, as every person has their own way of doing things. | Have weekly meetings deciding on what's going to get solved, how and by whom, keeping bus factor in mind.
| *Time* | It should be kept in mind that the team has deadlines with different requirements, demanding them to work regularly. | Have better time-management skills, keep track of and help each other to not waste any time on hard / complex parts of the project.
@@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ There is the table of technical debt shortcuts the team is taking sacrificing lo
|Technical debt|Explanation
-| *Azure* | The team has experience with Microsoft Azure and decided to use it again. The full implementation is not planned yet.
+| *CORS* | The team has fully enabled CORS through the backend this is a risk as external users can access endpoints like adduser
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/12_glossary.adoc b/docs/src/12_glossary.adoc
index b5ba9d7a..ec89a6b1 100644
--- a/docs/src/12_glossary.adoc
+++ b/docs/src/12_glossary.adoc
@@ -48,4 +48,7 @@ See https://docs.arc42.org/section-12/[Glossary] in the arc42 documentation.
|Anyone involved in the development process of the system, or that is affected by it somehow.
+|CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a mechanism that allows resources on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated.