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Eduardo Blanco Bielsa edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 12 revisions

Guide for using Markdown md

NodeJS and npm documentation node

SOLID documentation solid

Guide for using npm, test and deploy changes on documentation npm

  1. Check if it works locally opening the docs/build/index.html
  2. Only if it works, make a new commit and upload the new changes
  3. Run on terminal npm run deploy
  4. Wait for the deployment (usually 1~2 mins)

Guide for using .adoc adoc

Example of login form using NodeJS and MongoDB mongo

Check the following link to see an example of how to create a login form using NodeJS and MongoDB:

Leaflet documentation (Maps API library) πŸ“š

Express documentation node

Guide to use the restapi

  1. Create a .env with DATABASE_URL = mongodb+srv:// (I have the user and pass)
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. localhost:5000/api/ and you sould see {message: "Welcome to my Api"}
  5. To test localhost:5000/api/post you'll need Postman to inject data in the body.

Guide for deploying on AWS with docker node

Guide for using React node