index c7e0496b..a6e30cf2 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: rhino
 Title: A Framework for Enterprise Shiny Applications
     person("Kamil", "Żyła", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "opensource+kamil@appsilon.com"),
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Depends:
   R (>= 2.10)
   box (>= 1.1.3),
+  box.linters (>= 0.9.1),
@@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ Imports:
   testthat (>= 3.0.0),
-  xml2,
index 392b78ac..9a787719 100644
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
 # Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
@@ -20,3 +15,4 @@ export(pkg_remove)
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 1615853b..4f747fa9 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # rhino (development version)
-1. New `box_alphabetical_imports_linter` checks if all imports are alphabetically sorted.
+1. All linter functions migrated to `box.linters`. New rhino projects will be configured to use linters from `box.linters`. To migrate an existing rhino project, run:
+    ```r
+    box.linters::use_box_lintr(type = "rhino")
+    ```
 2. Update GitHub Workflow template triggers. To update your workflow run:
diff --git a/R/box_linters.R b/R/box_linters.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 987884ff..00000000
--- a/R/box_linters.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-# nolint start: line_length_linter
-#' `box` library alphabetical module and function imports linter
-#' Checks that module and function imports are sorted alphabetically. Aliases are
-#' ignored. The sort check is on package/module names and attached function names.
-#' See the [Explanation: Rhino style guide](https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html)
-#' to learn about the details.
-#' @return A custom linter function for use with `r-lib/lintr`.
-#' @examples
-#' # will produce lints
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(packageB, packageA)",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(package[functionB, functionA])",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(path/to/B, path/to/A)",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(path/to/A[functionB, functionA])",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(path/to/A[alias = functionB, functionA])",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' # okay
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(packageA, packageB)",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(package[functionA, functionB])",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(path/to/A, path/to/B)",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(path/to/A[functionA, functionB])",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(path/to/A[functionA, alias = functionB])",
-#'   linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' @export
-# nolint end
-box_alphabetical_calls_linter <- function() {
-  xpath_base <- "//SYMBOL_PACKAGE[(text() = 'box' and
-  following-sibling::SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'use'])]
-  /parent::expr
-  /parent::expr"
-  xpath <- paste(xpath_base, "
-  /child::expr[
-    descendant::SYMBOL
-  ]")
-  xpath_modules_with_functions <- paste(xpath_base, "
-  /child::expr[
-    descendant::SYMBOL and
-    descendant::OP-LEFT-BRACKET
-  ]")
-  xpath_functions <- "./descendant::expr/SYMBOL[
-    ../preceding-sibling::OP-LEFT-BRACKET and
-    ../following-sibling::OP-RIGHT-BRACKET
-  ]"
-  lint_message <- "Module and function imports must be sorted alphabetically."
-  lintr::Linter(function(source_expression) {
-    if (!lintr::is_lint_level(source_expression, "expression")) {
-      return(list())
-    }
-    xml <- source_expression$xml_parsed_content
-    xml_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml, xpath)
-    modules_called <- xml2::xml_text(xml_nodes)
-    modules_check <- modules_called == sort(modules_called)
-    unsorted_modules <- which(modules_check == FALSE)
-    module_lint <- lintr::xml_nodes_to_lints(
-      xml_nodes[unsorted_modules],
-      source_expression = source_expression,
-      lint_message = lint_message,
-      type = "style"
-    )
-    xml_nodes_with_functions <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_nodes, xpath_modules_with_functions)
-    function_lint <- lapply(xml_nodes_with_functions, function(xml_node) {
-      imported_functions <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_node, xpath_functions)
-      functions_called <- xml2::xml_text(imported_functions)
-      functions_check <- functions_called == sort(functions_called)
-      unsorted_functions <- which(functions_check == FALSE)
-      lintr::xml_nodes_to_lints(
-        imported_functions[unsorted_functions],
-        source_expression = source_expression,
-        lint_message = lint_message,
-        type = "style"
-      )
-    })
-    c(module_lint, function_lint)
-  })
-# nolint start: line_length_linter
-#' `box` library function import count linter
-#' Checks that function imports do not exceed the defined `max`.
-#' See the [Explanation: Rhino style guide](https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html)
-#' to learn about the details.
-#' @param max Maximum function imports allowed between `[` and `]`. Defaults to 8.
-#' @return A custom linter function for use with `r-lib/lintr`.
-#' @examples
-#' # will produce lints
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(package[one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine])",
-#'   linters = box_func_import_count_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(package[one, two, three, four])",
-#'   linters = box_func_import_count_linter(3)
-#' )
-#' # okay
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(package[one, two, three, four, five])",
-#'   linters = box_func_import_count_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(package[one, two, three])",
-#'   linters = box_func_import_count_linter(3)
-#' )
-#' @export
-# nolint end
-box_func_import_count_linter <- function(max = 8L) {
-  xpath <- glue::glue("//SYMBOL_PACKAGE[
-                      (text() = 'box' and
-                      following-sibling::SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'use'])
-                    ]
-  /parent::expr
-  /parent::expr
-  /descendant::OP-LEFT-BRACKET[
-    count(
-      following-sibling::expr[
-        count(. | ..//OP-RIGHT-BRACKET/preceding-sibling::expr) =
-          count(../OP-RIGHT-BRACKET/preceding-sibling::expr)
-      ]
-    ) > {max}
-  ]
-  /parent::expr")
-  lint_message <- glue::glue("Limit the function imports to a max of {max}.")
-  lintr::Linter(function(source_expression) {
-    if (!lintr::is_lint_level(source_expression, "file")) {
-      return(list())
-    }
-    xml <- source_expression$full_xml_parsed_content
-    bad_expr <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml, xpath)
-    lintr::xml_nodes_to_lints(
-      bad_expr,
-      source_expression = source_expression,
-      lint_message = lint_message,
-      type = "style"
-    )
-  })
-# nolint start: line_length_linter
-#' `box` library separate packages and module imports linter
-#' Checks that packages and modules are imported in separate `box::use()` statements.
-#' See the [Explanation: Rhino style guide](https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html)
-#' to learn about the details.
-#' @return A custom linter function for use with `r-lib/lintr`
-#' @examples
-#' # will produce lints
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(package, path/to/file)",
-#'   linters = box_separate_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(path/to/file, package)",
-#'   linters = box_separate_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' # okay
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(package1, package2)
-#'     box::use(path/to/file1, path/to/file2)",
-#'   linters = box_separate_calls_linter()
-#' )
-#' @export
-# nolint end
-box_separate_calls_linter <- function() {
-  xpath <- "
-  //SYMBOL_PACKAGE[(text() = 'box' and following-sibling::SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'use'])]
-  /parent::expr
-  /parent::expr[
-    (
-      ./child::expr[child::SYMBOL] or
-      ./child::expr[
-        child::expr[child::SYMBOL] and child::OP-LEFT-BRACKET
-      ]
-    ) and
-    ./child::expr[child::expr[child::OP-SLASH]]
-  ]
-  "
-  lint_message <- "Separate packages and modules in their respective box::use() calls."
-  lintr::Linter(function(source_expression) {
-    if (!lintr::is_lint_level(source_expression, "file")) {
-      return(list())
-    }
-    xml <- source_expression$full_xml_parsed_content
-    bad_expr <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml, xpath)
-    lintr::xml_nodes_to_lints(
-      bad_expr,
-      source_expression = source_expression,
-      lint_message = lint_message,
-      type = "style"
-    )
-  })
-# nolint start: line_length_linter
-#' `box` library trailing commas linter
-#' Checks that all `box:use` imports have a trailing comma. This applies to
-#' package or module imports between `(` and `)`, and, optionally, function imports between
-#' `[` and `]`. Take note that `lintr::commas_linter()` may come into play.
-#' See the [Explanation: Rhino style guide](https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html)
-#' to learn about the details.
-#' @param check_functions Boolean flag to include function imports between `[` and `]`.
-#' Defaults to FALSE.
-#' @return A custom linter function for use with `r-lib/lintr`
-#' @examples
-#' # will produce lints
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(base, rlang)",
-#'   linters = box_trailing_commas_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(
-#'    dplyr[select, mutate]
-#'   )",
-#'   linters = box_trailing_commas_linter()
-#' )
-#' # okay
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(base, rlang, )",
-#'   linters = box_trailing_commas_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(
-#'     dplyr[select, mutate],
-#'   )",
-#'   linters = box_trailing_commas_linter()
-#' )
-#' @export
-# nolint end
-box_trailing_commas_linter <- function(check_functions = FALSE) {
-  base_xpath <- "//SYMBOL_PACKAGE[
-    (
-      text() = 'box' and
-      following-sibling::SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'use']
-    )
-  ]
-  /parent::expr
-  "
-  right_paren_xpath <- paste(
-    base_xpath,
-    "/following-sibling::OP-RIGHT-PAREN[
-       preceding-sibling::*[1][not(self::OP-COMMA)]
-      ]
-    "
-  )
-  right_bracket_xpath <- paste(
-    base_xpath,
-    "/parent::expr
-      /descendant::OP-RIGHT-BRACKET[
-        preceding-sibling::*[1][
-          not(self::OP-COMMA) and
-          not(self::expr[
-            SYMBOL[text() = '...']
-          ])
-        ]
-      ]
-    "
-  )
-  lintr::Linter(function(source_expression) {
-    if (!lintr::is_lint_level(source_expression, "file")) {
-      return(list())
-    }
-    xml <- source_expression$full_xml_parsed_content
-    bad_right_paren_expr <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml, right_paren_xpath)
-    paren_lints <- lintr::xml_nodes_to_lints(
-      bad_right_paren_expr,
-      source_expression = source_expression,
-      lint_message = "Always have a trailing comma at the end of imports, before a `)`.",
-      type = "style"
-    )
-    bracket_lints <- NULL
-    if (check_functions) {
-      bad_right_bracket_expr <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml, right_bracket_xpath)
-      bracket_lints <- lintr::xml_nodes_to_lints(
-        bad_right_bracket_expr,
-        source_expression = source_expression,
-        lint_message = "Always have a trailing comma at the end of imports, before a `]`.",
-        type = "style"
-      )
-    }
-    c(paren_lints, bracket_lints)
-  })
-# nolint start: line_length_linter
-#' `box` library universal import linter
-#' Checks that all function imports are explicit. `package[...]` is not used.
-#' See the [Explanation: Rhino style guide](https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html)
-#' to learn about the details.
-#' @return A custom linter function for use with `r-lib/lintr`
-#' @examples
-#' # will produce lints
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(base[...])",
-#'   linters = box_universal_import_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(path/to/file[...])",
-#'   linters = box_universal_import_linter()
-#' )
-#' # okay
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(base[print])",
-#'   linters = box_universal_import_linter()
-#' )
-#' lintr::lint(
-#'   text = "box::use(path/to/file[do_something])",
-#'   linters = box_universal_import_linter()
-#' )
-#' @export
-# nolint end
-box_universal_import_linter <- function() {
-  lint_message <- "Explicitly declare imports rather than universally import with `...`."
-  xpath <- "
-  //SYMBOL_PACKAGE[(text() = 'box' and following-sibling::SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'use'])]
-    /parent::expr
-    /parent::expr
-    //SYMBOL[text() = '...']
-  "
-  lintr::Linter(function(source_expression) {
-    if (!lintr::is_lint_level(source_expression, "file")) {
-      return(list())
-    }
-    xml <- source_expression$full_xml_parsed_content
-    bad_expr <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml, xpath)
-    lintr::xml_nodes_to_lints(
-      bad_expr,
-      source_expression = source_expression,
-      lint_message = lint_message,
-      type = "style"
-    )
-  })
diff --git a/R/linters.R b/R/linters.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad8e83e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/linters.R
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# R CMD Check "notes" that all declared Imports in DESCRIPTION should be used. box.linters is not
+# used by the rhino package itself, but by the initialized rhino app. There are no calls to
+# box.linters in the R/ or tests/ folders. box.linters is called in the rhino app dot.lintr
+# template in inst/templates/app_structure. The following lines manually imports box.linters making
+# R CMD Check happy.
+#' @import box.linters
diff --git a/inst/templates/app_structure/dot.lintr b/inst/templates/app_structure/dot.lintr
index c285e634..da7cb04e 100644
--- a/inst/templates/app_structure/dot.lintr
+++ b/inst/templates/app_structure/dot.lintr
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
-    line_length_linter = line_length_linter(100),
-    box_alphabetical_calls_linter = rhino::box_alphabetical_calls_linter(),
-    box_func_import_count_linter = rhino::box_func_import_count_linter(),
-    box_separate_calls_linter = rhino::box_separate_calls_linter(),
-    box_trailing_commas_linter = rhino::box_trailing_commas_linter(),
-    box_universal_import_linter = rhino::box_universal_import_linter(),
-    object_usage_linter = NULL  # Does not work with `box::use()`.
+    defaults = box.linters::rhino_default_linters,
+    line_length_linter = line_length_linter(100)
diff --git a/inst/templates/unit_tests/tests/testthat/test-main.R b/inst/templates/unit_tests/tests/testthat/test-main.R
index 003ae7e8..b8ddd76a 100644
--- a/inst/templates/unit_tests/tests/testthat/test-main.R
+++ b/inst/templates/unit_tests/tests/testthat/test-main.R
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ box::use(
   testthat[expect_true, test_that],
-  app/main[server, ui],
+  app/main[server],
 test_that("main server works", {
diff --git a/man/box_alphabetical_calls_linter.Rd b/man/box_alphabetical_calls_linter.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6010a604..00000000
--- a/man/box_alphabetical_calls_linter.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/box_linters.R
-\title{\code{box} library alphabetical module and function imports linter}
-A custom linter function for use with \code{r-lib/lintr}.
-Checks that module and function imports are sorted alphabetically. Aliases are
-ignored. The sort check is on package/module names and attached function names.
-See the \href{https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html}{Explanation: Rhino style guide}
-to learn about the details.
-# will produce lints
-  text = "box::use(packageB, packageA)",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  text = "box::use(package[functionB, functionA])",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  text = "box::use(path/to/B, path/to/A)",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  text = "box::use(path/to/A[functionB, functionA])",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  text = "box::use(path/to/A[alias = functionB, functionA])",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-# okay
-  text = "box::use(packageA, packageB)",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  text = "box::use(package[functionA, functionB])",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  text = "box::use(path/to/A, path/to/B)",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  text = "box::use(path/to/A[functionA, functionB])",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  text = "box::use(path/to/A[functionA, alias = functionB])",
-  linters = box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
diff --git a/man/box_func_import_count_linter.Rd b/man/box_func_import_count_linter.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 50d04d1e..00000000
--- a/man/box_func_import_count_linter.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/box_linters.R
-\title{\code{box} library function import count linter}
-box_func_import_count_linter(max = 8L)
-\item{max}{Maximum function imports allowed between \code{[} and \verb{]}. Defaults to 8.}
-A custom linter function for use with \code{r-lib/lintr}.
-Checks that function imports do not exceed the defined \code{max}.
-See the \href{https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html}{Explanation: Rhino style guide}
-to learn about the details.
-# will produce lints
-  text = "box::use(package[one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine])",
-  linters = box_func_import_count_linter()
-  text = "box::use(package[one, two, three, four])",
-  linters = box_func_import_count_linter(3)
-# okay
-  text = "box::use(package[one, two, three, four, five])",
-  linters = box_func_import_count_linter()
-  text = "box::use(package[one, two, three])",
-  linters = box_func_import_count_linter(3)
diff --git a/man/box_separate_calls_linter.Rd b/man/box_separate_calls_linter.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 725ec8f5..00000000
--- a/man/box_separate_calls_linter.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/box_linters.R
-\title{\code{box} library separate packages and module imports linter}
-A custom linter function for use with \code{r-lib/lintr}
-Checks that packages and modules are imported in separate \code{box::use()} statements.
-See the \href{https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html}{Explanation: Rhino style guide}
-to learn about the details.
-# will produce lints
-  text = "box::use(package, path/to/file)",
-  linters = box_separate_calls_linter()
-  text = "box::use(path/to/file, package)",
-  linters = box_separate_calls_linter()
-# okay
-  text = "box::use(package1, package2)
-    box::use(path/to/file1, path/to/file2)",
-  linters = box_separate_calls_linter()
diff --git a/man/box_trailing_commas_linter.Rd b/man/box_trailing_commas_linter.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a804bff8..00000000
--- a/man/box_trailing_commas_linter.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/box_linters.R
-\title{\code{box} library trailing commas linter}
-box_trailing_commas_linter(check_functions = FALSE)
-\item{check_functions}{Boolean flag to include function imports between \code{[} and \verb{]}.
-Defaults to FALSE.}
-A custom linter function for use with \code{r-lib/lintr}
-Checks that all \code{box:use} imports have a trailing comma. This applies to
-package or module imports between \code{(} and \verb{)}, and, optionally, function imports between
-\code{[} and \verb{]}. Take note that \code{lintr::commas_linter()} may come into play.
-See the \href{https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html}{Explanation: Rhino style guide}
-to learn about the details.
-# will produce lints
-  text = "box::use(base, rlang)",
-  linters = box_trailing_commas_linter()
-  text = "box::use(
-   dplyr[select, mutate]
-  )",
-  linters = box_trailing_commas_linter()
-# okay
-  text = "box::use(base, rlang, )",
-  linters = box_trailing_commas_linter()
-  text = "box::use(
-    dplyr[select, mutate],
-  )",
-  linters = box_trailing_commas_linter()
diff --git a/man/box_universal_import_linter.Rd b/man/box_universal_import_linter.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index f57d0aed..00000000
--- a/man/box_universal_import_linter.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/box_linters.R
-\title{\code{box} library universal import linter}
-A custom linter function for use with \code{r-lib/lintr}
-Checks that all function imports are explicit. \code{package[...]} is not used.
-See the \href{https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html}{Explanation: Rhino style guide}
-to learn about the details.
-# will produce lints
-  text = "box::use(base[...])",
-  linters = box_universal_import_linter()
-  text = "box::use(path/to/file[...])",
-  linters = box_universal_import_linter()
-# okay
-  text = "box::use(base[print])",
-  linters = box_universal_import_linter()
-  text = "box::use(path/to/file[do_something])",
-  linters = box_universal_import_linter()
diff --git a/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml b/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml
index 6cd9b0d2..17ab1894 100644
--- a/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml
+++ b/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml
@@ -148,14 +148,6 @@ reference:
   - diagnostics
   - test_e2e
-- title: Linters
-  contents:
-  - box_alphabetical_calls_linter
-  - box_func_import_count_linter
-  - box_separate_calls_linter
-  - box_trailing_commas_linter
-  - box_universal_import_linter
 - title: Data
   - rhinos
diff --git a/tests/e2e/app-files/hello.R b/tests/e2e/app-files/hello.R
index 44f36947..42b28ac4 100644
--- a/tests/e2e/app-files/hello.R
+++ b/tests/e2e/app-files/hello.R
@@ -1,40 +1,30 @@
-  shiny[           # nolint
-    actionButton,
-    bootstrapPage,
-    isolate,
-    moduleServer,
-    NS,
-    observe,
-    observeEvent,
-    renderText,
-    tags,
-    textInput,
-    textOutput
-  ],
+  shiny,
-box::use(app/logic/say_hello[say_hello], )
+  app/logic/say_hello[say_hello],
 #' @export
 ui <- function(id) {
-  ns <- NS(id)
-  bootstrapPage(
-    tags$div(
+  ns <- shiny$NS(id)
+  shiny$bootstrapPage(
+    shiny$tags$div(
       class = "input-and-click",
-      textInput(ns("name"), label = NULL, value = NULL),
-      actionButton(ns("say_hello"), label = "Say Hello")
+      shiny$textInput(ns("name"), label = NULL, value = NULL),
+      shiny$actionButton(ns("say_hello"), label = "Say Hello")
-    textOutput(ns("message"))
+    shiny$textOutput(ns("message"))
 #' @export
 server <- function(id) {
-  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+  shiny$moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
     ns <- session$ns
-    observe({
+    shiny$observe({
       is_name_empty <- is.null(input$name) || input$name == ""
@@ -43,9 +33,9 @@ server <- function(id) {
-    observeEvent(
+    shiny$observeEvent(
       input$say_hello, {
-        output$message <- renderText(say_hello(isolate(input$name)))
+        output$message <- shiny$renderText(say_hello(shiny$isolate(input$name)))
diff --git a/tests/e2e/app-files/say_hello.R b/tests/e2e/app-files/say_hello.R
index c69dbd17..7e221c9c 100644
--- a/tests/e2e/app-files/say_hello.R
+++ b/tests/e2e/app-files/say_hello.R
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#' @export
 say_hello <- function(name) {
   paste0("Hello, ", name, "!")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_alphabetical.R b/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_alphabetical.R
deleted file mode 100644
index e6ae9924..00000000
--- a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_alphabetical.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-test_that("box_alphabetical_calls_linter() skips allowed box::use() calls", {
-  linter <- box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  good_box_calls_1 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr,
-    shiny,
-    tidyr,
-  )"
-  good_box_calls_2 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/fileA,
-    path/to/fileB,
-    path/to/fileC,
-  )"
-  good_box_calls_3 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[filter, mutate, select],
-    shiny,
-    tidyr[long, pivot, wide],
-  )"
-  good_box_calls_4 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/fileA[functionA, functionB, functionC],
-    path/to/fileB,
-    path/to/fileC[functionD, functionE, functionF],
-  )"
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_1, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_2, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_3, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_4, NULL, linter)
-test_that("box_alphabetical_calls_linter() ignores aliases in box::use() calls", {
-  linter <- box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  good_box_calls_alias_1 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr,
-    alias = shiny,
-    tidyr,
-  )"
-  good_box_calls_alias_2 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/fileA,
-    a = path/to/fileB,
-    path/to/fileC,
-  )"
-  good_box_calls_alias_3 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[filter, alias = mutate, select],
-    shiny,
-    tidyr[long, pivot, wide],
-  )"
-  good_box_calls_alias_4 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/fileA[functionA, alias = functionB, functionC],
-    path/to/fileB,
-    path/to/fileC[functionD, functionE, functionF],
-  )"
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_alias_1, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_alias_2, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_alias_3, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_alias_4, NULL, linter)
-test_that("box_alphabetical_calls_linter() blocks unsorted imports in box::use() call", {
-  linter <- box_alphabetical_calls_linter()
-  bad_box_calls_1 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr,
-    tidyr,
-    shiny,
-  )"
-  bad_box_calls_2 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/fileC,
-    path/to/fileB,
-    path/to/fileA,
-  )"
-  bad_box_calls_3 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[filter, mutate, select],
-    shiny,
-    tidyr[wide, pivot, long],
-  )"
-  bad_box_calls_4 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[select, mutate, filter],
-    shiny,
-    tidyr[wide, pivot, long],
-  )"
-  bad_box_calls_5 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/fileA[functionC, functionB, functionA],
-    path/to/fileB,
-    path/to/fileC[functionD, functionE, functionF],
-  )"
-  bad_box_calls_6 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/fileA[functionC, functionB, functionA],
-    path/to/fileB,
-    path/to/fileC[functionF, functionE, functionD],
-  )"
-  lint_message <- rex::rex("Module and function imports must be sorted alphabetically.")
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_calls_1, list(
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 3),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 4)
-  ), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_calls_2, list(
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 2),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 4)
-  ), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_calls_3, list(
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 4, column_number = 11),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 4, column_number = 24)
-  ), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_calls_4, list(
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 2, column_number = 11),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 2, column_number = 27),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 4, column_number = 11),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 4, column_number = 24)
-  ), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_calls_5, list(
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 2, column_number = 19),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 2, column_number = 41)
-  ), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_calls_6, list(
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 2, column_number = 19),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 2, column_number = 41),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 4, column_number = 19),
-    list(message = lint_message, line_number = 4, column_number = 41)
-  ), linter)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_func_import_count_linter.R b/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_func_import_count_linter.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d080c91..00000000
--- a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_func_import_count_linter.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-lint_message <- function(max = 5L) {
-  rex::rex(glue::glue("Limit the function imports to a max of {max}."))
-test_that("box_func_import_count_linter skips allowed function count.", {
-  linter <- box_func_import_count_linter(max = 5)
-  five_function_imports <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[
-      arrange,
-      select,
-      mutate,
-      distinct,
-      filter,
-    ],
-  )"
-  five_function_imports_inline <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[arrange, select, mutate, distinct, filter, ],
-  )"
-  lintr::expect_lint(five_function_imports, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(five_function_imports_inline, NULL, linter)
-test_that("box_func_import_count_linter skips allowed function count supplied max", {
-  linter <- box_func_import_count_linter(max = 3)
-  three_function_imports <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[
-      arrange,
-      select,
-      mutate,
-    ],
-  )"
-  three_function_imports_inline <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[arrange, select, mutate, ],
-  )"
-  lintr::expect_lint(three_function_imports, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(three_function_imports_inline, NULL, linter)
-test_that("box_func_import_count_linter blocks function imports more than max", {
-  max <- 5
-  linter <- box_func_import_count_linter(max = max)
-  lint_msg <- lint_message(max)
-  six_function_imports <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[
-      arrange,
-      select,
-      mutate,
-      distinct,
-      filter,
-      slice,
-    ],
-  )"
-  six_function_imports_inline <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[arrange, select, mutate, distinct, filter, slice, ],
-  )"
-  lintr::expect_lint(six_function_imports, list(message = lint_msg), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(six_function_imports_inline, list(message = lint_msg), linter)
-test_that("box_func_import_count_linter resepect # nolint", {
-  linter <- box_func_import_count_linter()
-  no_lint <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[        # nolint
-      arrange,
-      select,
-      mutate,
-      distinct  
-    ],  
-  )"
-  no_lint_inline <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[arrange, select, mutate, distinct], # nolint
-  )"
-  lintr::expect_lint(no_lint, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(no_lint_inline, NULL, linter)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_separate_calls_linter.R b/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_separate_calls_linter.R
deleted file mode 100644
index a8219062..00000000
--- a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_separate_calls_linter.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-test_that("box_separate_calls_linter skips allowed box::use() calls", {
-  linter <- box_separate_calls_linter()
-  good_box_calls_1 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr,
-    shiny,
-  )
-  box::use(
-    path/to/file1,
-    path/to/file2,
-  )"
-  good_box_calls_2 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr[filter, select],
-    shiny,
-  )
-  box::use(
-    path/to/file1[function1, function2],
-    path/to/file2,
-  )"
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_1, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_box_calls_2, NULL, linter)
-test_that("box_separate_calls_linter blocks packages and modules in same box::use() call", {
-  linter <- box_separate_calls_linter()
-  bad_box_call_1 <- "box::use(
-    dplyr,
-    path/to/file,
-  )"
-  bad_box_call_2 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file,
-    dplyr,
-  )"
-  bad_box_call_3 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file,
-    dplyr[filter, select],
-  )"
-  bad_box_call_4 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file[function1, function2],
-    dplyr,
-  )"
-  bad_box_call_5 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file[function1, function2],
-    dplyr[filter, select],
-  )"
-  bad_box_call_6 <- "box::use(
-    a = path/to/file,
-    dplyr,
-  )"
-  bad_box_call_7 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file,
-    a = dplyr,
-  )"
-  bad_box_call_8 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file,
-    dplyr[a = filter, select],
-  )"
-  bad_box_call_9 <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file[a = function1, function2],
-    dplyr,
-  )"
-  lint_message <- rex::rex("Separate packages and modules in their respective box::use() calls.")
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_call_1, list(message = lint_message), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_call_2, list(message = lint_message), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_call_3, list(message = lint_message), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_call_4, list(message = lint_message), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_call_5, list(message = lint_message), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_call_6, list(message = lint_message), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_call_7, list(message = lint_message), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_call_8, list(message = lint_message), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_box_call_9, list(message = lint_message), linter)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_trailing_commas_linter.R b/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_trailing_commas_linter.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aadc0ab..00000000
--- a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_trailing_commas_linter.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-test_that("box_trailing_commas_linter skips allowed package import usage", {
-  linter <- box_trailing_commas_linter()
-  good_package_commas <- "box::use(
-    dplyr,
-    stringr[
-      select,
-      mutate
-    ],
-  )"
-  good_package_commas_inline <- "box::use(dplyr, stringr[select, mutate], )"
-  good_module_commas <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file1,
-    path/to/file2[
-      first_function,
-      second_function
-    ],
-  )"
-  good_module_commas_inline <- "box::use(path/to/file1, path/to/file2, )"
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_package_commas, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_package_commas_inline, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_module_commas, NULL, linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_module_commas_inline, NULL, linter)
-test_that("box_trailing_commas_linter blocks no trailing commas in package imports", {
-  linter <- box_trailing_commas_linter()
-  bad_package_commas <- "box::use(
-    dplyr,
-    stringr
-  )"
-  bad_package_commas_inline <- "box::use(dplyr, stringr)"
-  paren_lint_msg <- rex::rex("Always have a trailing comma at the end of imports, before a `)`.")
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_package_commas, list(message = paren_lint_msg), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_package_commas_inline, list(message = paren_lint_msg), linter)
-test_that("box_trailing_commas_linter check_functions = TRUE blocks no trailing commas", {
-  linter <- box_trailing_commas_linter(check_functions = TRUE)
-  bracket_lint_msg <- rex::rex("Always have a trailing comma at the end of imports, before a `]`.")
-  bad_package_function_commas <- "box::use(
-    dplyr,
-    stringr[
-      select,
-      mutate
-    ],
-  )"
-  bad_pkg_function_commas_inline <- "box::use(stringr[select, mutate],)"
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_package_function_commas, list(message = bracket_lint_msg), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_pkg_function_commas_inline, list(message = bracket_lint_msg), linter)
-test_that("box_trailing_comma_linter blocks no trailing commas in module imports", {
-  linter <- box_trailing_commas_linter()
-  bad_module_commas <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file1,
-    path/to/file2
-  )"
-  bad_module_commas_inline <- "box::use(path/to/file1, path/to/file2)"
-  paren_lint_msg <- rex::rex("Always have a trailing comma at the end of imports, before a `)`.")
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_module_commas, list(message = paren_lint_msg), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_module_commas_inline, list(message = paren_lint_msg), linter)
-test_that("box_trailing_commas_linter check_functions = TRUE blocks no trailing commas", {
-  linter <- box_trailing_commas_linter(check_functions = TRUE)
-  bad_module_function_commas <- "box::use(
-    path/to/file2[
-      first_function,
-      second_function
-    ],
-  )"
-  bad_mod_function_commas_inline <- "box::use(path/to/file2[first_function, second_function], )"
-  bracket_lint_msg <- rex::rex("Always have a trailing comma at the end of imports, before a `]`.")
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_module_function_commas, list(message = bracket_lint_msg), linter)
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_mod_function_commas_inline, list(message = bracket_lint_msg), linter)
-test_that("box_trailing_commas_linter should not lint outside of `box::use()`", {
-  linter <- box_trailing_commas_linter()
-  should_not_lint <- "x <- c(1, 2, 3)"
-  lintr::expect_lint(should_not_lint, NULL, linter)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_universal_import_linter.R b/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_universal_import_linter.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f4e39bb..00000000
--- a/tests/testthat/test-linter_box_universal_import_linter.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-test_that("box_universal_count_linter skips allowed package import usage", {
-  linter <- box_universal_import_linter()
-  good_package_imports <- "box::use(
-      dplyr[select, mutate, ],
-      stringr[str_sub, str_match, ],
-    )
-  "
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_package_imports, NULL, linter)
-test_that("box_universal_count_linter skips allowed module import usage", {
-  linter <- box_universal_import_linter()
-  good_module_imports <- "box::use(
-      path/to/file1[do_something, do_another, ],
-      path/to/file2[find_x, find_y, ],
-    )
-  "
-  lintr::expect_lint(good_module_imports, NULL, linter)
-test_that("box_universal_count_linter blocks disallowed package import usage", {
-  linter <- box_universal_import_linter()
-  bad_package_imports <- "box::use(
-      dplyr[...],
-      stringr[str_sub, str_match, ],
-    )
-  "
-  lint_msg <- rex::rex("Explicitly declare imports rather than universally import with `...`.")
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_package_imports, list(message = lint_msg), linter)
-test_that("box_universal_count_linter blocks disallowed module import usage", {
-  linter <- box_universal_import_linter()
-  bad_module_imports <- "box::use(
-      path/to/file1[...],
-      path/to/file2[find_x, find_y, ],
-    )
-  "
-  lint_msg <- rex::rex("Explicitly declare imports rather than universally import with `...`.")
-  lintr::expect_lint(bad_module_imports, list(message = lint_msg), linter)
-test_that("box_universal_count_linter skips three dots in function declarations and calls", {
-  linter <- box_universal_import_linter()
-  function_with_three_dots <- "some_function <- function(...) {
-      sum(...)
-    }
-  "
-  lintr::expect_lint(function_with_three_dots, NULL, linter)
-test_that("box_universal_count_linter respects #nolint", {
-  linter <- box_universal_import_linter()
-  no_lint <- "box::use(
-      shiny[...],         # nolint
-    )
-  "
-  lintr::expect_lint(no_lint, NULL, linter)