Releases: Antergos/Cnchi
Cnchi 0.4.2
Xfce bug solved with new pyalpm code.
Hide user password in LUKS configuration
Cnchi v0.4.2-alpha (new pyalpm interface)
Cnchi v0.4.2-alpha (new pyalpm interface)
Cnchi 0.4.1
Final stable version of Cnchi for new ISO release
Cnchi (LUKS and LVM in Automatic Install)
Check for changes and bugfixes
Cnchi (LUKS and LVM in Automatic Install)
Among other things, this release has LUKS and LVM automatic creation in automatic installation mode.
Also, It can get all xz package files from a directory and use them to speed the installation of Antergos (Cnchi will only use the latest versions, so if there're some newer packages on the Internet it will download and use them instead of the "cached" ones).
Look at for all solved issues in this version.