Welcome to my second project, this is a backend project made with NodeJS, Express, MongoDB and SocketIO
This project is made for queue management with a ticket/desk system.
This project consists in 4 pages:
Main page which leads to the other 3 pages
You can create new tickets and then assignate any of them to a particular desk which will have the responsability to serve it, any ticket you create will be considered a pending ticket (no desk assignated)
You can go to any desk number and start serving tickets for that particular desk, any ticket you serve will be updated in the queue
You can see in real time which are the currently served tickets (only displays the last 4) and plays a sound everytime a new ticket is served
Currently this project is deployed with Heroku, so it doesn't own an official domain.
Feature suggestion? Bug to report?
Before opening any issue, please search for existing issues (open and closed) and read the Contributing Guidelines.
Free software. Do whatever the hell you want with it.
Ticket Queues is released under the MIT license.