Bengsen, A. J., Silva, F., Parker, L. (2023) Feral Pig Disease Surveillance in NSW. National Feral Pig Conference, Cairns, June 2023.
Bengsen, A. J. (2023) Wildlife Disease Surveillance and Modelling. NSW DPI Invasive Species Biosecurity seminar series, March 2023.
Bengsen, A. J. (2022) A Series of Porcine-ite Events. Centre for Invasive Species Solutions Balanced Researcher / Balanced Scientist Program event, Canberra, September 2022.
Bengsen, A. J. (2022) Spatial Behaviour of Fallow Deer in NSW. NSW DPI Deer Management Masterclass, Tamworth, August 2022.
Bengsen, A. J. (2022) Aerial Deer Survey. NSW DPI Deer Management Masterclass, Tamworth, August 2022.
Bengsen, A. J., Forsyth, D. M., Pople, A., Brennan, M., Amos, M., Leeson, M., Cox, T., Gray, R., Orgill, O., Hampton, J. O., Crittle, T., Haebich, K. (2022) Costs and Effectiveness of Aerial Shooting Operations. NSW DPI Deer Management Masterclass, Tamworth, August 2022.
Bengsen, A. J., Forsyth, D. M., Pople, A., Brennan, M., Amos, M., Leeson, M., Cox, T., Gray, R., Orgill, O., Hampton, J. O., Crittle, T., Haebich, K. (2022) Costs and Effectiveness of Aerial Shooting Operations. Presentation to Hunter Local Land Services, May 2022.
Bengsen, A. J., Forsyth, D. M., Pople, A., Brennan, M., Amos, M., Leeson, M., Cox, T., Gray, R., Orgill, O., Hampton, J. O., Crittle, T., Haebich, K. (2021) Functional Response and the Effort-Outcomes Relationship for Aerial Shooting of Deer. Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, online.
Bengsen, A. J. 2021 Practicalities of camera trapping to detect and count feral pigs. National Feral Pig Action Plan Stakeholder Forum.
Bengsen, A. J., Forsyth, D. M., Ramsey, D. (2019) Camera trap methods for estimating densities of deer and poorly-marked species. Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, Darwin.
Bengsen, A. J., Forsyth, D. M., Ramsey, D. (2019) Camera trap survey methods for estimating changes in deer density and occurrence. NSW Vertebrate Pest Symposium, Coffs Harbour.