Rate-It is a link aggregation platform centered around the concept of decks
Each deck is a collection of related posts, where each post contains a title,
URL, and description.
Posts within a deck can be organized into fields. For example, a "Python Learning" deck might have fields like "Python Syntax", "Practice", "MOOC", and "OOP", each containing relevant post entries.
- The posts within each field are displayed in a tabular format.
Decks can be set as either public or private. Public decks can be discovered and shared on the platform's homepage, while private decks are accessible only to the creator.
- Here is an example:
- Testing: You can test various scenarios by configuring different instances of the application.
- Deployment: Easily deploy multiple instances of the same application for different versions or settings.
- Error Handling: In production mode, receive email notifications for 5XX HTTP errors along with the error details.
- Refactoring: Simple to refactor and utilize the project as a boilerplate for new projects.
- Security: Solid security defaults for cookies, XSS, etc. Refer to
for details. - Minimal Resources: Uses minimal CSS and JS, relying only on HTMX (about 15kb compressed).
Note: The application itself does not compress responses or modify request headers. These tasks should be handled by the server, and setting CSP headers is crucial for XSS protection.
Clone the project
git clone https://git.cschad.com/rate-it.git
cd rate-it
python3 -m venv myvenv
source myvenv/bin/activate
Install dependencies in virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
- The app supports Cloudflare's Captcha! So if you which to use it, add your credentials.
export PROJECT_NAME="Rate it"
export SECRET_KEY="My_very_hard_to_guess_secret_key"
export TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY="0x40000000000"
export TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY="0x400000000000000"
## For /login /signup etc, Mail is needed
export MAIL_SERVER="mail.cschad.com"
export MAIL_PORT="587"
export MAIL_USERNAME="[email protected]"
export MAIL_PASSWORD="My mail password"
export MAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX="[Error]"
export MAIL_DEFAULT_RECIPIENT="[email protected]"
export MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER='"Rate it" <[email protected]>'
The database instance will be created under ./instances/db/*.db
By default the app will run in development mode! (You can make changes by setting the config_name
in run.py to production
So a /db/development.db file will be created.
python manage.py
## Locally
python run.py # Or export FLASK_APP=run.py && flask run
## Or With gunicorn (Production)
gunicorn --workers 4 run:app --bind ''
This application uses the following modules:
- Flask
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-WTF
- Flask-Mail
- Flask-Login
- Flask-Mailman
- Flask-Admin
- Flask-Htmx
- email_validator
- requests (Only for the /check-url route in posts/routes.py)
Note: All routes of Flask-Admin have been stripped away! The app registers three blueprints: (main, posts, users)
- you can access admin interface by adding /admin in your base url
Endpoint Methods Rule
-------------------------- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------
main.about GET /about
main.contact_us GET, POST /contact-us
main.disclaimer GET /disclaimer
main.filter_by GET /category/<string:by>
main.filter_by GET /category/<string:by>/<int:page>
main.home GET /<int:page>
main.home GET /
main.privacy GET /privacy
main.remove GET /remove
main.search GET, POST /search/
main.search GET /search/<string:select>/
main.search GET /search/<string:select>/<int:page>/
main.tac GET /Terms-and-conditions
main.toggle_theme GET /toggle-theme
posts.add POST /add/<string:deck_id>
posts.add GET /add/<string:deck_id>/<string:deck_name>
posts.check_url POST /check-url
posts.decks GET /decks
posts.decks GET /decks/<int:page>
posts.edit_post DELETE, GET, PUT /posts/<string:deck_id>/<string:post_id>/
posts.like GET, PUT /like
posts.new GET, POST /new
posts.rbtn PUT /rbtn
posts.report GET, POST /report-deck/<int:deck_id>
posts.single_deck DELETE, GET, PUT /deck/<int:deck_id>
posts.table GET /tables/<string:deck_id>/
posts.table GET /tables/<string:deck_id>/<string:deck_name>
posts.table GET /tables/<string:deck_id>/<string:deck_name>/<int:page>/
posts.vote PUT /vote/<string:post_id>/<int:vote_type>
static GET /static/<path:filename>
users.account GET /account
users.change_password GET, POST /change/password
users.confirm_account GET, POST /confirm/account/<secretstring>
users.delete_account DELETE /delete/account
users.delete_decks DELETE /delete/decks
users.login GET, POST /login
users.logout GET /logout
users.reset_password GET, POST /reset/password
users.signup GET, POST /signup
users.update_settings GET, POST /update/settings
users.user_change_password GET, POST /change/password/settings
users.user_gravatar PUT /user/gravatar