This document describes the output produced by the pipeline.
The pipeline is built using Nextflow and processes data using the following steps:
- Read Trimming - read trimming with cutadapt
- Read Alignment - mapping trimmed reads with bowtie2
- Quality Control - generating FastQC and bamQC reports
- Pipeline Info - reports from nextflow about the pipeline run
Input reads will be trimmed with cutadapt, and output to a new directory if specified by the user.
Output directory: ./trimming
Depending on which options are specified to the pipeline, trimmed reads will be aligned with bowtie2.
Output directory: ./mapping
Following trimming, the pipeline will generate FastQC reports for each new set of reads. Following alignment, the pipeline will generate bamQC reports for each BAM file.
Output directory: ./trimming
Output directory: ./mapping/<sample>
Nextflow has several built-in reporting tools that give information about the pipeline run.
Output directory: ./
- DAG graph giving a diagrammatic view of the pipeline run.
- NB: If Graphviz was not installed when running the pipeline, this file will be in DOT format instead of SVG.
- Nextflow report describing parameters, computational resource usage and task bash commands used.
- A waterfall timeline plot showing the running times of the workflow tasks.
- A text file with machine-readable statistics about every task executed in the pipeline.