Paper title:
MaxNVM: Maximizing DNN Storage Density and Inference Efficiency with Sparse Encoding and Error Mitigation
Problems to Solve:
For state-of-the-art DNN hardware accelerators, fetching weights from DRAM is a main performance and energy bottleneck, limiting inference efficiency. Ideally, DNNs weights would be stored entirely on-chip. However, even with aggressive weight compression, the capacity requirements are unrealistic for storage in on-chip SRAM.
Emerging embedded non-volatile memory (eNVM) technologies are one promising solution for eliminating DRAM inefficiencies. Compared to SRAM, eNVMs provide high-capacity, low read-latency storage and can be significantly denser than SRAM. More importantly, eNVMs have multi-level cell (MLC) capabilities. With these superior characteristics, it is promising to put all weight parameters on-chip and hence eliminate data transfer from/to off-chip memory which cause significant performance and energy inefficiency.
Major Contributions:
Generally, DNN weights are sparse. Employing lossless sparse encodings to reduce required storage would be strictly beneficial for traditional memory technologies like SRAM. If MLC capabilities of eNVMs can be fully employed and combined with existed sparse encoding technologies, then it is promising to fit all weights on-chip. However, real eNVM device is not ideal, inter-level fault often occurs due to intrinsic randomness of physical mechanism. Unfortunately, data structures of sparse encoding are vulnerable to inter-level faults of MLC. Simply combine both technologies will cause significant accuracy loss. This paper mainly solve this incompatibility and the major contributions can be summarized as follows:
This paper considers fault-prone MLC eNVMs and sparse encoded weights. Under the restriction of not reducing accuracy, the paper studies the vulnerability of sparse encoding to MLC inter-level faults and determines the highest configuration of number of bits per cell. Results show that MLC capability cannot be fully employed, that is, number of bits per cell cannot be set as the maximum in order to avoid significant accuracy loss.
To further increase storage density, this paper improves DNN fault tolerance using protective logic. Index Synchronization, a proposed fault mitigation technique, and ECC are considered. With judicious use, the total number of required memory cells to store DNN weights decreases by up to 22% with proposed technique, and ECC overhead is never more than 1% of total DNN storage. Optimal MLC designs provide up to 29× area reduction relative to SLC eNVM.
To fit weight parameters on-chip, many techniques, such as sparse encoding, MLC, ECC, are used, which result in a large design space. This paper presents a principled co-design method to consider algorithm-to-circuit effects and maximize benefit. When proposing this new memory system with co-design approach for NVDLA, weights for state-of-the-art CNNs can fit on-chip, eliminating the need for DRAM. Compared to the baseline NVDLA implementation, MLC eNVMs enable up to 3.5× lower energy per inference and 3.2× lower power, enabling entirely on-chip ResNet50 inference in about 2mm2.