Paper title:
Efficient SpMV Operation for Large and Highly Sparse Matrices using Scalable Multi-way Merge Parallelization
Problem to solve:
Efficient SpMV operation on large problem like working set exceeds on-chip storage is severely constrained due to strong dependence on limited amount of fast random access memory to scale. Additionally, unstructured matrix with high sparsity poses difficulties as most solutions rely on exploitation of data locality.
Major contribution:
Novel merge parallelization scheme: A novel radix pre-sorter based scalable multi-way merge parallelization scheme that provides high throughput to saturate extreme bandwidth of 3D stacking technology, thus fully utilize off-chip bandwidth.
Scale for larger problems: enable Two-Step SpMV to scale for larger problems without significantly increasing on-chip fast memory requirement
Meta-data compression technique: Variable Length Delta Index (VLDI) can significantly reduce off-chip traffic and improve performance
Lessons learnt:
One of the paper’s target is to deal with large workload. During multi-way merge operation, the records in any particular list are accessed sequentially. However, in every cycle only one list dequeues a record and the selection of that list is practically random. For large problems lists will reside in the off-chip main memory and random accesses will cause poor utilization of off-chip bandwidth. So they proposed PRaP as a solution to this problem. The idea is to implement p independent Merge Cores (MCs) where each will only work on records with certain radix within the keys. For that purpose, each record streamed from DRAM is passed through a radix based pre-sorter and directed to its destination MC.