- Add your NewComponent.tsx to palette inside NewComponent folder
- Create NewComponent.stories.tsx and add the NewComponent stories
- Inside your NewComponent folder create index.tsx and
export * from './NewComponent'
- In src/storybook/storybook.requires.js
const getStories = () => {
return [
We use [Storybook](https://storybook.js.org/tutorials/intro-to-storybook/react-native/en/get-started/) to build and display our UI components in isolation.
**Run Storybook server**
Opens a web server and browser UI that runs alongside the simulator.
yarn storybook-server
**Run Storybook as standalone app**
Opens Storybook without loading the entire app (instead of `yarn start`).
yarn start-storybook
The screen can also be opened from the Dev Menu.
**Run Storybook**
Opens storybook as a screen in the app.
yarn storybook-ios yarn storybook-android
**Adding new storybook stories**
Make a file next to the file you want to make stories for, for example, if you want to make stories for `Checkbox.tsx`, make a file called `Checkbox.stories.tsx` next to it.
You can look for other stories files for reference, but the main structure is:
storiesOf("Checkbox", module)
.add("A Story Name", () => <Checkbox someProp="wow" />)
.add("Another Story Name", () => <Checkbox otherProps="NICE" />)