diff --git a/tgyuuAn/README.md b/tgyuuAn/README.md
index cbc8e16b..5f86a575 100644
--- a/tgyuuAn/README.md
+++ b/tgyuuAn/README.md
@@ -45,14 +45,15 @@
| 41차시 | 2024.03.04 | DP | 자두나무 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/148
| 42차시 | 2024.03.07 | DFS | 스도쿠 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/152
| 43차시 | 2024.03.10 | 이분 탐색 | 징검다리 건너기 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/157
-| 44차시 | 2023.03.13 | 트라이 | 개미굴 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/159
-| 45차시 | 2023.03.16 | 트라이 | 트라이 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/162
-| 46차시 | 2023.03.20 | 트라이 | AB | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/165
-| 47차시 | 2023.03.22 | 수학, 분할정복 | 너 봄에는 캡사이신이 맛있단다 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/167
-| 48차시 | 2023.03.25 | 벨만 포드 | 골목길 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/171
-| 49차시 | 2023.03.29 | DP | KCM Travel | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/174
+| 44차시 | 2024.03.13 | 트라이 | 개미굴 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/159
+| 45차시 | 2024.03.16 | 트라이 | 트라이 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/162
+| 46차시 | 2024.03.20 | 트라이 | AB | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/165
+| 47차시 | 2024.03.22 | 수학, 분할정복 | 너 봄에는 캡사이신이 맛있단다 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/167
+| 48차시 | 2024.03.25 | 벨만 포드 | 골목길 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/171
+| 49차시 | 2024.03.29 | DP | KCM Travel | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/174
| 50차시 | 2024.04.01 | BFS | 열쇠 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/175
-| 51차시 | 2023.04.07 | BFS | 과외맨 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/179
-| 52차시 | 2023.05.06 | 위상정렬 | 게임 개발 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/182
-| 53차시 | 2023.05.09 | 백트래킹 | 2048 (Easy) | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/184
+| 51차시 | 2024.04.07 | BFS | 과외맨 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/179
+| 52차시 | 2024.05.06 | 위상정렬 | 게임 개발 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/182
+| 53차시 | 2024.05.09 | 백트래킹 | 2048 (Easy) | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/184
+| 54차시 | 2024.05.14 | 다익스트라 | 미확인 도착지 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/185
diff --git "a/tgyuuAn/\353\213\244\354\235\265\354\212\244\355\212\270\353\235\274/\353\257\270\355\231\225\354\235\270 \353\217\204\354\260\251\354\247\200.py" "b/tgyuuAn/\353\213\244\354\235\265\354\212\244\355\212\270\353\235\274/\353\257\270\355\231\225\354\235\270 \353\217\204\354\260\251\354\247\200.py"
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fd5f947
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/tgyuuAn/\353\213\244\354\235\265\354\212\244\355\212\270\353\235\274/\353\257\270\355\231\225\354\235\270 \353\217\204\354\260\251\354\247\200.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+from heapq import *
+import sys
+INF = 50_000_001
+def input(): return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
+T = int(input())
+for _ in range(T):
+ cnt_node, cnt_edge, cnt_dedication = map(int, input().split())
+ start_node, g, h = map(int, input().split())
+ graph = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(int))
+ for _ in range(cnt_edge):
+ start, destination, cost = map(int,input().split())
+ graph[start][destination] = cost
+ graph[destination][start] = cost
+ node_dedications = set()
+ for _ in range(cnt_dedication):
+ node_dedications.add(int(input()))
+ table = [INF for _ in range(cnt_node+1)]
+ table[start_node] = 0
+ visited = set()
+ heap = []
+ heappush(heap, [0, start_node, 1])
+ flag = [1 for _ in range(cnt_node+1)]
+ while heap:
+ now_cost, now_node, now_flag = heappop(heap)
+ if now_node in visited: continue
+ visited.add(now_node)
+ if flag[now_node] == 1 and now_flag == 0: flag[now_node] = 0
+ for next_node in graph[now_node]:
+ cost = graph[now_node][next_node]
+ if (now_cost + cost) > table[next_node]: continue
+ table[next_node] = now_cost + cost
+ new_flag = now_flag
+ # 만약, 지금 움직이려는 도로가 냄새가 나는 도로였을 경우 flag를 0로 바꿈
+ if (now_node, next_node) in {(g, h), (h, g)}: new_flag = 0
+ heappush(heap, [now_cost + cost, next_node, new_flag])
+ answer = []
+ for dedication in node_dedications:
+ if flag[dedication] == 0: answer.append(dedication)
+ print(*sorted(answer))
\ No newline at end of file