diff --git "a/H0ngJu/DFS/\354\271\234\352\265\254\353\271\204.py" "b/H0ngJu/DFS/\354\271\234\352\265\254\353\271\204.py"
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4eaac63b
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/H0ngJu/DFS/\354\271\234\352\265\254\353\271\204.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import sys
+from collections import deque, defaultdict
+def input() : return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
+N, M, k = map(int, input().split())
+friend_money = list(map(int, input().split()))
+relation = defaultdict(set)
+visited = [0] * N
+total = 0
+for _ in range(M):
+ a, b = map(int, input().split())
+ relation[a-1].add(b-1)
+ relation[b-1].add(a-1)
+for i in range(N):
+ if not visited[i]:
+ visited[i] = True
+ friends = []
+ q = deque([i])
+ while q:
+ f = q.popleft()
+ friends.append(f)
+ for p in relation[f]:
+ if not visited[p]:
+ visited[p] = True
+ q.append(p)
+ if friends:
+ cost = min(friend_money[friend] for friend in friends)
+ total += cost
+if total <= k:
+ print(total)
+ print("Oh no")
diff --git a/H0ngJu/README.md b/H0ngJu/README.md
index d0ad3845..957950e0 100644
--- a/H0ngJu/README.md
+++ b/H0ngJu/README.md
@@ -26,5 +26,7 @@
| 22차시 | 2024.08.06 | 해시 | [의상](https://school.programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/42578) | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/224 |
| 23차시 | 2024.08.10 | 해시 | [베스트앨범](https://school.programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/42579) | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/227 |
| 24차시 | 2024.08.17 | BFS | [아기상어](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/16236) | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/233 |
+| 25차시 | 2024.08.17 | DFS | [친구비](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/16562) | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/234 |
+| 26차시 | 2024.08.24 | 그리디 | [신입사원](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/1946) | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/237 |
diff --git "a/H0ngJu/\352\267\270\353\246\254\353\224\224/\354\213\240\354\236\205\354\202\254\354\233\220.py" "b/H0ngJu/\352\267\270\353\246\254\353\224\224/\354\213\240\354\236\205\354\202\254\354\233\220.py"
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21d9e280
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/H0ngJu/\352\267\270\353\246\254\353\224\224/\354\213\240\354\236\205\354\202\254\354\233\220.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import sys
+def input(): return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
+T = int(input())
+for _ in range(T):
+ N = int(input())
+ apply = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(N)]
+ apply = sorted(apply)
+ top = 0
+ cnt = 1
+ for i in range(1, N):
+ if apply[i][1] < apply[top][1]:
+ top = i
+ cnt += 1
+ print(cnt)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alstjr7437/BFS/DSLR.py b/alstjr7437/BFS/DSLR.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a953c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alstjr7437/BFS/DSLR.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from collections import deque
+import sys
+input = sys.stdin.readline
+T = int(input())
+def command(register, cmd):
+ if cmd == 0:
+ return ((register * 2) % 10000, "D")
+ elif cmd == 1:
+ return (9999 if register == 0 else register - 1, "S")
+ elif cmd == 2:
+ return (register % 1000 * 10 + register // 1000, "L")
+ elif cmd == 3:
+ return (register // 10 + (register % 10) * 1000, "R")
+for _ in range(T):
+ A, B = map(int, input().split())
+ visited = [False] * 10000
+ visited[A] = True
+ queue = deque([(A, "")])
+ while queue:
+ cur, result = queue.popleft()
+ if cur == B:
+ print(result)
+ break
+ for i in range(4):
+ register, cmd = command(cur, i)
+ if not visited[register]:
+ visited[register] = True
+ queue.append((register, result + cmd))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alstjr7437/README.md b/alstjr7437/README.md
index ecfd040c..bd7fb9fd 100644
--- a/alstjr7437/README.md
+++ b/alstjr7437/README.md
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
| 27차시 | 2024.05.26 | 우선순위 큐 | 이중 우선순위 큐 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/198 |
| 28차시 | 2024.05.30 | 브루트 포스 | 카잉 달력 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/203 |
| 29차시 | 2024.06.11 | 이분 탐색 | 나무 자르기 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/210 |
-| 30차시 | 2024.06.19 | 방 번호 | 구현 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/211 |
-| 31차시 | 2024.06.19 | 게임 맵 최단거리 | BFS | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/218 |
-| 32차시 | 2024.08.15 | 과일 탕후루 | 투 포인터 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/230 |
\ No newline at end of file
+| 30차시 | 2024.06.19 | 구현 | 방 번호 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/211 |
+| 31차시 | 2024.06.19 | BFS | 게임 맵 최단거리 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/218 |
+| 32차시 | 2024.08.15 | 투 포인터 | 과일 탕후루 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/230 |
+| 33차시 | 2024.08.21 | BFS | DSLR | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/236 |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tgyuuAn/README.md b/tgyuuAn/README.md
index dfd14f36..aea5b0d5 100644
--- a/tgyuuAn/README.md
+++ b/tgyuuAn/README.md
@@ -77,5 +77,6 @@
| 68차시 | 2024.08.06 | 그리디 | 가희와 탑 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/226
| 69차시 | 2024.08.10 | 누적합, 수학 | 1의 개수 세기 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/228
| 70차시 | 2024.08.16 | 스택 | 탑 보기 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/232
+| 71차시 | 2024.08.20 | 다익스트라 | 다익스트라 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/235
| 72차시 | 2024.08.23 | DFS + 트리 | 등산 마니아 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/238
diff --git "a/tgyuuAn/\353\213\244\354\235\265\354\212\244\355\212\270\353\235\274/\355\232\241\353\213\250\353\263\264\353\217\204.py" "b/tgyuuAn/\353\213\244\354\235\265\354\212\244\355\212\270\353\235\274/\355\232\241\353\213\250\353\263\264\353\217\204.py"
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7cec57d
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/tgyuuAn/\353\213\244\354\235\265\354\212\244\355\212\270\353\235\274/\355\232\241\353\213\250\353\263\264\353\217\204.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+from heapq import *
+import sys
+def input(): return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
+MAX = 100_000 * 700_000 + 1
+N, M = map(int, input().split())
+graph = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list))
+for idx in range(1,M+1):
+ start, destination = map(int, input().split())
+ graph[start][destination].append(idx)
+ graph[destination][start].append(idx)
+costs = [MAX for _ in range(N+1)]
+visited = set()
+heap = [(0, 1)]
+while heap:
+ now_cost, now_idx = heappop(heap)
+ if now_idx in visited: continue
+ visited.add(now_idx)
+ if costs[now_idx] <= now_cost: continue
+ costs[now_idx] = now_cost
+ if now_idx == N: break
+ for neighbor in graph[now_idx]:
+ if neighbor in visited: continue
+ for neighbor_idx in graph[now_idx][neighbor]:
+ real_idx = now_cost % M
+ if real_idx < neighbor_idx:
+ heappush(heap, (neighbor_idx - real_idx + now_cost, neighbor))
+ else:
+ heappush(heap, (now_cost + M - real_idx + neighbor_idx, neighbor))
\ No newline at end of file