diff --git a/src/graphics/Graphics.jl b/src/graphics/Graphics.jl
index 19f7be989..4403b0c36 100644
--- a/src/graphics/Graphics.jl
+++ b/src/graphics/Graphics.jl
@@ -10,14 +10,12 @@ include("GraphvizWiringDiagrams.jl")
@reexport using .WiringDiagramLayouts
@reexport using .GraphvizGraphs
@reexport using .GraphvizWiringDiagrams
@reexport using .ComposeWiringDiagrams
@reexport using .TikZWiringDiagrams
-@reexport using .YFilesWiringDiagrams
function __init__()
@require Convex="f65535da-76fb-5f13-bab9-19810c17039a" begin
diff --git a/src/graphics/YFilesWiringDiagrams.jl b/src/graphics/YFilesWiringDiagrams.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7550826df..000000000
--- a/src/graphics/YFilesWiringDiagrams.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-""" Deserialize abstract wiring diagram from yFiles.
-Reads a wiring diagram from the GraphML dialect used by yEd and yFiles. Unlike
-the GraphML spec, the yEd data model does not explicitly include ports:
-- https://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/102/
-- https://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/2531/
-We infer the ports of boxes and their order from the geometry of the diagram.
-Thus, this module has the nature of a hack. While it may be useful for
-interactive and exploratory work, it should not be used in a production system.
-module YFilesWiringDiagrams
-export read_yfiles_diagram, parse_yfiles_diagram
-using LightXML
-using ...CategoricalAlgebra.CSets: incident
-using ...Graphs, ...WiringDiagrams
-import ...WiringDiagrams.GraphMLWiringDiagrams: parse_graphml_data_value,
- parse_graphml_metagraph
-using ..WiringDiagramLayouts: LayoutOrientation, TopToBottom, is_vertical
-# Data types
-struct BoxLayout
- box::Int
- input_coord_map::Dict # Map from coordinates to input ports
- output_coord_map::Dict # Map from coordinates to output ports
-# Deserialization
-""" Read a wiring diagram from a GraphML file created by yEd and yFiles.
-function read_yfiles_diagram(BoxValue::Type, WireValue::Type, filename::String; kw...)
- parse_yfiles_diagram(BoxValue, WireValue, LightXML.parse_file(filename); kw...)
-""" Parse a wiring diagram from a GraphML string or XML doc created by yFiles.
-function parse_yfiles_diagram(BoxValue::Type, WireValue::Type, s::AbstractString; kw...)
- parse_yfiles_diagram(BoxValue, WireValue, LightXML.parse_string(s); kw...)
-function parse_yfiles_diagram(BoxValue::Type, WireValue::Type, xdoc::XMLDocument;
- orientation::LayoutOrientation=TopToBottom, keep_labels::Bool=true)::WiringDiagram
- # Clean up GraphML keys before reading.
- xroot = root(xdoc)
- for xkey in xroot["key"]
- yfiles_type = attribute(xkey, "yfiles.type")
- if !isnothing(yfiles_type)
- if !has_attribute(xkey, "attr.name")
- set_attribute(xkey, "attr.name", yfiles_type)
- end
- if !has_attribute(xkey, "attr.type")
- set_attribute(xkey, "attr.type", "yfiles_$yfiles_type")
- end
- end
- end
- # Read the diagram's underlying graph as an attributed graph.
- graph = parse_graphml_metagraph(xdoc, directed=true)
- # Extract needed information from yFiles' "nodegraphics" and "edgegraphics"
- # and discard the rest. Keep custom data properties, except the blank
- # "description" property inserted by yEd.
- for v in 1:nv(graph)
- v_data = vprops(graph, v)
- if haskey(v_data, :description) && isempty(v_data[:description])
- delete!(v_data, :description)
- end
- node_graphics = pop!(v_data, :nodegraphics)
- if keep_labels & haskey(node_graphics, :label)
- v_data[:label] = node_graphics[:label]
- end
- end
- for edge in edges(graph)
- wire_data = eprops(graph, edge)
- if haskey(wire_data, :description) && isempty(wire_data[:description])
- delete!(wire_data, :description)
- end
- edge_graphics = pop!(wire_data, :edgegraphics)
- wire_data[:source_coord] = round(Int,
- edge_graphics[is_vertical(orientation) ? :source_x : :source_y])
- wire_data[:target_coord] = round(Int,
- edge_graphics[is_vertical(orientation) ? :target_x : :target_y])
- if keep_labels & haskey(edge_graphics, :label)
- wire_data[:label] = edge_graphics[:label]
- end
- end
- # Add boxes and their ports to diagram, including the outer box.
- diagram = WiringDiagram([], [])
- boxes = BoxLayout[]
- for v in 1:nv(graph)
- box_layout = if pop!(vprops(graph, v), :input, false)
- # Special case: diagram inputs.
- ports, coord_map = infer_output_ports(graph, v)
- add_input_ports!(diagram, ports)
- BoxLayout(input_id(diagram), Dict(), coord_map)
- elseif pop!(vprops(graph, v), :output, false)
- # Special case: diagram outputs.
- ports, coord_map = infer_input_ports(graph, v)
- add_output_ports!(diagram, ports)
- BoxLayout(output_id(diagram), coord_map, Dict())
- else
- # Generic case: a box.
- input_ports, input_coord_map = infer_input_ports(graph, v)
- output_ports, output_coord_map = infer_output_ports(graph, v)
- value = convert_from_graphml_data(BoxValue, vprops(graph, v))
- box_id = add_box!(diagram, Box(value, input_ports, output_ports))
- BoxLayout(box_id, input_coord_map, output_coord_map)
- end
- push!(boxes, box_layout)
- end
- # Add wires to diagram.
- for edge in edges(graph)
- wire_data = eprops(graph, edge)
- source, target = boxes[src(graph, edge)], boxes[tgt(graph, edge)]
- source_port = source.output_coord_map[pop!(wire_data, :source_coord)]
- target_port = target.input_coord_map[pop!(wire_data, :target_coord)]
- value = convert_from_graphml_data(WireValue, wire_data)
- add_wire!(diagram, Wire(value,
- (source.box, source_port) => (target.box, target_port)))
- end
- diagram
-function infer_input_ports(graph::PropertyGraph, v::Int)
- in_edges = incident(graph.graph, v, :tgt)
- in_coords = [ get_eprop(graph, edge, :target_coord) for edge in in_edges ]
- infer_ports_from_coordinates(in_coords)
-function infer_output_ports(graph::PropertyGraph, v::Int)
- out_edges = incident(graph.graph, v, :src)
- out_coords = [ get_eprop(graph, edge, :source_coord) for edge in out_edges ]
- infer_ports_from_coordinates(out_coords)
-function infer_ports_from_coordinates(coords::Vector{T}) where T
- unique_coords = sort(unique(coords))
- ports = repeat([nothing], length(unique_coords))
- coord_map = Dict{T,Int}(x => i for (i, x) in enumerate(unique_coords))
- (ports, coord_map)
-function parse_graphml_data_value(::Type{Val{:yfiles_nodegraphics}}, xdata::XMLElement)
- ynode = first(child_elements(xdata)) # e.g., ShapeNode
- ygeom = find_element(ynode, "Geometry")
- data = Dict{Symbol,Any}(
- :x => float_attribute(ygeom, "x"),
- :y => float_attribute(ygeom, "y"),
- :width => float_attribute(ygeom, "width"),
- :height => float_attribute(ygeom, "height"),
- )
- ylabel = find_element(ynode, "NodeLabel")
- if !isnothing(ylabel)
- data[:label] = content(ylabel)
- end
- data
-function parse_graphml_data_value(::Type{Val{:yfiles_edgegraphics}}, xdata::XMLElement)
- yedge = first(child_elements(xdata)) # e.g., PolyLineEdge
- ypath = find_element(yedge, "Path")
- data = Dict{Symbol,Any}(
- :source_x => float_attribute(ypath, "sx"),
- :source_y => float_attribute(ypath, "sy"),
- :target_x => float_attribute(ypath, "tx"),
- :target_y => float_attribute(ypath, "ty"),
- )
- ylabel = find_element(yedge, "EdgeLabel")
- if !isnothing(ylabel)
- data[:label] = content(ylabel)
- end
- data
-float_attribute(xelem::XMLElement, name::AbstractString) =
- parse(Float64, attribute(xelem, name, required=true))
diff --git a/test/graphics/Graphics.jl b/test/graphics/Graphics.jl
index c56668858..839ce58b4 100644
--- a/test/graphics/Graphics.jl
+++ b/test/graphics/Graphics.jl
@@ -18,7 +18,3 @@ end
-@testset "yFiles" begin
- include("YFilesWiringDiagrams.jl")
diff --git a/test/graphics/YFilesWiringDiagrams.jl b/test/graphics/YFilesWiringDiagrams.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index d6a0e7346..000000000
--- a/test/graphics/YFilesWiringDiagrams.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-module TestYFilesWiringDiagrams
-using Test
-using Catlab.WiringDiagrams, Catlab.Graphics
-function read_yfiles(name::String; kw...)
- filename = joinpath(@__DIR__, "data", name)
- read_yfiles_diagram(Symbol, Symbol, filename; kw...)
-ports(n::Int) = repeat([nothing], n)
-d = WiringDiagram(ports(1), ports(1))
-fv = add_box!(d, Box(:f, ports(1), ports(2)))
-gv = add_box!(d, Box(:g, ports(2), ports(1)))
-hv = add_box!(d, Box(:h, ports(1), ports(1)))
-kv = add_box!(d, Box(:k, ports(1), ports(1)))
-add_wires!(d, [
- Wire(:A, (input_id(d),1) => (fv, 1)),
- Wire(:B, (fv,1) => (hv,1)), Wire(:C, (fv,2) => (kv,1)),
- Wire(:D, (hv,1) => (gv,1)), Wire(:E, (kv,1) => (gv,2)),
- Wire(:F, (gv,1) => (output_id(d),1)),
-d_vertical = read_yfiles("yed_vertical.graphml", orientation=TopToBottom)
-@test nboxes(d_vertical) == nboxes(d)
-@test is_isomorphic(d_vertical, d)
-d_horizontal = read_yfiles("yed_horizontal.graphml", orientation=LeftToRight)
-@test nboxes(d_horizontal) == nboxes(d)
-@test is_isomorphic(d_horizontal, d)
diff --git a/test/graphics/data/yed_horizontal.graphml b/test/graphics/data/yed_horizontal.graphml
deleted file mode 100644
index b4bbfe868..000000000
--- a/test/graphics/data/yed_horizontal.graphml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- false
- false
- f
- g
- k
- h
- true
- in
- true
- out
- C
- B
- D
- E
- A
- F
diff --git a/test/graphics/data/yed_vertical.graphml b/test/graphics/data/yed_vertical.graphml
deleted file mode 100644
index ed1742f13..000000000
--- a/test/graphics/data/yed_vertical.graphml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- false
- false
- f
- g
- h
- k
- true
- in
- true
- out
- B
- C
- E
- D
- A
- F