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File metadata and controls

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Table of Contents

Running scpca-nf as a Data Lab staff member

This section provides instructions for running the main workflow, found in Note that there are three other workflows:

  • for building reference indices (see #adding-additional-organisms)
  • for creating cell type annotation references (see #adding-additional-cell-type-references)
  • for merging processed objects produced by the main workflow (see #running-the-merge-workflow)

The instructions below assume that you are a member of the Data Lab with access to AWS. Most of the workflow settings described are configured for the ALSF Childhood Cancer Data Lab computational infrastructure. To process samples that are not part of the ScPCA project, please see the instructions on using scpca-nf with external data.

To process single-cell and single-nuclei samples using scpca-nf you will need access to 24 GB of RAM and 12 CPUs, so we recommend using AWS batch. The first step in running the workflow is ensuring that your AWS credentials are configured.

You can then run the workflow with the batch profile, which has been named in the nextflow.config file with full settings set up in the profile_awsbatch.config file. Note that you will also need to use the ccdl profile to set file paths, and you can specify both profiles by separating them with a comma.

You can then run the workflow use the following command:

nextflow run AlexsLemonade/scpca-nf -profile ccdl,batch

Additional flags and parameters

There are several flags and/or parameters which you may additionally wish to specify, as follows.

  • Nextflow flags:
    • -resume: Resume workflow from most recent checkpoint
    • -with-tower: Use Nextflow Tower to monitor workflow (requires separate Nextflow Tower registration)
  • Workflow parameters:
    • --run_ids list,of,ids: A custom comma-separated list of ids (run, library, or sample) for this run.
    • --project list,of,project_ids: A custom comma-separated list of project ids for this run The default run ids are "SCPCR000001,SCPCS000101".
    • --repeat_mapping: Use this flag to repeat mapping, even if results already exist.
      • By default, the workflow checks whether each library has existing alevin-fry or salmon mapping results, and skips mapping for libraries with existing results. Using this flag will override that default behavior and repeat mapping even if the given library's results exist.
      • For more implementation details, please refer to the external instructions.
    • --skip_genetic_demux: Use this flag to skip genetic demultiplexing, which is turned on by default.
      • Genetic demultiplexing requires mapping of both bulk and single-cell data, followed by SNP calling and genetic demultiplexing, which can be quite time consuming.
      • When genetic demultiplexing is skipped, the workflow will still perform cellhash-based demultiplexing, if available for a given library.
    • --repeat_genetic_demux: Use this flag to repeat genetic demultiplexing, even if results already exist.
      • By default, the workflow checks whether each library has existing genetic demultiplexing results, and skips genetic demultiplexing for libraries with existing results. Using this flag will override that default behavior and repeat genetic demultiplexing even if the given library's results exist.
    • --perform_celltyping: Use this flag to perform cell type annotation, which is turned off by default.
    • --repeat_celltyping: Use this flag to repeat cell type annotation, even if results already exist.
      • By default, the workflow checks whether each library has existing cell type annotation results for SingleR and/or CellAssign (depending on references for that library). Using this flag will override that default behavior and repeat cell type annotation even if the given library's results exist.
      • This flag is only considered if --perform_celltyping is also used.

Please refer to nextflow.config and other configuration files for other parameters which can be modified.

Testing the workflow

To test the workflow with the stub, use the following command:

nextflow -log stub-run.log run -stub -profile stub

The run log will be saved to stub-run.log. By default, the output directory (outdir parameter) is set as test/output. You may wish to verify that output contents in test/output/checkpoints and test/output/results are as expected when running the stub workflow.

Please refer to our for more information on maintaining the stub workflow.

Running scpca-nf for ScPCA Portal release

When running the workflow for a project or group of samples that is ready to be released on ScPCA portal, please use the tag for the latest release:

nextflow run AlexsLemonade/scpca-nf -r v0.8.5 -profile ccdl,batch --project SCPCP000000

Processing example data

We provide an example of the expected outputs after running scpca-nf available for external users. If there have been major updates to the directory structure or the contents of the output, the example data should be re-processed such that the example output we provide mimics the current expected output from scpca-nf.

First, please check the metadata files present in s3://scpca-references/example-data are up to date with changes in the workflow and reflect the contents of the files present in the examples directory of this repository. Each of these files should be present, with the expected input columns as described in each documentation link.

Once you have confirmed that the metadata looks correct, use the following commands to run the workflow and re-process the example data:

# Obtain the latest development version
nextflow pull AlexsLemonade/scpca-nf -r development

# Run the workflow with the example config
nextflow run AlexsLemonade/scpca-nf -r development -profile example,batch

After successful completion of the run, the scpca_out folder containing the outputs from scpca-nf should be zipped up and stored at the following location: s3://scpca-references/example-data/ Make sure to adjust the settings to make the zip file publicly accessible.

Maintaining references for scpca-nf

Inside the references folder are files and scripts related to maintaining the reference files available for use with scpca-nf.

  1. ref-metadata.tsv: Each row of this TSV file corresponds to a reference that is available for mapping with scpca-nf. The columns included specify the organism (e.g., Homo_sapiens), assembly(e.g.,GRCh38), and version(e.g., 104) of the fasta obtained from Ensembl that was used to build the reference files. This file is used as input to the workflow, which will create all required index files for scpca-nf for the listed organisms in the metadata file, provided the fasta and gtf files are stored in the proper location on S3. See instructions for adding additional organisms for more details.

  2. scpca-refs.json: Each entry of this file contains a supported reference for mapping with scpca-nf and the name used to refer to that supported reference, e.g., Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.104. For each supported reference, a list of all the reference files that are needed to run scpca-nf will be included. This file is required as input to scpca-nf.

  3. celltype-reference-metadata.tsv: Each row of this TSV file corresponds to a supported cell type reference available for cell type annotation. This file is required as input to the workflow to create and/or update cell type references. For all references, the following columns must be populated:

    • celltype_ref_name (e.g., BlueprintEncodeData or blood-compartment)
    • celltype_ref_source (e.g., celldex or PanglaoDB)
    • celltype_method (e.g., SingleR or CellAssign)
    • All references obtained from the PanglaoDB source also require an organs column containing the list of supported PanglaoDB organs to include when building the reference. This should be a comma-separated list of all organs to include. To find all possible organs, see the organs column of PanglaoDB_markers_2020-03-27.tsv.

    See instructions for adding additional cell type references for more details.

  4. PanglaoDB_markers_2020-03-27.tsv: This file is used to build the cell type references from PanglaoDB. This file was obtained from clicking the get tsv file button on the PanglaoDB Dataset page and replacing the date in the filename with a date in ISO8601 format. This file is required as input to the workflow, which will create all required cell type references for the main workflow to use during cell type annotation.

Adding additional organisms

Adding additional organisms is handled, in part, by the workflow.

Follow the below steps to add support for additional references:

  1. Download the desired fasta and gtf files for the organism of choice from Ensembl. Add these to the S3://scpca-references bucket with the following directory structure, where the root directory here corresponds to the organism and the subdirectory corresponds to the Ensembl version:
└── ensembl-104
    ├── annotation
    │   └── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.104.gtf.gz
    └── fasta
        ├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.fai
        └── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
  1. Add the organism, assembly, and version associated with the new reference to the ref-metadata.tsv file.
  2. Generate an updated scpca-refs.json by running the script, create-reference-json.R, located in the scripts directory.
  3. Generate the index files using nextflow run -profile ccdl,batch from the root directory of this repository.
  4. Ensure that the new reference files are public and in the correct location on S3 (s3://scpca-references).

Adding additional cell type references

Adding additional references to use for cell type annotation is handled by the workflow.

Reference files are created and automatically named by the We currently only support celldex and PanglaoDB for reference sources for SingleR and CellAssign cell type annotation, respectively.

Follow these steps to add support for additional cell type references.

  1. Add the celltype_ref_name, celltype_ref_source, celltype_method, and organs (if applicable) for the new reference to celltype-reference-metadata.tsv.

    • <celltype_ref_name> represents the reference dataset name. For use with SingleR, this should be taken directly from a celldex dataset. For CellAssign, names are established by the Data Lab as <tissue/organ>-compartment to represent a set of markers for a given tissue/organ.
    • <celltype_ref_source> represents the reference dataset source. Currently only celldex and PanglaoDB are supported for SingleR and CellAssign, respectively.
    • <celltype_method> represents which annotation method to use with the specified reference, either SingleR or CellAssign.
    • organs indicates which organs to be included in creation of references with PanglaoDB as the celltype_ref_source. This must be a comma separated list of all organs to include.
  2. Generate the new cell type reference using nextflow run -profile ccdl,batch from the root directory of this repository.

  3. Ensure that the new reference files are public and in the correct location on S3.

SingleR reference files, which are the full reference datasets from the celldex package, should be in s3://scpca-references/celltype/singler_references and named as <celltype_ref_name>_<celltype_ref_source>_<version>.rds. Corresponding "trained" model files for use in the cell type annotation workflow should be stored in s3://scpca-references/celltype/singler_models, named as <celltype_ref_name>_<celltype_ref_source>_<version>_model.rds.

  • <celltype_ref_name> is a given celldex dataset.
    • Note that the workflow parameter singler_label_name will determine which celldex dataset label is used for annotation; by default, we use "label.ont" (ontology labels).
  • <celltype_ref_source> is celldex.
  • <version> is the celldex version used during reference building, where we use dashes in place of periods (e.g., version x.y.z would be represented as x-y-z).

CellAssign organ-specific reference gene matrices should be stored in s3://scpca-references/celltype/cellassign_references and named as <celltype_ref_name>_<celltype_ref_source>_<date>.tsv.

  • <celltype_ref_name> is a given reference name established by the Data Lab.
  • <celltype_ref_source> is PanglaoDB
  • <date> is the PanglaoDB date, which serves as their version, in ISO8601 format.

Running the merge workflow

The workflow in merges (but does not integrate) processed objects produced by the main scpca-nf workflow. For a given SCPCA project id, the workflow creates a merged SCE object, a merged AnnData object, and an associated merged object HTML report. Note that the workflow will also merge any present alternative experiments (e.g., ADT data from CITE-seq) except for cell hashing alternative experiments.

The merge workflow requires two parameters:

  • project, the SCPCA project id whose objects should be merged. If running multiple projects, provide a comma separated list of project IDs.
  • merge_run_ids, the set of run ids, library ids, or sample ids to include in the merged object. By default all runs ids for the given project will be included
  • run_metafile, the metadata file (scpca-library-metadata.tsv) which contains information about libraries to merge
    • This is specified in the ccdl profile configuration file

Data Lab members with access to AWS can run the workflow with the following command(s):

# Run a single project
nextflow run -profile ccdl,batch --project SCPCP000000

# Run more than one project
nextflow run -profile ccdl,batch --project SCPCP00000X,SCPCP00000Y

# Specify a set of run ids to use
nextflow run -profile ccdl,batch --project SCPCP000000 --run_ids SCPCR00000X,SCPCR00000Y