A Domain Specific Language to generate videos based on video libraries and some math.
It is inspired by https://github.com/FAMILIAR-project/VideoGen2 and https://twitter.com/acherm video editing DSL.
This project has two main goals:
- provide a cool playground for DSL and model oriented software and how to tackle technical stuff,
- produce dumb content and crappy videos.
Main difference is that this project doesn't aim to produce regular video editing but to provide a fun way to generate random sequences at every run.
The language is there to construct a set of inputs to guide the stochastic decisions: total duration of the output clip, number of cuts, type of transition etc.
Backend video editing is based on ffmpeg and a java wrapper.
For now all the magic happens in fr.ytpdsl.parent/fr.ytpdsl/
A cool DSL, lame videos and bad algorithm for bad editing.
Grammar based DSL with no concrete internal structure yet, using a Java ffmpeg wrapper as a backend.
The grammar is moving with the development of new features, some part are from the original project or here as draft of upcoming or test features.
- standalone version, i.e java and maven only, no Eclipse RCP to build and use,
- store metadata of linked media to a local db,
- separate library media from media definiton from a path and a time code+duration,
- allow custom filter to be written,
- generic input connector for yt link or remote content,
- text to speech to add audio track on existing audio&video or in place of audio
- media analysis such as audio bpm, srt NLP
and so much more, from better input (besides DSL) to better output (direct uploading to host server).
This is a toy project, nothing big but if you have feedbacks open an issue or ping on twitter or even by email (details on my website).