diff --git a/shared/common/project-setup/web.mdx b/shared/common/project-setup/web.mdx
index b06a3effb..57f9305aa 100644
--- a/shared/common/project-setup/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/common/project-setup/web.mdx
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
-1. **Clone the repository**:
+1. Clone the [ sample code repository](https://github.com/AgoraIO/signaling-sdk-samples-web) to
+ `` in your development environment:
- To clone the repository to your local machine, open Terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository. Then, use the following command:
git clone https://github.com/AgoraIO/signaling-sdk-samples-web
-1. **Install the dependencies**:
- Navigate to the root directory of the cloned repository and run the following command:
+1. Install the dependencies. Open Terminal in the root directory of the cloned repository and run the following command:
pnpm install
By default is installed automatically. However, you can also [Install manually](../reference/downloads#through-the-agora-website).
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/android.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/android.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1015503a3..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/android.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-3. **Set the APP ID**
- In `agora-manager/res/raw/config.json`, set `appId` to the [AppID](../reference/manage-agora-account?platform=android#get-the-app-id) of your project.
-1. **Set the authentication method**
- Choose one of the following authentication methods:
- - **Temporary token**:
- 1. Set `rtcToken` with the value of your [temporary token](../reference/manage-agora-account#generate-a-temporary-token).
- 1. Set `channelName` - with the name of a channel you used to create the token.
- - **Authentication server**:
- 1. Setup an [Authentication server](../get-started/authentication-workflow?platform#create-and-run-a-token-server)
- 1. In `config.json`, set:
- - `channelName` with the name of a channel you want to join.
- - `rtcToken` to an empty string.
- - `serverUrl` to the base URL of your authentication server. For example, `https://agora-token-service-production-1234.up.railway.app`.
-1. **Start the reference app**
- 1. In Android Studio, connect a physical Android device to your development machine.
- 1. Click **Run** to start the app.
- A moment later you see the project installed on your device. If this is the first time you run the project, you need to grant microphone and camera access to your .
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/electron.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/electron.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 23cb0aff0..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/electron.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- 1. Take the following steps to setup a new Electron project:
- 1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where you want to create the project.
- 2. Execute the following command in the terminal:
- ``` bash
- git clone https://github.com/electron/electron-quick-start
- ```
- This command clones the Electron quick-start project that you use to implement .
- 2. Install the
- Open a terminal window in your project folder and execute the following command to download and install the .
- ``` bash
- npm i agora-electron-sdk
- ```
- Make sure the path to your project folder does not contain any spaces. This might cause error during the installation.
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/flutter.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/flutter.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 75bf41d81..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/flutter.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-3. **Set the APP ID**
- In `flutter-reference-app/assets/config/config.json`, set `appId` to the [AppID](../reference/manage-agora-account?platform=android#get-the-app-id) of your project.
-1. **Set the authentication method**
- Choose one of the following authentication methods:
- - **Temporary token**:
- 1. Set `rtcToken` with the value of your [temporary token](../reference/manage-agora-account#generate-a-temporary-token).
- 1. Set `channelName` - with the name of a channel you used to create the token.
- - **Authentication server**:
- 1. Setup an [Authentication server](../get-started/authentication-workflow?platform#create-and-run-a-token-server)
- 1. In `config.json`, set:
- - `channelName` with the name of a channel you want to join.
- - `rtcToken` to an empty string.
- - `serverUrl` to the base URL of your authentication server. For example, `https://agora-token-service-production-1234.up.railway.app`.
-1. **Start the reference app**
- 1. Connect a physical mobile device to your development machine.
- 1. In your IDE, click **Run** to start the app.
- A moment later you see the project installed on your device. If this is the first time you run the project, you need to grant microphone and camera access to your .
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/index.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/index.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d8fac272..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/index.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import Android from './android.mdx';
-import Ios from './ios.mdx';
-import MacOS from './macos.mdx';
-import Web from './web.mdx';
-import ReactNative from './react-native.mdx';
-import ReactJS from './react-js.mdx';
-import Electron from './electron.mdx';
-import Flutter from './flutter.mdx';
-import Unity from './unity.mdx';
-import Windows from './windows.mdx';
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/ios.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/ios.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index f21f0f8b6..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/ios.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-import Source from './swift.mdx';
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/macos.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/macos.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 74e608cdd..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/macos.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import Source from './swift.mdx';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/react-js.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/react-js.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index b1df955ed..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/react-js.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-3. In the `video-sdk-samples-reactjs` reference app, open `src/agora-manager/config.json` and set `appId` to the
- [AppID](https://docs-beta.agora.io/en/video-calling/reference/manage-agora-account?platform=android#get-the-app-id) of your project.
-1. Set the authentication token:
- - **Temporary token**:
- 1. Set `rtcToken` with the value of your [temporary token](https://docs-beta.agora.io/en/video-calling/reference/manage-agora-account?platform=android#generate-a-temporary-token)
- - **Authentication server**:
- 1. Setup an [Authentication server](https://docs-beta.agora.io/en/video-calling/get-started/authentication-workflow?platform#create-and-run-a-token-server)
- 1. In `config.json`:
- 1. Set `rtcToken` to an empty string.
- 1. Set `serverUrl` to the base URL of your authentication server. For example, `https://agora-token-service-production-1234.up.railway.app`.
- 1. Start a proxy server so this web app can make HTTP calls to fetch a token. In a Terminal instance in the reference app root, run the following command:
- ```bash
- node ./utils/proxy.js
- ```
-1. Start this reference app.
- In Terminal, run the following command:
- ``` bash
- yarn dev
- ```
-1. Open the project in your browser. The default URL is http://localhost:5173/.
-1. In the dropdown, select this document and test .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/react-native.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/react-native.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index e45dcb562..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/react-native.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-1. **Setup a React Native environment for project**
- In the terminal, run the following command:
- ```bash
- npx react-native init ProjectName --template react-native-template-typescript
- ```
- npx creates a new boilerplate project in the `ProjectName` folder.
- For Android projects, enable the project to use Android SDK. In the `android` folder of your project, set the `sdk.dir` in the `local.properties` file. For example:
- ```bash
- sdk.dir=C:\\PATH\\TO\\ANDROID\\SDK
- ```
-1. **Test the setup**
- Launch your Android or iOS simulator and run your project by executing the following command:
- 1. Run `npx react-native start` in the root of your project to start Metro.
- 1. Open another terminal in the root of your project and run `npx react-native run-android` to start the Android app, or run `npx react-native run-ios` to start the iOS app.
- You see your new app running in your Android or iOS simulator. You can also run your project on a physical Android or iOS device. For detailed instructions, see [Running on device](https://reactnative.dev/docs/running-on-device).
-1. **Integrate and configure **
- To integrate on React Native 0.60.0 or later:
- 1. Navigate to the root folder of your project in the terminal and integrate with either:
- - npm
- ```bash
- npm i --save react-native-agora
- ```
- - yarn
- ```bash
- // Install yarn.
- npm install -g yarn
- // Download the Agora React Native SDK using yarn.
- yarn add react-native-agora
- ```
- Do not link native modules manually, React Native 0.60.0 and later support [Autolinking](https://github.com/react-native-community/cli/blob/main/docs/autolinking.md).
- 1. If your target platform is iOS, use CocoaPods to install :
- ```bash
- npx pod-install
- ```
- 1. uses Swift in native modules, your project must support compiling Swift. To create `File.swift`:
- 1. In Xcode, open `ios/ProjectName.xcworkspace`.
- 1. Click **File > New > File, select iOS > Swift File**, then click **Next > Create** .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/swift.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/swift.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d0bb8a6..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/swift.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-3. **Set the APP ID**
- In `DocsAppConfig.swift` set `appId` to the [AppID](../reference/manage-agora-account?platform=android#get-the-app-id) of your project.
-1. **Set the authentication method**:
- - **Temporary token**:
- 1. Set `rtcToken` with the value of your [temporary token](../reference/manage-agora-account#generate-a-temporary-token).
- 1. Set `channelName` - with the name of a channel you used to create the token.
- - **Authentication server**:
- 1. Setup an [Authentication server](../get-started/authentication-workflow?platform#create-and-run-a-token-server)
- 1. In `DocsAppConfig.swift`:
- 1. Set `rtcToken` to an empty string.
- 1. Set `serverUrl` to the base URL of your authentication server. For example, `https://agora-token-service-production-1234.up.railway.app`.
-1. **Run the reference app**:
- If this is the first time you run the project, grant microphone and camera access to your .
-1. **Test **
- In the dropdown, select this document and test .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/unity.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/unity.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index fdfb4e54d..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/unity.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-3. **Set the APP ID**
- In `Assets/agora-manager/config.json`, set `appId` to the [AppID](../reference/manage-agora-account?platform=android#get-the-app-id) of your project.
-1. **Set the authentication method**
- Choose one of the following authentication methods:
- - **Temporary token**:
- 1. Set `rtcToken` with the value of your [temporary token](../reference/manage-agora-account#generate-a-temporary-token).
- 1. Set `channelName` - with the name of a channel you used to create the token.
- - **Authentication server**:
- 1. Setup an [Authentication server](../get-started/authentication-workflow?platform#create-and-run-a-token-server)
- 1. In `config.json`, set:
- - `channelName` with the name of a channel you want to join.
- - `rtcToken` to an empty string.
- - `serverUrl` to the base URL of your authentication server. For example, `https://agora-token-service-production-1234.up.railway.app`.
-1. **Run the reference app**:
- In Unity, click **Play**. You see the running on your device.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/web.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/web.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index bcc98dd32..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/web.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-1. **Set the AppID**
- In `src/agora_manager/config.json`, set `appId` to the [AppID](../reference/manage-agora-account#get-the-app-id) of your project.
- In `/src/signaling_manager/config.json`, set `appId` to the [AppID](../reference/manage-agora-account#get-the-app-id) of your project.
-1. **Set the authentication method**
- Choose one of the following authentication methods:
- - **Temporary token**:
- 1. Set `token` with the value of your [temporary token](../reference/manage-agora-account#generate-a-temporary-token).
- 1. Set `channelName` - with the name of a channel you used to create the token.
- - **Authentication server**:
- 1. Setup an [Authentication server](../get-started/authentication-workflow?platform#create-and-run-a-token-server)
- 1. In `config.json`, set:
- - `channelName` with the name of a channel you want to join.
- - `token` to an empty string.
- - `serverUrl` - with the base URL for your token server. For example: `https://agora-token-service-production-yay.up.railway.app`.
-1. **Run the reference app**
- In Terminal, navigate to ``, then run the following command:
- ```bash
- pnpm dev
- ```
- Use the URL displayed in the terminal to open the in your browser.
diff --git a/shared/common/project-test/windows.mdx b/shared/common/project-test/windows.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ca55387..000000000
--- a/shared/common/project-test/windows.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-1. **Create an MFC dialog-based application**
- 1. From the main menu, choose **File** > **New** > **Project**.
- 1. Enter **MFC** into the search box and then choose **MFC App** from the result list.
- 1. In **Project Name**, input `AgoraImplementation` and press **Create** to open the **MFC Application Wizard**.
- 1. In **MFC Application**, under **Application type** , select **Dialog based**, then click **Finish**. Your project opens in Visual Studio.
-1. **Integrate **
- To integrate the into your project.
- 1. Unzip the latest version of [](/sdks) in a local directory.
- 1. Copy the `sdk` directory of the downloaded SDK package to the root of your project, ``.
- 1. Create a new directory `/Debug`.
- 1. Copy the files from `` to `/Debug`.
-1. **Configure your project properties**
- Right-click the project name In **Solution Explorer**, then click **Properties** to configure the following project properties, and click **OK**.
- 1. In **AgoraImplementation Property pages**, select **Win32** from the **Platform** dropdown list.
- If your targeted platform is `x64`, then select `x64` from the **Platform** dropdown list.
- 1. Go to the **C/C++** > **General** > **Additional Include Directories** menu, click **Edit**, and input the following string in the pop-up window:
- ```
- ;$(SolutionDir)sdk\high_level_api\include;$(ProjectDir)
- ```
- 1. Go to the **Linker** > **General** > **Additional Library Directories** menu, click **Edit**, and input the following string in the pop-up window:
- ```
- ;$(SolutionDir)sdk\x86;
- ```
- The sample code uses `x86` platform. If you are using `x64`, then add the following string to the **Additional Library Directories** field:
- ```
- ;$(SolutionDir)sdk\x86_64
- ```
- 1. Go to the **C/C++** > **Preprocessor** > **Preprocessor Definitions** menu, click **Edit**, and input the following path in the pop-up window:
- ```
- ```
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shared/signaling/authentication-workflow/implementation/web.mdx b/shared/signaling/authentication-workflow/implementation/web.mdx
index 3d70cc0bc..cbcaac1f8 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/authentication-workflow/implementation/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/authentication-workflow/implementation/web.mdx
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ To retrieve tokens from the token server and use them to authenticate your {
- messageCallback("Left the channel: " + streamChannelName);
+ messageCallback("left channel: " + streamChannelName);
streamChannel = null;
diff --git a/shared/signaling/authentication-workflow/test/web.mdx b/shared/signaling/authentication-workflow/test/web.mdx
index e53740d8a..4ce7f8ffe 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/authentication-workflow/test/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/authentication-workflow/test/web.mdx
@@ -6,20 +6,35 @@
- `appId` - with the value from .
- `serverUrl` - with the base URL for your token server. For example: `https://agora-token-service-production-yay.up.railway.app`.
+1. **Start the reference app**
-1. **Run the reference app**:
+ 1. In Terminal, navigate to ``.
- In Terminal, navigate to ``, then run the following command:
+ 1. Run the following commands:
- ``` bash
- pnpm dev
- ```
+ ``` bash
+ pnpm dev
+ ```
-1. **Test the authentication server functionality**:
+1. **Run the proxy server**
+ For security reasons, browsers restrict cross-origin HTTP requests initiated from scripts. To make requests to your
+ token server, this sample app uses the [NodeJS corsAnywhere proxy](/src/authentication_guide/proxy.js) which adds [CORS
+ headers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) to the proxied requests. To start this server:
+ 1. In a new Terminal, navigate to `/src`
+ 1. Run the following command:
+ ``` bash
+ node proxy
+ ```
+1. **Send messages between users**
For each user you want to communicate between:
- 1. Use the URL displayed in Terminal to open the app in your browser.
+ 1. Open a browser tab instance at
1. Enter a numeric user ID.
diff --git a/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/_cloud-proxy.mdx b/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/_cloud-proxy.mdx
index c2f918486..d26829d22 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/_cloud-proxy.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/_cloud-proxy.mdx
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ This section shows how to use the to implement in y
## Test
+For each user you use in your tests:
+1. [Generate a temporary token](../reference/manage-agora-account#generate-a--token).
diff --git a/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/project-test/index.mdx b/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/project-test/index.mdx
index f030391fe..7b1ffffef 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/project-test/index.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/project-test/index.mdx
@@ -7,11 +7,7 @@ import Flutter from './flutter.mdx';
import MacOS from './macos.mdx'
import Unity from './unity.mdx'
import Windows from './windows.mdx';
-import Test from '@docs/shared/common/project-test/index.mdx';
-To test this functionality:
diff --git a/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/project-test/web.mdx b/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/project-test/web.mdx
index a3e87af40..f6db9c201 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/project-test/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/cloud-proxy/project-test/web.mdx
@@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
+2. In `/src/signaling_manager/config.json`:
-3. **Test Cloud Proxy**
+ 1. Replace the value of `token` with the temporary token.
- Login to , you send and receive messages through Cloud Proxy.
+ 1. Replace the values for `uid`, and `appId` with the with the values from . This must be the same app ID you used to generate the token. Channel name can be any string.
+1. Open a command prompt in the project folder, and run the following command:
+ ``` bash
+ pnpm dev
+ ```
+1. Open the reference app at
+1. Login to , then send and receive messages through cloud proxy.
diff --git a/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-implementation/web.mdx b/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-implementation/web.mdx
index e74008532..942dfcad6 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-implementation/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-implementation/web.mdx
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
encryptionMode = config.encryptionMode;
// Start channel encryption
const rtmConfig = {
- logLevel: config.logLevel,
+ logLevel: config.logFilter,
useStringUserId: config.useStringUserId,
encryptionMode: config.encryptionMode,
salt: encryptionSaltBase64,
diff --git a/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-test/index.mdx b/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-test/index.mdx
index 334e2ed32..7e0d62854 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-test/index.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-test/index.mdx
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ import Flutter from './flutter.mdx';
import ReactNative from './react-native.mdx'
import MacOS from './macos.mdx';
import Windows from './windows.mdx';
-import Test from '@docs/shared/common/project-test/index.mdx';
-To test this functionality:
+To ensure that you have implemented data encryption in your :
1. **Create the cypher key and salt**
@@ -25,22 +23,7 @@ To test this functionality:
``` bash
openssl rand -base64 32
-1. **Configure data encryption**
- In `/src/signaling_manager/config.json`:
- 1. Paste the `-hex 32 key` into the `cipherKey` variable.
- 1. Paste the salt from the `-base64 32` call into the `salt` variable.
- 1. Set `encryptionMode` to 1.
-4. **Test data encryption**
- Login to as multiple users, then send and receive secure messages.
diff --git a/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-test/web.mdx b/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-test/web.mdx
index cdd010fd9..8cdac48c4 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-test/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/data-encryption/project-test/web.mdx
@@ -1,4 +1,29 @@
+2. [Generate a temporary token](../reference/manage-agora-account#generate-a--token).
+1. In `/src/signaling_manager/config.json`:
+ 1. Replace the value of `token` with the temporary token.
+ 1. Replace the values for `uid`, and `appId` with the with the values from . This must be the same app ID you used to generate the token. Channel name can be any string.
+ 1. Paste the `-hex 32 key` into the `cipherKey` variable.
+ 1. Paste the salt from the `-base64 32` call into the `salt` variable.
+ 1. Set `encryptionMode` to 1.
+1. Open a command prompt in the project folder, and run the following command:
+ ``` bash
+ pnpm dev
+ ```
+1. **For each user you to test**:
+ 1. Open the reference app at
+ 1. Login to , then send and receive secure messages.
diff --git a/shared/signaling/geofencing/index.mdx b/shared/signaling/geofencing/index.mdx
index 05c2deedb..b89d4a257 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/geofencing/index.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/geofencing/index.mdx
@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ If your fails to connect to the specified region of as multiple users, then send and receive messages using geofencing.
diff --git a/shared/signaling/geofencing/project-test/web.mdx b/shared/signaling/geofencing/project-test/web.mdx
index 5c2aa9d29..673e2e0fe 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/geofencing/project-test/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/geofencing/project-test/web.mdx
@@ -1,4 +1,18 @@
+2. In `/src/signaling_manager/config.json`:
+ 1. Replace the value of `token` with the temporary token.
+ 1. Replace the values for `uid`, and `appId` with the with the values from . This must be the same app ID you used to generate the token. Channel name can be any string.
+1. Open a command prompt in the project folder, and run the following command:
+ ``` bash
+ pnpm dev
+ ```
+1. Open the reference app at
+1. Login to , then send and receive messages using geofencing.
diff --git a/shared/signaling/get-started-sdk/implementation/web.mdx b/shared/signaling/get-started-sdk/implementation/web.mdx
index 28aedcaef..7dedfe6bb 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/get-started-sdk/implementation/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/get-started-sdk/implementation/web.mdx
@@ -30,7 +30,13 @@
"cipherKey": "",
"presenceTimeout": 300,
"logUpload": false,
- "logLevel": "debug",
+ "logFilter": {
+ "error": true,
+ "warn": true,
+ "info": true,
+ "track": true,
+ "debug": false
+ },
"cloudProxy": true,
"useStringUserId": false,
"rtcToken": ""
@@ -61,7 +67,7 @@
4. **Handle and respond to events**
- The following event listeners handle notification events for features:
+ The following event listener handles events for all features, including:
- [Messages](/en/signaling/reference/api#messages): send and receive messages between users
- [Presence](/en/signaling/reference/api#presence): monitor user online, offline, subscription and user historical
status change
@@ -71,67 +77,70 @@
- [Status](en/signaling/reference/api?platform=web#setstate): add custom statuses such as scores, game status, location, mood, and hosting status for themselves.
- [token expiration](/en/signaling/reference/api#event-listeners): ensure the users is always connected to
- The following code sets up event handlers for events:
+ Add the following code after the try-catch block of `setupSignalingEngine` function:
``` typescript
- // Add listeners to handle event notifications
- // Message event handler
- signalingEngine.addEventListener("message", eventArgs => {
- eventsCallback("message", eventArgs);
- messageCallback(
- "Received message from " +
- eventArgs.publisher +
- ": " +
- eventArgs.message
- );
- });
- // State event handler
- signalingEngine.addEventListener("status", eventArgs => {
- eventsCallback("status", eventArgs);
- messageCallback(
- "Connection state changed to: " +
- eventArgs.state +
- ", Reason: " +
- eventArgs.reason
- );
- });
- // Presence event handler
- signalingEngine.addEventListener("presence", eventArgs => {
- eventsCallback("presence", eventArgs);
- if (eventArgs.eventType === "SNAPSHOT") {
+ // Event listener to handle incoming messages and connection status changes
+ signalingEngine.addEventListener({
+ // Message event handler
+ message: (eventArgs) => {
+ eventsCallback("message", eventArgs);
- `User ${eventArgs.snapshot[0].userId} joined channel ${eventArgs.channelName}`
+ "Received message from " +
+ eventArgs.publisher +
+ ": " +
+ eventArgs.message
- } else {
+ },
+ // State event handler
+ status: (eventArgs) => {
+ eventsCallback("status", eventArgs);
- "Presence event: " +
- eventArgs.eventType +
- ", User: " +
- eventArgs.publisher
+ "Connection state changed to: " +
+ eventArgs.state +
+ ", Reason: " +
+ eventArgs.reason
- }
- });
- // Storage event handler
- signalingEngine.addEventListener("storage", eventArgs => {
- eventsCallback("storage", eventArgs);
- });
- // Topic event handler
- signalingEngine.addEventListener("topic", eventArgs => {
- eventsCallback("topic", eventArgs);
- });
- // Lock event handler
- signalingEngine.addEventListener("lock", eventArgs => {
- eventsCallback("lock", eventArgs);
+ },
+ // Presence event handler.
+ presence: (eventArgs) => {
+ eventsCallback("presence", eventArgs);
+ if (eventArgs.eventType === "SNAPSHOT") {
+ messageCallback(
+ `User ${eventArgs.snapshot[0].userId} joined channel ${eventArgs.channelName}`
+ );
+ } else {
+ messageCallback(
+ "Presence event: " +
+ eventArgs.eventType +
+ ", User: " +
+ eventArgs.publisher
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ // Storage event handler
+ storage: (eventArgs) => {
+ eventsCallback("storage", eventArgs);
+ },
+ // Topic event handler
+ topic: (eventArgs) => {
+ eventsCallback("topic", eventArgs);
+ },
+ // Lock event handler
+ lock: (eventArgs) => {
+ eventsCallback("lock", eventArgs);
+ },
+ // TokenPrivilegeWillExpire event handler
+ TokenPrivilegeWillExpire: (eventArgs) => {
+ eventsCallback("TokenPrivilegeWillExpire ", eventArgs);
+ },
- // TokenPrivilegeWillExpire event handler
- signalingEngine.addEventListener("TokenPrivilegeWillExpire", eventArgs => {
- eventsCallback("TokenPrivilegeWillExpire ", eventArgs);
- });
1. **Login to **
- In , each token is specific to a user ID. If `uid` and `token` do not match, your user cannot initiate .
+ In , each token is specific to a user ID. If `uid` and `token` do not match, your user cannot
+ initiate .
``` typescript
// Login to the signaling engine
@@ -151,12 +160,12 @@
1. **Monitor users in channel using presence**
- In , you can use `presence` to get information about users in the channel. To get a list of active users, call `presence.getOnlineUsers()`:
+ In , you can use `presence` to get information about users in the channel. To get a list of active users, call `presence.whoNow()`:
``` typescript
// Get list of active members in the channel
const getOnlineMembersInChannel = async (channelName, channelType) => {
- const result = await getSignalingEngine().presence.getOnlineUsers(
+ const result = await getSignalingEngine().presence.whoNow(
diff --git a/shared/signaling/get-started-sdk/test/web.mdx b/shared/signaling/get-started-sdk/test/web.mdx
index fbc7e818b..ee3568c40 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/get-started-sdk/test/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/get-started-sdk/test/web.mdx
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-2. **Configure the project**:
- In `/src/signaling_manager/config.json`:
+2. In `/src/signaling_manager/config.json`:
1. Replace the value for `token` with the token.
@@ -11,18 +9,16 @@
1. Channel name can be any string.
-1. **Run the reference app**:
- Open Terminal in the project folder, then run the following command:
+1. Open a command prompt in the project folder, and run the following command:
``` bash
pnpm dev
- Use the URL displayed in Terminal to open the app in your browser.
+1. Open the reference app at
-1. **Test this functionality**:
+1. Login to , then send and receive messages.
- Choose **SDK quickstart**, then log in to and send and receive messages. When you open the reference app in multiple tabs, after login you see the messages sent and received in the log.
+ When you open the reference app in multiple tabs, after login you see the messages sent and received in the log.
diff --git a/shared/signaling/reference/web.mdx b/shared/signaling/reference/web.mdx
index 8cfe36c1c..cc0b84905 100644
--- a/shared/signaling/reference/web.mdx
+++ b/shared/signaling/reference/web.mdx
@@ -30,17 +30,7 @@ class RTM(
appId: string,
userId: string,
- rtmConfig?: {
- token: string,
- encryptionMode: string,
- cipherKey: string,
- salt: Uint8Array,
- useStringUserId: boolean,
- presenceTimeout: number,
- logUpload: boolean,
- logLevel: string,
- cloudProxy: boolean
- }
+ rtmConfig?: RTMConfig
@@ -49,7 +39,7 @@ class RTM(
| :---------: | :------------------------------------------------: | :------: | :----: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `appId` | string | Required | - | The App ID of your Agora project on the Agora console. |
| `userId` | string | Required | - | The unique ID to identify a user or device. |
-| `rtmConfig` | `RtmConfig` | Optional | - | The configuration parameters for initialization, see [`RtmConfig`](#rtmconfig). |
+| `rtmConfig` | `rtm` | Optional | - | The configuration parameters for initialization, see `rtm`. |
#### Basic Usage
@@ -102,7 +92,7 @@ const rtmConfig = {
cipherKey : "yourCipherKey",
presenceTimeout : 300,
logUpload : true,
- logLevel : 'debug',
+ logFilter : 'debug',
cloudProxy : false,
useStringUserId : false
@@ -130,63 +120,65 @@ In Signaling there are seven types of event as follows:
You can add event listeners in the following way:
-// Add message event listeners
-// Message
-rtm.addEventListener("message", event => {
- const channelType = event.channelType; // Which channel type it is, Should be "STREAM" or "MESSAGE" .
- const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this message come from
- const topic = event.topicName; // Which Topic does this message come from, it is valid when the channelType is "STREAM".
- const messageType = event.messageType; // Which message type it is, Should be "sting" or "binary" .
- const customType = event.customType; // User defined type
- const publisher = event.publisher; // Message publisher
- const message = event.message; // Message payload
- const pubTime = event.publishTime; // Message publisher timestamp
-// Presence
-rtm.addEventListener("presence", event => {
- const action = event.eventType; // Which action it is ,should be one of 'SNAPSHOT'、'INTERVAL'、'JOIN'、'LEAVE'、'TIMEOUT、'STATE_CHANGED'、'OUT_OF_SERVICE'.
- const channelType = event.channelType; // Which channel type it is, Should be "STREAM" or "MESSAGE" .
- const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this event come from
- const publisher = event.publisher; // Who trigger this event
- const states = event.stateChanged; // User state payload
- const interval = event.interval; // Interval payload
- const snapshot = event.snapshot; // Snapshot payload
-// Topic
-rtm.addEventListener("topic", event => {
- const action = event.evenType; // Which action it is ,should be one of 'SNAPSHOT'、'JOIN'、'LEAVE'.
- const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this event come from
- const publisher = event.userId; // Who trigger this event
- const topicInfos = event.topicInfos; // Topic information payload
- const totalTopics = event.totalTopics; // How many topics
-// Storage
-rtm.addEventListener("storage", event => {
- const channelType = event.channelType; // Which channel type it is, Should be "STREAM" or "MESSAGE" .
- const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this event come from
- const publisher = event.publisher; // Who trigger this event
- const storageType = event.storageType; // Which category the event is, should be 'USER'、'CHANNEL'
- const action = event.eventType; // Which action it is ,should be one of "SNAPSHOT"、"SET"、"REMOVE"、"UPDATE" or "NONE"
- const data = event.data; // 'USER_METADATA' or 'CHANNEL_METADATA' payload
-// Lock
-rtm.addEventListener("lock", event => {
- const channelType = event.channelType; // Which channel type it is, Should be "STREAM" or "MESSAGE" .
- const channelName = event.channelName; // Which channel does this event come from
- const publisher = event.publisher; // Who trigger this event
- const action = event.evenType; // Which action it is ,should be one of 'SET'、'REMOVED'、'ACQUIRED'、'RELEASED'、'EXPIRED'、'SNAPSHOT'
- const lockName = event.lockName; // Which lock it effect
- const ttl = event.ttl; // The ttl of this lock
- const snapshot = event.snapshot; // Snapshot payload
-// Connection State Change
-rtm.addEventListener("status", event => {
- const currentState = event.state; // Which connection state right now
- const changeReason = event.reason; // Why trigger this event
-// Token Privilege Will Expire
-rtm.addEventListener("TokenPrivilegeWillExpire", (channelName) => {
- const channelName = channelName; // Which Channel Token Will Expire
+// add message event listeners
+ // Message
+ message : event => {
+ const channelType = event.channelType; // Channel type, 'STREAM' or 'MESSAGE'.
+ const channelName = event.channelName; // Channel name
+ const topic = event.topicName; // Topic name, available only when channelType is 'STREAM'.
+ const messageType = event.messageType; // Message type, "string" or "binary" .
+ const customType = event.customType; // User-defined type
+ const publisher = event.publisher; // Message publisher
+ const message = event.message; // Message payload
+ const pubTime = event.publishTime; // Message timestamp
+ },
+ // Presence
+ presence : event => {
+ const action = event.eventType; // Action type, 'SNAPSHOT','INTERVAL','JOIN','LEAVE','TIMEOUT,'STATE_CHANGED','OUT_OF_SERVICE'.
+ const channelType = event.channelType; // Channel type, 'STREAM' or 'MESSAGE'.
+ const channelName = event.channelName; // Channel name
+ const publisher = event.publisher; // User triggers this event
+ const state = event.stateChanged; // User state payload
+ const interval = event.interval; // Interval payload
+ const snapshot = event.snapshot; // Snapshot payload
+ },
+ // Topic
+ topic : event => {
+ const action = event.evenType; // Action type, 'SNAPSHOT','JOIN',or 'LEAVE'.
+ const channelName = event.channelName; // Channel name
+ const publisher = event.userId; // User triggers this event
+ const topicInfos = event.topicInfos; // Topic information payload
+ const totalTopics = event.totalTopics; // Topic number
+ },
+ // Storage
+ storage : event => {
+ const channelType = event.channelType; // Channel type, 'STREAM' or 'MESSAGE'.
+ const channelName = event.channelName; // Channel name
+ const publisher = event.publisher; // User triggers this event
+ const storageType = event.storageType; // Category of the metadata, 'USER or 'CHANNEL'
+ const action = event.eventType; // Action type, 'SNAPSHOT', 'SET', 'REMOVE', 'UPDATE' or 'NONE'
+ const data = event.data; // User metadata or channel metadata payload
+ },
+ // Lock
+ lock : event => {
+ const channelType = event.channelType; // Channel type, 'STREAM' or 'MESSAGE'.
+ const channelName = event.channelName; // Channel name
+ const publisher = event.publisher; // User triggers this event
+ const action = event.evenType; // Action type, 'SET','REMOVED','ACQUIRED','RELEASED','EXPIRED', or 'SNAPSHOT'
+ const lockName = event.lockName; // Lock name
+ const ttl = event.ttl; // The ttl of this lock
+ const snapshot = event.snapshot; // Snapshot payload
+ },
+ // Connection State Change
+ status : (states, reason) => {
+ const currentState = states; // Connection state
+ const changeReason = reason; // Reason Why the user triggers this event
+ },
+ // Token Privilege Will Expire
+ TokenPrivilegeWillExpire : (channelName) => {
+ const channelName = channelName; // Name of the channel in which the token is to expire
+ },
@@ -979,22 +971,22 @@ The presence feature provides the ability to monitor user online, offline, and u
Presence applies to both message channels and stream channels.
-### `getOnlineUsers`
+### `whoNow`
#### Description
-Call the `getOnlineUsers` method to query user information in real-time such as the number of online users, the list of online users and their temporary user status in the specified channel.
+Call the `whoNow` method to query user information in real-time such as the number of online users, the list of online users and their temporary user status in the specified channel.
#### Method
-You can call the `getOnlineUsers` method in the following way:
+You can call the `whoNow` method in the following way:
channelName: string,
channelType: string,
options?: object
-): Promise;
+): Promise;
@@ -1021,7 +1013,7 @@ const options = {
page : "yourBookMark"
try {
- const result = await rtm.presence.getOnlineUsers( "chat_room", 'MESSAGE', options );
+ const result = await rtm.presence.whoNow( "chat_room", 'MESSAGE', options );
} catch (status) {
@@ -1030,9 +1022,9 @@ try {
#### Return Value
-If the method call succeeds, a `GetOnlineUsersResponse` is returned.
+If the method call succeeds, a `WhoNowResponse` is returned.
-type GetOnlineUsersResponse = {
+type WhoNowResponse = {
timeToken: number , // Reserved property, indicating the timestamp of the successful operation.
totalOccupancy : number , // Number of the online users in the channel.
occupants : Array