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Model destroy actions for associated models

Ashley Engelund edited this page Jan 8, 2018 · 32 revisions

Are we doing the right things with the right models?

From a business point of view, what historical information must we retain? (ex: for audits)

  • financial information: who/where is the system of record? (required for financial audits)
  • historical information: who applied in the past? what companies exsited in the past.... ?
    • what questions has SHF had to answer about past information? What information have they been keeping (e.g. in paper) so that they have been able to answer questions?
    • what about the Swedish and and EU privacy laws? and information retention?

Possible questions that need to be answered:

  • who has been a member in the past? What were their approved skills/credentials?

    • how long were they a member?
  • who has applied but was rejected?

Current State of the system:


Model Association Considerations
ShfApplication has_many, dependent: :destroy
User has_many, through: :shf_applications
Payment has_many, dependent: :destroy Need an overall strategy for payment retention/destroy. (Note that User model does not currently destroy payments.) Retain payment records? (perhaps via dependent: nullify). Or, archive payment records? Or, use HIPS as audit source as needed? (the HIPS record will contain user_id and payment_type, but not company ID)
BusinessCategory has_many, through: :shf_applications
Address has_many, dependent: :destroy
Picture has_many, dependent: :destroy


Model Association Considerations
User belongs_to
Company belongs_to, optional


Model Association Considerations
User belongs_to
Company belongs_to, optional Company is destroyed in after_destroy callback if no remaining applications
BusinessCategory has_and_belongs_to_many
MemberAppWaitingReason belongs_to Should we destroy custom reasons when app is destroyed?
UploadedFile has_many Uploaded files destroyed in before_destroy callback

User (reflects current state with pending PR for member profile photo)

Model Association Considerations
ShfApplication has_many A user can delete their own account (via profile edit) but this will result in an error if there are any applications.
Payment has_many A user can delete their own account (via profile edit) but this will result in an error if there are any payments. See also Company treatment of payments upon destroy.
Photo has_attached_file If a User is destroyed, the photo is also destroyed (via before_destroy callback)
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