diff --git a/agenta-backend/agenta_backend/services/llm_apps_service.py b/agenta-backend/agenta_backend/services/llm_apps_service.py
index 4e7ab1a9c5..2accbfe509 100644
--- a/agenta-backend/agenta_backend/services/llm_apps_service.py
+++ b/agenta-backend/agenta_backend/services/llm_apps_service.py
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ async def run_with_retry(
             last_exception = e
             logger.info(f"Error processing datapoint: {input_data}. {str(e)}")
             logger.info("".join(traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)))
+            retries += 1
     # If max retries is reached or an exception that isn't in the second block,
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ async def run_with_retry(
-            error=Error(message=exception_message, stacktrace=last_exception),
+            error=Error(message=exception_message, stacktrace=str(last_exception)),
diff --git a/agenta-backend/agenta_backend/tests/unit/test_llm_apps_service.py b/agenta-backend/agenta_backend/tests/unit/test_llm_apps_service.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3462f7c94c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agenta-backend/agenta_backend/tests/unit/test_llm_apps_service.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import pytest
+from unittest.mock import patch, AsyncMock
+import asyncio
+import aiohttp
+from agenta_backend.services.llm_apps_service import (
+    batch_invoke,
+    InvokationResult,
+    Result,
+    Error,
+async def test_batch_invoke_success():
+    """
+    Test the successful invocation of batch_invoke function.
+    This test mocks the get_parameters_from_openapi and invoke_app functions
+    to simulate successful invocations. It verifies that the batch_invoke
+    function correctly returns the expected results for the given test data.
+    """
+    with patch(
+        "agenta_backend.services.llm_apps_service.get_parameters_from_openapi",
+        new_callable=AsyncMock,
+    ) as mock_get_parameters_from_openapi, patch(
+        "agenta_backend.services.llm_apps_service.invoke_app", new_callable=AsyncMock
+    ) as mock_invoke_app, patch(
+        "asyncio.sleep", new_callable=AsyncMock
+    ) as mock_sleep:
+        mock_get_parameters_from_openapi.return_value = [
+            {"name": "param1", "type": "input"},
+            {"name": "param2", "type": "input"},
+        ]
+        # Mock the response of invoke_app to always succeed
+        def invoke_app_side_effect(uri, datapoint, parameters, openapi_parameters):
+            return InvokationResult(
+                result=Result(type="text", value="Success", error=None),
+                latency=0.1,
+                cost=0.01,
+            )
+        mock_invoke_app.side_effect = invoke_app_side_effect
+        uri = "http://example.com"
+        testset_data = [
+            {"id": 1, "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"},
+            {"id": 2, "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"},
+        ]
+        parameters = {}
+        rate_limit_config = {
+            "batch_size": 10,
+            "max_retries": 3,
+            "retry_delay": 3,
+            "delay_between_batches": 5,
+        }
+        results = await batch_invoke(uri, testset_data, parameters, rate_limit_config)
+        assert len(results) == 2
+        assert results[0].result.type == "text"
+        assert results[0].result.value == "Success"
+        assert results[1].result.type == "text"
+        assert results[1].result.value == "Success"
+async def test_batch_invoke_retries_and_failure():
+    """
+    Test the batch_invoke function with retries and eventual failure.
+    This test mocks the get_parameters_from_openapi and invoke_app functions
+    to simulate failures that trigger retries. It verifies that the batch_invoke
+    function correctly retries the specified number of times and returns an error
+    result after reaching the maximum retries.
+    """
+    with patch(
+        "agenta_backend.services.llm_apps_service.get_parameters_from_openapi",
+        new_callable=AsyncMock,
+    ) as mock_get_parameters_from_openapi, patch(
+        "agenta_backend.services.llm_apps_service.invoke_app", new_callable=AsyncMock
+    ) as mock_invoke_app, patch(
+        "asyncio.sleep", new_callable=AsyncMock
+    ) as mock_sleep:
+        mock_get_parameters_from_openapi.return_value = [
+            {"name": "param1", "type": "input"},
+            {"name": "param2", "type": "input"},
+        ]
+        # Mock the response of invoke_app to always fail
+        def invoke_app_side_effect(uri, datapoint, parameters, openapi_parameters):
+            raise aiohttp.ClientError("Test Error")
+        mock_invoke_app.side_effect = invoke_app_side_effect
+        uri = "http://example.com"
+        testset_data = [
+            {"id": 1, "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"},
+            {"id": 2, "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"},
+        ]
+        parameters = {}
+        rate_limit_config = {
+            "batch_size": 10,
+            "max_retries": 3,
+            "retry_delay": 3,
+            "delay_between_batches": 5,
+        }
+        results = await batch_invoke(uri, testset_data, parameters, rate_limit_config)
+        assert len(results) == 2
+        assert results[0].result.type == "error"
+        assert results[0].result.error.message == "Max retries reached"
+        assert results[1].result.type == "error"
+        assert results[1].result.error.message == "Max retries reached"
+async def test_batch_invoke_generic_exception():
+    """
+    Test the batch_invoke function with a generic exception.
+    This test mocks the get_parameters_from_openapi and invoke_app functions
+    to simulate a generic exception during invocation. It verifies that the
+    batch_invoke function correctly handles the exception and returns an error
+    result with the appropriate error message.
+    """
+    with patch(
+        "agenta_backend.services.llm_apps_service.get_parameters_from_openapi",
+        new_callable=AsyncMock,
+    ) as mock_get_parameters_from_openapi, patch(
+        "agenta_backend.services.llm_apps_service.invoke_app", new_callable=AsyncMock
+    ) as mock_invoke_app, patch(
+        "asyncio.sleep", new_callable=AsyncMock
+    ) as mock_sleep:
+        mock_get_parameters_from_openapi.return_value = [
+            {"name": "param1", "type": "input"},
+            {"name": "param2", "type": "input"},
+        ]
+        # Mock the response of invoke_app to raise a generic exception
+        def invoke_app_side_effect(uri, datapoint, parameters, openapi_parameters):
+            raise Exception("Generic Error")
+        mock_invoke_app.side_effect = invoke_app_side_effect
+        uri = "http://example.com"
+        testset_data = [{"id": 1, "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"}]
+        parameters = {}
+        rate_limit_config = {
+            "batch_size": 1,
+            "max_retries": 3,
+            "retry_delay": 1,
+            "delay_between_batches": 1,
+        }
+        results = await batch_invoke(uri, testset_data, parameters, rate_limit_config)
+        assert len(results) == 1
+        assert results[0].result.type == "error"
+        assert results[0].result.error.message == "Max retries reached"