You can edit ALL of the code here
quick note for function: addDataToEpisodeInfoBox
Pseudocode for level 100:
- We are working with an episode list which is an array
create a container using JS connected to "#root"
we might need an H1 tag
we create a draft of our web page using HTML and CSS
we then convert the HTML elements to JS by creating variables and append them inside the other according to our HTML tree layout as below
DisplayingsearchCountEle/73 episodes
For getting each episode we need to access each element inside the array of objects in episodes.js.
For each episode element we would need to have name of the episodes, series and episode numbers, image of the episode, and brief description of the movie
- for those we would need to create div, h2, img, p (description) elements for each episode.
Pseudocode for level 200
we need to create an input element that will take in text a) create the element in JS (google what method to use in JS for that) var x = document.createElement("input"); b) we append the input element inside the root element
capture the value of the input
we could console.log whatever is typed into the input
filter through the episodes and match with the enteredInput (we take in all the episodes and use filter method to only display the ones that match)
display the results of the search result
extra: add h1 "tv guide"
Level 300
Create Select element
- Look up select documentation
- Write out placeholder text (it takes the value attribute)
- Connect the selectHTML elment in JavaScript
- Console.log(selectHTML) `; }) .join(''); charactersList.innerHTML = htmlString; };
loadCharacters(); Create option element for each episode
- We created an option element for each episode
- We updated option value attribute with setAttribute
- We updated option text with textContent
- Append optionHTML inside SelectHTML
Pinned header to the top of the site.
Change header position to fixed
Added a top value of 0
updated background-color
If the value attribute from optionHTML
Create scroll to card functionality
- Check value attribute from optionHTML is included (.includes) in episodeNameNumElement.textContent
- If value is included then find episodeNameNumElement and save to variable
- use variable.scrollIntoView({behaviour: smooth}) to scroll down to card.
lesson from level 300: we can not only set up classes but also we can add unique ids to each item inside our array and it is easier to jump around and delete things because we know which position we are. The pattern is give in a for loop to give each card a unique identifier based on the number of its position. By giving an id, we can do stuff with the unique ones.
To display the selected episode we will need to apply a filtering logic based on the value obtained from the change event listener, instead of just using console.log and printing out the selected episode's value.
const optionValue = S${episodeName} - S${seasonNum}E${episodeNum}
; <= Same as episodeNameNumElement
const optionText = S${seasonNum}E${episodeNum} - ${episodeName}
Please select an episode from the top left menu
<!-- Loads YOUR javascript code -->
<script src="script.js"></script>
<p id="source">Source:</p>
rootHtml.innerHTML = ""; // for enhanced experience we should always reset the rootHtml to nothing and if results are not equal to zero. We can make episodes for page because this is what empties everything and we could have a choice saying if not equal to 0, makePageForEpisodes, else "no results found". This condition meant that we never reset the page with the facts that there were no results.
const allShows = getAllShows().map(show =>
order allShows alphetically - later look at case-insensitive
const allShowsAlphebetical = getAllShows() but alphabetical!
create select element for dropdown of shows. We get the dropdown list from the array of objects
const showSelectHtml = document.createElement('select')
<select> => allows user to choose show from allShows array
for (let i = 0; i < allShows.length; i++) {
const showOptionHtml = document.createElement("option");
Get information
const optionShowName = allShowsAlphebetical[i].name;
(When we give the show id, the API will return a different show)
showOptionHtml.value = allShowsAlphebetical[i].id; // the value of the dropdown item is stored as i from the for loop
update text content for showOptionHml
showOptionHtml.textContent = optionShowName;
showSelectHtml.addEventListener("change", fetchShow);
We find the SHOW_ID and use it in fetch${SHOW_ID}/episodes to access all the episodes with their id.
1. we fetch first
2. display it
Make an html file Make a new demo CSS file Make a nice responsive design according to the requirement creating one card with one show and repeat it 6 times and see how it works on mobile or desktop.
Plan for making the shows cards clickible - level 500:
- target each card which is
- put an eventListener on each card
//Get DOM elements const rootHtml = document.getElementById("root"); // Get the root element where we'll add the episode cards const searchInputHtml = document.getElementById("search-input"); const searchResultDisplayHtml = document.querySelector(".display-search"); const episodeSelectHtml = document.querySelector("#episode-select-html"); const showSelectHtml = document.querySelector("#show-html");
// Global variables let allEpisodes; let allShows;
window.onload = setup;
// Fetch episodes function function setup() { allShows = getAllShows().sort((a, b) => { return; // sort shows into alphabeltical order by comparing string, not numbers });
buildShowDropdownList(allShows); makePageForShows(allShows);
// fetch(${allShows[0].id}/episodes
) // returns a promise and it is pending
// .then((response) => {
// if (response.status >= 200 && response.status <= 299) {
// return response.json(); // returns the promise as fulfilled and gives us a response object which we pass into the callback function
// } else {
// throw new Error(
// Encountered something unexpected: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}
// );
// }
// })
// .then((data) => {
// allEpisodes = data;
// makePageForEpisodes(data);
// buildEpisodeDropdownList(data);
// })
// .catch((error) => {
// console.log(error);
// });
// console.log(allShows);
// fetchShow(allShows[0]); }
function fetchShow(tvShowId) {
let SHOW_ID =;
) // returns a promise and it is pending
.then((response) => {
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status <= 299) {
return response.json(); // returns the promise as fulfilled and gives us a response object which we pass into the callback function
} else {
throw new Error(
Encountered something unexpected: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}
.then((data) => {
allEpisodes = data;
.catch((error) => {
// level 100
// Create an input element inside the rootEle
function makePageForEpisodes(episodeList) { // const searchCountHtml = document.createElement("span"); // Creating the top span element inside the rootEle rootHtml.innerHTML = ""; const cardsContainerHtml = document.createElement("div"); // Creating the cards container element inside the rootEl
// searchCountHtml.classList.add("search-count"); cardsContainerHtml.classList.add("cards-container");
// Loop through each episode and create a card for it
episodeList.forEach((episode, index) => {
// Get the episode name, season number, episode number, and combine them
const episodeName =;
const paddedSeasonNum = ("0" + episode.season).slice(-2);
const paddedEpisodeNum = ("0" + episode.number).slice(-2);
const episodeNameNum = ${episodeName} - S${paddedSeasonNum}E${paddedEpisodeNum}
// Create the episode card elements
const episodeImageSrc = episode.image?.medium;
const episodeDescription = episode.summary;
const episodeCardHtml = document.createElement("div");
episodeCardHtml.classList.add("episode-card"); = "episode-card" + index;
const episodeNameNumHolderHtml = document.createElement("div");
// Creating a span inside our span element
const episodeNameNumTextHtml = document.createElement("span");
episodeNameNumTextHtml.textContent = episodeNameNum;
const imageContainerHtml = document.createElement("div");
// Get the episode image and description
const episodeImageHtml = document.createElement("img");
episodeImageHtml.src = episodeImageSrc;
const episodeDescriptionContainerHtml = document.createElement("div");
const episodeDescriptionTextHtml = document.createElement("p");
episodeDescriptionTextHtml.innerHTML = episodeDescription;
// Update info about displayed episodes
searchResultDisplayHtml.textContent = `Displaying ${index + 1}/${
} episodes`;
// Add the episode card elements to the container
}); }
// level 200
// function to search
/* could you pass in an object like this { input: value, "search-input", true } { input: value, "search-input"; false }
function displaySearchedEpisodes(inputValue) { // creating a fresh array which only holds the episodes that match our search criteria const filteredEpisodes = allEpisodes.filter((episode) => { return ( || episode.summary.toLowerCase().includes(inputValue) ); });
// Display searchedEpisodes rootHtml.innerHTML = ""; makePageForEpisodes(filteredEpisodes); // makePageForShows(allShows); buildEpisodeDropdownList(filteredEpisodes);
searchResultDisplayHtml.textContent = Displaying ${filteredEpisodes.length}/${allEpisodes.length} episodes
// List of event listeners (Should be always at the bottom)
searchInputHtml.addEventListener("input", (event) => { // { // input:, // search: true, // } const inputValue =; displaySearchedEpisodes(inputValue); });
// level 300
// jump to episode function
function jumpToEpisode(event) { console.log("JumpToEpisode",; const episodeSelectHtml = document.querySelector("#episode-select-html"); // this is the dropdown const selectEpisodePosition = episodeSelectHtml.value; // we set a variable for the value which is the number const episodeSelectHtmlId = "episode-card" + selectEpisodePosition; // position is from the dropdown list; we are making the id will will find // displaySearchedEpisodes(episodeSelectHtml);
/* Plan is to use the episodeSelectHtmlId how? */
document.getElementById(episodeSelectHtmlId).scrollIntoView({ block: "center", behavior: "smooth", }); }
// build selection dropdown list
function buildEpisodeDropdownList(episodeList) { const episodeSelectHtml = document.querySelector("#episode-select-html"); episodeSelectHtml.innerHTML = "";
// Create the option element (inside the episodeSelectHTML)
for (let i = 0; i < episodeList.length; i++) {
const episodeOptionHtml = document.createElement("option");
const optionEpisodeName = episodeList[i].name;
const optionSeasonPadded = ("0" + episodeList[i].season).slice(-2);
const optionEpisodePadded = ("0" + episodeList[i].number).slice(-2);
// const episodeOptionValue = S${optionEpisodeName} - S${optionSeasonPadded}E${optionEpisodePadded}
const episodeOptionTextHtml = S${optionSeasonPadded}E${optionEpisodePadded} - ${optionEpisodeName}
episodeOptionHtml.textContent = episodeOptionTextHtml; // it is the episode list showing on the dropdown list
episodeOptionHtml.value = i; // the value of the dropdown item is stored as i from the for loop
episodeSelectHtml.appendChild(episodeOptionHtml); // we append each of the episodes into the episodeSelectHTML
episodeSelectHtml.addEventListener("change", jumpToEpisode);
} }
// level 400
function buildShowDropdownList(allShows) { for (let i = 0; i < allShows.length; i++) { const showOptionHtml = document.createElement("option");
// Get information
const optionShowName = allShows[i].name;
// (When we give the show id, the API will return a different show)
showOptionHtml.value = allShows[i].id;
// update text content for showOptionHml
showOptionHtml.textContent = optionShowName;
showSelectHtml.addEventListener("change", fetchShow);
} }
// level 500
function makePageForShows(allShows) { console.log(allShows); // const searchCountHtml = document.createElement("span"); // Creating the top span element inside the rootEle rootHtml.innerHTML = ""; const cardsContainerHtml = document.createElement("div"); // Creating the cards container element inside the rootEl
// searchCountHtml.classList.add("search-count"); cardsContainerHtml.classList.add("cards-container");
// Loop through each show and create a card for it
allShows.forEach((show, index) => { // Get the show name, season number, show number, and combine them
const showName =;
const showNameContainerHtml = document.createElement("div");
const showNameTextHtml = document.createElement("p");
showNameTextHtml.innerHTML = showName;
// Create the show card elements
const showImageSrc = show.image?.medium;
const showDescription = show.summary;
const showCardHtml = document.createElement("div");
const imageContainerHtml = document.createElement("div");
// Get the show image and description
const showImageHtml = document.createElement("img");
showImageHtml.src = showImageSrc;
const showDescriptionContainerHtml = document.createElement("div");
const showDescriptionTextHtml = document.createElement("p");
showDescriptionTextHtml.innerHTML = showDescription;
const showRating = show.rating.average;
const showGenre = show.genres;
const showStatus = show.status;
const showRuntime = show.runtime;
const showBasicInfoContainerHtml = document.createElement("div");
const showRatingValueHtml = document.createElement("span");
const showRatingDescriptionHtml = document.createElement("span");
const showRatingContainer = document.createElement("p");
showRatingDescriptionHtml.innerText = "Rated: "
showRatingValueHtml.innerHTML = `${showRating}`;
const showGenreTextHtml = document.createElement("p");
showGenreTextHtml.innerHTML = `Genres: ${showGenre}`;
const showStatusTextHtml = document.createElement("p");
showStatusTextHtml.innerHTML = `Status: ${showStatus}`;
const showRuntimeTextHtml = document.createElement("p");
showRuntimeTextHtml.innerHTML = `Runtime: ${showRuntime}`;
showCardHtml.addEventListener("click", takeToShow)
}); }
function takeToShow() { console.log("Hi EMILIE"); }
need to do some destructuring like below:
function createEpisodeHeadingText(string) { const episodeNameNumSeasonComboHolderHtml = document.createElement("div"); const episodeNameNumSeasonComboTextHtml = document.createElement("span"); episodeNameNumSeasonComboHolderHtml.classList.add("episode-name-num-holder"); episodeNameNumSeasonComboTextHtml.classList.add("episode-name-num-text"); episodeNameNumSeasonComboTextHtml.textContent = string; return { episodeNameNumSeasonComboHolderHtml, episodeNameNumSeasonComboTextHtml } }
// destructuring demo
const { episodeNameNumSeasonComboHolderHtml, episodeNameNumSeasonComboTextHtml } = createEpisodeHeadingText('sometext')
to make a search bar for both episode cards and shows card
- link the search bar with the episode cards when using makePageForEpisodes
- link the search bar with the show cards when using makePageForShow