diff --git a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData.UnitTests/CapturedResponseValidationTests.cs b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData.UnitTests/CapturedResponseValidationTests.cs
index 0896121..2f18aa9 100644
--- a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData.UnitTests/CapturedResponseValidationTests.cs
+++ b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData.UnitTests/CapturedResponseValidationTests.cs
@@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ public async Task GetSubSessionResultSuccessfulAsync()
Assert.That(sampleDriver.CarClassShortName, Is.EqualTo("Cadillac CTS-VR"));
Assert.That(sampleDriver.CarName, Is.EqualTo("Cadillac CTS-V Racecar"));
Assert.That(sampleDriver.DivisionName, Is.EqualTo("Division 1"));
+ Assert.That(sampleDriver.CountryCode, Is.EqualTo("AU"));
Assert.That(subSessionResult.Weather, Is.Not.Null);
@@ -836,10 +837,10 @@ public async Task GetSubSessionResultSuccessfulAsync()
Assert.That(subSessionResult.SessionSplits, Contains.Item(new SessionSplit { SubSessionId = 45243121, EventStrengthOfField = 1683 }));
Assert.That(subSessionResult.SessionSplits, Contains.Item(new SessionSplit { SubSessionId = 45243122, EventStrengthOfField = 1143 }));
- Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.RateLimitRemaining, Is.EqualTo(99));
- Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.TotalRateLimit, Is.EqualTo(100));
- Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.RateLimitReset, Is.EqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2022, 2, 10, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero)));
- Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.DataExpires, Is.EqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2022, 8, 27, 11, 23, 19, 507, TimeSpan.Zero)));
+ Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.RateLimitRemaining, Is.EqualTo(239));
+ Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.TotalRateLimit, Is.EqualTo(240));
+ Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.RateLimitReset, Is.EqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2024, 10, 10, 13, 50, 14, TimeSpan.Zero)));
+ Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.DataExpires, Is.EqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2024, 10, 10, 14, 4, 15, 56, TimeSpan.Zero)));
@@ -892,13 +893,21 @@ public async Task GetSubSessionResultForTeamSuccessfulAsync()
var racingSociety = raceResults.Results.SingleOrDefault(r => r.TeamId == -261181);
Assert.That(racingSociety?.DriverResults, Has.Length.EqualTo(2));
- Assert.That(racingSociety?.DriverResults, Has.One.Property(nameof(DriverResult.CustomerId)).EqualTo(696075));
- Assert.That(racingSociety?.DriverResults, Has.One.Property(nameof(DriverResult.CustomerId)).EqualTo(669671));
- Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.RateLimitRemaining, Is.EqualTo(99));
- Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.TotalRateLimit, Is.EqualTo(100));
- Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.RateLimitReset, Is.EqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2022, 2, 10, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero)));
- Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.DataExpires, Is.EqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2022, 8, 27, 11, 23, 19, 507, TimeSpan.Zero)));
+ var sampleDriverResult = racingSociety?.DriverResults?.FirstOrDefault(d => d.CustomerId == 696075);
+ Assert.That(sampleDriverResult, Is.Not.Null);
+ Assert.That(sampleDriverResult!.DisplayName, Is.EqualTo("Fabian Albrecht"));
+ Assert.That(sampleDriverResult!.CountryCode, Is.EqualTo("DE"));
+ var sampleDriverResult2 = racingSociety?.DriverResults?.FirstOrDefault(d => d.CustomerId == 669671);
+ Assert.That(sampleDriverResult2, Is.Not.Null);
+ Assert.That(sampleDriverResult2!.DisplayName, Is.EqualTo("Mike Honda"));
+ Assert.That(sampleDriverResult2!.CountryCode, Is.EqualTo("DE"));
+ Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.RateLimitRemaining, Is.EqualTo(239));
+ Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.TotalRateLimit, Is.EqualTo(240));
+ Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.RateLimitReset, Is.EqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2024, 10, 10, 12, 26, 11, TimeSpan.Zero)));
+ Assert.That(subSessionResultResponse.DataExpires, Is.EqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2024, 10, 10, 12, 40, 12, 320, TimeSpan.Zero)));
diff --git a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData.UnitTests/Responses/GetSubSessionResultForTeamSuccessfulAsync/1.json b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData.UnitTests/Responses/GetSubSessionResultForTeamSuccessfulAsync/1.json
index b95ceee..0f242b9 100644
--- a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData.UnitTests/Responses/GetSubSessionResultForTeamSuccessfulAsync/1.json
+++ b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData.UnitTests/Responses/GetSubSessionResultForTeamSuccessfulAsync/1.json
@@ -1,11 +1,35 @@
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index 59ff200..12529e0 100644
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- "start_time": "2022-05-29T13:00:00Z",
- "end_time": "2022-05-29T17:58:06Z",
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- "num_laps_for_solo_average": 1,
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+ {
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+ {
+ "car_id": 132
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"simsession_type": 3,
"simsession_type_name": "Open Practice",
"simsession_subtype": 0,
- "simsession_name": "PRACTICE",
"results": [
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"display_name": "DensuSimRacing PURPLE",
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- "laps_lead": 0,
- "laps_complete": 0,
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"best_lap_time": -1,
@@ -105,75 +205,24 @@
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- "reason_out": "Running",
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- "license_change_oval": -1,
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"cust_id": 321782,
"display_name": "Christian Meyer4",
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- "class_interval": 0,
+ "aggregate_champ_points": 131,
+ "ai": false,
"average_lap": 0,
"best_lap_num": -1,
"best_lap_time": -1,
@@ -182,41 +231,40 @@
"best_qual_lap_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"best_qual_lap_num": -1,
"best_qual_lap_time": -1,
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- "starting_position_in_class": -1,
"car_class_id": 4005,
+ "car_class_name": "NECGT3",
+ "car_class_short_name": "NECGT3",
+ "car_id": 132,
+ "car_name": "BMW M4 GT3",
+ "champ_points": 0,
+ "class_interval": 0,
"club_id": 42,
"club_name": "DE-AT-CH",
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"club_shortname": "DE-AT-CH",
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"division": 1,
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@@ -234,114 +282,123 @@
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"simsession_type_name": "Open Practice",
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- "simsession_name": "PRACTICE",
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@@ -120,44 +171,40 @@
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@@ -175,34 +222,39 @@
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@@ -211,44 +263,40 @@
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@@ -3278,34 +3359,39 @@
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@@ -3314,44 +3400,40 @@
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@@ -3369,80 +3451,81 @@
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@@ -3496,44 +3584,40 @@
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@@ -3551,121 +3635,88 @@
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- },
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- "field_strength": 1683,
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- "has_opt_path": false,
- "special_event_type": 0,
- "special_event_type_text": "Not a special event"
- },
- "car_classes": [
- {
- "car_class_id": 45,
- "cars_in_class": [
- {
- "car_id": 41
- }
- ],
- "name": "Cadillac CTS-VR",
- "short_name": "Cadillac CTS-VR",
- "strength_of_field": 2303,
- "num_entries": 11
- },
- {
- "car_class_id": 48,
- "cars_in_class": [
- {
- "car_id": 44
- }
- ],
- "name": "Kia Optima",
- "short_name": "Kia Optima",
- "strength_of_field": 1029,
- "num_entries": 8
- }
- ],
- "allowed_licenses": [
- {
- "parent_id": 210,
- "license_group": 1,
- "min_license_level": 4,
- "max_license_level": 4,
- "group_name": "Rookie"
- },
- {
- "parent_id": 210,
- "license_group": 2,
- "min_license_level": 5,
- "max_license_level": 8,
- "group_name": "Class D"
- },
- {
- "parent_id": 210,
- "license_group": 3,
- "min_license_level": 9,
- "max_license_level": 12,
- "group_name": "Class C"
- },
- {
- "parent_id": 210,
- "license_group": 4,
- "min_license_level": 13,
- "max_license_level": 16,
- "group_name": "Class B"
- },
- {
- "parent_id": 210,
- "license_group": 5,
- "min_license_level": 17,
- "max_license_level": 20,
- "group_name": "Class A"
- },
+ "session_splits": [
- "parent_id": 210,
- "license_group": 6,
- "min_license_level": 21,
- "max_license_level": 24,
- "group_name": "Pro"
+ "subsession_id": 45243121,
+ "event_strength_of_field": 1683
- "parent_id": 210,
- "license_group": 7,
- "min_license_level": 25,
- "max_license_level": 28,
- "group_name": "Pro/WC"
+ "subsession_id": 45243122,
+ "event_strength_of_field": 1143
- "results_restricted": false,
- "associated_subsession_ids": [
- 45243121,
- 45243122
- ]
+ "special_event_type": -1,
+ "start_time": "2022-04-04T01:30:00Z",
+ "track": {
+ "category": "Road",
+ "category_id": 2,
+ "config_name": "Industriefahrten",
+ "track_id": 249,
+ "track_name": "Nürburgring Nordschleife"
+ },
+ "track_state": {
+ "leave_marbles": false,
+ "practice_grip_compound": -1,
+ "practice_rubber": -1,
+ "qualify_grip_compound": -1,
+ "qualify_rubber": -1,
+ "race_grip_compound": -1,
+ "race_rubber": -1,
+ "warmup_grip_compound": -1,
+ "warmup_rubber": -1
+ },
+ "weather": {
+ "allow_fog": false,
+ "fog": 0,
+ "precip_mm2hr_before_final_session": 0,
+ "precip_mm_final_session": 0,
+ "precip_option": 0,
+ "precip_time_pct": 0,
+ "rel_humidity": 55,
+ "simulated_start_time": "2022-04-02T18:25:00",
+ "skies": 1,
+ "temp_units": 0,
+ "temp_value": 78,
+ "time_of_day": 2,
+ "track_water": 0,
+ "type": 3,
+ "version": 0,
+ "weather_var_initial": 0,
+ "weather_var_ongoing": 0,
+ "wind_dir": 0,
+ "wind_units": 0,
+ "wind_value": 2
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Aydsko.iRacingData.csproj b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Aydsko.iRacingData.csproj
index 8e4075a..920294d 100644
--- a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Aydsko.iRacingData.csproj
+++ b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Aydsko.iRacingData.csproj
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@
<_Parameter2>IDE1006:Naming Styles
@@ -65,8 +67,6 @@
<_Parameter4>Scope = "module"
diff --git a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Results/DriverResult.cs b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Results/DriverResult.cs
index 9e86294..7368d56 100644
--- a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Results/DriverResult.cs
+++ b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Results/DriverResult.cs
@@ -202,5 +202,8 @@ public class DriverResult
public bool AI { get; set; }
+ [JsonPropertyName("country_code")]
+ public string? CountryCode { get; set; } = default!;
private string DebuggerDisplay => $"{CustomerId} \"{DisplayName}\"{(AI ? " (AI)" : "")} Team {TeamId} Q{StartingPosition} to P{Position}";
diff --git a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Results/Result.cs b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Results/Result.cs
index e62c3b6..05874a0 100644
--- a/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Results/Result.cs
+++ b/src/Aydsko.iRacingData/Results/Result.cs
@@ -215,6 +215,9 @@ public class Result
public bool AI { get; set; }
+ [JsonPropertyName("country_code")]
+ public string? CountryCode { get; set; } = default!;
public DriverResult[]? DriverResults { get; set; }