diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8af868e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# This .gitignore file should be placed at the root of your Unity project directory
+# Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Unity.gitignore
+# Asset meta data should only be ignored when the corresponding asset is also ignored
+# Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the asset store tools plugin
+# /[Aa]ssets/AssetStoreTools*
+# Autogenerated Jetbrains Rider plugin
+# Visual Studio cache directory
+# Gradle cache directory
+# Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files
+# Unity3D generated meta files
+# Unity3D generated file on crash reports
+# Builds
+# Crashlytics generated file
diff --git a/Assets/CrossDK/CrossDK.prefab b/Assets/CrossDK/CrossDK.prefab
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a4df5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/CrossDK/CrossDK.prefab
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011:
+--- !u!1 &8139806205299797674
+ m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
+ m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
+ m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
+ m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
+ serializedVersion: 6
+ m_Component:
+ - component: {fileID: 8139806205299797672}
+ - component: {fileID: 8139806205299797675}
+ m_Layer: 0
+ m_Name: CrossDK
+ m_TagString: Untagged
+ m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
+ m_NavMeshLayer: 0
+ m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
+ m_IsActive: 1
+--- !u!4 &8139806205299797672
+ m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
+ m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
+ m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
+ m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
+ m_GameObject: {fileID: 8139806205299797674}
+ m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
+ m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
+ m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
+ m_Children: []
+ m_Father: {fileID: 0}
+ m_RootOrder: 0
+ m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
+--- !u!114 &8139806205299797675
+ m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
+ m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
+ m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
+ m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
+ m_GameObject: {fileID: 8139806205299797674}
+ m_Enabled: 1
+ m_EditorHideFlags: 0
+ m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 86ae828927208024289c04f4b9b3b36f, type: 3}
+ m_Name:
+ m_EditorClassIdentifier:
+ _appId:
+ _apiKey:
+ _idfv:
diff --git a/Assets/CrossDK/CrossDKConverter.cs b/Assets/CrossDK/CrossDKConverter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4763b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/CrossDK/CrossDKConverter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace CrossDK
+ public class CrossDKConverter
+ {
+ /* Interface to native implementation */
+ [DllImport("__Internal")]
+ private static extern void crossDKConfigWithAppId(string appId, string apiKey, string userId);
+ [DllImport("__Internal")]
+ private static extern void dismissOverlay();
+ [DllImport("__Internal")]
+ private static extern void displayOverlayWithFormat(int format, int position, bool withCloseButton, bool isRewarded);
+ private static AndroidJavaObject crossDKWrapper;
+ private const string CONFIG = "config";
+ private const string DISMISS = "dismissOverlay";
+ private const string DISPLAY = "displayOverlay";
+ //[DllImport("CrossDK")]
+ //private static extern void crossDKConfigWithAppId(string appId, string apiKey, string userId);
+ //[DllImport("CrossDK")]
+ //private static extern void dismissOverlay();
+ //[DllImport("CrossDK")]
+ //private static extern void displayOverlayWithFormat(int format, int position, bool withCloseButton, bool isRewarded);
+ /* Public interface for use inside C# code */
+ public static void CrossDKConfigWithAppId(string appId = "", string apiKey = "", string userId = "")
+ {
+ Debug.Log("CrossDKConfigWithAppId called in editor");
+#elif UNITY_IOS
+ crossDKConfigWithAppId(appId, apiKey, userId);
+ crossDKWrapper = new AndroidJavaObject("com.adikteev.unityadapter.CrossDKBridge");
+ object[] parameters = new object[3];
+ parameters[0] = appId;
+ parameters[1] = apiKey;
+ parameters[2] = userId;
+ crossDKWrapper.Call(CONFIG, parameters);
+ }
+ public static void DismissOverlay()
+ {
+ Debug.Log("DismissOverlay called in editor");
+#elif UNITY_IOS
+ dismissOverlay();
+ crossDKWrapper.Call(DISMISS);
+ }
+ public static void DisplayOverlayWithFormat(OverlayFormat format, OverlayPosition position, bool withCloseButton, bool isRewarded)
+ {
+ Debug.Log("DisplayOverlayWithFormat called in editor");
+#elif UNITY_IOS
+ displayOverlayWithFormat((int)format, (int)position, withCloseButton, isRewarded);
+ object[] parameters = new object[4];
+ parameters[0] = (int)format;
+ parameters[1] = (int)position;
+ parameters[2] = withCloseButton;
+ parameters[3] = isRewarded;
+ crossDKWrapper.Call(DISPLAY, parameters);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/CrossDK/CrossDKSingleton.cs b/Assets/CrossDK/CrossDKSingleton.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff64f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/CrossDK/CrossDKSingleton.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace CrossDK
+ public class CrossDKSingleton : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ private static CrossDKSingleton _instance;
+ public delegate void CrossDKDelegate(string message);
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayWillStartPresentationDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayDidFinishPresentationDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayWillStartDismissalDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayDidFinishDismissalDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayStartsPlayingVideoDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayPlayedHalfVideoDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayDidFinishPlayingVideoDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayShowsRecommendedAppInAppStoreDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayDidRewardUserWithRewardDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayDidFailToLoadWithErrorDelegate;
+ public static CrossDKDelegate overlayUnavailableWithErrorDelegate;
+ [Header("SDK settings")]
+ [SerializeField] private bool _autoCallConfig;
+ [SerializeField] private string _appId;
+ [SerializeField] private string _apiKey;
+ [SerializeField] private string _idfv;
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ if (_instance != null)
+ {
+ Destroy(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ _instance = this;
+ DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject);
+ if (_autoCallConfig)
+ {
+ Config(_appId, _apiKey, _idfv);
+ }
+ }
+ #region CrossDK Methods
+ public static void Config(string appId = "", string apiKey = "", string userId = "")
+ {
+ CrossDKConverter.CrossDKConfigWithAppId(appId, apiKey, userId);
+ }
+ public static void DismissOverlay()
+ {
+ CrossDKConverter.DismissOverlay();
+ }
+ public static void DisplayOverlay(OverlayFormat format = OverlayFormat.Interstitial, OverlayPosition position = OverlayPosition.Bottom, bool withCloseButton = true, bool isRewarded = true)
+ {
+ CrossDKConverter.DisplayOverlayWithFormat(format, position, withCloseButton, isRewarded);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region CrossDK Delegates
+ //internal void Log(string message)
+ //{
+ // Logger.Log(message);
+ //}
+ internal void OverlayWillStartPresentation(string message)
+ {
+ overlayWillStartPresentationDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayDidFinishPresentation(string message)
+ {
+ overlayDidFinishPresentationDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayWillStartDismissal(string message)
+ {
+ overlayWillStartDismissalDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayDidFinishDismissal(string message)
+ {
+ overlayDidFinishDismissalDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayStartsPlayingVideo(string message)
+ {
+ overlayStartsPlayingVideoDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayPlayedHalfVideo(string message)
+ {
+ overlayPlayedHalfVideoDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayDidFinishPlayingVideo(string message)
+ {
+ overlayDidFinishPlayingVideoDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayShowsRecommendedAppInAppStore(string message)
+ {
+ overlayShowsRecommendedAppInAppStoreDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayDidRewardUserWithReward(string message)
+ {
+ overlayDidRewardUserWithRewardDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayDidFailToLoadWithError(string message)
+ {
+ overlayDidFailToLoadWithErrorDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ internal void OverlayUnavailableWithError(string message)
+ {
+ overlayUnavailableWithErrorDelegate?.Invoke(message);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+ public enum OverlayFormat
+ {
+ Banner = 0,
+ MidSize = 1,
+ Interstitial = 2
+ }
+ public enum OverlayPosition
+ {
+ Bottom = 0,
+ BottomRaised = 1
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/CrossDK/Editor/CrossDKDependencies.xml b/Assets/CrossDK/Editor/CrossDKDependencies.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..562a9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/CrossDK/Editor/CrossDKDependencies.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
diff --git a/Assets/CrossDK/Editor/IOSPostProcess.cs b/Assets/CrossDK/Editor/IOSPostProcess.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027bae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/CrossDK/Editor/IOSPostProcess.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+using UnityEditor;
+using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
+using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode;
+public static class IOSPostProcess
+ [PostProcessBuild]
+ public static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string buildPath)
+ {
+ string pbxProjectPath = PBXProject.GetPBXProjectPath(buildPath);
+ PBXProject project = new PBXProject();
+ project.ReadFromFile(pbxProjectPath);
+ project.SetBuildProperty(project.ProjectGuid(), "VALIDATE_WORKSPACE", "YES");
+ project.SetBuildProperty(project.ProjectGuid(), "CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES", "YES");
+ project.SetBuildProperty(project.ProjectGuid(), "CLANG_WARN_QUOTED_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK_HEADER", "YES");
+ project.SetBuildProperty(project.ProjectGuid(), "ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS", "NO");
+ project.WriteToFile(pbxProjectPath);
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/CrossDK/Editor/Unity.iOS.Extensions.Xcode.dll b/Assets/CrossDK/Editor/Unity.iOS.Extensions.Xcode.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d869e90
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/CrossDK/Editor/Unity.iOS.Extensions.Xcode.dll differ
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.IOSResolver.dll b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.IOSResolver.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6220f1f
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.IOSResolver.dll differ
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.IOSResolver.dll.meta b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.IOSResolver.dll.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2cfda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.IOSResolver.dll.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: ba395513f6a44d2d89b870714850cd6d
+- gvh
+- gvh_version-1.2.170
+- gvhp_exportpath-ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.IOSResolver.dll
+- gvhp_targets-editor
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ iconMap: {}
+ executionOrder: {}
+ defineConstraints: []
+ isPreloaded: 0
+ isOverridable: 0
+ isExplicitlyReferenced: 0
+ validateReferences: 1
+ platformData:
+ - first:
+ Any:
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings: {}
+ - first:
+ Editor: Editor
+ second:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ DefaultValueInitialized: true
+ - first:
+ Windows Store Apps: WindowsStoreApps
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.JarResolver.dll b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.JarResolver.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e207b4
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.JarResolver.dll differ
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.JarResolver.dll.meta b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.JarResolver.dll.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf2346a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.JarResolver.dll.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 3bb4c63278564dbca3caa9c5da2870a9
+- gvh
+- gvh_version-1.2.170
+- gvhp_exportpath-ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.JarResolver.dll
+- gvhp_targets-editor
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ iconMap: {}
+ executionOrder: {}
+ defineConstraints: []
+ isPreloaded: 0
+ isOverridable: 0
+ isExplicitlyReferenced: 0
+ validateReferences: 1
+ platformData:
+ - first:
+ Any:
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings: {}
+ - first:
+ Editor: Editor
+ second:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ DefaultValueInitialized: true
+ - first:
+ Windows Store Apps: WindowsStoreApps
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.PackageManagerResolver.dll b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.PackageManagerResolver.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1b6c1e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.PackageManagerResolver.dll differ
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.PackageManagerResolver.dll.meta b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.PackageManagerResolver.dll.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa1c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.PackageManagerResolver.dll.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: b8ea83d55ef241c9af0ba12a1c7901ad
+- gvh
+- gvh_version-1.2.170
+- gvhp_exportpath-ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.PackageManagerResolver.dll
+- gvhp_targets-editor
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ iconMap: {}
+ executionOrder: {}
+ defineConstraints: []
+ isPreloaded: 0
+ isOverridable: 0
+ isExplicitlyReferenced: 0
+ validateReferences: 1
+ platformData:
+ - first:
+ Any:
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings: {}
+ - first:
+ Editor: Editor
+ second:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ DefaultValueInitialized: true
+ - first:
+ Windows Store Apps: WindowsStoreApps
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.VersionHandlerImpl.dll b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.VersionHandlerImpl.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d8cc43
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.VersionHandlerImpl.dll differ
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.VersionHandlerImpl.dll.meta b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.VersionHandlerImpl.dll.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..150908b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.VersionHandlerImpl.dll.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 3b9765bbe7134166a6c4a11df8c0bde3
+- gvh
+- gvh_version-1.2.170
+- gvhp_exportpath-ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.170/Google.VersionHandlerImpl.dll
+- gvhp_targets-editor
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ iconMap: {}
+ executionOrder: {}
+ defineConstraints: []
+ isPreloaded: 0
+ isOverridable: 0
+ isExplicitlyReferenced: 0
+ validateReferences: 1
+ platformData:
+ - first:
+ Any:
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings: {}
+ - first:
+ Editor: Editor
+ second:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings:
+ DefaultValueInitialized: true
+ - first:
+ Windows Store Apps: WindowsStoreApps
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/CHANGELOG.md b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90dfea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1353 @@
+# Version 1.2.170 - Apr 4, 2022
+* Android Resolver - Fixes #498 - Fix the path separator of the Maven repo
+ injected to `mainTemplate.gradle`.
+* iOS Resolver - Fixes #470 - Switch default Cocoapods master repo from Github
+ to CDN.
+* iOS Resolver - `Link Framework Statically` setting is now default to `true`.
+ That is, `use_frameworks! :linkage => static` will be added to `Podfile` by
+ default instead of `use_frameworks!`. This can be changed in iOS Resolver
+ settings. This fixes odd behaviors when pods include static libraries, ex.
+ Firebase Analytics.
+* iOS Resolver - Added a workaround when app crashes on launch due to
+ `Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib` when some pods includes Swift
+ framework. This is turned `OFF` by default and can be changed in iOS Resolver
+ settings.
+# Version 1.2.169 - Jan 20, 2022
+* General - Fixes #425 - Change to save `GvhProjectSettings.xml` without
+ Unicode byte order mark (BoM).
+* Android Resolver - Remove reference to `jcenter()`
+* iOS Resolver - Force setting `LANG` when executing Cocoapods in shell mode on
+ Mac.
+# Version 1.2.168 - Dec 9, 2021
+* All - Fixes #472 by removing the use of `System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert`
+* All - Fixed #477 by properly enabling EDM4U libraries for Unity 2021.2+ when
+ the package is installed through `.tgz`
+# Version 1.2.167 - Oct 6, 2021
+* All - Moved versioned `.dll` in EDM4U to a versioned folder and remove their
+ version postfix in their filename. For instance, `IOSResolver.dll` will be
+ placed at `ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/1.2.167/Google.IOSResolver.dll`.
+* Android Resolver - Fixed #243 by only using the highest version in
+ `mainTemplate.gradle` when duplicated dependencies are presented.
+* Android Resolver - Added supports to x86_64 to ABI list for Android apps on
+ Chrome OS.
+# Version 1.2.166 - Jun 30, 2021
+* All - Fixed #440 and fixed #447 by specifying the parameter type while calling
+ `GetApplicationIdentifier()` Unity API using reflection, due to a new
+ overloaded method introduced in Unity 2021.2.
+* Android Resolver - Fixed #442 by patching `Dependency.IsGreater()` when the
+ version strings end '+'.
+# Version 1.2.165 - Apr 28, 2021
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler - Fixed #431 by replacing the use of `HttpUtility.UrlEncode()`
+ which causes NullReferenceException in certain version of Unity.
+* Android Resolver - Check that androidSdkRootPath directory exists before using
+ as sdkPath.
+* Android Resolver - Fixed Android Resolver integration tests with Unity
+ 2019.3+.
+# Version 1.2.164 - Feb 4, 2021
+## New Features
+* Android Resolver - Added support for Android packages with classifier in their
+ namespaces.
+* iOS Resolver - Added new settings in iOS Resolver to configure generated
+ Podfile.
+* iOS Resolver - Added a new attribute `addToAllTargets` in Dependencies.xml.
+## Bug Fixes
+* iOS Resolver - Fixed XML parsing for `bitcodeEnabled` attribute in
+ Dependencies.xml.
+# Version 1.2.163 - Dec 15, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler - Fixed measurement reporting
+# Version 1.2.162 - Nov 19, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler - Improved #413 by preventing Version Handler from running
+ from static constructor when it is disabled.
+* Package Manager Resolver - Remove GPR
+# Version 1.2.161 - Oct 12, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver - Fixed the issue that Android Resolver does not resolve
+ again before build in Unity 2020 if it failed to resolve previously.
+# Version 1.2.160 - Sep 30, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver - Fixed a regression that gradleResolver can be null until
+ Initialize() is called.
+* Android Resolver - Fixed a regression that Android Resolver failed in Unity
+ 2019.3+ due to `gradleTemplate.properties` not enabled when
+ `mainTemplate.gradle` is not enabled at all.
+# Version 1.2.159 - Sep 11, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver - Fixed #322 where the Unity editor will lose its target SDK
+ setting between Unity restarts if `>28` is selected in 2019. This is due to
+ Unity AndroidSdkVersions enum does not contain values above 28.
+* Android Resolver - Fixed #360 where building Android app with Untiy 2019.3+
+ may fail due to Jetifier and AndroidX not enabled properly in generated
+ Gradle project. This fix requires the user to enable
+ `Custom Gradle Properties Template` found under
+ `Player Settings > Settings for Android > Publishing Settings`.
+# Version 1.2.158 - Sep 3, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Fixed editor freeze when `-executeMethod` is used in
+ non-batch mode.
+* Android Resolver: Normalized file paths when generating local Maven repo
+ since the path may contains a mix of forward and backward slash on Windows.
+* Export Unity Package: Fixed generation of .unitypackage with tarfile on
+ Windows.
+# Version 1.2.157 - Aug 6, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Delay initialization until active build target is Android
+ and the editor is not in play mode.
+* iOS Resolver: Delay initialization until active build target is iOS
+ and the editor is not in play mode.
+* Export Unity Package: Workaround directory creation racy if multiple export
+ operations are spawned at the same time.
+# Version 1.2.156 - June 10, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed that the generated local repo assets contains
+ redundent labels which are causing Version Handler to failed while
+ uninstalling packages.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed that the repo url injected into mainTemplate.gradle
+ is incorrect when Unity is configured to export gradle project.
+* Android Resolver: Limited to only create local Maven repo when the source
+ repo contains ".srcaar" file.
+## Changes
+* All: Described EDM4U analytics data usage in readme.
+# Version 1.2.155 - May 14, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* All: Fixed compiler error when build with Unity 5.4 or below due to the
+ usage of Rect.zero.
+* All: Ignore cases when checking command line arguments.
+# Version 1.2.154 - May 14, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* All: Make each MultiSelectWindow for different purposes to have its own
+ unique window.
+## Changes
+* All: Replace all dialog with DialogWindow which is implemented from
+ EditorWindow.
+* Package Manager Resolver: Clarify how manifest.json will be changed in Package
+ Manager Resolver window.
+# Version 1.2.153 - Apr 24, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed an exception when repainting the Android resolution
+ window in Unity 2019.3.x.
+# Version 1.2.152 - Apr 17, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Fixed exception when waiting for enabled editor DLLs to
+ load.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed regression when using a Custom Gradle Template
+ on Windows.
+# Version 1.2.151 - Apr 16, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: When waiting for newly enabled editor DLLs to load, ignore
+ all DLLs that do not have a file-system location.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed resolution when using a Custom Gradle Template with
+ libraries stored in a local maven repository distributed with a plugin
+ installed with the Unity Package Manager.
+# Version 1.2.150 - Apr 9, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* All: The new packaging script when run on MacOS was generating a
+ .unitypackage archive that could not be read by Unity on Windows.
+ This release simply repackages the plugin with tar/gzip to fix the problem.
+# Version 1.2.149 - Apr 8, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Package Manager Resolver: Fixed spurious error message when resuming
+ migration after installing a UPM package.
+# Version 1.2.148 - Apr 8, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Package Manager Resolver: Fixed an exception when resuming migration
+ after installing a UPM package.
+# Version 1.2.147 - Apr 8, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Fixed alias traversal bug which caused problems when
+ migrating from installed .unitypackage files to UPM packages.
+# Version 1.2.146 - Apr 8, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Fixed exception in manifest parsing when a manifest is
+ detected with no aliases.
+# Version 1.2.145 - Apr 2, 2020
+## New Features
+* Package Manager Resolver: Added a method to migrate Version Handler
+ managed packages installed via `.unitypackage` to Unity Package Manager
+ packages. This is initially used to migrate the External Dependency Manager
+ to UPM.
+## Changes
+* All: Verbose logging is now no longer automatically enabled in batch mode
+ across all components. Instead logging can be configured using each
+ component's verbose logging setting or by using the `-gvh_log_debug` command
+ line flag when starting Unity.
+* Version Handler: Sped up version handler updates when the app domain isn't
+ reloaded.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Fixed the display of the obsolete files clean up dialog
+ when the asset database refreshes.
+* Version Handler: Improved reliability of callback from
+ the VersionHandler.UpdateCompleteMethods event when an asset database
+ refresh occurs.
+* Version Handler: Fixed duplicate exportPath labels when 'Assets/' is the
+ root of paths assigned to files.
+* Version Handler: Handle empty lines in manifest files.
+# Version 1.2.144 - Mar 23, 2020
+## Changed
+* iOS Resolver: Removed the ability to configure the Xcode target a Cocoapod
+ is added to.
+## Bug Fixes
+* iOS Resolver: Reverted support for adding Cocoapods to multiple targets as
+ it caused a regression (exception thrown during post-build step) in some
+ versions of Unity.
+# Version 1.2.143 - Mar 20, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed caching of resolution state which was causing
+ the resolver to always run when no dependencies had changed.
+# Version 1.2.142 - Mar 19, 2020
+## Changes
+* Package Manager Resolver: Enabled auto-add by default.
+# Version 1.2.141 - Mar 19, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed a bug when retrieving project settings. If a plugin was configured
+ to fetch project settings, if a setting was fetched (e.g "foo") and this
+ setting existed in the system settings but not the project settings the
+ system value would override the default value leading to unexpected
+ behavior.
+* Fixed a warning when caching web request classes in Unity 5.6.
+# Version 1.2.140 - Mar 19, 2020
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed measurement reporting in Unity 5.x.
+* Version Handler: Fixed NullReferenceException when an asset doesn't have
+ an AssetImporter.
+# Version 1.2.139 - Mar 18, 2020
+## Changed
+* Added documentation to the built plugin.
+# Version 1.2.138 - Mar 17, 2020
+## New Features
+* Package Manager Resolver: Added the Package Manager Resolver
+ component that allows developers to easily boostrap Unity Package Manager
+ (UPM) registry addition using unitypackage plugins.
+* Version Handler: Added a window that allows plugins to managed by the
+ Version Handler to be uninstalled.
+* Version Handler: Added support for displaying installed plugins.
+* Version Handler: Added support for moving files in plugins to their install
+ locations (if the plugin has been configured to support this).
+* iOS Resolver: Added the ability to configure the Xcode target a Cocoapod is
+ added to.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed upgrade from version 1.2.137 and below after the plugin rename to
+ EDM4U broke the upgrade process.
+* Android Resolver: Worked around PlayerSettings.Android.targetSdkVersion
+ returning empty names for some values in 2019.x.
+* Version Handler: Fixed the display of the obsolete files clean up window.
+* Version Handler: Fixed managed file check when assets are modified in the
+ project after plugin import.
+# Version 1.2.137 - Mar 6, 2020
+## Changed
+* Renamed package to External Package Manager for Unity (EDM4U).
+ We changed this to reflect what this plugin is doing today which is far more
+ than the original scope which just consisted of importing jar files from the
+ Android SDK maven repository.
+ Scripts that used to pull `play-services-resolver*.unitypackage` will now have
+ to request `external-dependency-manager*.unitypackage` instead.
+ We'll still be shipping a `play-services-resolver*_manifest.txt` file to
+ handle upgrading from older versions of the plugin.
+## New Features
+* All Components: Added reporting of usage so that we can remotely detect
+ errors and target improvements.
+* Android Resolver: Added support for *Dependencies.xml files in Unity Package
+ Manager packages.
+* iOS Resolver: Added support for *Dependencies.xml files in Unity Package
+ Manager packages.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Disabled attempts to disable asset metadata modification
+ when assets are in a Unity Package Manager managed package.
+# Version 1.2.136 - Feb 19, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed OpenJDK path discovery in Unity 2019.3.1.
+# Version 1.2.135 - Dec 5, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* All Components: Fixed stack overflow when loading project settings.
+# Version 1.2.134 - Dec 4, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* All Components: Fixed an issue which caused project settings to be cleared
+ when running in batch mode.
+# Version 1.2.133 - Nov 18, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* All Components: Failure to save project settings will now report an error
+ to the log rather than throwing an exception.
+# Version 1.2.132 - Nov 11, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Worked around expansion of DIR_UNITYPROJECT on Windows
+ breaking Gradle builds when used as part of a file URI.
+* Android Resolver: mainTemplate.gradle is only written if it needs to be
+ modified.
+# Version 1.2.131 - Oct 29, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Improved execution of events on the main thread in batch
+ mode.
+* Version Handler: Improved log level configuration at startup.
+* Version Handler: Improved performance of class lookup in deferred method
+ calls.
+* Version Handler: Fixed rename to enable / disable for editor assets.
+* iOS Resolver: Improved log level configuration at startup.
+* Android Resolver: Improved local maven repo path reference in
+ mainTemplate.gradle using DIR_UNITYPROJECT. DIR_UNITYPROJECT by Unity
+ to point to the local filesystem path of the Unity project when Unity
+ generates the Gradle project.
+# Version 1.2.130 - Oct 23, 2019
+## New Features
+* iOS Resolver: Added support for modifying the Podfile before `pod install`
+ is executed.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Fixed invalid classname error when calling
+ `VersionHandler.UpdateVersionedAssets()`.
+# Version 1.2.129 - Oct 2, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* iOS Resolver: Changed Cocoapod integration in Unity 2019.3+ to
+ only add Pods to the UnityFramework target.
+# Version 1.2.128 - Oct 1, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* iOS Resolver: Fixed Cocoapod project integration mode with Unity
+ 2019.3+.
+# Version 1.2.127 - Sep 30, 2019
+## Changes
+* Android Resolver: All Android Resolver settings File paths are now
+ serialized with POSIX directory separators.
+# Version 1.2.126 - Sep 27, 2019
+## Changes
+* Android Resolver: File paths are now serialized with POSIX directory
+ separators.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed resolution when the parent directory of a Unity
+ project contains a Gradle project (i.e `settings.gradle` file).
+# Version 1.2.125 - Sep 23, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* All components: Silenced a warning about not being able to set the console
+ encoding to UTF8.
+* Android Resolver: Worked around broken AndroidSDKTools class in some
+ versions of Unity.
+* iOS Resolver: Fixed iOS target SDK version check
+* Version Handler: Changed clean up obsolete files window so that it doesn't
+ exceed the screen size.
+# Version 1.2.124 - Jul 28, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* All components: Fixed regression with source control integration when using
+ Unity 2019.1+.
+# Version 1.2.123 - Jul 23, 2019
+## New Features
+* All components: Source control integration for project settings.
+## Changes
+* Android Resolver: Removed AAR cache as it now makes little difference to
+ incremental resolution performance.
+* Android Resolver: Improved embedded resource management so that embedded
+ resources should upgrade when the plugin is updated without restarting
+ the Unity editor.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Fixed InvokeMethod() and InvokeStaticMethod() when calling
+ methods that have interface typed arguments.
+# Version 1.2.122 - Jul 2, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* iOS Resolver: Worked around Unity not loading the iOS Resolver DLL as it
+ referenced the Xcode extension in a public interface. The iOS Resolver
+ DLL still references the Xcode extension internally and just handles
+ missing type exceptions dynamically.
+# Version 1.2.121 - Jun 27, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed warning about missing Packages folder when loading
+ XML dependencies files in versions of Unity without the package manager.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed resolution window progress bar exceeding 100%.
+* Android Resolver: If AndroidX is detected in the set of resolved libraries,
+ the user will be prompted to enable the Jetifier.
+* Android Resolver: Improved text splitting in text area windows.
+* iOS Resolver: Added support for Unity's breaking changes to the Xcode API
+ in 2019.3.+. Cocoapods are now added to build targets, Unity-iPhone and
+ UnityFramework in Unity 2019.3+.
+# Version 1.2.120 - Jun 26, 2019
+## New Features
+* Android Resolver: Added support for loading *Dependencies.xml files from
+ Unity Package Manager packages.
+* Android Resolver: Resolution window is now closed if resolution runs as
+ a pre-build step.
+* iOS Resolver: Added support for loading *Dependencies.xml files from
+ Unity Package Manager packages.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed generation of relative repo paths when using
+ mainTemplate.gradle resolver.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed copy of .srcaar to .aar files in repos embedded in a
+ project when a project path has characters (e.g whitespace) that are escaped
+ during conversion to URIs.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed auto-resolution always running if the Android SDK
+ is managed by Unity Hub.
+# Version 1.2.119 - Jun 19, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed error reported when using Jetifier integration
+ in Unity 2018+ if the target SDK is set to "highest installed".
+# Version 1.2.118 - Jun 18, 2019
+## New Features
+* Android Resolver: Added initial
+ [Jetifier](https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/jetifier)
+ integration which simplifies
+ [migration](ttps://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/migrate)
+ to Jetpack ([AndroidX](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx))
+ libraries in cases where all dependencies are managed by the Android
+ Resolver.
+ This can be enabled via the `Use Jetifier` option in the
+ `Assets > Play Services Resolver > Android Resolver > Settings` menu.
+ Caveats:
+ - If your project contains legacy Android Support Library .jar and .aar
+ files, these files will need to be removed and replaced with references to
+ artifacts on Maven via `*Dependencies.xml` files so that the Jetifier
+ can map them to Jetpack (AndroidX) libraries.
+ For example, remove the file `support-v4-27.0.2.jar` and replace it with
+ `` in a
+ `*Dependencies.xml` file.
+ - If your project contains .jar or .aar files that use the legacy Android
+ Support Libraries, these will need to be moved into a local Maven repo
+ [See this guide](https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-3rd-party-jars-local.html)
+ and then these files should be removed from your Unity project and instead
+ referenced via `*Dependencies.xml` files so that the Jetifier can
+ patch them to reference the Jetpack lirbaries.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Disabled version locking of com.android.support:multidex
+ does not use the same versioning scheme as other legacy Android support
+ libraries.
+* Version Handler: Made Google.VersionHandler.dll's asset GUID stable across
+ releases. This faciliates error-free import into projects where
+ Google.VersionHandler.dll is moved from the default install location.
+# Version 1.2.117 - Jun 12, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fix copying of .srcaar to .aar files for
+ mainTemplate.gradle resolution. PluginImporter configuration was previously
+ not being applied to .aar files unless the Unity project was saved.
+# Version 1.2.116 - Jun 7, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed resolution of Android dependencies without version
+ specifiers.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed Maven repo not found warning in Android Resolver.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed Android Player directory not found exception in
+ Unity 2019.x when the Android Player isn't installed.
+# Version 1.2.115 - May 28, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed exception due to Unity 2019.3.0a4 removing
+ x86 from the set of supported ABIs.
+# Version 1.2.114 - May 27, 2019
+## New Features
+* Android Resolver: Added support for ABI stripping when using
+ mainTemplate.gradle. This only works with AARs stored in repos
+ on the local filesystem.
+# Version 1.2.113 - May 24, 2019
+## New Features
+* Android Resolver: If local repos are moved, the plugin will search the
+ project for matching directories in an attempt to correct the error.
+* Version Handler: Files can be now targeted to multiple build targets
+ using multiple "gvh_" asset labels.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: "implementation" or "compile" are now added correctly
+ to mainTemplate.gradle in Unity versions prior to 2019.
+# Version 1.2.112 - May 22, 2019
+## New Features
+* Android Resolver: Added option to disable addition of dependencies to
+ mainTemplate.gradle.
+ See `Assets > Play Services Resolver > Android Resolver > Settings`.
+* Android Resolver: Made paths to local maven repositories in
+ mainTemplate.gradle relative to the Unity project when a project is not
+ being exported.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed builds with mainTemplate.gradle integration in
+ Unity 2019.
+* Android Resolver: Changed dependency inclusion in mainTemplate.gradle to
+ use "implementation" or "compile" depending upon the version of Gradle
+ included with Unity.
+* Android Resolver: Gracefully handled exceptions if the console encoding
+ can't be modified.
+* Android Resolver: Now gracefully fails if the AndroidPlayer directory
+ can't be found.
+# Version 1.2.111 - May 9, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Version Handler: Fixed invocation of methods with named arguments.
+* Version Handler: Fixed occasional hang when the editor is compiling
+ while activating plugins.
+# Version 1.2.110 - May 7, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed inclusion of some srcaar artifacts in builds with
+ Gradle builds when using mainTemplate.gradle.
+# Version 1.2.109 - May 6, 2019
+## New Features:
+* Added links to documentation from menu.
+* Android Resolver: Added option to auto-resolve Android libraries on build.
+* Android Resolver: Added support for packaging specs of Android libraries.
+* Android Resolver: Pop up a window when displaying Android dependencies.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Support for Unity 2019 Android SDK and JDK install locations
+* Android Resolver: e-enable AAR explosion if internal builds are enabled.
+* Android Resolver: Gracefully handle exceptions on file deletion.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed Android Resolver log spam on load.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed save of Android Resolver PromptBeforeAutoResolution
+ setting.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed AAR processing failure when an AAR without
+ classes.jar is found.
+* Android Resolver: Removed use of EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar which
+ was occasionally left displayed when resolution had completed.
+* Version Handler: Fixed asset rename to disable when a disabled file exists.
+# Version 1.2.108 - May 3, 2019
+## Bug Fixes:
+* Version Handler: Fixed occasional hang on startup.
+# Version 1.2.107 - May 3, 2019
+## New Features:
+* Version Handler: Added support for enabling / disabling assets that do not
+ support the PluginImporter, based upon build target selection.
+* Android Resolver: Added support for the global specification of maven repos.
+* iOS Resolver: Added support for the global specification of Cocoapod sources.
+# Version 1.2.106 - May 1, 2019
+## New Features
+* iOS Resolver: Added support for development pods in Xcode project integration
+ mode.
+* iOS Resolver: Added support for source pods with resources in Xcode project
+ integration mode.
+# Version 1.2.105 - Apr 30, 2019
+## Bug fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed reference to Java tool path in logs.
+* Android and iOS Resolvers: Changed command line execution to emit a warning
+ rather than throwing an exception and failing, when it is not possible to
+ change the console input and output encoding to UTF-8.
+* Android Resolver: Added menu option and API to delete resolved libraries.
+* Android Resolver: Added menu option and API to log the repos and libraries
+ currently included in the project.
+* Android Resolver: If Plugins/Android/mainTemplate.gradle file is present and
+ Gradle is selected as the build type, resolution will simply patch the file
+ with Android dependencies specified by plugins in the project.
+# Version 1.2.104 - Apr 10, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Changed Android ABI selection method from using whitelisted
+ Unity versions to type availability. This fixes an exception on resolution
+ in some versions of Unity 2017.4.
+# Version 1.2.103 - Apr 2, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Whitelisted Unity 2017.4 and above with ARM64 support.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed Java version check to work with Java SE 12 and above.
+# Version 1.2.102 - Feb 13, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed the text overflow on the Android Resolver
+ prompt before initial run to fit inside the buttons for
+ smaller screens.
+# Version 1.2.101 - Feb 12, 2019
+## New Features
+* Android Resolver: Prompt the user before the resolver runs for the
+ first time and allow the user to elect to disable from the prompt.
+* Android Resolver: Change popup warning when resolver is disabled
+ to be a console warning.
+# Version 1.2.100 - Jan 25, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed AAR processing sometimes failing on Windows
+ due to file permissions.
+# Version 1.2.99 - Jan 23, 2019
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Improved performance of project property polling.
+* Version Handler: Fixed callback of VersionHandler.UpdateCompleteMethods
+ when the update process is complete.
+# Version 1.2.98 - Jan 9, 2019
+## New Features
+* iOS Resolver: Pod declaration properties can now be set via XML pod
+ references. For example, this can enable pods for a subset of build
+ configurations.
+## Bug Fixes
+* iOS Resolver: Fixed incremental builds after local pods support caused
+ regression in 1.2.96.
+# Version 1.2.97 - Dec 17, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Reduced memory allocation for logic that monitors build
+ settings when auto-resolution is enabled. If auto-resolution is disabled,
+ almost all build settings are no longer polled for changes.
+# Version 1.2.96 - Dec 17, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed repacking of AARs to exclude .meta files.
+* Android Resolver: Only perform auto-resolution on the first scene while
+ building.
+* Android Resolver: Fixed parsing of version ranges that include whitespace.
+* iOS Resolver: Added support for local development pods.
+* Version Handler: Fixed Version Handler failing to rename some files.
+# Version 1.2.95 - Oct 23, 2018
+## Bug Fixes:
+* Android Resolver: Fixed auto-resolution running in a loop in some scenarios.
+# Version 1.2.94 - Oct 22, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* iOS Resolver: Added support for PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT in source Cocoapods.
+# Version 1.2.93 - Oct 22, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed removal of Android libraries on auto-resolution when
+ `*Dependencies.xml` files are deleted.
+# Version 1.2.92 - Oct 2, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Worked around auto-resolution hang on Windows if
+ resolution starts before compilation is finished.
+# Version 1.2.91 - Sep 27, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed Android Resolution when the selected build target
+ isn't Android.
+* Added C# assembly symbols the plugin to simplify debugging bug reports.
+# Version 1.2.90 - Sep 21, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver: Fixed transitive dependency selection of version locked
+ packages.
+# Version 1.2.89 - Aug 31, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed FileLoadException in ResolveUnityEditoriOSXcodeExtension an assembly
+ can't be loaded.
+# Version 1.2.88 - Aug 29, 2018
+## Changed
+* Improved reporting of resolution attempts and conflicts found in the Android
+ Resolver.
+## Bug Fixes
+* iOS Resolver now correctly handles sample code in CocoaPods. Previously it
+ would add all sample code to the project when using project level
+ integration.
+* Android Resolver now correctly handles Gradle conflict resolution when the
+ resolution results in a package that is compatible with all requested
+ dependencies.
+# Version 1.2.87 - Aug 23, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Android Resolver "Processing AARs" dialog getting stuck in Unity 5.6.
+# Version 1.2.86 - Aug 22, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Android Resolver exception in OnPostProcessScene() when the Android
+ platform isn't selected.
+# Version 1.2.85 - Aug 17, 2018
+## Changes
+* Added support for synchronous resolution in the Android Resolver.
+ PlayServicesResolver.ResolveSync() now performs resolution synchronously.
+* Auto-resolution in the Android Resolver now results in synchronous resolution
+ of Android dependencies before the Android application build starts via
+ UnityEditor.Callbacks.PostProcessSceneAttribute.
+# Version 1.2.84 - Aug 16, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Android Resolver crash when the AndroidResolverDependencies.xml
+ file can't be written.
+* Reduced log spam when a conflicting Android library is pinned to a
+ specific version.
+# Version 1.2.83 - Aug 15, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Android Resolver failures due to an in-accessible AAR / JAR explode
+ cache file. If the cache can't be read / written the resolver now continues
+ with reduced performance following recompilation / DLL reloads.
+* Fixed incorrect version number in plugin manifest on install.
+ This was a minor issue since the version handler rewrote the metadata
+ after installation.
+# Version 1.2.82 - Aug 14, 2018
+## Changed
+* Added support for alphanumeric versions in the Android Resolver.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Android Resolver selection of latest duplicated library.
+* Fixed Android Resolver conflict resolution when version locked and non-version
+ locked dependencies are specified.
+* Fixed Android Resolver conflict resolution when non-existent artifacts are
+ referenced.
+# Version 1.2.81 - Aug 9, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed editor error that would occur when when
+ `PlayerSettings.Android.targetArchitectures` was set to
+ `AndroidArchitecture.All`.
+# Version 1.2.80 - Jul 24, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed project level settings incorrectly falling back to system wide settings
+ when default property values were set.
+# Version 1.2.79 - Jul 23, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed AndroidManifest.xml patching on Android Resolver load in Unity 2018.x.
+# Version 1.2.78 - Jul 19, 2018
+## Changed
+* Added support for overriding conflicting dependencies.
+# Version 1.2.77 - Jul 19, 2018
+## Changed
+* Android Resolver now supports Unity's 2018 ABI filter (i.e arm64-v8a).
+* Reduced Android Resolver build option polling frequency.
+* Disabled Android Resolver auto-resolution in batch mode. Users now need
+ to explicitly kick off resolution through the API.
+* All Android Resolver and Version Handler dialogs are now disabled in batch
+ mode.
+* Verbose logging for all plugins is now enabled by default in batch mode.
+* Version Handler bootstrapper has been improved to no longer call
+ UpdateComplete multiple times. However, since Unity can still reload the
+ app domain after plugins have been enabled, users still need to store their
+ plugin state to persistent storage to handle reloads.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver no longer incorrectly adds MANIFEST.MF files to AARs.
+* Android Resolver auto-resolution jobs are now unscheduled when an explicit
+ resolve job is started.
+# Version 1.2.76 - Jul 16, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed variable replacement in AndroidManifest.xml files in the Android
+ Resolver.
+ Version 1.2.75 introduced a regression which caused all variable replacement
+ to replace the *entire* property value rather than the component of the
+ property that referenced a variable. For example,
+ given "applicationId = com.my.app", "${applicationId}.foo" would be
+ incorrectly expanded as "com.my.app" rather than "com.my.app.foo". This
+ resulted in numerous issues for Android builds where content provider
+ initialization would fail and services may not start.
+## Changed
+* Gradle prebuild experimental feature has been removed from the Android
+ Resolver. The feature has been broken for some time and added around 8MB
+ to the plugin size.
+* Added better support for execution of plugin components in batch mode.
+ In batch mode UnityEditor.update is sometimes never called - like when a
+ single method is executed - so the new job scheduler will execute all jobs
+ synchronously from the main thread.
+# Version 1.2.75 - Jun 20, 2018
+## New Features
+* Android Resolver now monitors the Android SDK path when
+ auto-resolution is enabled and triggers resolution when the path is
+ modified.
+## Changed
+* Android auto-resolution is now delayed by 3 seconds when the following build
+ settings are changed:
+ - Target ABI.
+ - Gradle build vs. internal build.
+ - Project export.
+* Added a progress bar display when AARs are being processed during Android
+ resolution.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed incorrect Android package version selection when a mix of
+ version-locked and non-version-locked packages are specified.
+* Fixed non-deterministic Android package version selection to select
+ the highest version of a specified package rather than the last
+ package specification passed to the Gradle resolution script.
+# Version 1.2.74 - Jun 19, 2018
+## New Features
+* Added workaround for broken AndroidManifest.xml variable replacement in
+ Unity 2018.x. By default ${applicationId} variables will be replaced by
+ the bundle ID in the Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml file. The
+ behavior can be disabled via the Android Resolver settings menu.
+# Version 1.2.73 - May 30, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed spurious warning message about missing Android plugins directory on
+ Windows.
+# Version 1.2.72 - May 23, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed spurious warning message about missing Android plugins directory.
+# Version 1.2.71 - May 10, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed resolution of Android dependencies when the `Assets/Plugins/Android`
+ directory is named in a different case e.g `Assets/plugins/Android`.
+# Version 1.2.70 - May 7, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed bitcode flag being ignored for iOS pods.
+# Version 1.2.69 - May 7, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed escaping of local repository paths in Android Resolver.
+# Version 1.2.68 - May 3, 2018
+## Changes
+* Added support for granular builds of Google Play Services.
+# Version 1.2.67 - May 1, 2018
+## Changes
+* Improved support for iOS source-only pods in Unity 5.5 and below.
+# Version 1.2.66 - April 27, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Version Handler renaming of Linux libraries with hyphens in filenames.
+ Previously, libraries named Foo-1.2.3.so were not being renamed to
+ libFoo-1.2.3.so on Linux which could break native library loading on some
+ versions of Unity.
+# Version 1.2.65 - April 26, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fix CocoaPods casing in logs and comments.
+# Version 1.2.64 - Mar 16, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed bug in download_artifacts.gradle (used by Android Resolver) which
+ reported a failure if required artifacts already exist.
+# Version 1.2.63 - Mar 15, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed iOS Resolver include search paths taking precedence over system headers
+ when using project level resolution.
+* Fixed iOS Resolver includes relative to library root, when using project level
+ resolution.
+# Version 1.2.62 - Mar 12, 2018
+## Changes
+* Improved error reporting when a file can't be moved to trash by the
+ Version Handler.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Android Resolver throwing NullReferenceException when the Android SDK
+ path isn't set.
+* Fixed Version Handler renaming files with underscores if the
+ "Rename to Canonical Filenames" setting is enabled.
+# Version 1.2.61 - Jan 22, 2018
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Android Resolver reporting non-existent conflicting dependencies when
+ Gradle build system is enabled.
+# Version 1.2.60 - Jan 12, 2018
+## Changes
+* Added support for Maven / Ivy version specifications for Android packages.
+* Added support for Android SNAPSHOT packages.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Openjdk version check.
+* Fixed non-deterministic Android package resolution when two packages contain
+ an artifact with the same name.
+# Version 1.2.59 - Oct 19, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed execution of Android Gradle resolution script when it's located
+ in a path with whitespace.
+# Version 1.2.58 - Oct 19, 2017
+## Changes
+* Removed legacy resolution method from Android Resolver.
+ It is now only possible to use the Gradle or Gradle prebuild resolution
+ methods.
+# Version 1.2.57 - Oct 18, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Updated Gradle wrapper to 4.2.1 to fix issues using Gradle with the
+ latest Openjdk.
+* Android Gradle resolution now also uses gradle.properties to pass
+ parameters to Gradle in an attempt to workaround problems with
+ command line argument parsing on Windows 10.
+# Version 1.2.56 - Oct 12, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Gradle artifact download with non-version locked artifacts.
+* Changed iOS resolver to only load dependencies at build time.
+# Version 1.2.55 - Oct 4, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Force Android Resolution when the "Install Android Packages" setting changes.
+# Version 1.2.54 - Oct 4, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed execution of command line tools on Windows when the path to the tool
+ contains a single quote (apostrophe). In this case we fallback to executing
+ the tool via the system shell.
+# Version 1.2.53 - Oct 2, 2017
+## New Features
+* Changed Android Resolver "resolution complete" dialog so that it now displays
+ failures.
+* Android Resolver now detects conflicting libraries that it does not manage
+ warning the user if they're newer than the managed libraries and prompting
+ the user to clean them up if they're older or at the same version.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Improved Android Resolver auto-resolution speed.
+* Fixed bug in the Gradle Android Resolver which would result in resolution
+ succeeding when some dependencies are not found.
+# Version 1.2.52 - Sep 25, 2017
+## New Features
+* Changed Android Resolver's Gradle resolution to resolve conflicting
+ dependencies across Google Play services and Android Support library packages.
+# Version 1.2.51 - Sep 20, 2017
+## Changes
+* Changed iOS Resolver to execute the CocoaPods "pod" command via the shell
+ by default. Some developers customize their shell environment to use
+ custom ssh certs to access internal git repositories that host pods so
+ executing "pod" via the shell will work for these scenarios.
+ The drawback of executing "pod" via the shell could potentially cause
+ users problems if they break their shell environment. Though users who
+ customize their shell environments will be able to resolve these issues.
+# Version 1.2.50 - Sep 18, 2017
+## New Features
+* Added option to disable the Gradle daemon in the Android Resolver.
+ This daemon is now disabled by default as some users are getting into a state
+ where multiple daemon instances are being spawned when changing dependencies
+ which eventually results in Android resolution failing until all daemon
+ processes are manually killed.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android resolution is now always executed if the user declines the update
+ of their Android SDK. This ensure users can continue to use out of date
+ Android SDK packages if they desire.
+# Version 1.2.49 - Sep 18, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Removed modulemap parsing in iOS Resolver.
+ The framework *.modulemap did not need to be parsed by the iOS Resolver
+ when injecting Cocoapods into a Xcode project. Simply adding a modular
+ framework to a Xcode project results in Xcode's Clang parsing the associated
+ modulemap and injecting any compile and link flags into the build process.
+# Version 1.2.48 - Sep 12, 2017
+## New Features
+* Changed settings to be per-project by default.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Added Google maven repository to fix GradlePrebuild resolution with Google
+ components.
+* Fixed Android Resolution failure with spaces in paths.
+# Version 1.2.47 - Aug 29, 2017
+## New Features
+* Android and iOS dependencies can now be specified using *Dependencies.xml
+ files. This is now the preferred method for registering dependencies,
+ we may remove the API for dependency addition in future.
+* Added "Reset to Defaults" button to each settings dialog to restore default
+ settings.
+* Android Resolver now validates the configured JDK is new enough to build
+ recently released Android libraries.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed a bug that caused dependencies with the "LATEST" version specification
+ to be ignored when using the Gradle mode of the Android Resolver.
+* Fixed a race condition when running Android Resolution.
+* Fixed Android Resolver logging if a PlayServicesSupport instance is created
+ with no logging enabled before the Android Resolver is initialized.
+* Fixed iOS resolver dialog in Unity 4.
+* Fixed iOS Cocoapod Xcode project integration in Unity 4.
+# Version 1.2.46 - Aug 22, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* GradlePrebuild Android resolver on Windows now correctly locates dependent
+ data files.
+# Version 1.2.45 - Aug 22, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Improved Android package auto-resolution and fixed clean up of stale
+ dependencies when using Gradle dependency resolution.
+# Version 1.2.44 - Aug 21, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Enabled autoresolution for Gradle Prebuild.
+* Made the command line dialog windows have selectable text.
+* Fixed incorrect "Android Settings" dialog disabled groups.
+* Updated PlayServicesResolver android platform detection to use the package
+ manager instead of the 'android' tool.
+* UnityCompat reflection methods 'GetAndroidPlatform' and
+ 'GetAndroidBuildToolsVersion' are now Obsolete due to dependence on the
+ obsolete 'android' build tool.
+# Version 1.2.43 - Aug 18, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Gradle resolution in the Android Resolver when running
+ PlayServicesResolver.Resolve() in parallel or spawning multiple
+ resolutions before the previous resolve completed.
+# Version 1.2.42 - Aug 17, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Xcode project level settings not being applied by IOS Resolver when
+ Xcode project pod integration is enabled.
+# Version 1.2.41 - Aug 15, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* IOS Resolver's Xcode workspace pod integration is now disabled when Unity
+ Cloud Build is detected. Unity Cloud Build does not follow the same build
+ process as the Unity editor and fails to open the generated xcworkspace at
+ this time.
+# Version 1.2.40 - Aug 15, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Moved Android Resolver Gradle Prebuild scripts into Google.JarResolver.dll.
+ They are now extracted from the DLL when required.
+* AARs / JARs are now cleaned up when switching the Android resolution
+ strategy.
+# Version 1.2.39 - Aug 10, 2017
+## New Features
+* Android Resolver now supports resolution with Gradle. This enables support
+ for non-local artifacts.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Android Resolver's Gradle Prebuild now uses Android build tools to determine
+ the Android platform tools version rather than relying upon internal Unity
+ APIs.
+* Android Resolver's Gradle Prebuild now correctly strips binaries that are
+ not required for the target ABI.
+# Version 1.2.38 - Aug 7, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed an issue in VersionHandler where disabled targets are ignored if
+ the "Any Platform" flag is set on a plugin DLL.
+# Version 1.2.37 - Aug 3, 2017
+## New Features
+* Exposed GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver.Resolve() so that it's
+ possible for a script to be notified when AAR / Jar resolution is complete.
+ This makes it easier to setup a project to build from the command line.
+# Version 1.2.36 - Aug 3, 2017
+## New Features
+* VersionHandler.UpdateCompleteMethods allows a user to provide a list of
+ methods to be called when VersionHandlerImpl has completed an update.
+ This makes it easier to import a plugin and wait for VersionHandler to
+ execute prior executing a build.
+# Version 1.2.35 - Jul 28, 2017
+## New Features
+* VersionHandler will now rename Linux libraries so they can target Unity
+ versions that require different file naming. Libraries need to be labelled
+ gvh_linuxlibname-${basename} in order to be considered for renaming.
+ e.g gvh\_linuxlibname-MyLib will be named MyLib.so in Unity 5.5 and below and
+ libMyLib.so in Unity 5.6 and above.
+# Version 1.2.34 - Jul 28, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Made VersionHandler bootstrap module more robust when calling static
+ methods before the implementation DLL is loaded.
+# Version 1.2.33 - Jul 27, 2017
+## New Features
+* Added a bootstrap module for VersionHandler so the implementation
+ of the VersionHandler module can be versioned without resulting in
+ a compile error when imported at different versions across multiple
+ plugins.
+# Version 1.2.32 - Jul 20, 2017
+## New Features
+* Added support for build target selection based upon .NET framework
+ version in the VersionHandler.
+ When applying either gvh\_dotnet-3.5 or gvh\_dotnet-4.5 labels to
+ assets, the VersionHandler will only enable the asset for the
+ specified set of build targets when the matching .NET framework version
+ is selected in Unity 2017's project settings. This allows assets
+ to be provided in a plugin that need to differ based upon .NET version.
+# Version 1.2.31 - Jul 5, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Force expansion of AARs with native components when using Unity 2017
+ with the internal build system. In contrast to Unity 5.x, Unity 2017's
+ internal build system does not include native libraries included in AARs.
+ Forcing expansion of AARs with native components generates an
+ Ant / Eclipse project for each AAR which is correctly included by Unity
+ 2017's internal build system.
+# Version 1.2.30 - Jul 5, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Cocoapods being installed when the build target isn't iOS.
+* Added support for malformed AARs with missing classes.jar.
+# Version 1.2.29 - Jun 16, 2017
+## New Features
+* Added support for the Android sdkmanager tool.
+# Version 1.2.28 - Jun 8, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed non-shell command line execution (regression from
+ Cocoapod installation patch).
+# Version 1.2.27 - Jun 7, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Added support for stdout / stderr redirection when executing
+ commands in shell mode.
+ This fixes CocoaPod tool installation when shell mode is
+ enabled.
+* Fixed incremental builds when additional sources are specified
+ in the Podfile.
+# Version 1.2.26 - Jun 7, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed a crash when importing Version Handler into Unity 4.7.x.
+# Version 1.2.25 - Jun 7, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed an issue in the Jar Resolver which incorrectly notified
+ event handlers of bundle ID changes when the currently selected
+ (not active) build target changed in Unity 5.6 and above.
+# Version 1.2.24 - Jun 6, 2017
+## New Features
+* Added option to control file renaming in Version Handler settings.
+ Disabling file renaming (default option) significantly increases
+ the speed of file version management operations with the downside
+ that any files that are referenced directly by canonical filename
+ rather than asset ID will no longer be valid.
+* Improved logging in the Version Handler.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed an issue in the Version Handler which caused it to not
+ re-enable plugins when re-importing a custom package with disabled
+ version managed files.
+# Version 1.2.23 - May 26, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed a bug with gradle prebuild resolver on windows.
+# Version 1.2.22 - May 19, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed a bug in the iOS resolver with incremental builds.
+* Fixed misdetection of Cocoapods support with Unity beta 5.6.
+# Version 1.2.21 - May 8, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fix for https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver/issues/48
+ Android dependency version number parsing when "-alpha" (etc.) are
+ included in dependency (AAR / JAR) versions.
+# Version 1.2.20 - May 8, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Attempted to fix
+ https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver/issues/48
+ where a NullReferenceException could occur if a target file does not
+ have a valid version string.
+# Version 1.2.19 - May 4, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Jar Resolver exploding and deleting AAR files it isn't managing.
+# Version 1.2.18 - May 4, 2017
+## New Features
+* Added support for preserving Unity pods such as when GVR is enabled.
+# Version 1.2.17 - Apr 20, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed auto-resolution when an Android application ID is modified.
+# Version 1.2.16 - Apr 17, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed Unity version number parsing on machines with a locale that uses
+ "," for decimal points.
+* Fixed null reference exception if JDK path isn't set.
+# Version 1.2.15 - Mar 17, 2017
+## New Features
+* Added warning when the Jar Resolver's background resolution is disabled.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed support of AARs with native libraries when using Gradle.
+* Fixed extra repository paths when resolving dependencies.
+# Version 1.2.14 - Mar 7, 2017
+## New Features
+* Added experimental Android resolution using Gradle.
+ This alternative resolver supports proguard stripping with Unity's
+ internal build system.
+* Added Android support for single ABI builds when using AARs include
+ native libraries.
+* Disabled Android resolution on changes to all .cs and .js files.
+ File patterns that are monitored for auto-resolution can be added
+ using PlayServicesResolver.AddAutoResolutionFilePatterns().
+* Added tracking of resolved AARs and JARs so they can be cleaned up
+ if they're no longer referenced by a project.
+* Added persistence of AAR / JAR version replacement for each Unity
+ session.
+* Added settings dialog to the iOS resolver.
+* Integrated Cocoapod tool installation in the iOS resolver.
+* Added option to run pod tool via the shell.
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed build of some source Cocoapods (e.g Protobuf).
+* VersionHandler no longer prompts to delete obsolete manifests.
+* iOS resolver handles Cocoapod installation when using Ruby < 2.2.2.
+* Added workaround for package version selection when including
+ Google Play Services on Android.
+* Fixed support for pods that reference static libraries.
+* Fixed support for resource-only pods.
+# Version 1.2.12 - Feb 14, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed re-explosion of AARs when the bundle ID is modified.
+# Version 1.2.11 - Jan 30, 2017
+## New Features
+* Added support for Android Studio builds.
+* Added support for native (C/C++) shared libraries in AARs.
+# Version 1.2.10 - Jan 11, 2017
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed SDK manager path retrieval.
+* Also, report stderr when it's not possible to run the "pod" tool.
+* Handle exceptions thrown by Unity.Cecil on asset rename
+* Fixed IOSResolver to handle PlayerSettings.iOS.targetOSVersionString
+# Version 1.2.9 - Dec 7, 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Improved error reporting when "pod repo update" fails.
+* Added detection of xml format xcode projects generated by old Cocoapods
+ installations.
+# Version 1.2.8 - Dec 6, 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Increased speed of JarResolver resolution.
+* Fixed JarResolver caches getting out of sync with requested dependencies
+ by removing the caches.
+* Fixed JarResolver explode cache always being rewritten even when no
+ dependencies change.
+# Version 1.2.7 - Dec 2, 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed VersionHandler build errors with Unity 5.5, due to the constantly
+ changing BuildTarget enum.
+* Added support for Unity configured JDK Path rather than requiring
+ JAVA_HOME to be set in the Jar Resolver.
+# Version 1.2.6 - Nov 15, 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed IOSResolver errors when iOS support is not installed.
+* Added fallback to "pod" executable search which queries the Ruby Gems
+ package manager for the binary install location.
+# Version 1.2.5 - Nov 3, 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Added crude support for source only Cocoapods to the IOSResolver.
+# Version 1.2.4 - Oct 27, 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Automated resolution of out of date pod repositories.
+# Version 1.2.3 - Oct 25, 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed exception when reporting conflicting dependencies.
+# Version 1.2.2 - Oct 17, 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed issue working with Unity 5.5
+* Fixed issue with PlayServicesResolver corrupting other iOS dependencies.
+* Updated build script to use Unity distributed tools for building.
+# Version 1.2.1 - Jul 25, 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Removed 1.2 Resolver and hardcoded whitelist of AARs to expand.
+* Improved error reporting when the "jar" executable can't be found.
+* Removed the need to set JAVA_HOME if "jar" is in the user's path.
+* Fixed spurious copying of partially matching AARs.
+* Changed resolver to only copy / expand when source AARs change.
+* Auto-resolution of dependencies is now performed when the Android
+ build target is selected.
+## New Features
+* Expand AARs that contain manifests with variable expansion like
+ ${applicationId}.
+* Added optional logging in the JarResolverLib module.
+* Integration with the Android SDK manager for dependencies that
+ declare required Android SDK packages.
+# Version 1.2.0 - May 11 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* Handles resolving dependencies when the artifacts are split across 2 repos.
+* #4 Misdetecting version for versions like 1.2-alpha. These are now string
+ compared if alphanumeric
+* Removed resolver creation via reflection since it did not work all the time.
+ Now a resolver needs to be loaded externally (which is existing behavior).
+## New Features
+* Expose PlayServicesResolver properties to allow for script access.
+* Explodes firebase-common and firebase-measurement aar files to support
+ ${applicationId} substitution.
+# Version 1.1.1 - 25 Feb 2016
+## Bug Fixes
+* #1 Spaces in project path not handled when exploding Aar file.
+* #2 Script compilation error: TypeLoadException.
+# Version 1.1.0 - 5 Feb 2016
+## New Features
+* Adds friendly alert when JAVA_HOME is not set on Windows platforms.
+* Adds flag for disabling background resolution.
+* Expands play-services-measurement and replaces ${applicationId} with the
+ bundle Id.
+ ## Bug Fixes
+* Fixes infinite loop of resolution triggered by resolution.
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/Google.VersionHandler.dll differ
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/LICENSE b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6258cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Apache License
+ Version 2.0, January 2004
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+ 1. Definitions.
+ "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+ and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+ "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+ the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+ "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+ other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+ control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+ "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+ direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+ otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+ outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+ "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+ exercising permissions granted by this License.
+ "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+ including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+ source, and configuration files.
+ "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+ transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+ not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+ and conversions to other media types.
+ "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+ Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+ copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+ (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+ "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+ form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+ editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+ represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+ of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+ separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+ the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+ "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+ the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+ to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+ submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+ or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+ the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+ means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+ to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+ communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+ and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+ Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+ excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+ designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+ "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+ on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+ subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+ 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+ publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+ Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+ 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+ use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+ where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+ by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+ Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+ with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+ institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+ cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+ or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+ or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+ granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+ as of the date such litigation is filed.
+ 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+ Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+ modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+ meet the following conditions:
+ (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+ Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+ (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that You changed the files; and
+ (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+ that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+ attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+ excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+ the Derivative Works; and
+ (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+ distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+ include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+ within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+ pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+ of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+ as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+ documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+ within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+ wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+ of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+ do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+ notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+ or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+ that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+ as modifying the License.
+ You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+ may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+ for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+ for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+ reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+ the conditions stated in this License.
+ 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+ any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+ by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+ this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+ Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+ the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+ with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+ 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+ names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+ except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+ origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+ 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+ agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+ Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+ appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+ risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+ 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+ whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+ unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+ negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+ liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+ incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+ result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+ Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+ work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+ other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+ has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+ the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+ and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+ or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+ License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+ on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+ of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+ defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+ incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+ of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+ APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+ To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+ boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+ replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+ the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+ comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+ file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+ same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+ identification within third-party archives.
+ Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+This package uses MiniJSON
+Copyright (c) 2013 Calvin Rien
+Based on the JSON parser by Patrick van Bergen
+Simplified it so that it doesn't throw exceptions
+and can be used in Unity iPhone with maximum code stripping.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+External Dependency Manager for Unity
+# Overview
+The External Dependency Manager for Unity (EDM4U)
+(formerly Play Services Resolver / Jar Resolver) is intended to be used by any
+Unity plugin that requires:
+ * Android specific libraries (e.g
+ [AARs](https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/android-library.html)).
+ * iOS [CocoaPods](https://cocoapods.org/).
+ * Version management of transitive dependencies.
+ * Management of Package Manager (PM) Registries.
+Updated releases are available on
+# Background
+Many Unity plugins have dependencies upon Android specific libraries, iOS
+CocoaPods, and sometimes have transitive dependencies upon other Unity plugins.
+This causes the following problems:
+ * Integrating platform specific (e.g Android and iOS) libraries within a
+ Unity project can be complex and a burden on a Unity plugin maintainer.
+ * The process of resolving conflicting dependencies on platform specific
+ libraries is pushed to the developer attempting to use a Unity plugin.
+ The developer trying to use your plugin is very likely to give up when
+ faced with Android or iOS specific build errors.
+ * The process of resolving conflicting Unity plugins (due to shared Unity
+ plugin components) is pushed to the developer attempting to use your Unity
+ plugin. In an effort to resolve conflicts, the developer will very likely
+ attempt to resolve problems by deleting random files in your plugin,
+ report bugs when that doesn't work and finally give up.
+EDM provides solutions for each of these problems.
+## Android Dependency Management
+The *Android Resolver* component of this plugin will download and integrate
+Android library dependencies and handle any conflicts between plugins that share
+the same dependencies.
+Without the Android Resolver, typically Unity plugins bundle their AAR and
+JAR dependencies, e.g. a Unity plugin `SomePlugin` that requires the Google
+Play Games Android library would redistribute the library and its transitive
+dependencies in the folder `SomePlugin/Android/`. When a user imports
+`SomeOtherPlugin` that includes the same libraries (potentially at different
+versions) in `SomeOtherPlugin/Android/`, the developer using `SomePlugin` and
+`SomeOtherPlugin` will see an error when building for Android that can be hard
+to interpret.
+Using the Android Resolver to manage Android library dependencies:
+ * Solves Android library conflicts between plugins.
+ * Handles all of the various processing steps required to use Android
+ libraries (AARs, JARs) in Unity 4.x and above projects. Almost all
+ versions of Unity have - at best - partial support for AARs.
+ * (Experimental) Supports minification of included Java components without
+ exporting a project.
+## iOS Dependency Management
+The *iOS Resolver* component of this plugin integrates with
+[CocoaPods](https://cocoapods.org/) to download and integrate iOS libraries
+and frameworks into the Xcode project Unity generates when building for iOS.
+Using CocoaPods allows multiple plugins to utilize shared components without
+forcing developers to fix either duplicate or incompatible versions of
+libraries included through multiple Unity plugins in their project.
+## Package Manager Registry Setup
+The [Package Manager](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Packages.html)
+(PM) makes use of [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/) registry servers for package
+hosting and provides ways to discover, install, upgrade and uninstall packages.
+This makes it easier for developers to manage plugins within their projects.
+However, installing additional package registries requires a few manual steps
+that can potentially be error prone. The *Package Manager Resolver*
+component of this plugin integrates with
+[PM](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Packages.html) to provide a way to
+auto-install PM package registries when a `.unitypackage` is installed which
+allows plugin maintainers to ship a `.unitypackage` that can provide access
+to their own PM registry server to make it easier for developers to
+manage their plugins.
+## Unity Plugin Version Management
+Finally, the *Version Handler* component of this plugin simplifies the process
+of managing transitive dependencies of Unity plugins and each plugin's upgrade
+For example, without the Version Handler plugin, if:
+ * Unity plugin `SomePlugin` includes `EDM4U` plugin at
+ version 1.1.
+ * Unity plugin `SomeOtherPlugin` includes `EDM4U`
+ plugin at version 1.2.
+The version of `EDM4U` included in the developer's project depends upon the
+order the developer imports `SomePlugin` or `SomeOtherPlugin`.
+This results in:
+ * `EDM4U` at version 1.2, if `SomePlugin` is imported then `SomeOtherPlugin`
+ is imported.
+ * `EDM4U` at version 1.1, if `SomeOtherPlugin` is imported then
+ `SomePlugin` is imported.
+The Version Handler solves the problem of managing transitive dependencies by:
+ * Specifying a set of packaging requirements that enable a plugin at
+ different versions to be imported into a Unity project.
+ * Providing activation logic that selects the latest version of a plugin
+ within a project.
+When using the Version Handler to manage `EDM4U` included in `SomePlugin` and
+`SomeOtherPlugin`, from the prior example, version 1.2 will always be the
+version activated in a developer's Unity project.
+Plugin creators are encouraged to adopt this library to ease integration for
+their customers. For more information about integrating EDM4U
+into your own plugin, see the [Plugin Redistribution](#plugin-redistribution)
+section of this document.
+# Analytics
+The External Dependency Manager for Unity plugin by default logs usage to Google
+Analytics. The purpose of the logging is to quantitatively measure the usage of
+functionality, to gather reports on integration failures and to inform future
+improvements to the developer experience of the External Dependency Manager
+plugin. Note that the analytics collected are limited to the scope of the EDM4U
+plugin’s usage.
+For details of what is logged, please refer to the usage of
+`EditorMeasurement.Report()` in the source code.
+# Requirements
+The *Android Resolver* and *iOS Resolver* components of the plugin only work
+with Unity version 4.6.8 or higher.
+The *Version Handler* component only works with Unity 5.x or higher as it
+depends upon the `PluginImporter` UnityEditor API.
+The *Package Manager Resolver* component only works with
+Unity 2018.4 or above, when
+[scoped registry](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-scoped.html)
+support was added to the Package Manager.
+# Getting Started
+Before you import EDM4U into your plugin project, you first
+need to consider whether you intend to *redistribute* `EDM4U`
+along with your own plugin.
+## Plugin Redistribution
+If you're a plugin maintainer, redistributing `EDM4U` inside your own plugin
+will ease the integration process for your users, by resolving dependency
+conflicts between your plugin and other plugins in a user's project.
+If you wish to redistribute `EDM4U` inside your plugin,
+you **must** follow these steps when importing the
+`external-dependency-manager-*.unitypackage`, and when exporting your own plugin
+ 1. Import the `external-dependency-manager-*.unitypackage` into your plugin
+ project by
+ [running Unity from the command line](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CommandLineArguments.html), ensuring that
+ you add the `-gvh_disable` option.
+ 1. Export your plugin by [running Unity from the command line](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CommandLineArguments.html), ensuring that
+ you:
+ - Include the contents of the `Assets/PlayServicesResolver` and
+ `Assets/ExternalDependencyManager` directory.
+ - Add the `-gvh_disable` option.
+You **must** specify the `-gvh_disable` option in order for the Version
+Handler to work correctly!
+For example, the following command will import the
+`external-dependency-manager-` into the project
+`MyPluginProject` and export the entire Assets folder to
+Unity -gvh_disable \
+ -batchmode \
+ -importPackage external-dependency-manager- \
+ -projectPath MyPluginProject \
+ -exportPackage Assets MyPlugin.unitypackage \
+ -quit
+### Background
+The *Version Handler* component relies upon deferring the load of editor DLLs
+so that it can run first and determine the latest version of a plugin component
+to activate. The build of `EDM4U` plugin has Unity asset metadata that is
+configured so that the editor components are not initially enabled when it's
+imported into a Unity project. To maintain this configuration when importing
+the `external-dependency-manager.unitypackage` into a Unity plugin project, you
+*must* specify the command line option `-gvh_disable` which will prevent the
+Version Handler component from running and changing the Unity asset metadata.
+# Android Resolver Usage
+The Android Resolver copies specified dependencies from local or remote Maven
+repositories into the Unity project when a user selects Android as the build
+target in the Unity editor.
+ 1. Add the `external-dependency-manager-*.unitypackage` to your plugin
+ project (assuming you are developing a plugin). If you are redistributing
+ EDM4U with your plugin, you **must** follow the
+ import steps in the [Getting Started](#getting-started) section!
+ 2. Copy and rename the
+ [SampleDependencies.xml](https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver/blob/master/sample/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/SampleDependencies.xml)
+ file into your plugin and add the dependencies your plugin requires.
+ The XML file just needs to be under an `Editor` directory and match the
+ name `*Dependencies.xml`. For example,
+ `MyPlugin/Editor/MyPluginDependencies.xml`.
+ 3. Follow the steps in the [Getting Started](#getting-started)
+ section when you are exporting your plugin package.
+For example, to add the Google Play Games library
+(`com.google.android.gms:play-services-games` package) at version `9.8.0` to
+the set of a plugin's Android dependencies:
+ extra-google-m2repository
+The version specification (last component) supports:
+ * Specific versions e.g `9.8.0`
+ * Partial matches e.g `9.8.+` would match 9.8.0, 9.8.1 etc. choosing the most
+ recent version.
+ * Latest version using `LATEST` or `+`. We do *not* recommend using this
+ unless you're 100% sure the library you depend upon will not break your
+ Unity plugin in future.
+The above example specifies the dependency as a component of the Android SDK
+manager such that the Android SDK manager will be executed to install the
+package if it's not found. If your Android dependency is located on Maven
+central it's possible to specify the package simply using the `androidPackage`
+## Auto-resolution
+By default the Android Resolver automatically monitors the dependencies you have
+specified and the `Plugins/Android` folder of your Unity project. The
+resolution process runs when the specified dependencies are not present in your
+The *auto-resolution* process can be disabled via the
+`Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Settings` menu.
+Manual resolution can be performed using the following menu options:
+ * `Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Resolve`
+ * `Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Force Resolve`
+## Deleting libraries
+Resolved packages are tracked via asset labels by the Android Resolver.
+They can easily be deleted using the
+`Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Delete Resolved Libraries`
+menu item.
+## Android Manifest Variable Processing
+Some AAR files (for example play-services-measurement) contain variables that
+are processed by the Android Gradle plugin. Unfortunately, Unity does not
+perform the same processing when using Unity's Internal Build System, so the
+Android Resolver plugin handles known cases of this variable substitution
+by exploding the AAR into a folder and replacing `${applicationId}` with the
+Disabling AAR explosion and therefore Android manifest processing can be done
+via the `Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Settings`
+menu. You may want to disable explosion of AARs if you're exporting a project
+to be built with Gradle / Android Studio.
+## ABI Stripping
+Some AAR files contain native libraries (.so files) for each ABI supported
+by Android. Unfortunately, when targeting a single ABI (e.g x86), Unity does
+not strip native libraries for unused ABIs. To strip unused ABIs, the Android
+Resolver plugin explodes an AAR into a folder and removes unused ABIs to
+reduce the built APK size. Furthermore, if native libraries are not stripped
+from an APK (e.g you have a mix of Unity's x86 library and some armeabi-v7a
+libraries) Android may attempt to load the wrong library for the current
+runtime ABI completely breaking your plugin when targeting some architectures.
+AAR explosion and therefore ABI stripping can be disabled via the
+`Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Settings` menu.
+You may want to disable explosion of AARs if you're exporting a project to be
+built with Gradle / Android Studio.
+## Resolution Strategies
+By default the Android Resolver will use Gradle to download dependencies prior
+to integrating them into a Unity project. This works with Unity's internal
+build system and Gradle / Android Studio project export.
+It's possible to change the resolution strategy via the
+`Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Settings` menu.
+### Download Artifacts with Gradle
+Using the default resolution strategy, the Android resolver executes the
+following operations:
+ - Remove the result of previous Android resolutions.
+ e.g Delete all files and directories labeled with "gpsr" under
+ `Plugins/Android` from the project.
+ - Collect the set of Android dependencies (libraries) specified by a
+ project's `*Dependencies.xml` files.
+ - Run `download_artifacts.gradle` with Gradle to resolve conflicts and,
+ if successful, download the set of resolved Android libraries (AARs, JARs).
+ - Process each AAR / JAR so that it can be used with the currently selected
+ Unity build system (e.g Internal vs. Gradle, Export vs. No Export).
+ This involves patching each reference to `applicationId` in the
+ AndroidManifest.xml with the project's bundle ID. This means resolution
+ must be run if the bundle ID is changed again.
+ - Move the processed AARs to `Plugins/Android` so they will be included when
+ Unity invokes the Android build.
+### Integrate into mainTemplate.gradle
+Unity 5.6 introduced support for customizing the `build.gradle` used to build
+Unity projects with Gradle. When the *Patch mainTemplate.gradle* setting is
+enabled, rather than downloading artifacts before the build, Android resolution
+results in the execution of the following operations:
+ - Remove the result of previous Android resolutions.
+ e.g Delete all files and directories labeled with "gpsr" under
+ `Plugins/Android` from the project and remove sections delimited with
+ `// Android Resolver * Start` and `// Android Resolver * End` lines.
+ - Collect the set of Android dependencies (libraries) specified by a
+ project's `*Dependencies.xml` files.
+ - Rename any `.srcaar` files in the build to `.aar` and exclude them from
+ being included directly by Unity in the Android build as
+ `mainTemplate.gradle` will be patched to include them instead from their
+ local maven repositories.
+ - Inject the required Gradle repositories into `mainTemplate.gradle` at the
+ line matching the pattern
+ `.*apply plugin: 'com\.android\.(application|library)'.*` or the section
+ starting at the line `// Android Resolver Repos Start`.
+ If you want to control the injection point in the file, the section
+ delimited by the lines `// Android Resolver Repos Start` and
+ `// Android Resolver Repos End` should be placed in the global scope
+ before the `dependencies` section.
+ - Inject the required Android dependencies (libraries) into
+ `mainTemplate.gradle` at the line matching the pattern `***DEPS***` or
+ the section starting at the line `// Android Resolver Dependencies Start`.
+ If you want to control the injection point in the file, the section
+ delimited by the lines `// Android Resolver Dependencies Start` and
+ `// Android Resolver Dependencies End` should be placed in the
+ `dependencies` section.
+ - Inject the packaging options logic, which excludes architecture specific
+ libraries based upon the selected build target, into `mainTemplate.gradle`
+ at the line matching the pattern `android +{` or the section starting at
+ the line `// Android Resolver Exclusions Start`.
+ If you want to control the injection point in the file, the section
+ delimited by the lines `// Android Resolver Exclusions Start` and
+ `// Android Resolver Exclusions End` should be placed in the global
+ scope before the `android` section.
+## Dependency Tracking
+The Android Resolver creates the
+`ProjectSettings/AndroidResolverDependencies.xml` to quickly determine the set
+of resolved dependencies in a project. This is used by the auto-resolution
+process to only run the expensive resolution process when necessary.
+## Displaying Dependencies
+It's possible to display the set of dependencies the Android Resolver
+would download and process in your project via the
+`Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Display Libraries`
+menu item.
+# iOS Resolver Usage
+The iOS resolver component of this plugin manages
+[CocoaPods](https://cocoapods.org/). A CocoaPods `Podfile` is generated and
+the `pod` tool is executed as a post build process step to add dependencies
+to the Xcode project exported by Unity.
+Dependencies for iOS are added by referring to CocoaPods.
+ 1. Add the `external-dependency-manager-*.unitypackage` to your plugin
+ project (assuming you are developing a plugin). If you are redistributing
+ EDM4U with your plugin, you **must** follow the
+ import steps in the [Getting Started](#getting-started) section!
+ 2. Copy and rename the
+ [SampleDependencies.xml](https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver/blob/master/sample/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/SampleDependencies.xml)
+ file into your plugin and add the dependencies your plugin requires.
+ The XML file just needs to be under an `Editor` directory and match the
+ name `*Dependencies.xml`. For example,
+ `MyPlugin/Editor/MyPluginDependencies.xml`.
+ 3. Follow the steps in the [Getting Started](#getting-started)
+ section when you are exporting your plugin package.
+For example, to add the AdMob pod, version 7.0 or greater with bitcode enabled:
+## Integration Strategies
+The `CocoaPods` are either:
+ * Downloaded and injected into the Xcode project file directly, rather than
+ creating a separate xcworkspace. We call this `Xcode project` integration.
+ * If the Unity version supports opening a xcworkspace file, the `pod` tool
+ is used as intended to generate a xcworkspace which references the
+ CocoaPods. We call this `Xcode workspace` integration.
+The resolution strategy can be changed via the
+`Assets > External Dependency Manager > iOS Resolver > Settings` menu.
+### Appending text to generated Podfile
+In order to modify the generated Podfile you can create a script like this:
+using System.IO;
+public class PostProcessIOS : MonoBehaviour {
+[PostProcessBuildAttribute(45)]//must be between 40 and 50 to ensure that it's not overriden by Podfile generation (40) and that it's added before "pod install" (50)
+private static void PostProcessBuild_iOS(BuildTarget target, string buildPath)
+ if (target == BuildTarget.iOS)
+ {
+ using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(buildPath + "/Podfile"))
+ {
+ //in this example I'm adding an app extension
+ sw.WriteLine("\ntarget 'NSExtension' do\n pod 'Firebase/Messaging', '6.6.0'\nend");
+ }
+ }
+# Package Manager Resolver Usage
+Adding registries to the
+[Package Manager](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Packages.html)
+(PM) is a manual process. The Package Manager Resolver (PMR) component
+of this plugin makes it easy for plugin maintainers to distribute new PM
+registry servers and easy for plugin users to manage PM registry servers.
+## Adding Registries
+ 1. Add the `external-dependency-manager-*.unitypackage` to your plugin
+ project (assuming you are developing a plugin). If you are redistributing
+ EDM4U with your plugin, you **must** follow the
+ import steps in the [Getting Started](#getting-started) section!
+ 2. Copy and rename the
+ [SampleRegistries.xml](https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver/blob/master/sample/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/sample/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/SampleRegistries.xml)
+ file into your plugin and add the registries your plugin requires.
+ The XML file just needs to be under an `Editor` directory and match the
+ name `*Registries.xml` or labeled with `gumpr_registries`. For example,
+ `MyPlugin/Editor/MyPluginRegistries.xml`.
+ 3. Follow the steps in the [Getting Started](#getting-started)
+ section when you are exporting your plugin package.
+For example, to add a registry for plugins in the scope `com.coolstuff`:
+ com.coolstuff
+When PMR is loaded it will prompt the developer to add the registry to their
+project if it isn't already present in the `Packages/manifest.json` file.
+For more information, see Unity's documentation on
+[scoped package registries](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-scoped.html).
+## Managing Registries
+It's possible to add and remove registries that are specified via PMR
+XML configuration files via the following menu options:
+* `Assets > External Dependency Manager > Package Manager Resolver >
+ Add Registries` will prompt the user with a window which allows them to
+ add registries discovered in the project to the Package Manager.
+* `Assets > External Dependency Manager > Package Manager Resolver >
+ Remove Registries` will prompt the user with a window which allows them to
+ remove registries discovered in the project from the Package Manager.
+* `Assets > External Dependency Manager > Package Manager Resolver >
+ Modify Registries` will prompt the user with a window which allows them to
+ add or remove registries discovered in the project.
+## Migration
+PMR can migrate Version Handler packages installed in the `Assets` folder
+to PM packages. This requires the plugins to implement the following:
+* `.unitypackage` must include a Version Handler manifests that describes
+ the components of the plugin. If the plugin has no dependencies
+ the manifest would just include the files in the plugin.
+* The PM package JSON provided by the registry must include a keyword
+ (in the `versions.VERSION.keyword` list) that maps the PM package
+ to a Version Handler package using the format
+ is the name of the manifest defined in the `.unitypackage`. For
+ more information see the description of the `gvhp_manifestname` asset label
+ in the *Version Handler Usage* section.
+When using the `Assets > External Dependency Manager >
+Package Manager Resolver > Migrate Packages` menu option, PMR then
+* List all Version Handler manager packages in the project.
+* Search all available packages in the PM registries and fetch keywords
+ associated with each package parsing the Version Handler manifest names
+ for each package.
+* Map each installed Version Handler package to a PM package.
+* Prompt the user to migrate the discovered packages.
+* Perform package migration for all selected packages if the user clicks
+ the `Apply` button.
+## Configuration
+PMR can be configured via the `Assets > External Dependency Manager >
+Package Manager Resolver > Settings` menu option:
+* `Add package registries` when enabled, when the plugin loads or registry
+ configuration files change, this will prompt the user to add registries
+ that are not present in the Package Manager.
+* `Prompt to add package registries` will cause a developer to be prompted
+ with a window that will ask for confirmation before adding registries.
+ When this is disabled registries are added silently to the project.
+* `Prompt to migrate packages` will cause a developer to be prompted
+ with a window that will ask for confirmation before migrating packages
+ installed in the `Assets` directory to PM packages.
+* `Enable Analytics Reporting` when enabled, reports the use of the plugin
+ to the developers so they can make imrpovements.
+* `Verbose logging` when enabled prints debug information to the console
+ which can be useful when filing bug reports.
+# Version Handler Usage
+The Version Handler component of this plugin manages:
+* Shared Unity plugin dependencies.
+* Upgrading Unity plugins by cleaning up old files from previous versions.
+* Uninstallation of plugins that are distributed with manifest files.
+* Restoration of plugin assets to their original install locations if assets
+ are tagged with the `exportpath` label.
+Since the Version Handler needs to modify Unity asset metadata (`.meta` files),
+to enable / disable components, rename and delete asset files it does not
+work with Package Manager installed packages. It's still possible to
+include EDM4U in Package Manager packages, the Version Handler component
+simply won't do anything to PM plugins in this case.
+## Using Version Handler Managed Plugins
+If a plugin is imported at multiple different versions into a project, if
+the Version Handler is enabled, it will automatically check all managed
+assets to determine the set of assets that are out of date and assets that
+should be removed. To disable automatic checking managed assets disable
+the `Enable version management` option in the
+`Assets > External Dependency Manager > Version Handler > Settings` menu.
+If version management is disabled, it's possible to check managed assets
+manually using the
+`Assets > External Dependency Manager > Version Handler > Update` menu option.
+### Listing Managed Plugins
+Plugins managed by the Version Handler, those that ship with manifest files,
+can displayed using the `Assets > External Dependency Manager >
+Version Handler > Display Managed Packages` menu option. The list of plugins
+are written to the console window along with the set of files used by each
+### Uninstalling Managed Plugins
+Plugins managed by the Version Handler, those that ship with manifest files,
+can be removed using the `Assets > External Dependency Manager >
+Version Handler > Uninstall Managed Packages` menu option. This operation
+will display a window that allows a developer to select a set of plugins to
+remove which will remove all files owned by each plugin excluding those that
+are in use by other installed plugins.
+Files managed by the Version Handler, those labeled with the `gvh` asset label,
+can be checked to see whether anything needs to be upgraded, disabled or
+removed using the `Assets > External Dependency Manager >
+Version Handler > Update` menu option.
+### Restore Install Paths
+Some developers move assets around in their project which can make it
+harder for plugin maintainers to debug issues if this breaks Unity's
+[special folders](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SpecialFolders.html) rules.
+If assets are labeled with their original install / export path
+(see `gvhp_exportpath` below), Version Handler can restore assets to their
+original locations when using the `Assets > External Dependency Manager >
+Version Handler > Move Files To Install Locations` menu option.
+### Settings
+Some behavior of the Version Handler can be configured via the
+`Assets > External Dependency Manager > Version Handler > Settings` menu
+* `Enable version management` controls whether the plugin should automatically
+ check asset versions and apply changes. If this is disabled the process
+ should be run manually when installing or upgrading managed plugins using
+ `Assets > External Dependency Manager > Version Handler > Update`.
+* `Rename to canonical filenames` is a legacy option that will rename files to
+ remove version numbers and other labels from filenames.
+* `Prompt for obsolete file deletion` enables the display of a window when
+ obsolete files are deleted allowing the developer to select which files to
+ delete and those to keep.
+* `Allow disabling files via renaming` controls whether obsolete or disabled
+ files should be disabled by renaming them to `myfilename_DISABLED`.
+ Renaming to disable files is required in some scenarios where Unity doesn't
+ support removing files from the build via the PluginImporter.
+* `Enable Analytics Reporting` enables / disables usage reporting to plugin
+ developers to improve the product.
+* `Verbose logging` enables _very_ noisy log output that is useful for
+ debugging while filing a bug report or building a new managed plugin.
+* `Use project settings` saves settings for the plugin in the project rather
+ than system-wide.
+## Redistributing a Managed Plugin
+The Version Handler employs a couple of methods for managing version
+selection, upgrade and removal of plugins.
+* Each plugin can ship with a manifest file that lists the files it includes.
+ This makes it possible for Version Handler to calculate the difference
+ in assets between the most recent release of a plugin and the previous
+ release installed in a project. If a files are removed the Version Handler
+ will prompt the user to clean up obsolete files.
+* Plugins can ship using assets with unique names, unique GUIDs and version
+ number labels. Version numbers can be attached to assets using labels or
+ added to the filename (e.g `myfile.txt` would be `myfile_version-x.y.z.txt).
+ This allows the Version Handler to determine which set of files are the
+ same file at different versions, select the most recent version and prompt
+ the developer to clean up old versions.
+Unity plugins can be managed by the Version Handler using the following steps:
+ 1. Add the `gvh` asset label to each asset (file) you want Version Handler
+ to manage.
+ 1. Add the `gvh_version-VERSION` label to each asset where `VERSION` is the
+ version of the plugin you're releasing (e.g 1.2.3).
+ 1. Add the `gvhp_exportpath-PATH` label to each asset where `PATH` is the
+ export path of the file when the `.unitypackage` is created. This is
+ used to track files if they're moved around in a project by developers.
+ 1. Optional: Add `gvh_targets-editor` label to each editor DLL in your
+ plugin and disable `editor` as a target platform for the DLL.
+ The Version Handler will enable the most recent version of this DLL when
+ the plugin is imported.
+ 1. Optional: If your plugin is included in other Unity plugins, you should
+ add the version number to each filename and change the GUID of each asset.
+ This allows multiple versions of your plugin to be imported into a Unity
+ project, with the Version Handler component activating only the most
+ recent version.
+ 1. Create a manifest text file named `MY_UNIQUE_PLUGIN_NAME_VERSION.txt`
+ that lists all the files in your plugin relative to the project root.
+ Then add the `gvh_manifest` label to the asset to indicate this file is
+ a plugin manifest.
+ 1. Optional: Add a `gvhp_manifestname-NAME` label to your manifest file
+ to provide a human readable name for your package. If this isn't provided
+ the name of the manifest file will be used as the package name.
+ NAME can match the pattern `[0-9]+[a-zA-Z -]' where a leading integer
+ will set the priority of the name where `0` is the highest priority
+ and preferably used as the display name. The lowest value (i.e highest
+ priority name) will be used as the display name and all other specified
+ names will be aliases of the display name. Aliases can refer to previous
+ names of the package allowing renaming across published versions.
+ 1. Redistribute EDM4U Unity plugin with your plugin.
+ See the [Plugin Redistribution](#plugin-redistribution) for the details.
+If you follow these steps:
+ * When users import a newer version of your plugin, files referenced by the
+ older version's manifest are cleaned up.
+ * The latest version of the plugin will be selected when users import
+ multiple packages that include your plugin, assuming the steps in
+ [Plugin Redistribution](#plugin-redistribution) are followed.
+# Building from Source
+To build this plugin from source you need the following tools installed:
+ * Unity (with iOS and Android modules installed)
+You can build the plugin by running the following from your shell
+(Linux / OSX):
+./gradlew build
+or Windows:
+./gradlew.bat build
+# Releasing
+Each time a new build of this plugin is checked into the source tree you
+need to do the following:
+ * Bump the plugin version variable `pluginVersion` in `build.gradle`
+ * Update `CHANGELOG.md` with the new version number and changes included in
+ the release.
+ * Build the release using `./gradlew release` which performs the following:
+ * Updates `external-dependency-manager-*.unitypackage`
+ * Copies the unpacked plugin to the `exploded` directory.
+ * Updates template metadata files in the `plugin` directory.
+ The GUIDs of all asset metadata is modified due to the version number
+ change. Each file within the plugin is versioned to allow multiple
+ versions of the plugin to be imported into a Unity project which allows
+ the most recent version to be activated by the Version Handler
+ component.
+ * Create release commit using `./gradlew gitCreateReleaseCommit` which
+ performs `git commit -a -m "description from CHANGELOG.md"`
+ * Once the release commit is merge, tag the release using
+ `./gradlew gitTagRelease` which performs the following:
+ * `git tag -a pluginVersion -m "version RELEASE"` to tag the release.
+ * Update tags on remote branch using `git push --tag REMOTE HEAD:master`
diff --git a/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/external-dependency-manager_version-1.2.170_manifest.txt b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/external-dependency-manager_version-1.2.170_manifest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..178e372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/external-dependency-manager_version-1.2.170_manifest.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/Assets/Plugins/Android/CrossDKBridge.kt b/Assets/Plugins/Android/CrossDKBridge.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd5fb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Plugins/Android/CrossDKBridge.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+package com.adikteev.unityadapter
+import android.app.Activity
+import android.view.Gravity
+import android.view.View
+import android.widget.FrameLayout
+import com.adikteev.crossdk.CrossDKConfig
+import com.adikteev.crossdk.network.OnInitCrossDKListener
+import com.adikteev.crossdk.views.CrossDKInterstitialView
+import com.adikteev.crossdk.views.CrossDKMidSizeView
+import com.adikteev.crossdk.views.CrossDKView
+import com.adikteev.crossdk.views.listener.CrossDKContentCallback
+import com.adikteev.crossdk.views.position.CrossDKPosition
+import com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer
+**CrossDKBridge for showing CrossDK android format
+ */
+public class CrossDKBridge {
+ private var mUnityPlayerActivity: Activity = UnityPlayer.currentActivity
+ private var mOpenedOverlayFormat: OverlayFormat = OverlayFormat.NONE
+ private lateinit var mCrossDKView: CrossDKView
+ private lateinit var mCrossDKMidSizeView: CrossDKMidSizeView
+ private lateinit var mCrossDKInterstitialView: CrossDKInterstitialView
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public fun config(appId: String, apiKey: String, userId: String) {
+ CrossDKConfig.Builder()
+ .apiKey(apiKey)
+ .appId(appId)
+ .setup(mUnityPlayerActivity, object : OnInitCrossDKListener {
+ override fun onInitSuccess() {}
+ override fun onInitFailure(exception: Exception?) {
+ unitySendOverlayError("Overlay error: configuration error")
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public fun displayOverlay(format: Int, position: Int, isCloseButtonVisible: Boolean, isRewarded: Boolean) {
+ val crossDKContentCallback = object: CrossDKContentCallback {
+ override fun onConfigurationError() {
+ unitySendOverlayError("Overlay error: configuration error")
+ }
+ override fun onNoRecommendation() {
+ unitySendOverlayError("Overlay error: unavailable recommendation")
+ }
+ override fun onShowContentError() {
+ unitySendOverlayError("Overlay error: show content error")
+ }
+ override fun onUnsupportedApiVersion() {
+ unitySendOverlayError("Overlay error: unsupported Api version")
+ }
+ }
+ mUnityPlayerActivity.runOnUiThread {
+ if (mOpenedOverlayFormat != OverlayFormat.NONE) dismissOverlay()
+ val overlayFormat = OverlayFormat.fromInt(format)
+ mOpenedOverlayFormat = overlayFormat
+ when (overlayFormat) {
+ OverlayFormat.BANNER -> {
+ mCrossDKView = CrossDKView(mUnityPlayerActivity)
+ mCrossDKView.setCrossDKContentCallback(crossDKContentCallback)
+ mCrossDKView.setCloseButtonVisibility(if (isCloseButtonVisible) View.VISIBLE else View.INVISIBLE)
+ mUnityPlayerActivity.addContentView(mCrossDKView, getLayoutParams())
+ mCrossDKView.setPosition(if (position == 0) CrossDKPosition.BOTTOM else CrossDKPosition.BOTTOM_RAISED)
+ }
+ OverlayFormat.MID_SIZE -> {
+ mCrossDKMidSizeView = CrossDKMidSizeView(mUnityPlayerActivity)
+ mCrossDKMidSizeView.setCrossDKContentCallback(crossDKContentCallback)
+ mCrossDKMidSizeView.setCloseButtonVisibility(if (isCloseButtonVisible) View.VISIBLE else View.INVISIBLE)
+ mUnityPlayerActivity.addContentView(mCrossDKMidSizeView, getLayoutParams())
+ mCrossDKMidSizeView.setPosition(if (position == 0) CrossDKPosition.BOTTOM else CrossDKPosition.BOTTOM_RAISED)
+ }
+ OverlayFormat.INTERSTITIAL -> {
+ mCrossDKInterstitialView = CrossDKInterstitialView(mUnityPlayerActivity)
+ mCrossDKInterstitialView.setCrossDKContentCallback(crossDKContentCallback)
+ mCrossDKInterstitialView.setCloseButtonVisibility(if (isCloseButtonVisible) View.VISIBLE else View.INVISIBLE)
+ mUnityPlayerActivity.addContentView(mCrossDKInterstitialView, getLayoutParams())
+ }
+ else -> {
+ unitySendOverlayError("Overlay error: unsupported format requested")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public fun dismissOverlay() {
+ mUnityPlayerActivity.runOnUiThread {
+ when (mOpenedOverlayFormat) {
+ OverlayFormat.BANNER -> {
+ mCrossDKView.dismissView(true)
+ }
+ OverlayFormat.MID_SIZE -> {
+ mCrossDKMidSizeView.dismissView(true)
+ }
+ OverlayFormat.INTERSTITIAL -> {
+ mCrossDKInterstitialView.dismissView(true)
+ }
+ else -> {}
+ }
+ mOpenedOverlayFormat = OverlayFormat.NONE
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private fun overlayWillStartPresentation() {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayWillStartPresentation", "Overlay will start presentation");
+ }
+ private fun overlayDidFinishPresentation() {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayDidFinishPresentation", "Overlay did finish presentation");
+ }
+ private fun overlayWillStartDismissal() {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayWillStartDismissal", "Overlay will start dismissal");
+ }
+ private fun overlayDidFinishDismissal() {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayDidFinishDismissal", "Overlay did finish dismissal");
+ }
+ private fun overlayStartsPlayingVideo() {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayStartsPlayingVideo", "Overlay starts playing video");
+ }
+ private fun overlayPlayedHalfVideo() {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayPlayedHalfVideo", "Overlay played half video");
+ }
+ private fun overlayDidFinishPlayingVideo() {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayDidFinishPlayingVideo", "Video overlay did finish playing video");
+ }
+ private fun overlayShowsRecommendedAppInAppStore() {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayShowsRecommendedAppInAppStore", "Overlay shows recommended app in AppStore");
+ }
+ private fun overlayDidRewardUserWithReward() {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayDidRewardUserWithReward", "Overlay did reward user with reward");
+ }
+ private fun overlayDidFailToLoadWithError(exception: Exception) {
+ unitySendMessage(
+ "OverlayDidFailToLoadWithError",
+ "Overlay did fail to load with error: ${exception.message}"
+ )
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private fun getLayoutParams(): FrameLayout.LayoutParams {
+ val adParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(
+ FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
+ )
+ adParams.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM
+ return adParams
+ }
+ private fun unitySendOverlayError(message: String) {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayUnavailableWithError", message)
+ }
+ private fun unitySendMessage(method: String, message: String) {
+ UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("CrossDK", method, message)
+ }
+ private enum class OverlayFormat(val value: Int) {
+ NONE(-1),
+ BANNER(0),
+ MID_SIZE(1),
+ companion object {
+ fun fromInt(value: Int) = values().first { it.value == value }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Plugins/Android/launcherTemplate.gradle b/Assets/Plugins/Android/launcherTemplate.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b967d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Plugins/Android/launcherTemplate.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+buildscript {
+ ext.kotlin_version = '1.6.20'
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ }
+ dependencies {
+ classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.6.0'
+ classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
+ }
+allprojects {
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ flatDir {
+ dirs 'libs'
+ }
+ }
+apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
+dependencies {
+ implementation project(':unityLibrary')
+ }
+android {
+ compileSdkVersion **APIVERSION**
+ buildToolsVersion '**BUILDTOOLS**'
+ compileOptions {
+ sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ }
+ defaultConfig {
+ minSdkVersion **MINSDKVERSION**
+ targetSdkVersion **TARGETSDKVERSION**
+ applicationId '**APPLICATIONID**'
+ ndk {
+ abiFilters **ABIFILTERS**
+ }
+ versionCode **VERSIONCODE**
+ versionName '**VERSIONNAME**'
+ }
+ aaptOptions {
+ noCompress = ['.ress', '.resource', '.obb'] + unityStreamingAssets.tokenize(', ')
+ ignoreAssetsPattern = "!.svn:!.git:!.ds_store:!*.scc:.*:!CVS:!thumbs.db:!picasa.ini:!*~"
+ }**SIGN**
+ lintOptions {
+ abortOnError false
+ }
+ buildTypes {
+ debug {
+ minifyEnabled **MINIFY_DEBUG**
+ proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt')**SIGNCONFIG**
+ jniDebuggable true
+ }
+ release {
+ minifyEnabled **MINIFY_RELEASE**
+ proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt')**SIGNCONFIG**
+ }
+ bundle {
+ language {
+ enableSplit = false
+ }
+ density {
+ enableSplit = false
+ }
+ abi {
+ enableSplit = true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Plugins/Android/launcherTemplate2019.gradle b/Assets/Plugins/Android/launcherTemplate2019.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50cb8db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Plugins/Android/launcherTemplate2019.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+buildscript {
+ ext.kotlin_version = '1.6.20'
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ }
+ dependencies {
+ classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.6.0'
+ classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
+ }
+allprojects {
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ flatDir {
+ dirs 'libs'
+ }
+ }
+apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
+dependencies {
+ implementation project(':unityLibrary')
+ }
+android {
+ compileSdkVersion **APIVERSION**
+ buildToolsVersion '**BUILDTOOLS**'
+ compileOptions {
+ sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ }
+ defaultConfig {
+ minSdkVersion **MINSDKVERSION**
+ targetSdkVersion **TARGETSDKVERSION**
+ applicationId '**APPLICATIONID**'
+ ndk {
+ abiFilters **ABIFILTERS**
+ }
+ versionCode **VERSIONCODE**
+ versionName '**VERSIONNAME**'
+ }
+ aaptOptions {
+ noCompress = ['.unity3d', '.ress', '.resource', '.obb'**STREAMING_ASSETS**]
+ ignoreAssetsPattern = "!.svn:!.git:!.ds_store:!*.scc:.*:!CVS:!thumbs.db:!picasa.ini:!*~"
+ }**SIGN**
+ lintOptions {
+ abortOnError false
+ }
+ buildTypes {
+ debug {
+ minifyEnabled **MINIFY_DEBUG**
+ useProguard **PROGUARD_DEBUG**
+ proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt')**SIGNCONFIG**
+ jniDebuggable true
+ }
+ release {
+ minifyEnabled **MINIFY_RELEASE**
+ useProguard **PROGUARD_RELEASE**
+ proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt')**SIGNCONFIG**
+ }
+ bundle {
+ language {
+ enableSplit = false
+ }
+ density {
+ enableSplit = false
+ }
+ abi {
+ enableSplit = true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Plugins/Android/mainTemplate.gradle b/Assets/Plugins/Android/mainTemplate.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..116d062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Plugins/Android/mainTemplate.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+buildscript {
+ ext.kotlin_version = '1.6.20'
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ }
+ dependencies {
+ classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.6.0'
+ classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
+ }
+allprojects {
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ flatDir {
+ dirs 'libs'
+ }
+ }
+apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
+dependencies {
+ implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
+android {
+ compileSdkVersion **APIVERSION**
+ buildToolsVersion '**BUILDTOOLS**'
+ compileOptions {
+ sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ }
+ defaultConfig {
+ minSdkVersion **MINSDKVERSION**
+ targetSdkVersion **TARGETSDKVERSION**
+ ndk {
+ abiFilters **ABIFILTERS**
+ }
+ versionCode **VERSIONCODE**
+ versionName '**VERSIONNAME**'
+ consumerProguardFiles 'proguard-unity.txt'**USER_PROGUARD**
+ }
+ lintOptions {
+ abortOnError false
+ }
+ aaptOptions {
+ noCompress = ['.ress', '.resource', '.obb'] + unityStreamingAssets.tokenize(', ')
+ ignoreAssetsPattern = "!.svn:!.git:!.ds_store:!*.scc:.*:!CVS:!thumbs.db:!picasa.ini:!*~"
diff --git a/Assets/Plugins/Android/mainTemplate2019.gradle b/Assets/Plugins/Android/mainTemplate2019.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2755a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Plugins/Android/mainTemplate2019.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+buildscript {
+ ext.kotlin_version = '1.6.20'
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ }
+ dependencies {
+ classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.6.0'
+ classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
+ }
+allprojects {
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ flatDir {
+ dirs 'libs'
+ }
+ }
+apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
+dependencies {
+ implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
+android {
+ compileSdkVersion **APIVERSION**
+ buildToolsVersion '**BUILDTOOLS**'
+ compileOptions {
+ sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ }
+ defaultConfig {
+ minSdkVersion **MINSDKVERSION**
+ targetSdkVersion **TARGETSDKVERSION**
+ ndk {
+ abiFilters **ABIFILTERS**
+ }
+ versionCode **VERSIONCODE**
+ versionName '**VERSIONNAME**'
+ consumerProguardFiles 'proguard-unity.txt'**USER_PROGUARD**
+ }
+ lintOptions {
+ abortOnError false
+ }
+ aaptOptions {
+ ignoreAssetsPattern = "!.svn:!.git:!.ds_store:!*.scc:.*:!CVS:!thumbs.db:!picasa.ini:!*~"
diff --git a/Assets/Plugins/iOS/CrossDKBridge.h b/Assets/Plugins/iOS/CrossDKBridge.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb4a559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Plugins/iOS/CrossDKBridge.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// CrossDKBridge.h
+// CrossDKUnityBridge
+// Created by Adikteev on 29/03/2022.
+#import "CrossDK/CrossDK-Swift.h"
+@interface CrossDKBridge : NSObject
diff --git a/Assets/Plugins/iOS/CrossDKBridge.m b/Assets/Plugins/iOS/CrossDKBridge.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6b4e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Plugins/iOS/CrossDKBridge.m
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// CrossDKBridge.m
+// CrossDKUnityBridge
+// Created by Adikteev on 29/03/2022.
+#import "CrossDKBridge.h"
+@interface CrossDKOverlayDelegate : NSObject
+@property (nonatomic, weak) CrossDKBridge *parentBridge;
+- (instancetype)initWithParentBridge:(CrossDKBridge *)parentBridge;
+@interface CrossDKBridge ()
+@property (nonatomic, strong) CrossDKOverlay* crossDKOverlay;
+@property (nonatomic, strong) CrossDKOverlayDelegate *crossDKOverlayDelegate;
+@implementation CrossDKBridge
+NSString* makeNSString (const char* string) {
+ if (string) {
+ return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: string];
+ } else {
+ return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: ""];
+ }
+char* makeCString(NSString *str) {
+ const char* string = [str UTF8String];
+ if (string == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char *buffer = (char*)malloc(strlen(string) + 1);
+ strcpy(buffer, string);
+ return buffer;
+void unitySendMessage(const char *method, NSString *message) {
+ NSLog(@"%@", message);
+ UnitySendMessage("CrossDK", method, makeCString(message));
+/// Sets up configuration for `CrossDK`.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - appId: current application's App Store ID
+/// - apiKey: authorization API key
+/// - userId: user's ID
+void crossDKConfigWithAppId(const char *appId, const char *apiKey, const char *userId) {
+ NSString *nsAppID = makeNSString(appId);
+ NSString *nsApiKey = makeNSString(apiKey);
+ NSString *nsUserId = makeNSString(userId);
+ [
+ CrossDKConfig.shared
+ setupWithAppId:nsAppID
+ apiKey:nsApiKey
+ userId:nsUserId
+ ];
+/// Displays an Overlay view.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - format: banner, mid_size, interstitial overlay
+/// - position: banner and mid_size overlay position
+/// - withCloseButton: mid_size and interstitial overlay close button
+/// - isRewarded: provides some kind of value for the user (interstitial format only)
+ - (void) displayOverlayWithFormat:(OverlayFormat)isFormat position:(OverlayPosition)isPosition withCloseButton:(BOOL*)isWithCloseButton isRewarded:(BOOL*)isIsRewarded {
+ _crossDKOverlay = [[CrossDKOverlay alloc] init];
+ UIWindow *window = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];
+ self.crossDKOverlayDelegate = [[CrossDKOverlayDelegate alloc] initWithParentBridge: self];
+ self.crossDKOverlay.delegate = self.crossDKOverlayDelegate;
+ if (window != nil) {
+ [
+ self.crossDKOverlay
+ displayWithWindow:window
+ format:isFormat
+ position:isPosition
+ withCloseButton:isWithCloseButton
+ isRewarded:isIsRewarded
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+/// Dismisses an overlay view.
+- (void) dismissOverlay {
+ _crossDKOverlay = [[CrossDKOverlay alloc] init];
+ UIWindow *window = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];
+ if (window != nil) {
+ [
+ self.crossDKOverlay
+ dismissWithWindow:window
+ ];
+ }
+static CrossDKBridge* delegateObject = nil;
+/// Dismisses an overlay view.
+void dismissOverlay() {
+ if (delegateObject == nil)
+ delegateObject = [[CrossDKBridge alloc] init];
+ [delegateObject dismissOverlay];
+/// Displays an Overlay view.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - format: banner, mid_size, interstitial overlay
+/// - position: banner and mid_size overlay position
+/// - withCloseButton: mid_size and interstitial overlay close button
+/// - isRewarded: provides some kind of value for the user (interstitial format only)
+ void displayOverlayWithFormat(OverlayFormat format, OverlayPosition position, BOOL* withCloseButton, BOOL* isRewarded) {
+ if (delegateObject == nil)
+ delegateObject = [[CrossDKBridge alloc] init];
+ [delegateObject displayOverlayWithFormat:format position:position withCloseButton:withCloseButton isRewarded:isRewarded];
+ }
+@implementation CrossDKOverlayDelegate
+-(instancetype)initWithParentBridge:(CrossDKBridge *)parentBridge {
+ self = [super init];
+ if ( self ) {
+ self.parentBridge = parentBridge;
+ }
+ return self;
+-(void)overlayWillStartPresentation {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayWillStartPresentation", @"Overlay will start presentation");
+-(void)overlayDidFinishPresentation {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayDidFinishPresentation", @"Overlay did finish presentation");
+-(void)overlayWillStartDismissal {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayWillStartDismissal", @"Overlay will start dismissal");
+-(void)overlayDidFinishDismissal {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayDidFinishDismissal", @"Overlay did finish dismissal");
+-(void)overlayStartsPlayingVideo {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayStartsPlayingVideo", @"Overlay starts playing video");
+-(void)overlayPlayedHalfVideo {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayPlayedHalfVideo", @"Overlay played half video");
+-(void)overlayDidFinishPlayingVideo {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayDidFinishPlayingVideo", @"Video overlay did finish playing video");
+-(void)overlayShowsRecommendedAppInAppStore {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayShowsRecommendedAppInAppStore", @"Overlay shows recommended app in AppStore");
+-(void)overlayDidRewardUserWithReward {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayDidRewardUserWithReward", @"Overlay did reward user with reward");
+-(void)overlayDidFailToLoadWithError:(NSError * _Nonnull)error {
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayDidFailToLoadWithError", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Overlay did fail to load with error : %ld", (long)error]);
+-(void)overlayUnavailableWithError:(enum OverlayError)error {
+ switch(error) {
+ case OverlayErrorUnsupportedOSVersion:
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayUnavailableWithError", @"Overlay error: unsupported iOS Version");
+ break;
+ case OverlayErrorUnavailableWindowScene:
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayUnavailableWithError", @"Overlay error: unavailable window scene");
+ break;
+ case OverlayErrorUnavailableRecommendation:
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayUnavailableWithError", @"Overlay error: unavailable recommendation");
+ break;
+ case OverlayErrorNoConfiguration:
+ unitySendMessage("OverlayUnavailableWithError", @"Overlay error: no configuration");
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1848f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# CrossDK for Unity
+## Overview
+This repo contains the CrossDK interface for Unity. It allows you to cross-promote your application catalog in your Unity project.
+## Requirements
+**Unity** version **>= 2019.4.40**
+**iOS** version **>= 11.0**
+CrossDK for Unity is available with iOS 11 minimal target version, but the `CrossDKOverlay` is only available since iOS 14. CrossDK provides support in order to handle cases where the `CrossDKOverlay` is not available (see [Overlay Delegate](#overlay-delegate)).
+**Android** version **>= Android 5.0**
+**Android API** version **>= API 21**
+The Android version is using **Kotlin 1.6.20**, **Gradle 6.1.1** and **Gradle plugin 3.6.0**, it may conflict with other versions if you use some in your project.
+## Installation
+### iOS using CocoaPods
+To install CocoaPods on MacOS, add the following entry:
+$ sudo gem install cocoapods
+The CrossDK pod is automatically installed in the Xcode project when building with Unity, thanks to [External Dependency Manager for Unity](https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver).
+If you already use CocoaPods in your Unity project, you should consider adding your pods with [EDM4U](https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver) as well.
+### Android using Github Packages
+- You can download manually the CrossDK's release package `crossdk-android-X.X.X.aar` directly from
+ our [Github package registry page] (https://github.com/orgs/Adikteev/packages)
+- Place the release package inside the folder `Assets\Plugins\Android`
+- If you are using Unity 2019, you also need do delete the files `launcherTemplate.gradle` and `mainTemplate.gradle` in the folder `Assets\Plugins\Android` and to rename `launcherTemplate2019.gradle` to `launcherTemplate.gradle` and `mainTemplate2019.gradle` to `mainTemplate.gradle`.
+## Configuration
+To use CrossDK in your Unity project, you must download the `CrossDK.unitypackage` on the [releases page](https://github.com/Adikteev/crossdk-unity-ios/releases), then import it into your project. Once it's finished, drag the **CrossDK prefab** (located in `Assets\CrossDK\CrossDK`) into your scene.
+### Android specific configuration
+- To make sure you are using Gradle 6.1.1, you can open the preferences menu (Edit > Preferences > External Tools) and set the Gradle path to a folder with Gradle 6.1.1 installed (you can download it here: https://gradle.org/releases/).
+- If you are using Unity 2019, you also need to delete the files `launcherTemplate.gradle` and `mainTemplate.gradle` in the folder `Assets\Plugins\Android` and to rename `launcherTemplate2019.gradle` to `launcherTemplate.gradle` and `mainTemplate2019.gradle` to `mainTemplate.gradle`.
+### Common configuration
+All the methods you'll need to call are in the `CrossDKSingleton` script on this prefab, and they all are public and static. Thus, you can call them from anywhere at anytime just by adding `import CrossDK;` at the top of any script.
+In order to display an overlay properly, CrossDK requires some information. Since CrossDK won't work without these, you should set them up as soon as possible. In the following example, we use the setup function inside a `Start` event, but it's up to you to set it up wherever you like:
+CrossDKSingleton.CrossDKConfigWithAppId(string appId, string apiKey, string userId)
+using UnityEngine;
+using CrossDK;
+public class CrossDKSample : MonoBehaviour
+ private void Start()
+ {
+ CrossDKSingleton.Config(
+ ,
+ ,
+ );
+ }
+You can also enter this information on the CrossDK prefab and check autoCallConfig to let it call the config method automatically during the `Awake` event.
+Note: The CrossDK prefab is not destroyed during scenes changes, so you only need to drag it into your first scene.
+## Usage
+Here are the configurations for each overlay format :
+- `OverlayFormat.Banner`: settle its position between `OverlayPosition.Bottom` or `OverlayPosition.BottomRaised`, with or without a close button (the close button is Android only).
+- `OverlayFormat.MidSize`: settle its position between `OverlayPosition.Bottom` or `OverlayPosition.BottomRaised`, with or without a close button.
+- `OverlayFormat.Interstitial`: settle it with or without a close button, with or without a rewarded (the reward is iOS only at the moment).
+CrossDKSingleton.DisplayOverlayWithFormat(OverlayFormat format, OverlayPosition position, bool withCloseButton, bool isRewarded)
+using UnityEngine;
+using CrossDK;
+public class CrossDKSample : MonoBehaviour
+ public void DisplayMidSizeOverlayExample()
+ {
+ CrossDKSingleton.DisplayOverlay(
+ OverlayFormat.MidSize,
+ OverlayPosition.Bottom,
+ true,
+ false);
+ }
+A `DismissOverlay()` method is available in order to prevent screen changes:
+using UnityEngine;
+using CrossDK;
+public class CrossDKSample : MonoBehaviour
+ public void DismissExample()
+ {
+ CrossDKSingleton.DismissOverlay();
+ }
+## Overlay Delegate
+Additionally, many delegates are available if you want to monitor what is happening with the `CrossDKOverlay`:
+For instance, you can track when the user is rewarded with the delegate:
+using UnityEngine;
+using CrossDK;
+public class CrossDKDelegatesSample : MonoBehaviour
+ private void Start()
+ {
+ CrossDKSingleton.overlayDidRewardUserWithRewardDelegate += OverlayDidRewardUserWithRewardExample;
+ }
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ CrossDKSingleton.overlayDidRewardUserWithRewardDelegate -= OverlayDidRewardUserWithRewardExample;
+ }
+ private void OverlayDidRewardUserWithRewardExample(string message)
+ {
+ Debug.Log("User was rewarded");
+ }
+You can check the [crossdk-ios](https://github.com/Adikteev/crossdk-ios) and the [crossdk-android](https://github.com/Adikteev/crossdk-android) repositories to know more about the available delegates for each platform.
+That’s all you need to know!