Installation of Acumatica build 23.106.0050 is required
- Download installer from
- Create .bat file with the following content
@echo off
msiexec /a "C:\Users\[user_profile]\Downloads\AcumaticaERPInstall.msi" TARGETDIR="C:\Acumatica\23.106.0050"
- Run the newly created .bat file as administrator to install Acumatica ERP
- Open Visual Studio and choose "continue without code"
- Within VS navigate to Git --> "Clone Repository"and input the following information Respository Location : Path : C:\Projects\CMMS [Solution root directory on local machine]
- On completion of repository clone, navigate to the root folder of the solution (C:\Projects\CMMS)
- Delete any folder similar to CMMS_22_111_0020 EXCEPT "CMMS".
- Open previously installed Acumatica ERP configuration wizard. This will be located at C:\Acumatica\23_106_0050\Acumatica ERP\Data\AcumaticaConfig.exe.
- Create instance named 23r1 installed in the root folder of the solution. The full path should be C:\Projects\CMMS\23r1. The database name, instance name, virtual directory and Application Pool can be named anything, but a suggested option is CMMS_23R1 for the database and application pool and CMMS for the virtual directory. Be sure to check the box for Do Not Compile the Site.
- Ensure the following 3 entries in web.config match the proper paths shown and that the folders exist:
<add key="CustomizationTempFilesPath" value="C:\Projects\CMMS\Customization\23r1" />
<add key="SnapshotsFolder" value="C:\Projects\CMMS\Snapshots\23r1" />
<add key="BackupFolder" value="C:\Projects\CMMS\BackUp\Sites\23r1" />
- Open the project in Visual Studio, and navigate to the desired branch for development. (By default, this would be Development)
- Copy the _project folder from C:\Projects\CMMS\Package\CMMS to C:\Projects\CPE\CMMS[23.106.0050][0000]
- Open the new website and create a customization project called CMMS[23.106.0050][0000] and go into the project.
- On the Source Control menu, select Open Project from Folder, and select C:\Projects\CPE\CMMS[23.106.0050][0000] for the folder.
- Rebuild the project in Visual Studio to get the .DLL file.
- Refresh the browser to reload with the new .DLL in memeory.
- Open the Files section and Detect Modified Files to pick up the newly compiled .DLL.
- Publish the customization project.
- Within VS nagivate to Git --> "Manage Branches"
- Right click on remote "development" branch and click "new local branch from"
- branch name should follow one of the following patterns, where the number is the next free in the series under the catagory
- feature/0000-description
- update/0000-description
- bugfix/0000-description
- do your work on your new branch
- Commit changes
- Create pull request between your current branch and the development branch for code review
- As reviewers make comments resolve issues on your current branch and push the changes, the open PR will reflect the changes automatically