Acumatica Customization Utility (ACU) is a utility designed to automate everyday routine tasks related to the creation and maintenance of built-in applications (customization packages) of ERP Acumatica.
ACU is a CLI application that implements a system of commands that are intuitively structured according to their functional purpose and allow you to perform conveniently the necessary actions when creating and maintaining customization packages. A complete description of all available commands and their corresponding options can be found in the ACU Reference.xlsx document.
ACU allows to perform the following actions (by groups of commands):
- ERP: download of installation package of the required version, install of ERP Acumatica (supports installation of multiple versions), delete of ERP Acumatica.
- Site: install the Acumatica instance, upgrade instance or database, delete the Acumatica instance.
- Src: get the source code of the customization package from the instance, build the extension library code, make the customization package (three modes are supported - normal, build for ISV, build for QA).
- Pkg: upload and publish custom packages to the site, get the package from the site, unpublish all packages.
The customization package can be obtained from:
The ACUCustomizationUtil folder contains versions of the utility in folders with name corresponding to the version.
You should select the most recent version of the utility and copy the contents of the folder to your PC, for example, to the folder C:\Users\ %USERNAME%\ACU. After that, you need to add the folder with the utility to the variable Path of the environment;
Next, you need to check that the utility is working correctly: start PowerShell and run the acu /? command.
The output should be similar to the one shown in the image.
PS C:\VS\ACUCustomizationUtil\src\ACUCustomizationUtil> acu /?
Acumatica customization util - tool for work with customization
Copyright Sprinterra(c) 2023
acu [command] [options]
--config <config> An option of path to configuration file [default: acu.json]
--user-config <user-config> An option of path to user configuration file [default: acu.json.user]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
erp Work with a Acumatica ERP.
site Work with a Acumatica instance.
src Work with a source code of customization.
pkg Work with a customization package.
The ACU configuration includes the following items:
The main configuration file, which is given by the global option -config, the default name is acu.json, JSON format;
User configuration file, given by --user-config option, default name is acu.json.user, JSON format;
Configuration options for the corresponding command.
The complete information on the configuration file parameters is presented in the ACU Configuration Reference, the information on command options is presented in the ACU Command Reference.
When using the utility, it is not necessary to set the acu.json & acu.json.user in command prompt files each time using the --config and --user-config options, these options only need to be used when using files with not default names .
To use the configuration it is enough to create and place the acu.json and (if necessary) acu.json.user files in the customization root directory.
The command options are used when using the utility without configuration files or for one-time modification of the configuration when executing a command.
When using two or three configuration items at the same time, the command option has the highest priority, the acu.json file has the lowest priority
For example, with this configuration, the final value will be C:\Acumatica\Sites\AcutestUtil
acu.json | acu.json.user | command option |
site.instancePath | site.instancePath | --instancePath |
C:\ACU\instances\AcuTestUtil | D:\ACU\inst\AcuTestUtil | C:\Acumatica\Sites\AcutestUtil" |
In configuration files, values are written as “parameter_name”:”value”
If the value of the parameter is not defined, you should use this entry
“parameter_name”: null
The double backslash, \\, must be used as a path separator for files and directories;
"instancePath": "C:\\Acumatica\\instance\\23.105.0016\\Site",
A relative path (relative to the current directory) can be specified like this: folder\\subfolder.
"pkgSourceDirectory": "cst",
System or User environment variables can be used in the parameters that indicate the path to something:
erp": { Parameters for erp command
"erpVersion": "23.105.0016", ERP Version
"installationFileName": "AcumaticaERPInstall.msi", Installation file name
"destinationDirectory": "%ACUBASEDIR%\\erp" <--------------> Destination directory
"url": null, URL for download ERP installer
List of such parameters
The utility contains a built-in help system. For each command, you can view a list of its subcommands and parameters. Options for calling help are -?, -h, --help
For example,
Show the initial section of the help system;
PS C:\VS\ACUCustomizationUtil\src\ACUCustomizationUtil> acu /?
Acumatica customization util - tool for work with customization
Copyright Sprinterra(c) 2023
acu [command] [options]
--config <config> An option of path to configuration file [default: acu.json]
--user-config <user-config> An option of path to user configuration file [default: acu.json.user]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
erp Work with a Acumatica ERP.
site Work with a Acumatica instance.
src Work with a source code of customization.
pkg Work with a customization package.
Show the help system section on the erp command;
PS C:\VS\ACUCustomizationUtil\src\ACUCustomizationUtil> acu erp /?
Acumatica customization util - tool for work with customization
Copyright Sprinterra(c) 2023
acu erp [command] [options]
--config <config> An option of path to configuration file [default: acu.json]
--user-config <user-config> An option of path to user configuration file [default: acu.json.user]
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
download Download ERP installation.
install Install ERP.
delete Delete ERP.
Show the help section on the download command of the erp command
PS C:\VS\ACUCustomizationUtil\src\ACUCustomizationUtil> acu erp download /?
Acumatica customization util - tool for work with customization
Copyright Sprinterra(c) 2023
acu erp download [options]
--erpVersion <erpVersion> ERP version
--destinationDirectory <destinationDirectory> Base directory for install ERP
--installerName <installerName> Name of ERP installer file [default: AcumaticaERPInstall.msi]
--url <url> ERP installer download url
--config <config> An option of path to configuration file [default: acu.json]
--user-config <user-config> An option of path to user configuration file [default: acu.json.user]
-?, -h, --help
When running, the utility creates log files in the directory where the utility is launched from.
Log files are named as acu-log[yyyyMMdd].txt, where [yyyyMMdd] is the variable part and indicates the date the file was created.
The log file has the following format:
Date UTC Time Local Type Message
2023-09-05 15:40:20.882 +03:00 [INF] Execute InstallErp action
2023-09-05 15:40:20.902 +03:00 [INF] Reading configuration
2023-09-05 15:40:20.904 +03:00 [INF] Current configuration parameters:
2023-09-05 15:40:20.905 +03:00 [INF] [Erp] Url : ""
2023-09-05 15:40:20.907 +03:00 [INF] [Erp] ErpVersion : 23.105.0016
2023-09-05 15:40:20.907 +03:00 [INF] [Erp] InstallationFileName : AcumaticaERPInstall.msi
2023-09-05 15:40:20.908 +03:00 [INF] [Erp] DestinationDirectory : C:\Acumatica\erp
2023-09-05 15:40:20.909 +03:00 [INF] Validate configuration
2023-09-05 15:40:20.929 +03:00 [INF] Starting installing ERP to C:\Acumatica\erp\23.105.0016
2023-09-05 15:41:11.905 +03:00 [INF] Install ERP success
The typical scenarion when working with Acumatica ERP customizations are:
- Creating a customization project from scratch.
- Deploying the existing project.
If in the first case, the automation of routine tasks is not a critical factor determining the time spent on creating a project from scratch, then in the second case, deployment automation is a critical condition that directly affects the time for which the programmer will be ready to work with the project.
Consider the operation of the utility on these examples.
Classic style:
The most of the implemented Sprinterra projects use the following directory structure:
ProjectName root folder
├───ProjectName project C#, extension library
├───ProjectName.package customization project package
├───ProjectName.source customization project source code
└───ProjectName.webapp Acumatica instance for customization
This was because the previous CI/CD automation tool was based on convention and the structure and naming of directories was the basic principle.
The same structure can continue to be used for existing customization projects, the ACU can be easily configured to work with any directory builder.
Modern style:
For new projects, you can create an arbitrary structure of folders, for example:
├───cst customization project source code
├───pkg directory for customization packages
└───src project C#, extension library
As you can see, there is no directory for deploying an instance here. And this is natural, because ACU allows not only to install the Acumatica instance in any directory convenient for the user, but also to configure customization projects for sharing instances of the required versions.
For create new project from scratch, developer should do next steps:
- Create repository for project and clone it into project root folder.
- Create User or System Environment variables if necessary.
- Create folder structure for customization.
- Copy acu.json file into project root folder and edit according to you requirements.
- Check if the desired version of ERP is installed, download and install ERP if necessary.
- Check if the desired version of Acumaticza instance is installed, install Acumatica site if necessary.
- Create solution for customization extension library.
- Make customization package.
- Upload and publish customization package.
- Get customization package source.
- Commit changes into repository.
Consider these steps in more detail.
For simplicity and clarity of presentation, we agree that we will operate with the following variables :
- Repository name: ACUProject
- Project name: ACUProject
- Base path for ERP & Instance installation: C:\Acumatica
- Base path for customization project: C:\Acumatica\project
- Environment Variable for Base path: %ACUBASEDIR%
After the repository is created, you need to go to the Base folder of the customization project and clone repository
PS C:\Acumatica> cd C:\Acumatica\project
PS C:\Acumatica\project> git clone --progress -v https://[!!!YOU USERNAME!!!] ACUProject
Open Environment Variables editor and create ACUBASEDIR System variable
Create folders for customization project items - open PowerShell and run next commands:
PS C:\Acumatica\project> mkdir cst
PS C:\Acumatica\project> mkdir pkg
PS C:\Acumatica\project> mkdir src
PS C:\Acumatica\project> tree
Copy example asu.json file from ACU installation folder into Base project folder and edit it according to your requirements. Since the file should be placed in the root catalog of the customization project, the paths to some folders can be set as relative paths. The fully configured file for project ACUProject can be seen below:
"erp": {
"erpVersion": "23.105.0016",
"installationFileName": "AcumaticaERPInstall.msi",
"destinationDirectory": "%ACUBASEDIR%\\erp",
"url": null
"site": {
"instanceName": "23.105.0016",
"instancePath": "%ACUBASEDIR%\\instance\\23.105.0016\\Site",
"sqlServerName": "localhost",
"dbName": "23.105.0016DB",
"acumaticaAdminName": "admin",
"acumaticaAdminPassword": "123",
"dbConnectionString": null,
"acumaticaToolPath": null,
"iisAppPool": null,
"iisWebSite": null
"pkg": {
"url": "http://localhost/23.105.0016/api/ServiceGate.asmx",
"login": "admin",
"password": "123",
"pkgName": "ACUProject",
"pkgDirectory": "pkg",
"tenant": null
"src": {
"pkgSourceDirectory": "cst",
"pkgLevel": "0",
"msBuildSolutionFile": "ACUProject.sln",
"msBuildTargetDirectory": "src\\ACUProject\\bin\\Release",
"msBuildAssemblyName": "ACUProject.dll",
"makeMode": null,
"pkgDescription": null
Check if your ERP system has the required version of Acumatica ERP installed. To do this, look at the contents of the directory specified in the erp.destinationDirectory parameter of the configuration file. For version "23.105.0016" the directory listing should look like this
└───Acumatica ERP
If ERP is not installed, install it. To do this, run the following commands:
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu erp download
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu erp install
Check that you have an Acumatica instance installed on your system that matches the configuration parameters in the configuration file. To do this, run the configuration utility AcumaticaConfig.exe (For our case it will be located in the C:\Acumatica\erp\23.105.0016\Acumatica ERP\Data directory).
If Acumatica instance is not installed, install it. To do this, run the following command:
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu site install
Create a project for the Extention Library. How to properly create such a project is described in the ACU Extension Library Reference document. After the project for Extension Library is created, check if it can be built using the CLI. Run the command
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu src build
Follow the steps below to create a customization project
- Open http://localhost/23.105.0016 in your browser and log in.
- Open the "Customization Projects" screen
- Delete all demo projects and click the save button
- Add a new project and name it according to the configuration requirements (ACUProject).
- Open the project in the customization editor, go to the "Files" menu item, click "+" and add the Extensikon Library assembly (ACUProject.dll) to the project
- Publish the customization project
To get the customization source code, run the command
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu src get
Сheck the customization source code folder. It should look something like this:
│ ├───Bin
│ │ ACUProject.dll
│ │
│ └───_project
│ ProjectMetadata.xml
Check if you can build packages using the ACU CLI. Run the commands:
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu src make
If the commands are successful, you will see the file in the pkg folder.
Check if you can build packages with the build number in the name. Run the command
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu src make --mode QA
If the commands run successfully, you will see a file like this ACUProject[23.105.0016][23.105.23911.1401].zip in the pkg folder. The numbers in brackets mean the following
- [23.105.0016] - Full version of ERP,
- [23.105.23911.1401] - Major version of ERP, year, month, day, hour, minute of the build This file can be deleted
Check the ability to publish customizations using the ACU CLI. Run the commands:
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu pkg upload
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu pkg publish
After all manipulations, the ACUProject folder should look as follows: (some files and directories removed from the view for better readability)
│ ├───Bin
│ │ ACUProject.dll
│ └───_project
│ ProjectMetadata.xml
The repository should include files from the folders shown in the figure above. Add the following rules to the .gitignoire file:
Check the list of files that will go into the repository. It should be something like this:
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> git status
On branch develop
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
modified: .gitignore
new file: ACUProject.sln
new file: Directory.Build.props
new file: acu.json
new file: cst/Bin/ACUProject.dll
new file: cst/_project/ProjectMetadata.xml
new file: pkg/
new file: src/ACUProject/ACUProject.csproj
new file: src/ACUProject/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
new file: src/ACUProject/packages.config
Commit & push changes:
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> git commit -i "Add customization project & configuration"
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> git push origin develop -f
Once the customisation project has been created, the configuration saved and the files uploaded to the repository, restoring the working environment becomes a quick and easy task. Let's take a look at the steps to do this.
The first step in deploying a project is to clone the repository. Navigate to the root folder of your customisation projects, open PowerShell and run the command:
PS C:\Acumatica> cd C:\Acumatica\project
PS C:\Acumatica\project> git clone --progress -v https://[!!!YOU USERNAME!!!] ACUProject
Check the acu.json configuration file. If an environment variable (e.g. %ACUBASEDIR%) is used in the path parameter values, you must create it. The values for the environment variable should be specified in the repository readme file. If this value is not specified, it can be determined by looking in the Directory.Build.props file: the value of the SiteDir parameter must match the value of site.instancePath of the acu.json configuration file. For example, for the case of: Directory.Build.props
"site": {
"instancePath": "%ACUBASEDIR%\\instance\\23.105.0016\\Site",
the value of the environment variable would be: %ACUBASEDIR% = C:\Acumatica
Check if you have an ERP system installed in your system, with the appropriate configuration. If it is necessary, install it.
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu erp download
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu erp install
Check if you have an installed Acumatica instance with the appropriate configuration on your system. If it is necessary, install it.
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu site install
Build the Extension Library project and create a customisation package
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu src build
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu src make
Upload and publish the package to the Acumatica instance
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu pkg upload
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu pkg publish
When working on a project, after updating code from the repository and before sending code to the repository, you need to perform additional actions to ensure that the code is synchronised correctly. Let's consider these cases.
After each synchronisation of the local code with the repository code, it is necessary to perform builds and updates to the package published on the Acumatica instance To do this, run the following commands:
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu src build
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu src make
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu pkg upload
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu pkg publish
Before each synchronisation of the local code with the repository code, in case the structure of tables, menus, GIs, etc. has changed during the work, the following actions should be performed:
- It is necessary to open a customization in the customization editor, then sequentially switching between the project entities (left panel), which contain customized items (right panel), it is necessary to update these items from the database. To do this, press the “Reload from database” or “Detect modified files” button on each view:
- After that, you need to get the updated source code of the customisation project. To do this, execute the command:
PS C:\Acumatica\project\ACUProject> acu src get