Version 24.1
+ + +2/23/2024 - v24.1.0
- Added modern Visual Studio renderers. +
- Improved how MetroStatusBarRenderer draws the resize gripper. Added new StatusBarGripperLightColor and StatusBarGripperDarkColor properties to replace single StatusBarGripperForeColor property. +
- Improved toolbar separator rendering across multiple renderers to be more accurate. +
- Renamed VisualStudio2002BarRenderer as WindowsClassicBarRenderer. +
- Renamed Office2003BarRenderer as OfficeClassicBarRenderer. +
- Renamed VisualStudio2002StatusBarRenderer as WindowsClassicStatusBarRenderer. +
- Renamed VisualStudio2005StatusBarRenderer as VisualStudioClassicStatusBarRenderer. +
- Renamed Office2003StatusBarRenderer as OfficeClassicStatusBarRenderer. +
- Added modern Visual Studio renderers. +
- Renamed VisualStudio2002DockRenderer as WindowsClassicDockRenderer. +
- Renamed VisualStudio2002DocumentWindowTabStripRenderer as WindowsClassicDocumentWindowTabStripRenderer. +
- Renamed VisualStudio2002ToolWindowTabStripRenderer as WindowsClassicToolWindowTabStripRenderer. +
- Renamed VisualStudio2005DockRenderer as VisualStudioClassicDockRenderer. +
- Renamed VisualStudio2005DocumentWindowTabStripRenderer as VisualStudioClassicDocumentWindowTabStripRenderer. +
- Renamed VisualStudio2005ToolWindowTabStripRenderer as VisualStudioClassicToolWindowTabStripRenderer. +
- Renamed Office2003DockRenderer as OfficeClassicDockRenderer. +
- Renamed Office2003DocumentWindowTabStripRenderer as OfficeClassicDocumentWindowTabStripRenderer. +
- Renamed Office2003ToolWindowTabStripRenderer as OfficeClassicToolWindowTabStripRenderer. +
- Renamed VisualStudioTabStripRenderer as VisualStudioTabStripRendererBase. +
- Deprecated all Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 renderers with plans to remove in a future release. +
- Renamed Office2003NavigationBarRenderer as OfficeLunaNavigationBarRenderer. +
- Renamed Office2007NavigationBarRenderer as OfficeClassicNavigationBarRenderer. +
- Added native support to switch between light and dark themes using distinct color palettes for each theme intent. +
- Added SyntaxEditorThemeManager to simplify the process of switching between light and dark themes. +
- Added SyntaxEditor.IsCurrentLineNumberHighlightingEnabled feature that will render the current line number in a style defined by DisplayItemClassificationTypeProvider.LineNumberCurrent. +
- Added built-in Operator and Punctuation IClassificationType instances to ClassifictionTypes. +
- Added BuiltInClassificationTypesProvider that will automatically register highlighting styles for built-in IClassificationType instances defined in ClassificationTypes. +
- Added Punctuation classification type to sample language definitions (where appropriate). +
- Added DisplayItemClassificationTypes.WordWrapGlyph to separate the word wrap glyph color from the visible white space color. +
- Added MarkdownDeleted classification type and highlighting style to the free Markdown language project and definition files. +
- Added support for primary and secondary carets to render with different brushes based on corresponding highlighting styles. +
- Updated collapsible region foreground, current line background/border, delimiter matching background, and find match highlight background colors to render with a default opacity when configured with opaque colors. +
- Updated NavigableSymbolSelector to automatically invalidate itself when renderer-related properties of the assocaited SyntaxEditor control are changed. +
- Fixed word wrap glyphs not rendered in printer usage scenarios. +
- Fixed printer rendering when syntax highlighting was enabled and the editor was configured for use with a dark theme. +
- Changed the system font used for overlay panes to better support system text sizes and DPI scaling. +
JavaScript Language Add-on
- Added Punctuation classification type. +
- Fixed Operator classification type not being applied. +
.NET Languages Add-on
- Updated the C# parser grammar to support C# 9.0 syntax. +
- Updated the Roslyn extensions to use the latest Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Compilers v4.8 NuGet package. +
- Improved resolver support for C# local functions. +
- Improved documentation comment display in IntelliPrompt to support 'para' and 'br' tags. +
- Added Punctuation classification type. +
- Fixed Operator classification type not being applied. +
Python Language Add-on
- Added support for IntelliPrompt to use type hint annotations. +
- Improved the resolver's ability to resolve types within external modules that were defined in other modules. +
- Added Punctuation classification type. +
- Fixed Operator classification type not being applied. +
- Added UIRendererManager.ColorSchemeChanged event that is raised when the UIRendererManager.ColorScheme property is changed. +
- Added several enhancements to the UIColor class with support for additional color types, grayscale conversion, and chromatic adaptation. +
- Renamed WindowsXPScrollBarRenderer as WindowsScrollBarRenderer. +
- Fixed an issue in the nativer rendering logic related to clip rectangles. +
- API documentation is based on assemblies that target .NET 6 (previously .NET Framework). +
- The Sample Browser application included with the installer changed target from .NET Framework 4.7.2 to .NET 6. +
- Removed official support for Visual Studio 2017 although users should still be able to continue using the IDE for their own applications. Sample Browser requires Visual Studio 2019 or newer. +
- Added new Visual Studio Blue color scheme and modern Visual Studio renderers. +
- Removed all previously deprecated "metro light" renderers that were replaced by the unified "metro" renderers that support both dark and light. +
- Renamed WindowsColorSchemeType.VisualStudio2005 and WindowsColorScheme.VisualStudio2005 as VisualStudioClassic. +
- Renamed all WindowsColorSchemeType.Office2007* and WindowsColorScheme.Office2007* values as OfficeClassic (e.g., Office2007Blue renamed as OfficeClassicBlue). +
- Renamed most WindowsColorSchemeType.WindowsXP* and WindowsColorScheme.WindowsXP* values as Luna (e.g., WindowsXPBlue renamed as LunaBlue). WindowsXPRoyale has been deprecated since it replicates other classic themes and will be removed in a future release. +