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A software stack to allow users to enable event monitoring and processing of data as it becomes available


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HyP3 Event Monitoring

A software stack that allows automatic submission of jobs to hyp3 over a specified area to easily monitor areas of interest.

Table of contents


Events represent an area of interest and a timeframe for which RTC and InSAR products will be generated. Events are managed (manually) as records in a DynamoDB table:

  "event_id": "myEvent",
  "wkt": "POINT (0 0)",
  "processing_timeframe": {
    "start": "2021-02-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "end": "2021-03-01T00:00:00+00:00"

The processing_timeframe.end attribute is optional, and can extend into the future. Any additional attributes required by a client application can be included in an event record.

Event monitoring routinely searches ASF's inventory for Sentinel-1 IW SLC granules matching any registered events. For each such granule, one RTC job two InSAR jobs (for nearest and next-nearest neighbors) is automatically submitted to HyP3. Output products of HyP3 jobs are automatically migrated to an S3 bucket with public read permissions for long term archival and distribution.

A public REST API is provided to query events and products:

  • /events returns all registered events
  • /events/<event_id> returns the requested event with a list of its products
  • /recent_products returns all products processed in the last week



These resources are required for a successful deployment, but managed separately:

  • HyP3 target deployment (e.g.
  • S3 bucket for CloudFormation deployment artifacts
  • Earthdata Login account authorized to download data from ASF (For submitting jobs to HyP3)
    • If submitting more jobs that the defualt hyp3 quota allows you may need to have an incresed quota
  • IAM user and roles for automated CloudFormation deployments (if desired)

Stack Parameters

Review the parameters in cloudformation.yml for deploy time configuration options.

Deploy with CloudFormation

  • Install dependencies for each component (requires pip for python 3.12)
python -m pip install -r requirements-find-new.txt -t find_new/src
python -m pip install -r requirements-api.txt -t api/src
python -m pip install -r requirements-harvest-products.txt -t harvest_products/src
  • Package the CloudFormation template
aws cloudformation package \
            --template-file cloudformation.yml \
            --s3-bucket <CloudFormation artifact bucket> \
            --output-template-file packaged.yml
  • Deploy to AWS with CloudFormation
aws cloudformation deploy \
            --stack-name <name of your HyP3 Event Monitoring Stack> \
            --template-file packaged.yml \
            --role-arn <arn for your deployment user/role> \
            --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
            --parameter-overrides \
                "EDLUsername=<EDL Username to submit jobs to HyP3>" \
                "EDLPassword=<EDL Password to submit jobs to HyP3>" \
                "HyP3URL=<URL to a HyP3 deployment for the stack to use"


The HyP3 Event Monitoring source contains test files in tests/. To run them you need to do a bit of setup first.

  • Add components to python path
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${PWD}/find_new/src:${PWD}/api/src:${PWD}/harvest_products/src"
  • Setup environment variables
export $(cat tests/cfg.env | xargs)
  • Install test requirements
python -m pip install -r requirements-all.txt
  • Run tests
pytest tests/


A software stack to allow users to enable event monitoring and processing of data as it becomes available



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