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0363cd0 · Jan 28, 2015


50 lines (43 loc) · 1.54 KB

File metadata and controls

50 lines (43 loc) · 1.54 KB



Getting Setup

  • Install XCode
  • Install XCode Command tools
    • xcode-select --install
  • Install PostGres app
  • Install PG Bundle
    • bundle config -- --with-pg-config=/Applications/ ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install pg1
  • Create a role/user
    • Use name/password from config/database.yml
create role your-database-user-name with createdb login password 'your-database-password';
  • Clone (or fork) the repository.
  • Setup the ruby environment
    • rvm install ruby-2.1.2 (if necessary)
    • bundle
  • Configure the project
    • copy the config/secrets_sample.yml file to config/secrets.yml
    • generate a secret key using rake secret
  • create a file config/lean_kit_kanban.rb with your user credentials = ""
LeanKitKanban::Config.password = "your-password"
LeanKitKanban::Config.account = "your-account"
  • modify boards and lanes in config/initializers/lean_kit_kanban_configs.rb

  • Confirm the project works

    • rspec
  • You are done when all of the specs pass.

  • Processes done cards to support velocity calculations

    • rake task:process_done
  • Send out email notifications

    • Notify the team about all the cards that are missing estimates
      • rake notifiy:no_estimates
    • Notify the team about all the cards that are missing estimates
      • rake notify:no_shepherds
    • Provide an extract of every card and its lane
      • rake notify:extract