- Attendees and Apologies
- Previous minutes
- Welcoming and introduction to new members
- Presentation
- “Towards Building an RDF-based Deep Document Model and Retrieval Augmented Generation System for Enhanced Question Answering with Large Language Models”. Runsong Jia, Bowen Zhang, and Sergio J. Rodríguez Méndez. [https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15374#].
- Discussion on the presentations from the 2024 AGM
- Other business
- Next meeting details
- Close
Attendees and Apologies
Chair: John Machin.
Minutes: John Machin.
Attendees: John Machin; Len Smith; Tom COOK; Bowen Zhang; Sandra Silcot; Alastair Paton; Kathryn Nolan; Howard; Runsong Jia; Boudville, Jason; Mieke Strong; David; Sergio Rodriguez Mendez; Andrew Fitzgerald; Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller; Les Kneebone; David McMeekin; Rob Atkinson; Henry, Michael; Pete DUPEN.
Apologies: Nick Car; Matthias Liffers.
Previous minutes
Alastair Paton added to AGM minutes.
New members
Jason Boudville - MyGov Service Catalogue Project
Many questions!
Other business
- Alastair Paton proposes rekindling engagement with GovHack (and data.gov.au) in order to promote linked data more in light of the emphasis on the National Map at the most recent GovHack event - looking to report on progress at next meeting.
- John M. to follow up on OpenFisca/RAC work with GovCMS.
- John M. to attempt to organise a basic LD technology presentation.