A module which reads the maximum and minimum forecast temperatures from BBC Weather and pushes them to a soft IOC. Just to learn how to use this skeleton!
PyPI | pip install webScrapeBBCSkel |
Source code | https://github.com/8ryn/webScrapeBBCSkel |
Documentation | https://8ryn.github.io/webScrapeBBCSkel |
Releases | https://github.com/8ryn/webScrapeBBCSkel/releases |
Only for learning purposes!
from webScrapeBBCSkel import __version__
print(f"Hello webScrapeBBCSkel {__version__}")
Or if it is a commandline tool then you might put some example commands here:
$ python -m webScrapeBBCSkel --version
See https://8ryn.github.io/webScrapeBBCSkel for more detailed documentation.